
paktua73 | Joined since 2017-05-17

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

full time swing player,short term trading with long experience on trade, use own rally pattern calculation, lead large own members legions. let be part paktua legions add at tele @swingdarkred73.





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2021-09-02 09:09 | Report Abuse

yes lucky get rm o.34-0.35
let see on this afternoon

tut tut
love be back in swing action


2021-09-02 08:57 | Report Abuse

paktua portfolios most in profitable..
in profitable
1-TG - rm3.77(now rm3.92)
2-mrdiy - rm3.49(now 3.86)
3-hiaptek - rm0.505(now 0.595)

in loses
1-jaks - rm0.59+(now rm50)

tut tut
will let it TG soon


2021-09-01 10:28 | Report Abuse

lama tak dengar paktua melalak..
let we hear some good poems..

best friend give me some advice
he said..
each days a gift and not a given right
and leave stone unturned
leave your fear's behind.

he said
if today was yours last day,
and tomorrow was to late
could i said good bye to yesterday
that first step your take
is the longest stride

he said
if today was yours last day,
and tomorrow was to late
could i said good bye to yesterday
would you live each moment like your last
donate every dime you had

if today was yours last day
and tomorrow was to late
against the grain should be way of life
what worth the prize is always worth to fight
hiaptek will be in bullet train..
who still wait and late make decision..
will left by train

tut tut
what worth the prize is always worth to fight


2021-09-01 09:39 | Report Abuse

paktua set hiaptek can reach rm0.65 this week..
hope end of this month hiaptek will reach rm0.85
and by end of October will reach rm1.00

**not buy call or recommend pick stock just share own target.

tut tut
will hold till sept 2022


2021-08-26 09:27 | Report Abuse

morning...hiaptek now reach rm0.55
rally will start soon..
let see on next two week..

tut tut
set Summit rm1 on oct


2021-08-24 13:26 | Report Abuse

DK..thanks for everything..
all your afford..all sacrifices and sharing
thats your have done..
semoga anda berbahagia dipersaraan..

DK is the best person in jaks forum..
sadly he now will take retired from jaks group..
all the best to you DK..

tut tut
semoga kembali jila DK ada kelapangan..


2021-08-24 10:59 | Report Abuse

alaa ular relax luu..
now no fund yet..kena amik sukuk,jual bond..
pastu loan kat japan,china,german..
pastu baru kasi up klci maa

tut tut
next year can break back 1800


2021-08-24 10:42 | Report Abuse

alaa ular..paktua xder ticket so..
naik diam2 laa pastu kerja jadi kelasi

berlayar ke green Island laa

tut tut
jadi kelasi tnpa ticket


2021-08-24 10:30 | Report Abuse

iyaa ni sebab tunggu PM laa
kan baru lawat hotspot..
umnolord dh dpt info ready
all fine..
just reporter bikin hot
ihik ihik

tut tut
biasalaa yg bising tu reporter jer..
dalam siap cium cium kuih lagi


2021-08-24 10:10 | Report Abuse

haha true ular..

paktua now can dream to be..
mentri pembangunan usahawan dan keperasi
ihik ihik

tut tut
king lord back in power


2021-08-24 09:21 | Report Abuse

paktua onboard at 3.77..
lama jugak laa berlayar kat sini..
tapi still around paktua level entry..

tut tut
dine in msk dulu laa


2021-08-24 09:19 | Report Abuse

now most conman..
aka king liar rank 1 paktua..
now officially arrived here..

let see how wave will be..
love to put some here
ride with OTB ship until sept 22.

##not buy or sell call just share own move.

tut tut
will terjun kapal jika kena ribut at 0.45
ihik ihik


2021-08-24 09:13 | Report Abuse

paktua dateline come closer..
hope dream to see back rm1.00 will come true..

after last eat from 0.47-0.50
now hold abit big ship in here
avrge now roll down to 0.58++
hope end of sept will see a light at tunnel 0.85 n above..

tut tut
waa waa togel kena at jaks..


2021-08-16 09:15 | Report Abuse

today politic will drag down klse to red sea..
paktua today will see how deep TG will down..
hit paktua target point..
paktua will reload for 2nd phase..

tut tut
let see can down hit below 3.60 or not


2021-08-12 09:28 | Report Abuse

morning..agree with @dimmubroker..
now still hold some n will wait if down back below 3.40 will reload back..

tut tut
just swing player


2021-08-11 14:59 | Report Abuse

done paktua sold back big some at 3.76,3.77
bring back the capital..
and lock some profit..

its only tactical step..
for more ability to fight later..
left balance share at avrge rm3.49++

tut tut
just swing trader


2021-08-05 08:39 | Report Abuse mybe green abit..
due politik bring some time until sept..
so let see how TG move today..

tut tut
makan nasi lemak msk


2021-08-04 14:12 | Report Abuse

betul2 ular..
band TSMY tu is menteri fasola,
band PH,Anuar mp pasir 2 butir
band zahid mp penyamun tarbus

battle of the band 2021 ni agak sengit
walaupun hnya ada 3 band jer bersaing

UlarSawa@YAB Datuk Seri Paktua TSMY ada 1 bulan lagi cari supporters. Ini macam only TSMY jadi PM lagi lah. Kuat ni TSMY. Tun pun kalah lah. Correct?
04/08/2021 12:55 PM

tut tut
zemin n TM belum make move lagi


2021-08-04 12:42 | Report Abuse

PM maklum masih utuh menjadi ketua kerajaan..
parlimen dibuka semula pada sept dpn..
so Muhyiddin still kebal kalahkan semua
ok dah settle hal politik sampai sept..
lai lai market jalan laa sikit..
xkiralaa naik kaa or down kaa janji jalan..
boring ni..boring..

