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2013-12-01 21:57 | Report Abuse

NTUC Fair Price supermkts are owned and run by S'pore's biggest union. And they are one of the biggest supermkt chains in Spore.And as the name implies, you would not find Spore's top 1% shopping there. Because of its fair prices, it appeals to the working class. And the working class is the biggest group of people in the population. NFI's top brands (Tudor Gold n Tango) are selling well in NTUC. That should be good news, and not viewed as bad news because it means volume sales for NFI choco. That in turn means increasing mkt share. Targeting rich, boutique consumers with high prices for its top brands would, in my thinking, be the wrong strategy for now.
High volume would make up for the lower gross margins. Once established, NFI can incrementally increase its selling prices in small amounts.
The social profile of the consumers of its choco products is not important. What is important is the stability of demand. Migrant workers form a large consumer group, and they are a permanent feature of the society of our nations, even if they are only temporary residents individually in the country. The snobbish rich are a fickle group, going only for what's the current "in-thing", like "Chia Seeds".


2013-12-01 20:11 | Report Abuse

Tsurukame, I think S'poreans are not trading down going for Tudor Gold n Tango chocolates. They are health conscious, and Tudor Gold and Tango choco do not have elipe and shea contents, which are high in fats. And who doesn't want a better product at a lower price at that!


2013-12-01 20:05 | Report Abuse

Hi All. I think it is timely to remind ourselves of the ramifications of the proposed Capital Reduction Exercise of PMCORP in the light of the recent price retracements, and the good effects if the cap reduction were to take place. Below I've taken the liberty to re-post my earlier post on the subject.

Hi All Aspiring Choco Millionaires,
Let me share my 2 sens' worth on the financial effects of the much talked about Proposed Capital Reduction Scheme to be proposed by the Board of our PMCorp (yes, i'm one of you n with you guys):
I think the steps involved would be as follows:-
Part 1:
1. Cancel treasury share in stock = 64,959,800 shares @ current par value of 50sen = RM32,479,900;
2. Buy-back cost of the T. shares = RM30,484,000 (per Annual Report FYE2012)set-off against step(1)value = RM1,995,900 balance, which is set-off in turn against Reserves' negative balance of RM40,939,000.
3. Write-off Reserves balance of RM38,943,100 against Share Capital.
4. Balances after steps(1) - (3): No. of share outstanding = 708,397,200 shares; Balance in Share Capital = RM315,255,000.

Part 2:
1. Assuming reducing par value per share to 25 sen from 50 sen.
2. Then, 2 shares become 1 share. Reduce NOSO by 1/2 to 354,198,600 shares.
3. Share Capital is further reduced by RM88,549,650 (354,198,600 X 0.25). This is the amount shareholders would be paid in cash as the 'cash payout' we've been looking forward to.
4. Balance per Share Capital after the whole exercise = RM226,705,350.

Part 3 (Financial Effects after capital reduction exercise):
1. Proj NAV/SHARE = RM0.77 (vs. RM0.44 prev yr.).
2. Proj EPS = RM0.02 (Vs. RM0.0113 prev yr.)

1. The projected NAV is based on a projected Revenue increase of 5.5% for this FYr. And proj NPAT of 8.8% of Revenue (this is derived from the average of FYE2012 n TTM 2013 up June30, 2013). Intangible assets are excluded from this calculation, but includes the increase in cash of RM38.18M from the sale of S'pore warehouse n land.
2. The proj EPS takes into account only the proj Net Operating Profit after tax for FYr2013.

So, the good effects of the proposed exercise are:
1. Increase in NAV to 77sens. Compare this with today's closing price of 26 sens.
2. Increase in EPS to 2 sens from 1.113 sens.
3. Reduced NOSO means further increases in the EPS if Rev n Profits continue to increase.
3. This may also result in lower PE in the future years.
4. A lower NOSO also means a higher Dividend per share, n a higher div yield.

Hope I've been able to provide some confidence building in the light of current retracement situation in the stock.


