
mytrecker | Joined since 2015-11-29

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2016-09-01 14:51 | Report Abuse

The tp of 6.26 is of course possible. Like many things, the truth is likely to be around the middle. So 5.xx is definitely believable.


2016-08-29 11:59 | Report Abuse

wait for fy2016 and q4 results... should be good


2016-08-19 18:35 | Report Abuse

Don't mind holding it for years. Good company, dividends paid on time etc...


2016-08-18 11:54 | Report Abuse

yes, back above 5. Just a matter of time.


2016-08-06 16:56 | Report Abuse

Yup Janus. Let's see if uptrend is able to hold


2016-08-06 11:49 | Report Abuse

The charts suggest that things have bottomed out at 4.2x... RSI (14) has been below 50 for 2 months.

Putting the charts aside, there is no reason why this stock should be languishing at such a low price for so long. Barring any catastrophes, the pressure to go up is higher.

However, in the short term, we might see some pull back due to profit taking. Again, next set of results will determine if it will return to 5.x or not.


2016-08-05 16:34 | Report Abuse

q result expected to be good. mid sep is a long way from now. however, i am sure people in the know (ie the ones working on the figures) would already know if its going to be good.


2016-08-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

ok. hope it will be better QoQ


2016-08-04 10:09 | Report Abuse

Aug 31 FY16 full year results out... Should be positive and better than last year.


2016-06-30 16:53 | Report Abuse

yes, hold and be patient. It will rebound. fundamentals are there


2016-06-27 17:11 | Report Abuse

Singapore in from tomorrow. All the best to all top glove investors. Great company !!!


2016-06-21 17:01 | Report Abuse

news a bit late in the day. wait Thursday or Friday


2016-06-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

For good companies, whatever goes down must come up. Don't worry guys, be patient. Do no invest more than you can afford.


2016-06-13 11:53 | Report Abuse

007 it if were just simple linear math, we would all be rolling in money hahaha.


2016-03-20 16:44 | Report Abuse

Yes I agree too. Don't put too much hope on rehiring program due to following reasons: govt flip flop policies, mistrust from employers, spotty enforcement, still relatively high levy fees...

Lets hope MYEG announces new projects soon, should build on their payments systems and get into that space as they already have a well used payment gateway, expanding on that should be a priority. Do something exciting, don't always just depend on govt contracts. The expertise is there to create and innovate already.

Mobile apps are also a bit lacking from MYEG. In this day and age, whatever you can do on a traditional desktop browser, you must also be able to do with ease on a mobile app. Combining a nice payment system with the mobile app to pay for services should be a priority. And yeah, get rid of asking returning customers to key in credit card details all the time, store them. If Amazon and Google can do it, I am sure MYEG can also do it too. People nowadays want convenience, accuracy and consistency, and like it or not, it is no longer unreasonable to demand that.

Finally, CSTM should be given a new lease of life soon. Again, bring that to the mobile platform, let business owners monitor their business transactions in real time from their smart phones, and expose payment services there as well so business owners don't need to be bogged down by paper work to pay the GST.

You do all that, then MYEG can transcend to the next level as a technology and service provider company.

Of course by that time, you can name the stock price, and the sky is the limit.


2016-03-12 22:04 | Report Abuse

Wonder if this news is going to trigger another round of panic selling. Similar news here.


2016-03-09 08:55 | Report Abuse

Yes. I agree with CIMB report for longer term. In the near term, need to be careful.


2016-03-08 18:38 | Report Abuse

The charts certainly looks like what BIMB is predicting (thanks TeddyRiley), which is downtrend towards that price range of 1.6 - 1.9. Throw in the political uncertainty, high PER, lower than expected dividend, it is difficult to see how this stock can keep the bullish momentum in the near term.

However, one can never predict. Logic dictates it to go one way, but it will go the other way. That's just the way it is.


2016-03-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

but then again..... hindsight is always 20/20


2016-03-08 09:13 | Report Abuse

MACD crossed with downward trend sometime middle of last month *facepalm*. I need to start believing in the crystal balls soon :)


2016-03-08 09:06 | Report Abuse

sigh....would it hit the next support level at 1.88 if you believe the crystal ball MA100 charts?


