
lamken | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2012-03-21 19:32 | Report Abuse

jello and rlim: sent to both.


2012-03-21 19:25 | Report Abuse

edwynkim: done and sent.
Kim and alntm : resent


2012-03-21 19:01 | Report Abuse

terence: i just sent it again to you. If anyone else has not recieved, pls check your spam folder in case the email has been moved there automatically by your mailbox.


2012-03-21 18:42 | Report Abuse

I have sent to the late comers and added all to my list.


2012-03-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

stockist83: thats fine. our role shouldnt be to convince people to buy but rather make them aware of the opportunity and provide them with all the facts and information for them to do their own due deligence. what they do with the information is then up to them.


2012-03-21 15:53 | Report Abuse

anyone who does not get a copy of the email today by 5pm, please let me know.


2012-03-21 15:52 | Report Abuse

nearly all of you should have got my email by now. there are a couple I cannot send to due to my mail account restricting my sending because it thinks Iam spamming (due to the large group/groups) can I ask 1 person with a copy of my email to forward to the following people: (please comment here that you will be sending it so the rest know and we dont get 10 people sending the email to the guys below.


2012-03-21 14:29 | Report Abuse

patience pls. i was going to wait to see if more request came through before i sent the email the second time. I dont want to send the same email 3 or 4 times. everyone who requested updates so far should recieve within the hr. Iam trying to clean up the distrubution list. the people who recieved must email the first time might get another copy of the same email again.


2012-03-21 11:53 | Report Abuse

stockist83: nice work. refer him/her to all the data, especially the full CIMB report because that has very important industry info. Also tell him to look at the thomson reuters star mine intrinsic value. Let me know if he/she has any questions ( i will email you shortly).

Hopefully a few US/UK funds/institutions to come to the party.


2012-03-21 10:51 | Report Abuse

ok it looks like a big boy is starting to attack already. lol


2012-03-21 10:47 | Report Abuse

Chungkay: no harm in everyone telling 10 people about this opportunity and have them each tell 10 more people. Like I said sharing is caring and this is a genuine opportunity.
Although the current cheap price is not going to sit around for long, if you are going to do it, better do it fast because the the rally might start sooner then everyone here thinks.

Stockist: that is the best thing to do as more funds/institutions support is important to ensure a few big parties do not have too much control over the price. I would even ask everyone here to ask around, (using facebook etc) to see if any of your friends, friends are fund managers etc and tell them about this opportunity. If they are fund managers they have the means to due their own due deligence and will know this is an opportunity.

I will be making contact with a few institutions in the UK this week to alert them to this opportunity. We need more big players to keep the game fair for everyone.


2012-03-20 16:16 | Report Abuse

totally agree with Linux about the use of my information. I will repeat again, Do not use my information to make a buy/sell decision. ALWAYS do your own researach and seek 3rd party and 4th part professional advice. I will not be responsible for your buy/sell decisions.


2012-03-20 13:22 | Report Abuse

Bomb and afar: email has been forwarded to you both.


2012-03-20 13:08 | Report Abuse


Whoever owns the email address my email keeps bouncing back. please provide another.


2012-03-19 15:12 | Report Abuse

1 man holds the power. That's all I can say.


2012-03-19 14:20 | Report Abuse

No I do not work for jcy. Ian holding jcy but I want the local few sharks to stop holding this counter down tempraeirly and let it take it's natural course so the public can benefit. That has been my intention from day 1.


2012-03-19 13:56 | Report Abuse

On a side note guys, due to the amount of control a few local big sharks have on this counter currently, I have approached several of the top US institutions to see if they want to come to the party :). I have not asked them to buy but rather given them all the information they need for their top analyst to do all their due deligence (they recognise the Thomson Reuters StarMine Intrinsic value) and they can do what they want. Iam all about sharing opportunity..sharing is caring :)

Hopefully we see some bigger sharks with USD jet fuel come to the party so there is some fairness in the market.

