
neuwook | Joined since 2017-11-29

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2018-01-09 16:44 | Report Abuse

Many many snacks in mini bar! Yum yum!


2018-01-09 16:41 | Report Abuse

Kit kat! Popcorn! Coca cola! Celebration!! Yaohoooooo...!!!


2018-01-09 15:45 | Report Abuse

Dear doggie xxixx, why u keep avoiding answer my critical question last time until now? Huh? Since u like ppl to answer ur retarded questions then can u answer mine? How ah?

"xxixx, actually what are u doing here EVERYDAY chanting negative statements and declared u lose confidence??? I'm sure everyone here including me are interested to know! Why ah? Hah? Why eh?"


2018-01-09 15:41 | Report Abuse

Our dog xxixx is here to make some noise? No more congratulate us? No more wish us well? How come? Just bark a short sentence?!


2018-01-09 13:12 | Report Abuse

Eh become transformer another id? lol!


2018-01-09 13:12 | Report Abuse

Definitely not the dog xxixx/chan9301 buying lol!


2018-01-09 09:24 | Report Abuse

Rocket to pocket loh! Yaohoooooo...!!!


2018-01-09 09:24 | Report Abuse

I'm still looking for my dog xxixx/chan9301....any1 seen it? lol


2018-01-09 09:23 | Report Abuse

brokerjoker, salute u!! Let's go! Shooting stars!


2018-01-09 09:20 | Report Abuse

Bornoil rise up! Starting point of a rally!


2018-01-09 09:19 | Report Abuse

Where is the dog xxixx/chan9301??? Missed the boat? lol!


2018-01-09 09:04 | Report Abuse

Engine started! Rally up!


2018-01-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

Anyone seen my dog? xxixx/chan9301....where are my doggie?


2018-01-08 12:28 | Report Abuse

Going to shoot up soon loh! Get in early oh...don't later missed the boat again lol!


2018-01-08 12:27 | Report Abuse

Kah ching! We have a machine used for printing new money notes! wakakaka


2018-01-08 11:55 | Report Abuse

Where are the dog xxixx/chan9301??? Kena caught and chopped to make hotdog sausages? Lol!


2018-01-06 19:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo kesian loh the creature gone wild ah? Lol! this early morning while i was feeding the dog with noble advice so that it won't go mad dog again but unfortunately it needs a stronger dose of tranquilizer yet it still couldn't calm it down because now it has split personalities disorder. Don't worry, the vet will calm u down first thing on Monday morning!


2018-01-06 06:55 | Report Abuse

xxixx/chan9301 suffers from ED or EDD?? Lol! Erectile dysfunction or Empathy Deficit Disorder? If u suffer either one, u are already screwed up or most likely pee in ur pants almost everyday and that makes u roar for the wrong reasons. The American Psychiatric Association suggests the best earliest treatment is to shut yourself into a dark box and doing self reflect but crying out loud of your messy bad past experience is also helpful to your recovery. If all those still don't work out on u then u are really screwed and I can expect more of ur retardation acts here in future. LOL!


2018-01-05 20:18 | Report Abuse

Tai Lin ngong xxixx, u lost ur balls to answer me yesterday? Have u found ur balls yet? Lol


2018-01-05 20:16 | Report Abuse

Sorhai chan9301 u no more use ur previous ID ahh? Today use ur this Sorhai id to write ur frustration lol? Deleted ur previous old comments won't kelp to hide ur loser identity lahh aiyoyo. Been observe ur loser attitudes in other threads for many months. Think no one notice u even u deleted ur old comments? So how? Losing ur underwear again? Wat u doing here everyday? Wat a loser acting much Sorhai lol


2018-01-05 09:36 | Report Abuse

Bornoil has 88,500 oz gold worth US$ 117 millions in latest filing mah syiok loh!


2018-01-05 08:37 | Report Abuse

Gold rallying from 1236.27 to 1325.79 (+7.25% gain) all only in 25 days mah. Cantek loh! Coming CNY can show off some GOLD bars lol wakakaka


2018-01-05 08:34 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo gold price shot up again to 1322 now woh! So sweet loh...can i expect those cockroaches and flies bising today? wakakaka


2018-01-05 08:32 | Report Abuse

Sorzai keep saying other counters lol! This is part of the game. Only when time to shoot up is the heart sweet mah wakakaka


2018-01-04 13:25 | Report Abuse

All these other sorzai really dun know why they buy or hold onto bornoil shares? LOL!


