
paktua73 | Joined since 2017-05-17

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

full time swing player,short term trading with long experience on trade, use own rally pattern calculation, lead large own members legions. let be part paktua legions add at tele @swingdarkred73.





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2022-08-04 12:36 | Report Abuse

ular kita makan nasi bungkus janda meroyan nak?
UlarSawa Haiyoh lunch time already. Arini nak makan apa ni. Mee siam ayam goreng plus teh tarik. Correct?
04/08/2022 12:30 PM

tut tut
closed ready at our rally pattern -40..
so ada chance hit back rm0.855..


2022-08-04 12:33 | Report Abuse

now this will be our theme song for hibiscus war..
will echos louder n repeatedly ever..

hear this..
dear red legions warriors..
we're the elite fighters,
no more living in fear's
our armours stained bloods beast
we kill all of fear

we're the chosen ones,
now we arrive back
and standing at the gate
we will wait hit and strike

it's seem to us the journey
will never end,
so many years to many battle
we will beat it all not even left an single..
we will fight till the end
even only left we the last stand

now we arrive back
and standing at the gate
we will wait hit and strike

we are the chosen ones,
heroes of the days..
legends forever, ;

glory start at rm0.84 we return..
rm1.10 thats our destination's end..

tut tut
before dare dream to be king..
let dare to be A MAN.....


2022-08-04 12:20 | Report Abuse

ular..paktua red army all dah on board at above rm0.84..
so now depa relak laa makan roti arab..
wait next week..will be back above rm0.995..

UlarSawa YAB your red armies takda follow your instruction kah. Apa lah. Referee kasi red card MM apa sal still at here lagi kah. Haiyoh. Correct?
04/08/2022 12:14 PM

now let idss n contra player decide what way their want ot be..

kita dah on board..
tapi jika hit back 0.825-0.83 ada lagi red army willing to eat..
paktua dah done at rm0.855 ready..

tut tut
glory start at rm0.84 we return..
rm1.10 thats our destination's end..


2022-08-04 12:16 | Report Abuse

paktua kembali melalak lantang 
bergembita mengegar bumi bungarayakingdom.. 
berteriak suara pahlawan.. 

hear this.. 
dear red legions warriors.. 
we're the elite fighters, 
no more living in fear's 
our armours stained bloods beast 
we kill all of fear 

we're the chosen ones, 
now we arrive back 
and standing at the gate 
we will wait hit and strike 

it's seem to us the journey 
will never end, 
so many years to many battle 
we will beat it all not even left an single.. 
we will fight till the end 
even only left we the last stand 

now we arrive back 
and standing at the gate 
we will wait hit and strike 

we are the chosen ones, 
heroes of the days.. 
legends forever, 

glory start at rm0.84 we return..
rm1.10 thats our destination's end.. 

tut tut 
before dare dream to be king.. 
let dare to be A MAN.....


2022-08-04 12:13 | Report Abuse

base on today pattern..
paktua set rally pattern
for highers will be +20/40(base on morning lower)..

and for highers wil be -40/60(base on yesterday closed..

just hope vol will reach 20m
and back to stand on above rm0.85
(even rally pattern sent only rm0.845)

tut tut
frankly from rally pattern


2022-08-04 11:54 | Report Abuse

hehe kossan..minyak always got hope..
as long biden,putin ah ping..
sitting same poker table..

oil down n up depend on their move..
now card on biden push arab head..
ah ping sent taiwan card..
now left final move by putin use iran head or Ukraine head..

tut tut
no long above usd80..
bungaraya will earn big..
ao nexr coming qr can say will be fantastic..

tut tut
believe will closed at rm0.855


2022-08-04 11:49 | Report Abuse

stingray tu shadow q jer..
whale try block..

StingRay Paktua... lagi sejuta lebih je. kikiki.
04/08/2022 11:46 AM
rasanya morning can closed at rm0.84..
then rally back on afternoon..
let see on 3.45pm.

tut tut
rasanya ada harapan closed same as yesterday rm0.855


2022-08-04 11:46 | Report Abuse

Sony paktua respect your view..

paktua stand base on paktua rally pattern..
right now still signal to +-40/60
basd on got chance to rally back rm0.85 an above..

sonyx123 I think 85 cents also hard la today paktua...
04/08/2022 11:35 AM

see vol also almost hit 15m..and still stand at -40 rally pattern..
supposed if above vol 10m already below rm0.835..
but right now stand above..

tut tut
just own judgement..