Also, a little bird has told me JPmorgan and Goldman are trying to meet the big man. Dont know what its about at this stage.

The above information is not intended for anyone to make decision to buy or sell. Do your own research and talk to proffesionals if you intend to buy. I will not be responsible for your buying /selling decisions and losses. The information is purely to update those already holding and is provided in good faith and accurate to my knowledge at time of commenting.


2012-03-19 13:36 | Report Abuse

Handsome: Indeed I do :).

jtpc: still pulling out all the arrows but the truth will prevail. Good to hear you have not sold and common sense won over fear.


2012-03-18 23:43 | Report Abuse

Thor are you making the call that we should all sell if below 1.04? If so make the call so its on record. I will gladly hold with confidence and collect even more if it reach 1.04.


2012-03-18 23:28 | Report Abuse

Fat cat: from your questions today about my comment about hand and how he hold 75% and breaching his shareholder spread need proxy sharks to push up price, it tell me you got a long way to go to learn. The invisible hand is the jcy big man who own 75% of the company. Bursa rule state he cannot own more then 75% of shares, this is why he cannot push price up himself and need sharks to act as his proxy to buy and push price up. Think of it this way, osk can also make deal with other proxy shark to help push price down, but invisible hand can also do the same to push up.

Just join bonescythe, he can teach you all about how the big boys work the market. You also need to study about bursa rules and regulations etc.


2012-03-18 23:10 | Report Abuse

Bonescythe: despite our differences I know your aim I'd also to help people. For that I respect you.


2012-03-18 22:55 | Report Abuse

Did anyone here get scared and sold and lose money? Jtpc tell me you have not sold?


2012-03-18 22:54 | Report Abuse

Fat cat: you need to study market more so you can understand when people give information so you can research. Since you cannot trust me anymore I cannot give you advice. All I can say is you did not pay high and in time you will not regret. Pls take bones offer so he can give you more knowledge. Share price. Always move up and down and you cannot feel sad and blame people or yourself everytime it goes down.


2012-03-18 22:34 | Report Abuse

Fat cat: you have not lost anything until you sell it. Why you talk like you sell and lost money? Since you cannot trust me anymore, maybe you should join bones to guide you if he willing to teach you.


2012-03-18 22:22 | Report Abuse

Fat cat: please don't tell me you have sold?


2012-03-18 22:07 | Report Abuse

You all better save a copy of that cimb report, it's supposed to be password protected for their clients only but for some reason it comes up on google and you can get to it with no password. I came across it by chance while researching. Gotta love google.


2012-03-18 21:52 | Report Abuse

bonescythe : and no Iam not from CIMB and willing to accept curse if Iam.


2012-03-18 21:49 | Report Abuse

bonescythe: WOW!. Iam speechless and do feel sorry for you. You have cursed your whole family just to hide the fact that you have been lying (only you and I and the big man in the sky know this). I feel really bad because I know what I said is true.


2012-03-18 21:41 | Report Abuse

jello : Even without my detailed information you should know what is happening by looking at the surface and you will know there is no need to be scared of the price falling. Ask yourself this question, how can a counter with outstanding performance results and an exceptional outlook for the rest of the year and beyound, drop from a high of 1.50 to now 1.10 during the time warrant expired? Do you think OSK will just let the price run up right after CD expiry? if they do this will prove that they have been pressing price and no one will buy their warrant again. and since the price is already low, will you not try to make it abit lower if you were other sharks to collect at cheap price while it is artifically held down anyway?

Here is some night time reading for all of you while I take some time to think about sharing information via email. Read through it very carefully from start to end. The full CIMB report reinforces some of the points I already told you guys and has critical information about the HDD industry. They also admit in the report that their TP 2.22 is being very conservative using only PEx6.

See the full report:


2012-03-18 21:18 | Report Abuse

bonescythe: again you cannot accept the curse about you being a millionaire and so cannot back your point again. you fail again. I think the public for sure now know who has been telling stories and lying.