2013-12-01 19:39 | Report Abuse

For the infor of those who are wondering about the the Net Net Asset; the N N BV per share; and the Margin of Safety (updated to last closing price):
Non-current net tangible assets (unaudited, as at 30/09/2013):
Property, plant and equipment RM31,472,000
Investment property RM1,166,000
Total Tangible Non-current assets RM32,638,000
No. of shares outstanding 708,397,200
Net net Tangible Assets Per Share RM0.046
Plus Net Net Asset per share (per kcchongnz) RM0.294
Total Net Net Book Value per share RM0.340

Then, P/BV ratio = 0.26 (last Fri.close)/0.34 = 0.765
And the Margin of Safety = 0.34 - 0.26 = 0.08 = 23.53%
And another view of Margin of Safety = 1/0.765 = 130.72%


2013-11-29 22:34 | Report Abuse

My TA Analysis of PMCORP:
1. Agree with OTB's immediate S1 is @ 0.255 is a strong support.
2. Reasons: (a) As per OTB: has been tested 2 X n still held.
(b) Rising 50 days SMA will most likely intersect with the 0.255 S1 by next Monday or Tues., and will also lend support to 0.255.
(c) The Price Rate of Change line(ROC)(set to 10 days) made a "golden" cross above its ROCMA line on Nov.26 n is still staying above the ROCMA as of today. A rising ROC line above its ROCMA line indicates the price is in uptrend, and vice-versa.
(d) The 100 days SMA is still curving upwards, indicating that in the immediate longer term the price is still uptrending.
(e) Also, the Directional Movement Index (DMA) D+ is sing till above 20, meaning the stock is still in uptrend.
(f) However, the MACD LINE is pointing downwards, but still above the zero line.


2013-11-29 19:12 | Report Abuse

mikekong55, for u it's a breeze to go through the lessons on "swing trading" cos u r already a practitioner.


2013-11-29 18:14 | Report Abuse

Tsurukame, MUI grp did have a corp of young professional top managers at its peak. It was the darling of the KLSE in its heydays, and it did attract many bright young talents to work there. But, when the financial crisis hit the group, these talented young people mostly left.
So, one should not blame KKP for not attracting and appointing bright young talents because of his miserly, stingy attitude towards paying for talents.
The very reason for his current attitude towards employing bright young talents was because of his past experience of being abandoned by these very people when he needed them most.
Nevertheless, and notwithstanding what I've said above, I agree with you that KKP urgently needs to get talented people on board soon so's to help him turn the group around.


2013-11-28 23:29 | Report Abuse

Calvintan, u mentioned Corus hotel St.James in UK. This is not MUI'S most expensive hotel. Corus St. James is in the seaside town, Grimspy, in mid north-east England. MUI'S biggest hotel is the Corus Hotel located at Hyde Park, less than 5 min from the Lancaster Gate Tube Station, on Bayswater Road, Central London. It's a 4-star with 329 rooms, and very wide frontage 200 year old handsome Victorian building facing Hyde Park. Very near to Marble Arch Tube Stn, which is at one end of the world famous shopping street, the Oxford Street. Also near to London's West End (performing theatres, restaurants of the world's cuisines, and the Chinatown at Leicester Square. Corus Hyde Park's room rate is RM 445 per night (this is after discount). Also near to the Kensington Palace, and the very popular late Princess Diana's Memorial Children's Playground/Park. Very expensive property indeed!

Now, Calvintan. Please do a valuation of the place, after the above description of the place.


2013-11-26 14:07 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng, Pls don't put up yr 2 hses in Iskandar for sale just to maintain a bet on who's going to be right n who's going to be wrong. It's not worth it, bro., to do so. You already have enough investments in PMC N MUI. I believe in yr sincerity (and many others in this forum also believe that u r sincere) in promoting the 2 counters. Both are long term. Take it easy, bro, take a deep breath, n also pray (I'm sure u do). But don't go n sell 2 hses just to prove a point. Don't take such drastic measures just because somebody challenges your point of view. Don't take it sooooooo personally! Keep yr houses as reserves.


2013-11-22 23:46 | Report Abuse

mikekong, based on yr postings, you are good at digging out undiscovered gems using yr simple criteria. And you've been very successful at that. Kudos n congrats on yr achievements this yr!
Calvintan, you have a very unique way to explain complex things in simple, laymen language. In your unique way, you've also uncovered hidden gems in the stock market for us all. Thank you!
So, we need both of you! Because the presence of both of you sharing your postings has enriched and will continue to enrich us all the more than if it's just one of you.