2022-08-04 11:37 | Report Abuse

paktua melalak more louder.. 
bungarayaa fighters... 

dear fighters..(more to red legions)

we always play with our own style.. 
we in..we set..we hunt.. 
until reach our goal.. 

dear res warriors.. 
now here..
hibiscus is our battlefield.. 
greenland is our destiny.. 
we never fear any.. 
never scared or greedy.. 

red legions warriors. 

we're red stock troopers..
be a man is ur soul.. 
dare to die spirit we follow.. 
we're real fighters.. 
we belong to the tough battlefields 
too all warriors.. 

welcomed to the club!!! 

warriors let battle continue.. 

tut tut 
warriors take position.. 
war is still continue..


2022-08-04 11:34 | Report Abuse

ok2 ular..
paktua sent white flag..
no more argue with janda MM..
will mute her view..
will never feed back any more..
we need respect referee

UlarSawa YAB kenot like that lah. Nanti promoter gaduh with promoter again. Ular jadi referee now. All must follow lah. Including Ular lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
04/08/2022 11:30 AM

tut tut
now we back focus on own spirit fight in hibiscus.


2022-08-04 11:31 | Report Abuse

paktua set this week is reload time..
as.we.was set earlier..
we last stand is rm0.78-0.80..
but right now we stand eat if reach 0.82-0.83..
with currently rally stand at -40/60(base on yesterdayclose)
paktua can say lucky if can get..
many whale gang eat hard from 0.835-0.84 right now..
this is not retailers style..

tut tut
so paktua stand today will above rm0.855


2022-08-04 11:28 | Report Abuse

paktua also both have woo

StingRay walau... nanti Nobita sure datang perli sama geng bungaraya sebab dia punya dnex to hampir sama harga. tapi wa okay je. sebab dua dua pun wa ada. Wakaka
04/08/2022 11:22 AM

jom we focus on bungaraya..

tut tut
let sing more


2022-08-04 11:22 | Report Abuse

ok paktua back give good mood to all fighters back..
paktua kembali melalak gagah.. 

too all hibiscus warriors red legions.. 
hear this..

let we stand unite 
fight with lion heart.. 
with brave and honor.. 
we will.. 
conquer the battle war.. 

too all red warriors legions.. 
you prove it.. 
if stand unite with proper strategist..
we will win the battle's.. 
let stand together.. 
unite we fight..unite we stand.. 

we never regret!! 
fight till the last stand.. 

tut tut 
we will fight more n more n more 
we are real red legions warriors..


2022-08-04 11:19 | Report Abuse

betul laa stingray..

StingRay Paktua, biar lah penipu tu. we focus back on Bungaraya. buat hilang mood je.
04/08/2022 11:17 AM

let focus on bungaraya..
paktua pun will start never reply on her any more..

tut tut
let more focus on hib..


2022-08-04 11:16 | Report Abuse

anda MM the wrong is all know ib call is bulshit..
when their call is incorrect why not say their con or scam?
bcoz thier ib remiser?so their always right laa?
you con say limit also scam people..
if not hit how?
ada guide them how to cutlost??
ada guide them how take profit..
if not..
you more to be conwomen laa..
do for own benefit only..

tut tut


2022-08-04 11:10 | Report Abuse

now idss come around..with contra gang..
shadow queue now set..
all million both side..
watch out..
battle war now more interesting..

paktua strong stand today will be back above rm0.855..
let see next wind..

tut tut
stand fight again


2022-08-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

hehe stingray..
janda Mm women lonely..
kita a men..
her will spin all around..
even her in wrong side..

tut tut
what to do..need admit..
janda MM always right..even in wrong way


2022-08-04 11:04 | Report Abuse

dear janda MM..
only you say paktua scam
after n you be a janda hehe..
other still follow paktua..
bcoz we're men love with janda like sweet MM

you say limit up ib not say limit up..

their sent like paktua do adalaa..

tut tut
love janda kesepian MM


2022-08-04 11:01 | Report Abuse

hehehe..ok2 ular paktua back be pom pom men..
lagi pun Janda MM also jold hib..
paktua n team also hold hib..
kita kasi damai laa
kan kan..

