
nhy6 | Joined since 2012-11-03 19:18:12

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2022-11-23 10:25 | Report Abuse

In 2008, Laxey was fined by Swiss regulator for failing to disclose its 22.9% interest in a Swiss PLC. Swiss law requires any institution holding more than 3% of a PLC to disclose that within a certain time frame.

Lo kok kee sued by law firm. Haha, pattern sama je with laxey.

Is lo kok kee even a shareholder of icap? Why talk so much. Maybe buy together with his 2 london rakan kongsi?


2022-11-21 18:30 | Report Abuse

In 2012, Evelyn Ho Lai Meng proposed the appointments of Andrew Pegge (Laxey Partners, a shareholder activist), Lo Kok Kee, and Low Nyap Heng to ICAP board.

This is how Evelyn Ho and Lo Lok Kee look like, check out their photos here :

In 2011, Lo Kok Kee and Andrew Pegge of Laxey Partners tried to take down wee cho yaw’s United International Securities in Singapore. Laxey also nominated Lo Kok Kee as a director.

Lo Kok Kee and Laxey Partners were involved in the liquidation of Amanah Millenia Fund and Amanah Harta Tanah PNB 2, both listed on Bursa.

Lo Kok Kee published a book called “Dumb money investing”.


2019-10-11 21:23 | Report Abuse

why only 1 monkey can earn millions year in year out by doing nothing... if got durian runtuh, sure everybody sapu habis kau kau can export musang king somemore. who wants to work so hard if there is an easy way? either 2 many sohais or only 1 clever one =) u know who i m referring to ^_^


2019-10-10 21:05 | Report Abuse

can Uncle KYY be trusted?


2019-10-10 17:47 | Report Abuse

sure anot, shared prosperity or shared poverty...


2016-09-25 10:13 | Report Abuse

Cuz icapshit will not report good news.

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 22:11 | Report Abuse

wah, take so long for ICAPSHITT full of shit 2 get my simple msg.

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 21:43 | Report Abuse

dusti, u talk sense.

For now, it is not about what questions to ask at the AGM, but to ask yourselves what you should do NOW. I'd walk away and find a new promising company to place the money or put it under my pillow.

ha...ha... u decide 2 buy, u decide 2 sell. dusti is rite, so many clever people here. like mg9231, keep f*king Ttb still keep so many icap shares....duh? sounds like icapshit!!! 2 also full of shit...ha...ha


2016-09-22 11:15 | Report Abuse

icapshit, ha...ha......so, u really got no balls!!! u say one thing, u do another - like MO1 ha..ha...we all support u, take charge of icap, tendang small fart TTB out. find ur balls - fast.

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 10:26 | Report Abuse

u hold so many shares u dont make money. u r so stress u hav to do so much work. simple advice sell your shares n have a happy life!!!!


2016-09-19 23:04 | Report Abuse

ha...ha... very ke lian. asking bodoh question. u aldy got all d answers. MSG, paperplane/minzhi 2016, ks55, icapshit aldy tell us wat 2 do. icapshit, show us ur balls!!!!!!!!


2016-09-19 21:41 | Report Abuse

icapshit, u got any more shit 2 shit? u got 80-90% support here - all old ladies, no balls blp..ho..ho. cakap, cakap, cakap, no action. icapshit, dunt talk so much shit 2 us. take action, show us lah. organise all of us. btw, icapshit, why u so free? must b pro blogger. i got to cari makan-loh. buy more icap shares, vote small fart TTB out ...ha...ha. icapshit - taruh TTB all d questions in agm. show me ur balls !!!!!!!!! get JB sifu manage icap. 700% upside.


2016-09-19 11:59 | Report Abuse

good morning everybody. sudah minum kopi? or jus got up? calvintaneng also smart. he tell us all of us to sell icap - why b so stressed with a small fart like TTB? maybe cuz you cant touch the big ones in sp setia, genting, btoto etc. u waste ur whole sunday f*cking this small mosquito? calvin is super smart - get our great JB sifu to take charge of icap... yay...yay ...JB sifu..JB sifu... JB sifu. arrogantboo, r you TtB? icapshit, why u subscribe to his newsletter? why u so bodoh when u tell us he is much shit and u f*ck him non-stop? u f urself? ha..ha... u full of shit. ni hen chou.


