
mushimushi | Joined since 2016-08-30

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2016-11-22 17:36 | Report Abuse

25-Feb-2016 55,253 -719,533 -719,756 -724,585 perisai loss so much in 1 quarter.

I did the calculation, all the profit combined since 2006 till 2016 cannot cover, perisai still losing -442,821, kakaka.

Only idiots will buy this stock. Seriously, this kind of phony accounting only happens in Malaysia. You get death penalty in China. Kakaka.


2016-11-22 17:27 | Report Abuse

Maybank 3rd quarter is coming in the next 5-10 days. very very nervous, kekeke. Big small gamble again.


2016-11-22 17:23 | Report Abuse

@cheated, 22-Nov-2016 4,191,840 -23,236 -40,067 -94,867, 3rd quarter big big loss, did Zakaria Arshad make that public statement? I think you can sue him kaw2. I seriously want to see these crooks go to jail.


2016-11-12 12:59 | Report Abuse

Usd vs myr still 4.41


2016-11-12 12:57 | Report Abuse

MO1 is playing with fire, a fire that will engulf the entire malaysia. The dispute on the payment with abbar amounting to billions of usd. The question is not about who can win the court case. The outcome of a court case is meaningless. The real question is Who cheated who? If MO1 cheated abbar but won the court case due to contract or whatever manipulation. Do you know the consequences that malaysian will have to bear? Berapa kepala rakyat kena dibayar because our leader cheated billions of dollar out of foreign powers? Is BN out of their minds to let 1mdb problem swept under the rug. MO1 MUST BE PUT IN JAIL. ALL THE MONEY SWINDLED MUST BE RETURNED. WHATEVER MONEY WE OWE MUST BE PAID. Otherwise malaysian will suffer greatly if the foreign powers cheated decided to target malaysia for revenge.


2016-11-11 10:39 | Report Abuse

Trump = apocalypse


2016-11-11 10:31 | Report Abuse

Usd 4.5 now the crash start to sink in, see i told u so


2016-11-09 12:04 | Report Abuse

Trump won already. Key swing states won. Ohio and Florida.


2016-11-09 11:46 | Report Abuse

I guess my prediction on trumpxit spot on, i was better than market? Lol. Zzz i dun want to say i told u so, too early.


2016-11-08 10:49 | Report Abuse

Hillary sudah menang, can sapu already. Confirmed super bull rally. American actually hate trump so much, youtube "trump social experiment"


2016-11-08 10:48 | Report Abuse

Hillary sudah menang, youtube "trump social experience", people actually hate trump so much. Poor trump. Sapu!


2016-11-07 16:23 | Report Abuse

Look at the buy weak. No support. Senang bocor This rally not gonna last.


2016-11-07 15:56 | Report Abuse

Dj futures +200 election eve, dejavu. Will history repeat itself? After election trumpxit surprise crash?


2016-11-06 18:41 | Report Abuse

hmm something is brewing, oil dropped to USD 45, USD vs MYR 4.21


2016-11-06 13:03 | Report Abuse

Yahoo headlines : Secret service rushed trump off stage, alleged gun man rushed onto stage! Donald trump is the new jfk. Lol I believe that's a warning shot by the elites. He will have the same fate as jfk if trump refused to be a puppet but do whatever he wishes instead. Trump have put up so much at stake to change u.s. the way he thinks is best. He might lose his life, and his empire going up against the real owners of u.s.. same thing happen here in malaysia. Death is the sentence given to whoever takes on the government.


2016-11-06 10:19 | Report Abuse

Paul Ryan the house speaker who was against trump the entire us election suddenly backtracking now calling to vote for trump. Why? The story like was planned the us election will be rigged and put puppet hillary in the white house. But the real poll figures hidden from public showing trump will have landslide win. Rigging the election will have too much at stake, even blowing the cover for pass us election rigging. Paul ryan's calls to vote basically proves donald trump already won the election. Omg this going to get really ugly. Those who ridicule trump in the past will be in so much trouble.


