
Norainimv | Joined since 2012-02-04

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2014-09-01 12:49 | Report Abuse

Rashid.....the coming right issues (RI) movement will not be the same as last year.....
2013 RI Suma was a PN17 sentiment was so so that's why Suma offer every 10 shares get 41 RI........that was part of regularisation plan........
now Suma oredi on higher platform ( out of Pn17) offer 2 shares & get 1 RI + 1 warrant......main reason is solely to raise funds to acquire assets........
From tomorrow till announcement of xdate.....Suma price will continue to be volatile with upside bias......big boys or institutions can start investing in Suma.....but whether they jump in tomorrow or apply wait & see game remains to be seen.......


2014-09-01 02:04 | Report Abuse

DC pulak tarian Asyik, menora......sure x kena ban.....bagi semua orang tidur cepat.......zzzzzz hi hi hi


2014-09-01 00:33 | Report Abuse

Bazlee you can sell part of yr OR....& pickup how many you can afford........
Or if you have 100 big lot ( for example) you will get 50 OR x 0.40 = rm20,000
Since your fund is limited.....I suggest sell part weeks before xdate ... Let say you sell 20 big lot (out of 100 big lots ) @ 0.80 (once Suma reach this price) you will get rm 16000
Now base on 80 big lot you will receive 40 big lots OR x 0.4 = rm 16000
The sale of 20 big lots @ 0.80 can pay yr 40 OR......
You might have to make some adjustment if price fail to reach 0.80 before xdate....
Xdate has not been determined yet......pending approval from Bursa....
Good luck.....


2014-09-01 00:09 | Report Abuse

SJ.....on Tuesday when Open gap up to 0.55 Jadi lah.....but if open gap up above 0.60 like you I sure pengsan tersenyum......last Friday I bot 500 big lots av 0.455 ....since out Pn17 This time I'll intend to keep ........good nite ...mimpi Indah......


2014-08-31 11:51 | Report Abuse

Dd128 & all Suma lovers..........sign out i3 investors for today........go spend time with love need to layan kerenga2 di sini.........


2014-08-31 09:22 | Report Abuse

Connie Bonjour! Cava?.......Suma got out PN17 cum Tuesday.......don't look see only.......apply yr trading skill.....


2014-08-31 09:18 | Report Abuse

Good morning everybody.......
Anak I Suma dah shouting ....Merdeka..Merdeka Merdeka!!!!


2014-08-30 17:44 | Report Abuse

YK.......I perceived the strong resistance will be @ will be interesting if Tuesday can breach step at a time......Suma just came out of the woods .... Give it a breather before reaching for higher heights.......not long anyway .....need to go through right issues (RI) exercise once get approval from Bursa....maybe yr end or early next year........The sooner the better as Suma needs to pay for the new assets & romp up the oil productions.........Suma future is great that the reason we's undervalued......


2014-08-30 15:48 | Report Abuse

If I'm TSHS I'll also buy a PN 17 company.......cheaper than trying to go listing on yr own......


2014-08-30 15:44 | Report Abuse

Lucky boy......normally when Suma goes bearish I put on my day trader's hat........
Oredi got 0.46 ....then had guest coming to my house I didn't even realized my que 0.44 go filled ....until closing time managed to enter trading hall........Usually I close all my position by day end especially when there is long weekend.......thanks to my guest that I did not balon keluar .......What a relief come Tuesday Suma no longer PN17.......
Let me see how much I can take a ride post PN17......


2014-08-30 00:08 | Report Abuse

The day TSHS decide to use Sumatec (which was Pn17 company) as his flagship entrance to Bursa.....90% ppl think him as "gila"........but effective Tuesday he proof all these ppl wrong......what else do we want him to proof.......


2014-08-29 23:51 | Report Abuse're most welcome.......stay invested with'll not regret.....


2014-08-29 23:37 | Report Abuse

It's good to be fearful when others are greedy............but when others are fearfully I will definitely be greedy come Tuesday ......exiting PN17 is a triumph for Suma's not everyday got counters exit Pn17 opportunity comes must grab........
I had 2 experienced with Pn17 company ....THH & Ho Hup......see where are they now.....


2014-08-29 23:13 | Report Abuse ppl upset Suma exit PN17.......wonder why......


2014-08-29 21:03 | Report Abuse

Aiyo what luck......banyak makan this afternoon ....nasib baik tak muntahkan......
This announcement is best gift for Merdeka......come Tuesday possibility of gap up is great........Merdeka to all Sumatecians & have great weekend......


2014-08-29 17:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyo I makan macam no tomorrow nak Jalan pun x larat.....
Mau pi ti tun dulu .......nanti over weekend baru pikir apa strategy mau bikin on Tuesday....
Happy Merdeka.......


2014-08-29 15:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo all my counters pun got period........except Presbhd & Drb......sad....


2014-08-29 14:16 | Report Abuse

Simon....noted you had made yr call sell yesterday & day before yesterday.......heard you loud & clear........why are you uptight's their loss or risk they're not selling......
As for me I am buying ........


2014-08-29 12:29 | Report Abuse

SJ & kakisaham..... Suma meroyan lagi .....if break 0.450 ....mulut berbuih nampaknya...
You all better go Friday prayer cepat.....doa doakan yg terbaik for Suma investors.....


2014-08-29 11:48 | Report Abuse

Kakisaham.......Suma hari ni oso kena penyakit sawan......hi hi hi.....


2014-08-29 11:39 | Report Abuse

For now support 0.455 & resistance 0.47........indicators MACD & stochastic made their cross up .....initiating call buy........