2016-09-18 21:46 | Report Abuse

ha..ha. cant even laugh here. must be all old guys here - so free nuthing 2 do on sunday, typing from old folks home. also a bit gong dai calling himself "shit" (a mirror of his face or backside..., ha...ha..) but demonchoo is smart. but mr shit also smart= knows jared leto-LOL. Mr Simpson (i guess u orang malaysia), but mr buffett may f*king sue u for calling buffet (he is not lunch, i guess you aldy know this). arrogantboo, u get all ur gang , wind up fund and vote TTB out. u too arrogant to do this lousy job, meh? you must be TTB - y bluff us all?


2016-09-18 18:41 | Report Abuse

u century old egg, pi dan. u r like icapshit full of shit. buy icap u get padini, padini dividend all at a discount. wat u talk. if u cant b like TTB, y u wan2 be like him? how u know padini CEO dont take big pay, u his bro?


2016-09-18 18:09 | Report Abuse

u call urself icapshit but u talk real shit. why buy padini when u can buy padini thru icap but at cheaper price-lah???? u talk real shit and bluff all of us - this is no good brother, you sama like MO1. wind up the fund n kick ttb out. talk c*ck only. icap u can wind up, u can touch sp setia, btoto, genting, etc.? u cant even smell the backside of the tan sris, ha..ha.. ha..


2016-09-18 16:42 | Report Abuse

icap nav all time high f*ck, klci plunged f*ck, icap holding 70% cash. all of you r right, ttb really f*cking smart, no need to do anything also nav can all time high. better buy icap tomoro!!!! not sure 2 f*ck or thank u all for ur tips. btw, padini all time high. looks like the more u f*ck him, the more the nav go up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2015-04-27 13:07 | Report Abuse

all newbies should attend icapital tan teng boo's investing seminar which will cover fundamental analysis, economic indicators and technical analysis. value for money - 1 full day course at KLCC on 9 may, saturday for just RM299. can go to http://capitaldynamics.biz/seminar2015/ for more information. be fast, early bird price ends on 30 apr.


2014-11-26 21:56 | Report Abuse

MG9231, can propose kcchongnz as successor to buffet ?


2014-11-26 21:43 | Report Abuse

impartiality, as i m an ugly looking guy with brains, i should apply to join him. u wan 2 join me ?


2014-11-26 21:43 | Report Abuse

impartiality, as i m an ugly looking guy with brains, i should apply to join him. u wan 2 join me ?


2014-11-26 21:41 | Report Abuse

from ur writing, obviously u din attend agm. but u talk as if u r so smart. if u attended, u could hav ask all the questions u ask above or at the coming adjourned agm.

does it mean that 11% should have the same right as 51% ? if 11% can remove 1 director, how many more directors they wan to remove ? what red hair monkeys would they dump on us who still live in coconut trees ?

the ceo of MSWG said this : "Best practices do encourage shareholders, especially institutional ones to make clear their reasons for opposing directors’ re-appointments, especially independent directors."


2014-11-26 17:56 | Report Abuse

chanky50, in total agreement wif u. ur comments r objective n fair. not like some of them here.


2014-11-24 19:16 | Report Abuse

share from investalks

b4 u go n support laxey n city of london, take a look at their lousy performance. it SUCKS !!!!! da price of city of london is plunged 50%. london stock market all time high check how many millions they earned in fees.

their neo sai kiat attended icap agm without registering. u wan 2 trust laxey n city of london ah ? some malaysians have been conned by the ang moh.

metta brother, dun fall for the same trick. murali and MG9231 - same hantu?>>


2014-10-04 21:13 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, lol..

i m long time icapital subscriber. they were super2 zun in 1993, 1997/8, 2000. u gotta b talking abt urself man.

if they r not super zun, why they r around for 25 years n sumore giving rm25 special offer. if i were u, i will go n subscribe now.


2014-08-31 21:00 | Report Abuse

If i remember correctly, ttb said in the 2010 agm that to own a private jet will take 30 plus years. Hopefully u r young enuff.


2014-08-30 21:44 | Report Abuse

Didn't city of lon buy more shares. Haha. Y so short term focus?