Oh and your comment- "you wanna fabricate some document and some recording to show me that there is a so call shark" . YOu know yourself that you are lying again here. its no secret that I do not like you in any way, shape or form, so why would I send you anything of that nature. So lets prove to the public that you are not lying again. Will you accept the curse stated in my bet if this is in fact a lie?

Now stop running away and prove to the public you have not been lying and accept my bet.


2012-03-18 20:56 | Report Abuse

Bonescythe: "If JCY get to RM4 by August 2012, I will give you all my cash and asset, and let you become multi millionaire." SURE!!, I will organise a third party to witness and facilitate this. Should I get the third party to contact your email on your blog?

But so as not to waste my time, I want you to prove first that you are really a millionaire and have the cash and assets to play with. Will you agree to be cursed in the same way as my bet if you are in fact not a millionaire?


2012-03-18 20:47 | Report Abuse

bonescythe: Enough said. you cannot take the bet so you cannot back what you said so and I think the public can really decide now who has been bullsheting. And the public will now question the credibilty of your blog.


2012-03-18 18:01 | Report Abuse

Utopia : there is no argument here and this has nothing to do with the price or even JCY. This is about proving who has been bullsheting and the person's character.


2012-03-18 17:56 | Report Abuse

XiaoBin : so just dont buy or sell what you holding.


2012-03-18 16:47 | Report Abuse

Mohd Shuk: I have been more then professional and the public now needs to know who has been bullsheting.

Bonescythe just needs to type in 4 words "I accept the bet" to back up what he said. There is nothing unprofessional about this because this is the only way to prove who has been talking shet. Let it be on record.


2012-03-18 15:38 | Report Abuse

Bonescythe: "It is degrading to me to argue with you". For someone who used the word cck on a open public forum, i find it hard that anything will degrade you.

So take the bet so everyone can see you will stand by what you said.


2012-03-18 14:54 | Report Abuse

bonescythe: You dont have to argue with me , just backup eveything you have said so far and take the bet (just say you accept the bet and thats it) otherwise you are proving to the public again that you have been bullsheting. Iam not bringing my family members in because I know the truth and they will not be affected at all.

So be a gentlemen and stand by what you have said so far and accept the bet. Dont run away from the truth.

At least make the call and agree to the terms about your blog on JCY if you are going to run away from the bet.


2012-03-18 13:25 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat Tim Buddy: like I said Iam not going to engage in discussion and share inforamtion about current and future of JCY right now because from your example it has caused more harm then good. my view has not changed and Iam currently holding even more then what I had previously. if you think its overvalued then you should not buy or you should sell off what you have. Everyone got free will to do what they want Iam not holding a gun to anyone's head to buy or sell.


2012-03-18 11:20 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat Tim Buddy: its not about being serious. Its a matter of principle. the people here deserve the truth.

Why do people want to give tips? the same reason why some people give money away to charity. except giving tips is more dangerous. that is why Iam more careful now about sharing information.


2012-03-18 11:15 | Report Abuse

CORRECTION: If what I said about invisible hand, proxy sharks, deal falling through etc is true all your family including yourself for the next 5 generations will be cursed to die a painful death,eg cancer, struck by a car and will die young.

Do you accept the bet above and will you make the call and will you say yes to my last point about your blog?


2012-03-18 10:50 | Report Abuse

Bonescythe: You want me to pay up for a bet that nither you nor anyone else accepted? I would happily pay the RM100k if someone
actually accepted my bet earlier.

Now so as to not waste the forumers time anymore and for you to redeem your credibility I will make the following bet with
you. You should have no problem accepting because you are so sure I have been 100% bullshetting and make up stories:

If what i said about invisible hand, the proxy sharks, the deal fall through at last minute and my reason for not commenting duringthe time CD was about to expire is in anyway untrue, all my family including myself for the next 5 generations will be cursed to die a painful death,eg cancer, struck by a car and will die young etc. If what I said is true all your family including myself for the next 5 generations will be cursed to die a painful death,eg cancer, struck by a car and will die young.

