KC Loh

lkc121 | Joined since 2012-04-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

retiree with nothing better to do and watch stock go up and down, with a bunch of lovely coconuts to sell :)





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2014-01-06 11:45 | Report Abuse

lembu, today no more wife or parents jokes ar? LOL i thank you for saying my wife is desirable by many, unlike yours! LOL must be in anguish to marry for money eh? LOL

takpe boleh kawin empat kalau maam tak cubit telinga! tapi kena sunat itu kontot tau? tak payah gi rendam kat sungai! dah memang kecut pun! LOL


2014-01-06 11:29 | Report Abuse

didn't know that. not following rubberex. Thanks for info


2014-01-06 11:12 | Report Abuse

its suppose to read 1st-half! type too fast maybe because busy chasing lembu back to kandang! sorry hehehe


2014-01-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

their new production factory development! 1st phase starting 2014 2nd phase to be completed somewhere 2018 if i recall correctly!


2014-01-06 10:46 | Report Abuse

good, finally some movement again!


2014-01-06 10:28 | Report Abuse

i suggest you buy back MYEG lembu! its only 48.3x PE. dont just a little comment from me of overvalued, you got kecutness! LOL



2014-01-06 10:26 | Report Abuse

you didn't say "exposed" also ka to bluebird and mark bird? LOL

please don't train your son to be lawyer also tau? this chip off the old blockhead definitely doesn't hold such quality!

say hi to your lawyer friend who cross examined Dr Pornthip ya? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-06 10:21 | Report Abuse

ok if you say so! just like you said i am tall dark and handsome! plus, a lot of hair too! LOL


2014-01-06 10:17 | Report Abuse

you yang quote flower and was touched and now you claimed flower is me! 512 RAM overload? LOL

lembu o lembu!

no credibility, no family name and no followers! no fear of God too, i might add! surely burn in the stake one day! LOL


2014-01-06 10:15 | Report Abuse

now can add MYEG to the list! LOL

price always goes up after you sold, empirical study shows! happened in instaco, liihen, and happened in MYEG! price goes on reverse gear after you masuk. happened in hibiscs, tebrau, ecofir, and even instaco again! LOL :) betul siol la lu if no other name! LOL


2014-01-06 10:12 | Report Abuse

OMG hahahaha.....kuat editing also ka? LOL

just keep the forked tongue ok? will be useful for barbeque steak in whatever future counters you enter next!

dia short market wor..... LOL


2014-01-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

come to think of it hafizsapi, you seem to validate the study that whenever you leave a counter, it climbs rapidly. news was 2nd Jan and didn't caused much ripple! suddenly you said bye bye on friday and the counter jumped more than 20 sens today! lu ni memang tongkol sial lah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Cocky Talky Fortunebull, rm1.00 margin counter.
Jan 4, 2014 01:05 PM | Report Abuse

hibiscs loss must be massive eh? dont worry, second well coming up! sure to strike oil this round! price always goes up after you sold, empirical study shows! happened in instaco, and happened in liihen! price goes on reverse gear after you masuk. happened in hibiscs, tebrau, ecofir, and even instaco again! LOL :) betul siol la lu if no other name! LOL


2014-01-06 09:40 | Report Abuse

you always kena touched ka? LOL


2014-01-06 09:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 2, 2014 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
Bye bye MYEG! See you at lower price soon! :)

LOL... dia short market wor.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-06 09:36 | Report Abuse

the below is worth repeating! LOL

Posted by KC Loh > Jan 6, 2014 09:27 AM | Report Abuse X

"Hence, once such stock create new high and unable to sustain the momentum the right course of action should be to sell and wait for correction and consolidation!"

itu lidah boleh guna sebagai garpu tak? LOL


2014-01-06 09:35 | Report Abuse

hold and buy more yeah? jangan sekali kali kecut tau! nanti consolidation not over! LOL kontot yang kecut is a nasty sight! LOL

bye bye to apamende? LOL

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 2, 2014 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
Bye bye MYEG! See you at lower price soon! :)