2014-08-30 21:19 | Report Abuse

City of lon n laxey are stupid. Haha


2014-08-30 19:10 | Report Abuse

If ttb is so lousy, y is city of lon holding on to so many shares ?? As usual, msian investors always wait 4 foreign investors to goreng2 first. Msian investors no balls to bang...haha


2012-11-12 08:05 | Report Abuse

long weekend guys, anyways i had attended the AGM on saturday and things were smooth.. TTB's proposal was voted in with a big majority, and yes KC Chong i too would like to see the report, maybe you could upload it onto google docs and share with all.. i dont think anyone here is against making money ;)


2012-11-09 15:12 | Report Abuse

ttb's interview has been uploaded on their site , listen to him directly... to all the finance gods here ;)


2012-11-08 21:17 | Report Abuse

jpleow's arguments dont even deserve reading.
read the forum name my friend.. its i3investor... not "welovechocolates",
post something relevant and intelligent,
most of us here are investors and the reason why i post here is cause i have brought icap too,
Lets make it a constructive and collective argument rather than just vague "arrogant TTB" and "Laxey the GOD" comments..


2012-11-08 21:14 | Report Abuse

hi kcchongnz, road jams killing me lah...

anyways, too tired to write but your questions i believe required to be answered atleast the most important ones(although i am not a very seasoned investor pro but i try to keep my research as valid and updated as possible)...

please find answers below each question.

Question : Who cares about the “massive” premium of icap share price TTB talks about years ago. What we are concern is now!
Answer: Without considering the premium, the huge discount means the fund is undervalued. The fund stated clearly that it is for long-term investors, and if you are one, this is an opportunity for you to buy. If you are not, why bother buying it.
The future premium is a plus.
Question: Total management expenses last year is 6.93 m, or 1.73% of AUM. Not a lot compared to unit trust funds, but also very good reward for Capital Dynamic, considering the expense is almost totally on administrative, as nothing much is done on picking stocks the whole year.
Answer :- Well, they are doing a good job as fund manager now. The number you gave is misleading as their management fee is 0.75% of NAV and another 0.75% of NAV for investment advisory fee. The rest is operating expense which every fund in the world has to bear. Go ahead and check the fees for other funds. Hedge funds additionally charge a performance fee and generate return less than 18% generated by iCapital.
FYI: iCapital does not charge you a cent for performance fee. Why should anyone mind paying a small fee if the fund can perform?
... note : all charges are officially declared by capital guys
Question : Share buyback when sold at big discount definitely increases NAV
Answer : - Laxey Partners and City of London already bought almost 14% of total shares, the discount is still here. So you can see that the impact of buying back is not that clear.
Look at their funds (ex. Terra Catalyst Fund), if they are that good, how come their funds are trading at discount
Question : Can’t find good value stocks to invest in Bursa after that? Cannot be mah. Anyway already 40% profit upfront, where got other investment give you such return in a year, 2 years, 3 years?
Andrew want to manage icap fund?
Answer: You are definitely a short-term investor. Are you really expecting 40% return? If you invest like this, chance is that you can also face -40% return. And gain 40% and lose 40%, you ended up with negative return of 16%. Let me know if you don’t know how to do the math.Do think about reinvestment and compounding and how it’s going to make difference to you wealth in the future
Question: Is this his intention? I don’t think so. I don’t think other shareholders will allow that. I won’t want it and I prefer Capital Dynamic. Hence I don’t give a damn to his other funds.
Answer: Look at his track record and what he did to other funds. Liquidating a fund is nothing new to him.
Question: Does he want to liquidate the fund? Likely but I don’t give a damn. Why? I can instantly make 20, 30% with the liquidation. I am too short-term? Come on lah!
Answer: Of course Laxey Partners don’t care (about what?), but other (long-term?) investors do. They don’t want to kill the goose, but collect its golden eggs.
Question: Making 20-30% profit a year, or even 2 years is not that easy. For the past one year, icap’s NAV rises from 2,66 to 2.96, or about 11% only. But that is good already.
Answer: Since its inception in 2005, the fund has compounded at a rate of 18% annually. We cannot rely solely on figures from the past, but the track record says a lot. Judging from one year’s performance simply does not give you enough data.
Question :Hence If given the profit of 20-30% instantly, I would grab and then look for other
Answer: I don’t think value investors will agree. I also doubt your ability to find undervalue stock! :)


2012-11-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

n since lunch onle i hve been seing the FB n i read all ur comments sometimes u guys are just high ;)


2012-11-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

and ya all information is clearly available on icapital.biz and also on their facebook page facebook.com/CapitalDynamics i could find all the information there


2012-11-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

none of you guys seem to have read the letter reply that i am refering to a constructive conversation is always welcome since most of us are icap shareowners i am sure we all want what is best for us. please read this and you would have responses to all the above including what peter lim wants to say...