2016-03-07 22:02 | Report Abuse

There is general weakness in the markets now, and with the the added political uncertainty plus kwap lightening their load, I am afraid the downtrend might continue. No doubt rebound will come, but seems like the bears are overpowering the bulls for the moment.


2016-03-07 19:08 | Report Abuse

ok good advice


2016-03-07 18:43 | Report Abuse

noted skybursa, i share your optimism, but how long or how far will the downtrend go? Its a long climb back to normality if the drop is huge.


2016-03-07 18:40 | Report Abuse

Someone mentioned next support level is 1.87 according to his charts, but in cases like this, charts are as good as tarot cards as we have several levels of uncertainties, and the rehiring program is by no means a given success as it is still early days yet.

I am surprised myeg has not announced or given us some hints what is the next big thing, would be helpful right about now. Their investor relations and media people must perform better.


2016-03-07 17:53 | Report Abuse

I believe with the political instability swirling about and the opposition wanting to start their "roadshows" nationwide, counters like myeg could be depressed for some time with mini bull runs every now and then, but the downtrend will likely persist, how long is anybody's guess.

However, with myeg's strong fundamentals, it should rebound once things settle down a bit, and it is entirely up to the individual to stay or leave. In the long run, it will probably still hit the tp later on, but when this will happen is again anybody's guess.

Last but not the least, you have the kwap factor. They buy and sell in a big way.

Good luck and be safe.



2016-02-15 09:47 | Report Abuse

Hi All, just found this faq for new rehiring program in myeg's website. Fees are listed in the document too. Looking good.


2016-02-14 12:18 | Report Abuse

yes agreed joelyk, 2016 should be ok.

You're welcome ffforever. It's good to have some constructive discussions here so we can all make some fruitful investments. Not just having statements like "buy buy buy" or "sell sell sell".

Take note people, volatility is here to stay as long as oil price does not recover back to be above 50.


2016-02-13 14:38 | Report Abuse

And no ... I do not work for MYEG :). I am just a Malaysian who is proud of our home grown talents.


2016-02-13 14:25 | Report Abuse

At the end of the day, look at company fundamentals. If fundamentals are strong and have new projects coming in, and at the same time current projects and services are doing well, then it really is a no-brainer.

PE is just one indicator, cash flow, money in war chest, sound business model, readiness to embrace new technology, willingness to take calculated risks... This is Myeg.

Note these qualities are all present in the FANG technology stocks as mentioned above.


2016-02-13 11:51 | Report Abuse

Btw. Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon and Netflix currently have P/E ratios of 25.17, 42.11, 104.60 and 270.57, respectively. Good companies naturally have high p/E ratios.


2016-02-13 10:27 | Report Abuse

I do agree that market sentiments are not good, oil is dropping like a rock, but that does not mean that good companies cannot continue to do well. Myeg does not directly rely on manufacturing, oil or commodities to carry out its business, nor does it have huge factories and inventories it needs to manage.

It's a software company that provides services to the general public. It's business model is solid and steady, coupled with a top management that knows and embraces technology, you now have a true gem that is rare in Malaysia.


2016-02-10 12:57 | Report Abuse

It will shoot high soon


2016-02-10 12:57 | Report Abuse

Feb 15 start legalisation project. Announced in astro awani and aec last Friday evening.

News & Blogs

2016-01-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

agree with fiz83, should be minimal impact


2016-01-04 10:15 | Report Abuse

might go up later


2015-12-17 11:45 | Report Abuse

3.9 la... make it look good in tomorrow's agm


2015-12-17 10:08 | Report Abuse

3.85 today... why wait?

News & Blogs

2015-12-10 13:11 | Report Abuse

interesting company


2015-12-10 13:08 | Report Abuse

yup good news


2015-12-10 07:16 | Report Abuse

It will be rm2 after bonus issue


2015-12-09 17:13 | Report Abuse

without a doubt it will climb... just look at the chart trend for the past few weeks