2014-01-06 09:31 | Report Abuse

just hang in there lembu! sure got barbeque steak soon! LOL


2014-01-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

i think you reputation still stellar in 932 kaki thread! LOL


2014-01-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

gua tarak hal, pasal gua not interested in this stock anyway! but you enjoy govt present soon ok? just like when hibiscs climbed and you want to hold til RM10! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-06 09:28 | Report Abuse

just hang on to it, if already not sold! LOL


2014-01-06 09:27 | Report Abuse

"Hence, once such stock create new high and unable to sustain the momentum the right course of action should be to sell and wait for correction and consolidation!"

itu lidah boleh guna sebagai garpu tak? LOL


2014-01-06 09:26 | Report Abuse

just hang on to it! you gonna give Najib's son another 110m to buy apartment in NY hahahahaha. today never talk about GST anymore ka? LOL

on behalf of the hibiscs board, i wish to thank you for your contribution to their nice holidays last Christmas!


2014-01-06 09:24 | Report Abuse


you just did! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

aduh... punyalah bodoh lembu ini! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

so later you said AA also never sold right? LOL but the posting on EARNED 2k already deleted! LOL


2014-01-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

dia cakap consolidation wor.... LOL


2014-01-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

If future earnings already factored and both FA and TA confirm MYEG as overvalued or overbought, hence sentiment come to play, this is another bullish indicator if both FA and TA run its course! Hence, once such stock create new high and unable to sustain the momentum the right course of action should be to sell and wait for correction and consolidation!

cakap pun putar belit! LOL


2014-01-06 09:20 | Report Abuse

dia short market wor... LOL

i thought you sold and waiting for lower price? cakap macam pandai but actually got scared by govt present? LOL


2014-01-06 01:01 | Report Abuse

Not a problem then. I will ask from him when he returns! He will know how to codify counter names away from the less deserving! You know what I mean! :)


2014-01-06 00:27 | Report Abuse

I think bonescythe prediction is coming true! I am gonna name my next puppy as bonkers in remembrance of you since you have to reboot already! 20 posting max and getting lower by the year! LoL


2014-01-06 00:10 | Report Abuse

i dont really fault you as i had observed your mind can only go about 20 postings at best! more than that will get answers like your last posting! your 512 ram chip up in your nutcase also cannot afford to change ka?!

in line with that, still using your stupendous old commodore sx-64 at home ka after stealing wifi from your neighbours? LOL


2014-01-06 00:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 5, 2014 11:57 PM | Report Abuse
What? Sorry cant understand nonsense! KC Loh lose his coconut already!

but the village idiot took time to reply! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

goner for sure! LOL


2014-01-05 23:40 | Report Abuse

ok, give you a little bit of time again to consult your wife how to reply ok? LOL

make sure return volley good good.. ia pak sial? LOL


2014-01-05 23:40 | Report Abuse

Investment Profile
Experience Advanced
Risk Moderate

KC Loh
Investment Profile
Experience Intermediate
Risk Moderate

tinggi sih... LOL. basic charting pun tak ngerti yuk! LOL

ngobrol kuat sih. semo pun bisa ia pak sial tongkol?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-05 23:27 | Report Abuse

the benchmark is new (can gladly accept too because my skill level not sifu yet and also you placed yourself beneath me LOL), but to thump a so-called TA guy in his own field...... absolutely priceless! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-05 23:24 | Report Abuse

haha... the wifey taunts is not a problem la! is that the best you can do ar? LOL

but if you give up talking about your area of expertise already, then its ok. we already know you are the village idiot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-05 23:21 | Report Abuse

if i am a benchmark for stupidity, i wonder why you call me sifu? LOL

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 5, 2014 10:07 PM | Report Abuse
Banyak boddoh punya sifu KC Loh!