2012-11-08 12:22 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz , do some research loo.
if u really own icap shares why dont u just go to their site and read their official rather than assuming things.
and ya, i am actually paid by icap.. do you even know how much YOU COULD ALSO HAVE BEEN PAID if you wld understood the real value of icap
i have earned good frm their shares n obvious tht i wnt to continue, liquidation is stupidity
i get more frm icap thn my gaji n so could all the shareowners if they understood the picture here
its still not late ttb supporters


2012-11-08 08:35 | Report Abuse

guys, finally there is an official response from icap... this might tk a while to read.. let me grab a coffee whila ya'll go through :)
... reference http://www.facebook.com/CapitalDynamics


2012-11-07 23:22 | Report Abuse

n for those talkin on discount check out this chart, this Fund managed by Laxey has been in huge persistent discount !


2012-11-07 22:11 | Report Abuse

will andrew peg liquidate for your benefit or for his benefit? take alook at another of his "performing" fund terra catalyst. is he sucking all the assets of icap to rescue his cash strapped funds? guys be smart.


2012-11-07 17:30 | Report Abuse

Check this out if you dont believe, the laxey history all messed up. even if care own pocket oso cannot trust laxey maa


2012-11-07 17:11 | Report Abuse

if laxey aka andrew peg doesnt wnt to liquidate the fund
this mean he wants to manage the fund and get all the FM fees? if peg is FM of icapital.biz berhad his track record is the worst of any investor - terra catalyst, value catalyst fund. so he will liquidate the fund and get all the cash for his cash strapped funds?


2012-11-06 18:53 | Report Abuse

now how does obama loosing effect this at all, i think his win would be much more to our advantage.. atleast thats what i can make out of what seems to be his and romney's promises ;)
politicians ... phew


2012-11-06 18:51 | Report Abuse

for what period was this profit dip ?


2012-11-06 18:38 | Report Abuse

and ya it doesnt matter if the cat is black or white, but it does when its a mice in a cats disguise :)
it will just do more damage than good.
not the biggest fan of icap but for them having gained and respected every shareholders trust over the time.


2012-11-06 18:35 | Report Abuse

i did read the article on "their enhance share price plan", but failed to understand how their nomination would in any manner solve the discount problem and especially the credibility of this claim when ttb has kept our trust for so long.


2012-11-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

when being approached by an investment scheme, 7 of 10 people ask "Is it Guaranteed", and only the other 3 really do their research to find out whether "Is it a SCAM"!

See the below and i am sure you would understand why a shareholder like myself and many other would be worried.

EVS closes investigation in the case from Laxey / Implenia - defendant make restitution of one million francs

Bern, 20.12.2010 - The Legal Service of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF), the investigation in the case Laxey / Implenia completed on suspicion of violation of the mandatory reporting requirements. The case against those responsible for Laxey group was discontinued after the accuse
d had made reparation payments totaling one million francs.

In connection with the investment structure of the group at the Laxey Implenia late 2006/early 2007, the FDF Legal Services an administrative criminal investigation on suspicion of violation of the mandatory reporting requirements. The investigation was directed against persons who held responsible positions in this period within the Laxey Group, notably against Roger Buehler, Michael Haxby, Colin Kingsnorth and Andrew Pegge.

The FDF Legal Services has closed the administrative criminal proceedings pursuant to Article 53 of the Penal Code, after Roger Buehler, Michael Haxby, Colin Kingsnorth and Andrew Pegge had paid a compensation payment totaling one million francs.

With the payment of compensation in connection with the disclosure and building the stake in Implenia late 2006/early 2007 caused injustice was compensated. This renders further investigation, who were part of the individual defendants were accused of culpable conduct to what extent.

The reparation payments were made in the amount of CHF 500,000 to various charitable institutions. The remaining CHF 500,000 was made available to the FDF. This uses the value in the interests of all market participants to secure and strengthen the functioning of financial markets.

Address for inquiries: Roland Meier, FDF Press Officer, tel 031 322 60 86

Published by: Federal Department of Finance Internet: http://www.efd.admin.ch/
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2012-11-05 00:08 | Report Abuse

y is da wednesday one different story ? different from wat ?


2012-11-04 20:30 | Report Abuse

what did ur fren say ? becoz there was no such meeting.


2012-11-04 18:13 | Report Abuse

my fren told me he went to da 12pm meeting. but 4pm meeting is a fake one. must be lo kok kee using underhand tactics to confuse shareholders from going to da real meeting.

yeah i'm interested in wednesday meeting. wanna hear what plans he has for the fund ?