UlarSawa Woi apahal ni. Promoter vs promoter end result lose lose lah. Sampai sekarang pun tak faham lagi kah. Pakai lah 7th sense sikit. Haiyoh. Correct?
04/08/2022 10:55 AM

jom back on root hib rally

tut tut
jom jom


2022-08-04 10:51 | Report Abuse

sweet MM you also con woo..
ask people buy on hib now down..

say limit up laa..
if not hit how?

paktua also set only rm1.10 and sent signal..
always take profit when hit own target..

tut tut
ko hado?


2022-08-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

oh my love sweet MM..

mgrc kaa..paktua love scam one..
iyaaa fight not end..
paktua stand hold n reveal what our level..
swing maa iyaa swing style also not know kaa?
if one day play take profit..tu intraday player maa adik pada contra..

tut tut
iyaaa sweet MM..
baru sekolah ke?


2022-08-04 10:44 | Report Abuse

yes many stand to reload at -40(base on yesteday closed)
smart stand at rm0.835..
we will see back above rm0.85 today
comeon bringing on!!

tut tut


2022-08-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

heran woo dia popular kat barat..

UlarSawa YAB pakai kepala sensing bukan kelapa lah. Itu bomoh 2 biji kelapa tu tak boleh pakai lah.7th sense tu pakai kepala otak to sense sentiment lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
04/08/2022 10:32 AM

ok2 ular..we use brain sensing..

tut tut
sedap minum kelapa


2022-08-04 10:39 | Report Abuse

morning sweet janda MM..
yesterday we both relax.

bcoz night we make love sparring..

so today let we both bring hot back laa here..
you stand hit paktua laa..
paktua kan your puching bag..
how can you not rindu it.

tut tut
paktua segar sebab janda cantik MM


2022-08-04 10:36 | Report Abuse bungraya stand firm at +-40/60 rally pattern..
so we can see back Greenland by afternoon today..
paktua predict today rally pattern base on mkrning lower..
0.825+40/20/100=rm0.845(hit ready)
0.825+60/20/100=rm0.855(afternoon base on idss hold)

so lower already hit at rm0.825
(base on yesterday closed)
so now only play on
1--40 lower..
2-+60 higher..

tut tut
reload time is right now


2022-08-04 10:28 | Report Abuse

ular kita use kelapa jer..ilmu bomoh sedunia

UlarSawa Haiyoh your TA good or not. If not good dont show it at here leh. We all use 7th sense one leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


TA looks negative, expected 2 x sharp drops : 1) SMA 50 cross below SMA 200 within a week; 2) EMA 90 cross below EMA 200 within Aug.

10 minutes ago
04/08/2022 10:18 AM

tut tut
kelapa 7th generation
kan kan.


2022-08-04 10:26 | Report Abuse

hstingrayahaha..janganlaa kata camtu..
nanti meracau lagi dia

StingRay Paktua... itu MM asyik promote limit up. nanti dia jadi OTB the second pulak. Wakaka.
04/08/2022 10:21 AM

tut tut
today good for reload woo..
left couples week jer qr nak release..
so setakat rm1.10 ti sap sap soi jer


2022-08-04 10:23 | Report Abuse

syhhh diam-diam ular..kita kan nak masi whale kecut..
depa dah in above 0.855..
so if their not push up
kitalaa win..


UlarSawa YAB takda -60/80 lah. Undervalued too much lah. If QR results with 500mil profit many speculating lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
04/08/2022 9:54 AM

so if their press down we expect that..

tut tut
kan red sea captain


2022-08-04 10:20 | Report Abuse

ular..dia sweet widow..
sikit sikot word jer promote..

UlarSawa Haiyoh hardcore promoter MM mana boleh like this lah. Promote when green only. Red takda promote kah. Apa ni. Promoters must be consistent sikit leh. Red or green also must be at here leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
04/08/2022 9:57 AM

paktua kena take more hard laa jadi men pom pom here

tut tut


2022-08-04 10:18 | Report Abuse

stingray..idss dah take position so kita akan lihat back above rm0.855 laa

StingRay Paktua... IDSS tengah berbincang samada nak kasi tolak turun atau tak. sebab ada Jaws tengah tunggu nak NGAP c21. Wakaka.
04/08/2022 10:11 AM

cuma nak above rm0.92 need wait laa
paktua set after next Wednesday laa..

tut tut
today hope will closed at rm0.88


2022-08-04 09:59 | Report Abuse

stingray..paktua dah order paktua own red legions..
kami decided reload above rm0.82-rm0.83..
(-40/60 as range to reload)
and set +180/200 for next 57% swing..

tut tut
let we sail more


2022-08-04 09:54 | Report Abuse

hehehe dia masih belom habis berdandan..
biasalaa janda berhias..
kejap lagi mai laa tu..