2013-11-22 23:18 | Report Abuse

Calvintan N Mikekong, pls do your postings without having to point at each other, even if it's indirectly, using critical words, OK? Say what U have to say to try to influence the rest as to how the mkt would move, but don't use words to put each other down. I'm sure most of us know how to make our own judgments after considering all angles, etc.
Calvin, you are a long term investor, and mike, you are a swing trader. Because of this difference in both your outlook, there's bound to be clash of opinions. And that's why U both should be more careful Not to use words that can hurt each other.
Non of us retail investors can influence the market unless we are Big, Big syndicates (alas, the KLSE is not a fully democratic market!).


2013-11-22 00:42 | Report Abuse

"We are all aware of such strategies isn't it?" should read, "We are all aware of such bad strategies isn't it?"


2013-11-22 00:33 | Report Abuse

tsurukame, I also believe that the Board should unlock values in PMC. But if the Board has got big future plans for the group, it should not distribute huge sums back to shareholders. A Board that does that means it has no future growth plans for the company that requires it to hoard cash for investing in high growth prospective businesses in the coming years. If U have big bus plans to boost the earnings of the company, and in turn boost its share value, then u would require to conserve cash n spend them on earnings creating investments rather than give them back to shareholders.
By all means, give some back to make shareholders happy. But not too much as to have to borrow again to expand the business. We are all aware of such strategies isn't it?


2013-11-22 00:20 | Report Abuse

yeb, lee9fold, i'm in this boat as well.


2013-11-22 00:01 | Report Abuse

I've been thinking over the much hyped talk about the Cap Reduction Payout Proposal for PMC. I would say that for the long term good of the group, it should not do the cash payout. It should keep its cash and focus on expanding choco mfg and selling and use the cash mainly for this productive purpose for the long term growth of the company. The cash payout may give the share price a temporary boost, only for short term, if not followed up with consistent future reasonable growth.

Yes, there should still be a Cap Reduction. But only to cancel Treasury shares of about 65M and worth about RM30M. And also to write-off a negative balance in the Reserves of about RM40M.
Maybe a dividend payout of 2 sens per share (yield = 7.3% at today's closing price), (totalling about RM14M) for a start would assuage the expectations of investors.

Calvintan has been preaching about a long-term horizon for this counter, with prices going towards RM1.50 and above in the future. This can only be achieved with a compound annual growth rate in the Top Line of 10% or so for the next 5 years at least. And cash would have to be used to achieve this.

Tudorians, we should go for long term steady gains, and not for short-term, temporary ,and elusive gains.


2013-11-21 22:57 | Report Abuse

huangbk72, "I do hope they don't make the mistake of using " cheap sells well" strategy which will backfire spectacularly." Very true huangbk72,
because using a cheap price to capture mkt share is also using a double-edged sword. Established brands like, Cadbury, Nestle, Van Houten, etc. are not going to lie down n let PMC snatch their mkt share without a fight. And this may lead to a price war which may not benefit everybody, most of all PMC. Moreover U will need a big war chest of money to do this, N PMC needs to use its cash for production expansion - not fight a price war.

A better strategy would be to price slightly lower than competing products by, say, 3-5% the most. And promote consistently in supermkts every weekend (Fri n Sat) in M'sia n Spore over long stretches of at least 3 mths. Use sales promoters n get consumers to try the Tangoes, Tudor Gold, Crispy, etc. at all major supermkts every weekend.
This is to create brand awareness of the Tudor, Tango, Crispy choco brands in the minds of consumers. 3 in 1 Coffee Mfg are doing sales promotions in supermkts every weekend for months. Money is better spend this way than used to fight in a price war. Promote the health benefits of esp dark choco of Tudor.


2013-11-21 13:53 | Report Abuse

1. Immediate Support @ 0.275 - 0.28 (a classical-prior n multiple- resistance turned support zone.
2. A reverse hammer white candlestick (bullish, but needs confirmation in today's trades).
3. MACD histogram showed a Green, after 4 days of reds. Bullish.
4. Stochastic's %D (5 days) n %K lines have crossed the 20% oversold line n pointing upwards.
5. Significant high volume of 12.9M shares traded yesterday.
6. Immediate Resistance @ Retracement/Descending Gap Zone: 0.305-0.32.