You are saying that I make everyone stuck in JCY, ok so grow some balls here now and make the call that the share price will not go up in the next 1-2 months. YOu and I both know that nobody is stuck. Stuck implies the price will never go up again in the short term. Make the call please.

You can write whatever you want on your blog but to show the public that you will be posting truths and facts on your blog about JCY, are you willing to be cursed in
same way as my bet if there is anything that is not true, slightly false or misleading about JCY on your blog? Say yes to this please to show the public the information on your blog is reliable.

Do you accept the bet above and will you make the call and will you say yes to my last point about your blog?


2012-03-18 07:16 | Report Abuse

Also if I decide to email people privately, I will write a word at the end of the email, then I will come here and post that word here so you know that the email is for sure from me.


2012-03-18 06:10 | Report Abuse

For the record I have stated several times in my comments for people to seek 3 party independent professional advice on the information I have provided.

For those asking to be updated privately, I will have to think carefully and consider if I should continue to share information (like I said it can be dangerous). I will let you know soon what I decide.


2012-03-18 06:00 | Report Abuse

cpteh: I never said I wanted to sue you or that I had a problem with your technical sell. What I said was that I had a problem with the serious accusations you made that JCY was manipulated at the time without any supporting evidence. I had to alert JCY mgt to the accusations because they are serious and brand damaging (dafamation) and it was up to their legal team if they contact you. If you feel that you did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about.


2012-03-18 05:50 | Report Abuse


"I will feel privilege if I am 10 years old and able to control the market".You can barely write a sentence in english let alone control the market. You were saying you never ever tried to give the public the impression that you were a shark/major shareholder? This must be at least the third example of when you
have tried to give the public the false impression that you are a shark/major shareholder ( Iam not even going to waste my time
pasting the examples here).

"Where was I when the deal called off last minute"? Please enrol in some english classes. I have already explained why in my earlier comments.Iam not going to explain again because of your inability to read.

"you say you want to sue CPTEH in court, and talk to management of JCY": Again please learn to read. I never said I wanted to sue CPTEH. I said that his accusations on his blog that JCY was manipulated at the time were serious and that I had to alert JCY management to it becuase it was against my moral ethics for someone to make such serious accusations unless it was substantiated.

"The public did want to know how JCY is moving? I only see you asking me in a very sarcastic manner". Those are legitimate questions which the public are anxious to know. YOu have already said Iam 100% bullshet and I have told you I respect your opinion and I have handed over the forum over to you to guide the public because apparently you know more then me and from the impression you are potraying, you are a shark. The reason why I ask you to guide the public here is because our conservation/argument (call it what you like) is counter-productive for everyone here and adds no value for anyone and is
does not serve the purpose of this forum. This is a forum for people to share valuable, productive information and should not be used as a means to throw
personal attacks on people.

If you want to say let the public decide, I think they already have. I see plenty of people asking me to keep them updated and many people thanking me for information. I cant see the same for you.

Lets do everyone here a favour and only post valuable information to share and stop this argument which is clearly going around in circles and benefits no one.


2012-03-17 21:19 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat Tim Buddy : You have misunderstood me about willing buyers and sellers. My point is that there are only a few key big players that decide if a price should go up or down. back room deals done between big players all the time the public never sees. They are the one who decide when a price go up or down.

why cant hand create positive mood? I already explained why. Iam not going to comment on current and future because Bonescythe have the answers for you. According to him, everything I say is bullshet so just ignore me and listen to Bonescythe, he will show everybody the way.


2012-03-17 21:08 | Report Abuse

bonescythe : You give me a lesson? I pass thanks. I actually thought you were educated for a minute there but from your last post,Iam not so sure anymore. Learn to read and write properly in English first before you think about giving lesson to anyone. The truth always hurts that's why you have to resort to foul language on a public forum. Only cowards resort to personal attacks because they cannot have a civilized debate. Let me guess, from your grammatically challenged comments, you dropped out of school between 16-18 yrs old?