2014-01-05 23:15 | Report Abuse

go read the definition of analogy! LOL

i guess when your wife said she wants your hati, you go for surgical operations! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-05 23:11 | Report Abuse

i like how you end the overbought statement with cluck cluck no? never mind, occassionally its good to reveal yourself once in a while! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-05 23:08 | Report Abuse

ohh lembu. me not TA guy also can correct you on basic tools in charting kah? LOL


2014-01-05 23:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 3, 2014 03:26 PM | Report Abuse
Looking overbought already! Cluck cluck!



2014-01-05 23:03 | Report Abuse

right after swinging from tree to tree yeah? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


2014-01-05 23:02 | Report Abuse

incidentally, those newbies in 932 kaki thread utilizing fibonacci analysis is scoring leaps and bound better that your reading of basic chart tools la, lembu! tak tahu malu ka, wanna claim you have a lot of certs but dunno how to see overbought or oversold position!

keje senang pun tak boleh buat, lagi wanna claim can teach university! LOL

nah, go learn how to swing trade stock! kah kah kah



2014-01-05 22:51 | Report Abuse

2. Listening to Mr Market what indicators are you looking for? RSI, MACD or candlestick!

AA currently RSI, MACD and candlestick tells you what? nah kasi update sikit! overbought? LOL



2014-01-05 22:46 | Report Abuse

If future earnings already factored and both FA and TA confirm MYEG as overvalued or overbought, hence sentiment come to play, this is another bullish indicator if both FA and TA run its course! Hence, once such stock create new high and unable to sustain the momentum the right course of action should be to sell and wait for correction and consolidation!

bullish eh? who dunno wor about exuberance!! kah kah kah

buy high and sell higher? it can be done, but your record not impressive so far! hibiscs wont sell until RM10 right? LOL


2014-01-05 22:44 | Report Abuse

dia short market wor.....

this is briefly for good kampong storytellers! LOL


2014-01-05 22:42 | Report Abuse

this is worth repeating since lembu listening to Mr Market using TA! LOL

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 3, 2014 03:26 PM | Report Abuse
Looking overbought already! Cluck cluck!

i think kcchongnz is has a strong case about this lembu as a tin kosong! LOL i thought he knows charts, obviously not!

lu lebih baik pergi concentrate jadi tukang urut, hafizsapi. chart pun tak tahu tengok ka. kita orang FA takkan lagi pandai dari investment professor lembu? LOL



2014-01-05 22:39 | Report Abuse

this i got to keep! priceless! listen to Mr Market using Ta! LOL

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 5, 2014 10:07 PM | Report Abuse
Banyak boddoh punya sifu KC Loh!
1. Based on fundamental what PE ratio or price consider good entry price! Since you said 40 is high! Thambi KC Loh, listening to mr market using TA not FA bird brain!
2. Listening to Mr Market what indicators are you looking for? RSI, MACD or candlestick!
3. If future earnings already factored and both FA and TA confirm MYEG as overvalued or overbought, hence sentiment come to play, this is another bullish indicator if both FA and TA run its course! Hence, once such stock create new high and unable to sustain the momentum the right course of action should be to sell and wait for correction and consolidation!
Thambi Ka Cau Loh, please! Dont continue to shame yourself! Its too obvilous you lacking guidance to others! Time to shut your stupid mouth! Cluck cluck!


2014-01-05 22:38 | Report Abuse

incidentally, i am in Thailand! please check with admin the IP! LOL

lembu o lembu! LOL

Since you claim to enjoy financial freedom why not travel whole Malaysia or neighboring country like Thailand or Singapore! Its a shame you cant even afford to travel to East Malaysia when even kampong folks can go to Kolumpo many times a year! Cluck cluck!


2014-01-05 22:37 | Report Abuse

kah kah... why call me sifu when you are dumber than you look? LOL

Posted by KCLoh > Jan 2, 2014 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
Bye bye MYEG! See you at lower price soon! :)

hmm writing style different now. your wife wrote on your behalf? kah kah kah


2014-01-05 21:51 | Report Abuse

2519 posts
Posted by KCLoh > Jan 2, 2014 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
Bye bye MYEG! See you at lower price soon! :)

even then our senior cheerleader of MYEG also not confident of his MYEG already! LOL