2013-11-20 14:19 | Report Abuse

Thanks, kcchongnz. I'm happy to get confirmation of my cal from a guy like you who's very well-versed with FA.


2013-11-20 11:05 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, I checked again yr earlier cal. U did not add any % of PPE N iNVETMT Prop (0%) to arrive at yr N/N Working Cap/share of 0.294. Yr NOS of 773,357M includes the Treasury shares of 64,959,800 shares which not in circulation.

To cal BV, if I were to just take the Equity/NOS, I might inflate the BV from what's it's really worth (Intangibles, like Goodwill n Trademarks might not fetch its NBV in the event of a break-up). So, better to exclude Intangibles in BV cal.

I agree with, though, that the PPE might not be worth The NBV shown. Better to give, say, 70% value to its NBV.

Thanks for the discussion.


2013-11-20 10:06 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, I like to explore the concept of Book Value (BV), n esp as it applies to PMC. Can a company's BV be considered as it's break-up value, ie when a company closes its business operations n sells-off all its tangible assets n pays-off its liabilities. The BV per share would then be the amount a shareholder would expect to get back in such an event isn't it? This being the case, can we regard the difference one pays for the share (P) and the BV as a margin of safety?

So, in my earlier calculation, I added the per share value of PPE N Investment Property of PMC (0.046) to your N/N Working Cap/Share of 0.294 to arrive at 0.34 as the BV of PMC. Let's say I bought PMC yesterday @ 0.27 (P). Can my MOS be (0.34-0.27) ie 0.07 or 25.9% of P.
The P/BV ratio is 0.794 (79.4%). In other words, I got a discount of 20.6% for the shares compared to its BV (or Break-Up Value), and this is also another view of MOS?


2013-11-20 09:19 | Report Abuse

Thanks kcchongnz for the explanation on N/N Working Capital valuation method n the link to further expand the subject you provided. Thanks again.


2013-11-20 00:10 | Report Abuse

tsurukame, I'm a retired "bush accountant", meaning more experience than paper. Since coming into the stock mkt in 2009, the subject of company valuation (more specifically share valuation) for the purpose of investment decision-making has piqued my interest. And I'm still learning as i go along in my investment journey.


2013-11-19 23:07 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, I still can't gel the fall in Rev n Gross Profit (latest Q n latest YTD) of PMC with your explanations that they are due to (1) PMC now selling direct to end distributors (n not Brand Named OEMS) n reducing selling prices to capture mkt share, N (2)due to higher delivery expenses.

(1) As you've been saying, NFI choco prods are flying off the shelfs in S'pore. Depending on how long ago this new sales strategy to capture mkt share by reducing selling prices started, the increase in the qty sold should have off-set the decrease in the selling prices n have either maintained or increase the Rev results, at least marginally.
(2) Selling n Disribution Exp were more or less the same for the 2 periods. in fact, S N D Exp this Qtr was less: RM3,313M Vs. RM3,855M (2012 Corresponding Qtr).

Would appreciate yr input on the above.


2013-11-19 22:29 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, I notice that on all packages of NFI choco products, are printed the words, "Manufactured Under Licence By" NFI, ETC.

Are Tudor Gold, Tango, Crispy, etc brands owned by NFI OR PMCORP or MUI, or some other non-related 3rd party company?


2013-11-19 22:03 | Report Abuse

Re: PMCORP. kcchongnz, can i compute add a N/N Tangible Asset per Share to yr N/N Assets per Share, and treat it as the BV/Share?

Non-current net tangible assets (unaudited, as at 30/09/2013):
Property, plant and equipment RM31,472,000
Investment property RM1,166,000
Total Tangible Non-current assets RM32,638,000
No. of shares outstanding 708,397,200
Net net Tangible Assets Per Share RM0.046
Plus Net Net Asset per share (per kcchongnz) RM0.294
Total Net Net Book Value per share RM0.340

Then, P/BV ratio = 0.27 (today's closing)/0.34 = 0.79
And the Margin of Safety = 0.34 - 0.27 = 0.07 = 25.9%
And another view of safety = 1/0.79 = 126.58%