StingRay Paktua... mana lu punya janda MM? sudah masuk gua ke? Wakaka.
04/08/2022 9:35 AM

tut tut


2022-08-04 09:53 | Report Abuse

paktua back stand melalak lantang.. 
when all lari lintang pukang.. 
paktua sing berulang ulang.. 

let we sing louder.. 
red legions troopers..
we never fear to fight with our own style.. 

we real fighters on brutality battle.. 
we dare to buy or we die try.. 
we will conquer our fears.. 

let red cloud on the horizon.. 
let great thunder and burning rain 
let his chariot pounding., 
we sworn.. 
we will fight.. 
when heard big fund start screaming..
they will watched..
red legions force shouted.. 

even though the waves came and hit hard 
even though the thunder echoes and strike hard 
we are the choosing one 
we dare to buy or die try.. 

we will never care all... 
if lost... let lost gigantic.. 
if earn let.. earn ultra... 

always fight with own style 
we're man of fearless .. 
if death never say hello 
we dare to buy or we die try.. 

tut tut 
dare to reloaded more hard soon


2022-08-04 09:47 | Report Abuse

base on currently wave..
paktua damn will say..
its great time to reload right now..

with good qr will coming..
oil still above usd90..

paktua need warn to all non red legions members..
if want fight here..
please set own limit..
set own cut lost first..know what limit you can absorb..
here real battlefield not saja saja test..

devide your capital level by level..
if want follow paktua method..
1st set cutlost 57% on 25%-30%..
from your average level holding..

1st entry only use 43% from your capital..
2nd entry use 57% from your capital..
if can better set 65% total your capital only when go to fight..
left balance 35% capital as emergency back up ammo
for rescues reload..
(we red legion we set our ammo with extra 45% emergency ammo before come to battlefield..

dont EVER EVER follow other blindly..

tut tut
paktua set final reload at -60/80 only..


2022-08-04 09:35 | Report Abuse

morning sting ray..

StingRay Paktua... lepas tu ride till the end. kikiki.
04/08/2022 9:12 AM

paktua if today hit 0.78-0.80..
paktua will eat hard..

tut tut
akan stand hold with 43% till the end..
and will swing with 57% style..


2022-08-04 09:30 | Report Abuse

paktua kembali memalu paluan gendang perang..
let hear this..

wahai lred legions..

God gives.. 
the hardest battles 
to stronger soldier.. 
If you scare to fail.. 
you are difficult to succeed.. 
if you scare to lose money.. 
you are difficult to make money.. 
if you wait for batman.. 
joker will spin you over.. 

jika takut pada cemuhan..
usah berani berkarya.. 
jika takut pada bayang-bayang... 
usah berdiri di bawah cahaya.. 

jika gerun pada gelora.. 
usah bermimipi menjadi nelayan.. 
jika mengigil jejari ingin "cutlost".. 
usah berangan raih keuntungan.. 
we born foe this..

always dare to fight or die try.. 
if burn let burn hard.. 
if earn let earn gega.. 

tut tut
we're the red legions..with our own style..
we dare to fight..dare to fight or die try


2022-08-04 09:21 | Report Abuse

paktua n red legions willing to fight with own style .. 

too all red legions
we born in red sea..
we master sail in brutally red wave..
we never fear..we never care how long will take..
we dare to sail more..

even storm will hit hard... 
even hell say will swallow it.. 
even burn all till be ash.. 

we will stand fight hard..
let bloody flow out..
let bullet fly away around... 
die die but never die either..

 dear red legions..
as long... 
die never say hello..
then life will stand thru.. 
its worth it to fight.. 
cool eye..Stone heart..must lead the ride... 
on brutally devil tricky trend stock... 

we willing to dive more...

if scare let dare dark devil dive in here.. 
we will.. 
let hand to talk today..
let finger decide... 
what button too presst.. 
ever care all 
if lost... let lost gigantic.. 
if earn let.. earn big.. 

tut tut 
we come..we set..we hunt..we will win..