I already told everyone Iam not a shark and I already told people if they think everything i say is bullshet, they can ignore and not read. Please learn to read for your sake and everyone else.

And you still haven't given the public any answers to the questions they are seeking. I respect your opinion that everything i said is bullshet so this is why
I said you have the answers for them (because for you to supposedly know that Iam bullsheting means you must know something I dont). This forum is all yours, guide the people with your accurate wisdom and predictions and not cheap generalizations please.


2012-03-17 19:14 | Report Abuse

Bonescythe: So if you know so much the public are now anxious to know what is currently happening to the price and what is going to happen in the future. What kind of profit are they going to post? What milestones will happen in the future?

All your prediction here have been after the fact and you fence sit with a wide price range to minimise the chance you can be wrong. Also, I never said the price will reach rm4 by Q1 results.

You have also been trying to give the people the false impression here that you are a shark and majority shareholder again trying to say that your team attack JCY and make price go down. You and I both know this is bullshet.


2012-03-17 18:48 | Report Abuse

Fat Cat Tim Buddy: Iam not a big shark but I swim amongst them so
Iam more qualified then anyone here to decide what I should and
should not do and dont need anyone here to "teach" me what I should not do. And further when you are asking me not to fight with sharks, you are telling me to just let public be con by institutions because Iam not a big shark. Not going to happen. You can sit there and be a pawn if you like but I refuse to do the same.

For your comment about dont swim against tide, the mood is created by OSK becuase they spooked the market so both are related to a 1 single cause.

There is not willing buyer or seller, but a few KEY big buyer and seller who willdecide if a share price will go up or down. The public are just small feeders along for the ride. This was never about good and evil. this was always about a price push beforewarrant expiry that did not happen (yet) because a deal fell through at last minute. No grudges held at all, iam only disappointed that I did not get a chance to see all the warrant
holders benefit from the warrant. YOu will understand how lucky the CW issuer is this time.

For your comment on the invisible hand, he could not do much other then try to maintain price during the last 2 weeks before warrant expire without breaching his share holder spread ( he already holding 75%).This is why he done a deal with 2 proxy sharks to do the price push and I already told you why the deal fall through at last hour.

Anyway, whatever information I post here you can chose to ignore if you think its bullshet. Iam not forcing anyone to listen or read.


2012-03-17 07:41 | Report Abuse

Firstly, let's get some facts right .lamken is my only username is this forum. I do not use any other username and the many other user on this forum have been falsely accused of being me. Secondly I stopped commenting not to hide but certain big player are using my information to make decision.

The reason why we all die on the warrant is
because the hand have deal with 2 big shark to push price up to 1.80 during the 2 last week before expiry but the 2 big shark got greedy
and try to change terms of deal last minute and hand pull out of deal. For this reason osk are very lucky. Look at my previous and you can see that I was certain on which day the price push supposed to start. This is why i have the balls to play with them. The information was correct at the time but the deal fall through at final hr. Iam not one of the hand pet shark holding rm50m to push the price up so I cannot control this. I could not post this during the time because osk are reading my comments and if they know the price push not going to happen, they will even Be more daring and push price down even further by dumping all they have. At least the threat of price push made them think twice about dumping all.

The only lesson I learnt is that sharing information is dangerous. Information can be correct at a point in time but can change so very dangerous to share. I will continue to play with shark and make them angry as long as I have information and can expose how they try to con public.

As for what is happening now and what is going to happen in future, bonescythe seem to have all the answer for you. Bonescythe: Ian not god but you are not even at my level. Information is power, I have information and you do not. You can keep making your general prediction, even a kid will know, eg maybe wait for may, price may go up and down etc. Grow some balls and give people proper answers rather then make general comments because you really don't know and you have no information. You are just as clueless as the newbies on here. Ian privy to information, you are not so don't talk to me ever again.