2013-11-18 10:01 | Report Abuse

Hi tsurukame, you said:

1. (quote)"There is a big difference between "Book value" of quoted investment and "Market value" of the quoted investment as @31/12/2012

Book Value of Investment @31/12/2012 was RM 90.064 million
Market value of quoted investment@31/12/2012 was RM 15.332 million

So there was a huge loss in quoted investment value of RM 74.732 million of quoted investments...Just wondering...Was this loss reflected in the P&L statements@31/12/2012 ??"(unquote)

Ans to 1. above: As per Note 11 (Investments), there's no big difference between book value and mkt value. The total of RM 90,064,000 is made up of Unquoted Investments of RM 74,732M and Quoted Investments of RM 15,332M. You have misread the market value of quoted investments to represent the whole investment.

You concluded there's a huge loss in Quoted Investments of RM 74,732M, and U arrive at that figure by deducting the Total Value of All quoted and unquoted investments with the Total Value of Quoted investments (RM 90,064M Less RM 15,332M). HOW CAN THERE BE SUCH A HUGE LOSS "in quoted investment value" WHEN THE TOTAL VALUE OF QUOTED INVESTMENTS IS ONLY RM15,332M ?

If there had been such a huge loss, the the accounting FRS requirement would have been followed and the loss would have been highlighted as a separate note as well as deducted in the P & L statement under "Other Comprehensive Income/Loss" In fact, a small net gain in the fair value of equity investments (RM334K)is added in that section of the PnL statement (2012).

2. As I have pointed out last night, the drop in the market value of quoted investments between 2011 n 2012 was due to sales of the quoted investments during 2012. To confirm this, check the Cash Flow Statement (under CF from investing activities)for 2012, and you find an amount of RM36,773m, more less corresponds with the decrease in the value of quoted investments between 2011 n 2012.


2013-11-18 00:22 | Report Abuse

Hi tsurukame, allow me to answer your queries which I've taken the liberty to quote your earlier post as stated below:

"Posted by tsurukame > Nov 17, 2013 10:59 PM | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan,
I have perused through the 2012 Annual Report of PM Corp and please advise whether the following is true.

Please refer to page 36 and page 64 of the 2012 AR on Investments

Page 36 stated that:
Investment @31/12/2011 was RM 124.703 million
Investment @31/12/2012 was RM 90.064 million

Observation: Comparing both years the Investment value had dropped by RM 34.639 Million. What had caused the drop in RM 34.639 million in quoted investments??

Page 64 stated that:
Market value of quoted investment@31/12/2011 was RM 53.003 million
Market value of quoted investment@31/12/2012 was RM 15.332 million

Comparing both years the market value of quoted investment had dropped by RM 37.671 Million. What had caused the market value to drop from RM 53.003 million to RM 15.332 million

Observation: The market value of quoted investments is much lower than original value of quoted investments. The market value of quoted investment had dropped from RM 53.003 million( as at 31/12/2011) to 15.332 (as at 31/12/2012)

In summary for 31/12/2012 the market value of quoted investment of RM 15.332 million is much lower compared to the original investment of RM 90.064 million. So items 1,2,3 and 4 as per your quoted investment which was stated by you in is now worth RM 15.332 million or 3.965 cents per share whereas the value by you @23 cents was the book value but not the market value.

Please advise whether this is the correct understanding of book value, market value of quoted investment value .

Thank you..."


1. The drop in the value of investments from 2011 to 2012 was due to the sales of quoted investments overseas, as well as, in Malaysia. Check Note 11 to the Annual Report 2012.

2. Likewise, the drop in the mkt value of the quoted investments was exactly also attributed to the sales of quoted investments between the 2 yrs.

3. A check/reference to the Statement Of Cash Flow (Investing Activities section) will confirm this. Read "Proceeds from disposal of investments".


2013-11-17 18:49 | Report Abuse

very true, tuan abdulhalim.You are a man of wisdom. We must take your advise and pakai "pukat yang diangkat itu" dan take the profit before it "tersangkut"!
There's a time for everything. A time to cast the net, and a time to pull in the net into the perahu. Important Point: Always observe the market's "cuaca" as we go along, and learn how to read it and interprete it. Very wise words, tuan abdulhalim.