2018-01-04 12:45 | Report Abuse

sorzai xxixx must be a sore loser lol! how come some ppl here keep making lots of profits? wat a loser wakakaka


2018-01-04 12:43 | Report Abuse

Wah! so many cockroaches and flies today...lots of noise but none affect my appetite wakakaka


2018-01-03 12:59 | Report Abuse

xxixx is our loyal douggie. Plz come barking tomorrow and wish us well too..we r so gonna miss u our loyal douggie lol. Dun juz be a morning douggie yah wakakaka


2018-01-03 11:23 | Report Abuse

A loser xxixx and his many id who lambasted hard questions but himself no courage to answer questions from others. Go home sleep lah loser


2018-01-03 11:22 | Report Abuse

Lol! same loser


2018-01-03 10:43 | Report Abuse

Lol! a loser who can't even answer my question. Malu loh! NO balls to answer ah?

SEE??? When the loser runs out of excuses to attack, he will just say....Good Luck to us mah...!! Wakakaka


2018-01-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

Adui! why u wan ppl to spoon feeding u leh? Can't u do ur own homework meh? I knw u lost tons of money somewhere else! lol is that why u keep barking here EVERYDAY? Btw u haven't answer my question woh..........

My question:

xxixx, actually what are u doing here EVERYDAY chanting negative statements and declared u lose confidence??? I'm sure everyone including me are interested to know! Why ah? Hah? Why eh? If u lose too much money or trapped somewhere else then it's ur own stupidity mah lol


2018-01-03 09:59 | Report Abuse

Eh?! Even though ur question is retarded because most investors can figure out by reading and analyzing reports but I still answer u to satisfy ur frustration lol.

Now u haven't answered my question ah. How ah?? My question:

xxixx, actually what are u doing here EVERYDAY chanting negative statements and declared u lose confidence??? I'm sure everyone including me are interested to know! Why ah? Hah? Why eh? If u lose too much money or trapped somewhere else then it's ur own stupidity mah lol


2018-01-03 09:55 | Report Abuse

xxixx, actually what are u doing here EVERYDAY chanting negative statements and declared u lose confidence??? I'm sure everyone including me are interested to know! Why ah? Hah? Why eh? If u lose too much money or trapped somewhere else then it's ur own stupidity mah lol


2018-01-03 09:53 | Report Abuse

Ur eye got problem? U cannot read my previous statements? Aiyoyo wat else u want leh? Kesian boy


2018-01-03 09:46 | Report Abuse

Poor boy! u must have lost a big fortune in it. Is that why u so furious? Dun steady mah wakakaka


2018-01-03 09:45 | Report Abuse

Lol! ur fav word is good luck....and the funniest thing is how u ended up every statements with it lol. That is obvious of a loser who sold out and lost his life savings by gambling. If u expect fast returns then u better go to genting casino.


2018-01-03 09:41 | Report Abuse

Electric cars, US infrastructure deals and China's OBOR have sparked the demand for most metals and gold follow suits too. These are just the few fundamentals to look for before u invest into it. There is newly listed GoldETF in bursa, can also invest into it but bornoil has better and higher prospects wakakaka


2018-01-03 09:37 | Report Abuse

2018 is the year of the commodities. Look at facts where most metals keep up but not so for edible commodities


2018-01-03 09:35 | Report Abuse

If u not interested, u can move on...dun hav to keep barking good luck everytime yah. Ur tone is depicts u as one of the loser who sold out and came back haunting others lol


2018-01-03 09:33 | Report Abuse

Even CPO price up but many planters shares not up. How do u explain tht? 2 things to move share price, one being earnings and the other is catalyst. Its gold holdings have been increasing each quarter if u notice it


2018-01-03 08:03 | Report Abuse

Gold up 1320 woh aiyoyo


2018-01-03 07:18 | Report Abuse

The loser who use many id trying to sabotage but failed miserably wakakaka hohohoho merry xmas!


2018-01-03 07:14 | Report Abuse

If u so kiasu and sour grape then it's easy for u loh! Just buy more and keep its shares mah! Sure make more money when share price reflect its outstanding fundamentals wakakaka


2018-01-03 07:11 | Report Abuse

chan9301, the company's gold inventory alone is worth rm 467 millions now. Every month it produced betwen 2 to 4 kg of gold dore mah. U just seen and talk about its gold business only has other businesses with huge potentials and running. Dun be a sour grape loh hahaha


2018-01-03 07:00 | Report Abuse

Huhu gold price keep going up so high lo hahaha some losers here lost his temper complaining


2018-01-02 10:41 | Report Abuse

This clown keep barking good luck how many times already? Nothing new but pure bark. Now can confirm u are the creature serving only barks lol


2018-01-02 07:45 | Report Abuse

Market maker back to work today