2016-11-05 17:47 | Report Abuse

Worst case scenario, dj could lose few thousands points. we are talking about 4 years of trump. What will happen to Maybank if dj lose maybe 2k points? I'm sorry to say, I hope Hillary wins.


2016-11-05 16:39 | Report Abuse

US DJ index has been long over bought and bubbling. Trump presidency is the best excuse for the long awaited and much needed correction. All I can say is, brace yourself for impact, it's going to get ugly.


2016-11-05 14:47 | Report Abuse

Bookie odds on trump went from 1:6 to 1:2, last minute email scandal of Hillary proves the country is preparing for trump presidency. You know why? Trump threaten to do thorough investigation on Hillary email scandal. Once that go down, Hillary could be going to jail along with those to complicit hiding the issue. People who launched the new investigation last minute on the issue are just buying insurance so that they can clear themselves from being a complicit if trump won, so when trump come down hard on Hillary, only Hillary herself will be in trouble.


2016-11-05 14:36 | Report Abuse

Bookie was so wrong about brexit, you bet on their odds again? lol. Don't say I didn't warn ya. I predicted brexit, when I actually watch the surveys done right before brexit and listened to the grievances by the ground roots british people. People around the world are genuinely freaking tired of foreign immigrants invading their country. I'm from KL. I know this feelings first hand. It all begins back in 1998, thanks to George soros. Foreign workers from Indonesia starts pouring into Malaysia soon after the financial crisis that paralyzed ASEAN economy and it never stop soon after. Take a look at the street of KL today. Foreign workers like ants flooding the city center during weekends. Do you like that? Am I exaggerating? You know better. Malaysia immigrant issue is 10 x United States.


2016-11-05 13:22 | Report Abuse

Trump presidency could be a huge disaster. By judging trump's history record on how he tends to lose a ton and have someone else take the hit or suffer the consequences. For instance, he lost 100m in the 90s, and exempted from paying income tax for 20 years and still on going, that pretty much passing the bill to the people of America. The American people ended up paying for his failures. I can go on and on and on about his past failures and did the same thing to saving his butt.

If trump happens to get into the white house. He might bankrupt the America and by the time he left office, the people will inherit all the shit he brought on to them. Wow, I cannot imagine, how would the world and U.S looks like soon his presidency is over. God help us and the United States lol. I hope trump won't bring major wars. As history shows when a major economy/power failed/fallen, major wars do follows.

If the market realize this, it will react violently soon he won.


2016-11-04 19:12 | Report Abuse

all eyes on US election day, casino big small bet lol. If you bet on hillary, sapu kaw kaw, if you bet on trump take cash or hold your purchase first.


2016-11-03 17:54 | Report Abuse

big rise big fall, but earnings so bad (negative), don't dare to play


2016-11-03 15:50 | Report Abuse

Maybank very steady nak jatuh langsung, nak beli murah pun tak boleh. kns


2016-11-03 15:49 | Report Abuse

EPF official 1


2016-11-02 23:56 | Report Abuse

Tangkap EO1, non-stop selling to kawan-kawan. Investigate EPF fund managers please.


2016-11-02 20:15 | Report Abuse

Final 2 quarters should have better results.


2016-11-02 16:11 | Report Abuse

Market already predict donald trump win


2016-11-02 16:10 | Report Abuse

Wah big drop in market, maybank steady, japan index very high, another round of correction. Cash is king now


2016-11-01 18:03 | Report Abuse

Chinese visiting Malaysia still need VISA, President Xi should give Malaysia a big middle finger. Buat susah bagi cina di malaysia nak balik tongsan also, every time need apply visa. cjb umno tak mau bubar china-malaysia travel visa. kns, I hope China let malaysia die


2016-11-01 17:45 | Report Abuse

The real reason is due to the profit dah jadi negative and no signs it's getting any better. Maybe something else mentioned in the meeting, insiders already selling like no tomorrow.


2016-11-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

Looking at FGV profits, how can a 15 billion revenue company only have 300 million net profit? Kinda phony isn't it? Even my aunty selling nasi lemak have better profit margin then FGV. This company going bankrupt soon, doesn't matter if it's GLC or not GLC.