2013-11-17 18:28 | Report Abuse

Wah, mikekong55, I must start revising to be of help.


2013-11-17 18:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by abdulhalim > Nov 17, 2013 05:26 PM | Report Abuse

"setuju mktwatch,,,harap air pasang deras jgn tsunami datang air surut..hihi.kalau dh surut ada dayung ada sampan dah x kemana."

Betul benar, tuan abdulhalim, dah berapa kali market KLSE ini saperti itu: "ada dayung ada sampan": ada TA, FA (Knowledge n know-how), AND "air surut": market crash, tetapi "air" "wang" pun dah surut!


2013-11-17 17:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by abdulhalim > Nov 17, 2013 03:44 PM | Report Abuse

"Dayung sudah di tangan, perahu sudah di air,,,hihi"

Well said, tuan abdulhalim. Kalau dayung sudah di tangan, jangan perahu sudah mengalir jauh tanpa pemilik, ... atau-pun, jangan membenarkan peluang terlepas. Kadang, kadang, ada satu "chance" saja!


2013-11-17 16:13 | Report Abuse


The site below is also a very good place to learn on swing trading using TA techniques. It offers step-by-step free courses n can also download them for future ref n learn at own pace. And it's FREE!!!


2013-11-17 15:49 | Report Abuse

Vincent Than, Go to: , and u can learn enough of everything about TA N FA to get started on investing. And it's FREE.
Then, do yr own research and homework on the stocks u want to invest, and make yr own decisions. Don't ask n don't trust people whether this or that stock can touch this or that price.
Just read the opinions from this or other forums on investing, weigh what others say against your own research and homework, and make yr own decisions.


2013-11-16 23:17 | Report Abuse

contd from above post to Lim,

If U always rely on others to do yr homework, u won't learn. All of us share info on voluntary basis in our spare time in this forum, n it should be regarded as such. Voluntary n not compulsory.


2013-11-16 23:10 | Report Abuse

Lim, First do quick FA as suggested by mikekong55 (N I quote him below what he shared in an earlier post)to screen for undervalued stocks, but stocks with good growth potential. Then, do TA on those stocks you have chosen out of those screened by mikekong55's quick FA, for things like when to Enter, Ss n Rs, etc.


I use both FA N TA. But remember, do your own homework. Then u will have better understanding of the potentials of the stocks, its business, competitive advantage, etc, etc, B4 U invests in them. IF u


2013-11-16 22:35 | Report Abuse

Lim, good for U to do yr own homework!

Lim, U said:"NTA 0.26, PE 3.725, Dividend 0%, ROE 14.51%, EPS 6.04 cents, Earning yield 18.4%, Returns on capital 10.5% but Graham net net -233550k.The company only short coming is low cash & high debt. >.<"

U said it yrself, "The company only short coming is low cash & high debt." That is reason enough not to buy it.



2013-11-16 22:16 | Report Abuse

I fear my earlier post might have been misunderstood by some. So, let me restate my post as follows:-

xxxvalue said (N I quote), "As an inivestor, I look at business operation. It is generating cash...simple. As I see it this co still have not make any. Instead it has been bleeding cash for yrs...I am not again PMCorp or any co for that matter. Just being rasional investor." (unquote).

Actually, from the perspective of business operations, PMCORP had stopped bleeding cash and had started to generate positive cash flows from its business operations since 2011. Below is a partial copy of its CF Statement:-

Pan Malaysia Corporation Bhd
Cash Flow Statement (partial):

Fiscal data as of Dec 31 2012: 2012 2011 2010
Net income 8.69 3.66 (3.91)
Depreciation/depletion 2.54 2.99 3.14
Non-Cash items (1.84) 0.58 (0.29)
Cash taxes paid, supplemental 0.93 (0.18) 0.41
Cash interest paid, supplemental 1.30 1.72 2.26
Changes in working capital (3.65) (6.57) (1.45)
Total cash from operations 5.73 0.64 (2.52)

Please read the full CFS from the site stated below for a full picture:



2013-11-16 20:56 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, I was just trying to point out to xxxvalue (coz he said, "I look at business operation. It is generating cash...simple") that PMCORP's business operations has been generating +ve cash since 2011 (albeit a small one - 0.64m - in 2011), and a much bigger (5.73m) one in 2012. It was xxxvalue who said, "Instead it has been bleeding cash for yrs".