2014-08-29 09:47 | Report Abuse

Superman ....whatever happen today has nothing to do with fundamental of the company.....professional day traders (PDT) is at work........


2014-08-29 09:32 | Report Abuse

40 sen susah nampaknya.......grab 0.46 first.....


2014-08-29 00:27 | Report Abuse

Kakisaham......dah lama tak dengar perkataan "sawan".......hi hi hi


2014-08-29 00:04 | Report Abuse

Oily.....Tks my time searching for historical price prior to RI 17/10/13......


2014-08-28 23:40 | Report Abuse

YK & Derrick ......I'll never abandon you.......
Don't want to think about RI tonight......Belum buat research to compare with 1st RI 17/10/13......last time very attractive RI 17.5 sens now 0.40 sens..........


2014-08-28 20:01 | Report Abuse

Oh come on.....we Suma supporters want to celebrate.....QR got profit ma....sikit or banyak does not matter.......what comes tomorrow will be tomorrow punya for now we are relieved that the QR is out.....this will pave the way & acts as catalyst to the utmost "exit from PN17"
Our investment is only a drop in the ocean compared to TSHS........why crack our heads thinking......"can reach or not target profit 69m" by yr end......."oil production can reach or not 2000bpd" by year end.......Leave all these to the management......they are paid fat cheque to handle these hurdles........
I'm going to have early sleep tonite so that I'll be alert to watch the market response tomorrow.........


2014-08-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

QR ke apa apa R yg keluar.......does not bother me.......asal no Mamak lagi .......


2014-08-28 16:32 | Report Abuse

Mau tengok wayang......pergi pangung wayang.......or bikin wayang sendiri.......


2014-08-28 16:19 | Report Abuse

Alamak.....nampak gayanya kena gi makan kedai Mamak lagi .......but upgrade menu.....mutton curry, ayam goreng


2014-08-28 15:58 | Report Abuse

Ronaldo......yes..... walloping 0.495 again


2014-08-28 15:48 | Report Abuse

Buy 0.50 picking up


2014-08-28 15:30 | Report Abuse

Suma 5 min day chart .... Ema 10 baru cross EMA 21 & MACD baru cross signal line.....
But momentum & other indicative still bearish......
Short 0.505 ....Got filled @ 0.485 .....Rasa rasa x dpt 0.47 .......


2014-08-28 13:41 | Report Abuse

Once KNM cross 1.00 price ...indicative QR2 shd be good.....esp when EPF start good QR, rapid projects etc has been factored.......
I'm happy it did'nt spring up like kangaroo I've not accumulated much.....
Future is very bright for KNM will remain in this counter for many many moons.....


2014-08-28 13:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Simon apa pasal merajok......when you give yr opinion....some ppl agree many do's normal mah......does not cost you a penny....only heart ache only.......
So come on ....chill bro....


2014-08-28 13:17 | Report Abuse

After leaving 0.94 I thought need to wait another 2 months to get 0.81....
Now baru 1 month oredi down to 0.83
Wah so cepat come back.......this THH very kind.......come to mama


2014-08-28 13:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo you all shout sell price sulah masuk lombong......
I mau tadah tempayan @ 0.47 ......see can get filled or not......
I remembered capt Looiks promise to give me 0.40 soon.....boleh ke captain?...


2014-08-28 11:41 | Report Abuse

I think wan2win = DH


2014-08-28 10:34 | Report Abuse

Ppl getting uptight hoping QR2 out asap......then will push price higher......
KNM QR2 oredi out shows 163% increase in profit.....but see this morning price termenung aje........


2014-08-28 10:26 | Report Abuse

SJ .....ini DH sudah lesap.....nampak gaya I will change my will to you .......sabar ye bila my cucu (7mths) jadi 21 yrs bole lah jadi cucu menantu I......tunggguuuu.....


2014-08-28 10:14 | Report Abuse

Iplay .....itu peti Sejuk gua peram Sampai next yr June 2015
Gua Trade dgn additional funds after disposing several counters yg bagi untung.......

Sjero.....cucuku ...ini sudah mau lawan toke.......semoga Berjaya.........


2014-08-28 10:02 | Report Abuse

SJ ....gua sulah untung 200%......mau tungguuuuu lagi ke????


2014-08-28 09:49 | Report Abuse

Ada duit bole beli beli
Takda duit tengok saja sana sini.....


2014-08-28 09:45 | Report Abuse

Pagi pagi minum kopi
Tak mau maki maki.......


2014-08-27 21:29 | Report Abuse

Davidshaw......sent my regards to your uncle......TQ & happy to hear the good news ....hi hi hi.....


2014-08-27 17:00 | Report Abuse no lunch & no hi-tea......can go mamak only......roti canai,teh Tarik & mee goreng....jadi lah.........Alhamdulilah.....


2014-08-27 15:00 | Report Abuse

Tembok 50 kena hentak now.......


2014-08-27 13:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo why panic ..... TSHS knows he's trying his luck by suing the govt for 2 billion......
Who knows if successful then can pay for his new acquire asset without RI / PP
Since not successful .....I don't think it's a grave problem for him......he did'nt have this 2 billion anyway but still managed to survive very well as a successful corporate figure....
So this bad news shd not be as excuse for the volatility of Suma.........However sharks love this type of story make their "sharking" easier.......


2014-08-27 13:43 | Report Abuse

THH always like to revisit.......after gap up from 0.8.15 to 0.88 then make high 0.94.....then U- Turn Mari ........ok I start accumulate again today.....see how low it can go this time........


2014-08-27 12:54 | Report Abuse

Connie...comment allez-vous aujourd'hui,
n'allez-vous pas à déjeuner?