Semua bukan kawan kawan najib punya companies akan mati kaw kaw.


2016-11-01 17:31 | Report Abuse

tangkap EO1, selling low to kawan-kawan!


2016-11-01 13:22 | Report Abuse

Why FGV crashing? Just take a look at the company's profit diving like getting bankrupt soon. Compare to revenue 5 years ago. 3rd quarter coming in, I believe it will be negative again.

Quater Result Revenue Profit Before Tax
30-Jun-2016 4,139,601 107,726
31-Mar-2016 3,755,449 -70,346

31-Dec-2011 1,875,920 408,168

FGV is a pile of shit.


2016-11-01 00:43 | Report Abuse

Oil price dropped below psychological level usd 50, palm oil down as well. Fgv will continue down trend in coming weeks. There's no way oil price will come back up to usd 60 as global production increase every day.


2016-10-31 20:16 | Report Abuse

I believe MH17 and MH370 was not accidents, the fact the previous speculation that MH370 was remotely controlled to fly to United State military in the Diego Garcia, are slowly being proven to be true by finding more and more wreckage near the Indian Ocean around Diego Garcia. Which is far far away from the location being pointed to by Europe and Australia.

European Union, Australia and United States, the world need to beware of these 3 countries. United States execute the crime, Europe and Australia help cover up and making distraction.


2016-10-31 20:09 | Report Abuse

George Soros and his elite friends has been trying very hard to trigger another round of Asian economy crisis in ASEAN and East Asian countries. A repeat of 1998. They have many agents on the ground stirring problems and making false reports on Asian economies, undermine the confidence on asia economies.

ASEAN is the main target especially Malaysia, please beware.


2016-10-31 17:32 | Report Abuse

Maybank is continue uptrend till the next dividend payout. But to note, US election is next Tuesday on Nov 8th. If Donald trump won, then world stock markets will react violently just like what happened to brexit. And then, Bersih rally also coming, so bad sentiments is all around.

Having said that, Maybank is the best stock to hold as of now. Like I said earlier, maybank is the safe haven.


2016-10-31 17:06 | Report Abuse

I think days and weeks ahead, it will continue to go downhill, judging the oil price not going up palm oil price also will have same fate. major road block ahead. consumption not going up. very hard oil/palm oil price to go up.

Adding insult to injury, US election and Bersih rally is coming. It's 90% chance world stock price will take a hit. especially if trump won't the election. This will be another round of brexit correction.


2016-10-31 16:43 | Report Abuse

maybank continue uptrend, very strong support


2016-10-31 16:20 | Report Abuse

oil price going down again, down trend


2016-10-31 15:40 | Report Abuse

Felda.GV dropped from RM 5 to lowest 1.30+, so crazy!


2016-10-31 15:01 | Report Abuse

All the glc is fighting for their lives... Sapura Kencana, Kinstel, Perisai, all losing money big time. lol


2016-10-31 12:43 | Report Abuse

Maybank is the safe haven 8.5 mar mari mari


2016-10-29 20:20 | Report Abuse

wow, kinstel and knm was once the most 2 popular stocks. seeing kinstel becoming toilet paper, suddenly think buying knm is a bit too risky. cannot imagine if knm drop from 0.40 to 0.03 sens. it's disastrous.

it's either malaysian getting screwed by GLC or the country really in trouble.


2016-10-28 19:47 | Report Abuse

shit lor, another perisai in the making


2016-10-28 11:41 | Report Abuse

short term TP only, this continue rally to RM 8.5, EPF stopped selling already


2016-10-28 00:41 | Report Abuse

The Star: Bersih 2.0 confirms Nov 19 rally at Dataran Merdeka!

Bad sentiments all around non-stop, super bull pun mati


2016-10-27 18:15 | Report Abuse

Zzz, opposition no shut up stock market cannot rally one la. But today australia and taiwan drop a lot. Something bad is brewing. If donald trump win means another round of brexit style market drop.


2016-10-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

the graph looks terrible for Genting, retesting 7.75 low for the 3 times in 4 months, once the resistance broken it will start breaking out and drop like a falling knife