2013-11-16 19:43 | Report Abuse

xxxvalue, "As an inivestor, I look at business operation. It is generating cash...simple. As I see it this co still have not make any. Instead it has been bleeding cash for yrs...I am not again PMCorp or any co for that matter. Just being rasional investor."

Pan Malaysia Corporation Bhd
Cash Flow Statement (partial):

Fiscal data as of Dec 31 2012: 2012 2011 2010
Net income 8.69 3.66 (3.91)
Depreciation/depletion 2.54 2.99 3.14
Non-Cash items (1.84) 0.58 (0.29)
Cash taxes paid, supplemental 0.93 (0.18) 0.41
Cash interest paid, supplemental 1.30 1.72 2.26
Changes in working capital (3.65) (6.57) (1.45)
Total cash from operations 5.73 0.64 (2.52)



2013-11-13 14:49 | Report Abuse

YES. Only customers who do at least 1 or 2 trades every few mths.


2013-11-13 14:46 | Report Abuse



2013-11-13 14:41 | Report Abuse

Bear Flag in PMCORP. TP = 0.19 - 0.185


2013-11-13 14:38 | Report Abuse

Re:Sumatec, spotted Bearish Divergence in 30 mins intra day chart between Price N MACD histogram as well as Slow Stochastic (set to 5, 3, 3 days).


2013-11-13 07:21 | Report Abuse

Brunei Lim, addendum to my last comment re Sumatec. I'm sure U r aware it has been a loss making company, but in O n G. May be they struck oil!


2013-11-13 07:14 | Report Abuse

Morning Brunei Lim, further to my comments on Sumatec, can enter, cos of "follow thro" effect of yesterday's very high vol.n (also an Ascending Triangle formation) break out. TP = 0.98, BUT many resistance along the way to Price target: 0.535; 0.56; 0.62; 0.765; 0.825. So, watch these Rs as U go. But decision is yours.


2013-11-12 23:55 | Report Abuse

pop8872, "@ mktwatch : any chances to rebound to 0.37 by end of this month???? kindly need your expertise..." At this juncture, cannot comment, except that retracement May continue.


2013-11-12 23:51 | Report Abuse

Re: PMCORP, there's a support zone @0.30 - 0.31.


2013-11-12 23:31 | Report Abuse

Wah, Brunei Lim, I'm totally unfamiliar with both the stocks u proposed to enter, n Barakah is a new IPO listing. So, my answer would be based just on charts (TA) alone.
1. Sumatec - Price is forming a J-Hook pattern, with the lower curved hook part formed and part of the body or straight part formed. It'll curve around and downwards when meeting strong resistance. The DMI (Directional Movement Index)is well above 20, indicating uptrend, except MACD(very near to crossing above Zero Line). Today's price broke clearly above the Descending Triangle's downward sloping line with a convincing high vol. If E @ 0.525 (WHEN MACD would've crossed above the Zero Line). Stop Loss @ 0.445, Risk - Reward Ratio = 0.9 (because R1 @ 0.60 ; R2 @0.695).
Conclusion: R:R < 1. Not Worth It.
2. Barakah - new listing. Not enough history. No opinion.


2013-11-12 22:20 | Report Abuse

faberlicious, "mktwatch,now that Pmcorp is on a downtrend can u tell where is the support level?" Ans:-

1. The answer would depend on whether you are a day trader (DT) or longer term trader (LTT). To a DT, the 30 mins intra day chart shows support @ 0.315 n 0.30. For a LTT the immediate support is @ 0.30.
2. To a DT, the stock is now in downtrend (based on 30mins chart - the MACD line just crossed below the Zero/Center Line n the DMI'S +DI is now below 20).
3. To the LTT, the EOD Daily chart's relevant indicators (like MACD N DMI) does not indicate that PMCORP is in downtrend. The LTT view is: PMCORP is now in the beginning of a Retracement (the previous, recent retracement took 6 trading days to work itself out - from Oct7 to Oct 14).
Hope that helps.


2013-11-12 21:33 | Report Abuse

Thanks, mikekong55, for appreciating and heeding my Bearish Divergence warning yesterday (4.27pm).