2022-08-04 09:11 | Report Abuse

morning...ular..hari ni kita set back our battles point..
1st-40/60.. with vol hit 5m..
2nd worse battle point -60/80 when vol more then 5m and level below rm0.845..

paktua set will follow -80 fo final reload..

tut tut
will dare to fight even all run
dare to buy or die try


2022-08-03 23:56 | Report Abuse

kita bet on qr jer laaa
waaa wAaa.

eaok until next Wednesday mybe red storm..
waaa waaa

tut tut
waaa waaa


2022-08-03 23:27 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo ular..brent kena rogol....
dah usd97..
waaa waaa..
kita kena set -60/80 laa..
waaa waaa

tut tut
patutlA hari ni idss tido
waaa waa waaaa


2022-08-03 23:15 | Report Abuse

calvin who already burn 8 house?

calvintaneng Hahaha

Better stop gambling immediately

Or house later also gone then habis leow !
03/08/2022 10:48 PM

tut tut
beza swing kami always cutwin..


2022-08-03 22:50 | Report Abuse

your liar more then true..
that why elak meet paktua!!!

calvintaneng Up to PakTua to follow who he wants

Calvin is happy to mind his own business
03/08/2022 10:41 PM

paktua angry bcoz you condemn other sector!!
remember in trading world never have one sector can sustain earn..
its ok if you just promoted one sector
and respect others sector..

tut tut
remember if you say your is tiger..
above you still have Godzilla..


2022-08-03 22:45 | Report Abuse

paktua jus bluffing with joker fa calvin only..
and paktua never own alphabet or temasek..

tut tut
but paktua really own house in payar lebar..


2022-08-03 22:43 | Report Abuse

bullshit laaa joker cslvin!!!
come show your holding!!
meet fsce to face..

setakat sembang kari kat sini..
paktua bole cakap..
paktua hold politic cartel fund usd500m..
own alphabet 2%..hold temasek 0.08%
sembang jer baik tak payah!!!!

tut tut


2022-08-03 22:37 | Report Abuse

paktua will follow you if you dare meet paktua..
show your income..if more then paktua..
paktua will buy tsh with sd35m fund!!

jika kata paktua sembang!!
meh jumpa see paktua income!!!!

tut tut
srmbang kari laa joker fa


2022-08-03 22:33 | Report Abuse

bullshit laa calvin!! if paktua follow you..
will burn kaw kaw..

tut tut
sembang kambing bole fa joker!!


2022-08-03 22:31 | Report Abuse

waaa waaaa..
ku sangka pulau minyak akan hijau..
mukaku yg hijau lihat minyak merah..
waaaaa waaaa

tut tut
waaa waas


2022-08-03 22:25 | Report Abuse

hahaha..paktua dare offer you villa in paya lebar if you got more earn then paktua!!!!
come see your selves how much paktua own villa in paya lebar,Toa payoh!!!
just bluffing on trading skill..
let bet with paktua laaa..
sembang kambing baik tak payah!!!!

if uncle koon use margin 50m to 80m for margin trade..
paktua still dare say paktua can stand same high with uncle koon!!

want prove come met face to face!!
count your selves how much paktua house worth!!

tut tut
coward calvin just joker fa..
dare to condemn other sector..


2022-08-03 22:06 | Report Abuse

come on coward calvin..
meet paktua look by your own eyes..
how many paktua fund..
paktua dare to bet..
even your put all your eaen from 2015-2022
also cannot beat paktua fund right now!!
talk no use..
let be to men..

just yelling here like mad no use laa

calvin fa joker!!!

tut tut
meh jumpa jika anak JANTAN!!
prove paktua lost more then earn!!


2022-08-03 21:37 | Report Abuse

yeah..paktua onnnn..
when calvin when..when...
don't play fa joker laaa..

blaa blaaa this good blaa blaa this earn..
let we bet who earn more!!!!!

paktua always be swing player..


SEE_Research To : Prof Kevin
From : SEE_RESEARCH A Small Challenge As at now , 9.15 pm., 3 August 2022,
1. For Prof Kevin , since you are so BOASTFUL again , let SEE_RESEARCH throw you a small challenge take your best single counter , your best counter including the your previous rubber gloves of Top gloves , Esceramic , Ancom , etc versus SEE_RESEARCH __ one best counter to have a small challenge if you win SGD 200, 000 .00 is yours : when you lose you only pay SGD 100,000.00 , together with Pak tua 73 challenge as well , can meet in Paktua 73 , Toa Payoh place , Singapore
=============================================================================Those who followed Calvin bought Ancom have made $$$ when Ancom boss bought from 70 sen to Rm4.00 and split

So will be this Great Tsh
03/08/2022 9:16 PM


tut tut
bet still on!!!!