tut tut
ihik ihik


2021-08-04 12:30 | Report Abuse

pengumuman Pm..
kemunkinan perletakan jawatan..
ptg Ismail sobri umum pangku jawatan..

market semput-semput..
nak red kaa..nak green ka..
pun pening..
ihik ihik

tut tut
pelabur tersangkut-sangkut dibuatnya


2021-08-04 11:23 | Report Abuse

biasalaa politic same as game trade shortie vs traders

tut tut
hrp dpt selit jdi mentri Jaga Kewangan Rakyat(jkr)
ihik ihik


2021-08-04 11:19 | Report Abuse

now Pm di istana negara mengadap Agong..
jangka pengumuman akn dibuat oleh TPM (ds Ismail Sobri) petang ini..
now just wait pengumuman Tun Mahathir n syafie apdal..
jangka akn dibuat ptg ini juga..

tut tut
jika benar berlaku..melepas laa anuar lagi..


2021-08-04 11:09 | Report Abuse

paktua love play play on red wave..

today PM Muhyiddin will resigned as PM malaysia..
its will pass baton to TPM DS Ismail Sobri will be new PM malaysia..

now most hot will be T.Mahathir n syafie apdal
got rumours they will uturn
n support DS Ismail Sobri..(still rumours only)..

matket will be abit red this week..

tut tut
love play politic chest..
ihik ihik


2021-08-04 09:25 | Report Abuse

today always new fight..

politic always dirty..
all greed want take granted from mass vaccination..
bcoz from next two month we will see massive down case covid..

TG paktua set 1 month to back rm4.10..
and last reload will be at 3.18(if not reach its ok)
released will above rm4.10..
ihik ihik..

tut tut
bz play chest on umno n PN


2021-08-03 14:43 | Report Abuse

hahaha..corret will reach back rm4(hopely laa)

UlarSawa@Tahniah YAB Datuk Seri Paktua dah masuk balik at 3.77. Now half day bursa dah tutup kedai at rm4.00. Nampak YAB pun tau arini belasan sen sudah hit kah. Correct?

paktua73 paktua success get at 3.77 for 1st reload..
love be back in TG ship..
if down we reload..if up we relax..

tut tut
wait next phase..
03/08/2021 12:19 PM
03/08/2021 12:33 PM

tut tut
hope can back above rm4.10


2021-08-03 12:19 | Report Abuse

paktua success get at 3.77 for 1st reload..
love be back in TG ship..
if down we reload..if up we relax..

tut tut
wait next phase..


2021-08-03 11:13 | Report Abuse

morning..wah lama paktua cuti hehe..
now back q reload at 3.77,3.70
hope can hit by today..

tut tut
harga amat mengancam


2021-07-29 13:00 | Report Abuse

ada big shocked will happened kat parlimen petang ni..
ia akn bri red wave pada klse..
nantikan pengumunan PM nanti..
umno kn kuar dri pn..

tut tut
letih laa nk mkn roti cap derhaka


2021-07-23 10:02 | Report Abuse

taniah TG holders..
now TG reach rm4.20 hope next week can hit back 4.30..

tut tut
tumpang gembira utk rakan2 still hold


2021-07-21 21:20 | Report Abuse

no laa ular YB Fakrul kena saman sebab bertemu management TG kira meeting masa cmo laa.
time tu meeting dilarang..
time meeting tu pada 13/7 tadi..
walhal YB Fakrul dalam duty as wakil rakyat..
YB dibenarkan bertemu n selesaikan urusan di kawasan sendiri..
yg dibenarkan oleh pihak polis..
tapi kena saman pulak sb buat meeting time mco..

tut tut
yg heran kenapa pihak management TG tak kena saman?
camner tu??
kira doublestandard juga woo
ihik ihik


2021-07-21 18:03 | Report Abuse

paktua just want revealed here..
top glove management in meru..
ada menjemput yb meru bertemu..
bagi berbincang hal berkaitan warga pekerja TG n hal2 lain berkaitan masyarakat meru..
taniah TG management..
this big step for more good move to clean bad Image TG..

tut tut
sedihnya yb Fakrul di siasat polis sb kononya langar sop berjumpa pihak TG..
ingat buat benda baik pun di fitnah..
yb pun kena walhal tunai duty as wakil rakyat di kawasan sendiri..


2021-07-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

great TG reach highers for now rm4.18
semoga akan TG terus mendaki hingga rm4.70
agar ramai dapat kembali modal n keuntungan..

tut tut
bz draf perli perli n maki maki utk melalak di dewna rakyat


2021-07-21 12:49 | Report Abuse

haha betul tu ular..
tapi game dalam politic lain yer..xsama macam perang or gaduh gaduh dlm socmedia..
now we war with team A..
next we be together back as one big army..
now ramai geram sebab team A dok lobi bersama pkr n dap..
sebab dah 2x berjumoa lge n anuar..
depa dok plan akan umum selepas confrim pru15..
tu ramai umno lord naik hot

politic like..
"give good smile in the morning..
bring the sword the head on afternoon.."
politic world..more devil then socmedia war

tut tut
we play game chest always in politic arena
orang awam xkan memahami..


2021-07-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

haha @kami82..
paktua will play in serbadk after success out from mrdiy..
now paktua stuck there at level 3.49++
need some time bring back the ammo before play on ultra risk battlefield like serbadk..

mybe after sept laa..
still stuck at jaks at level 0.65++
also in yong tai at levek 0.26++
waaa waa..

tut tut
tinggal sikit capital but thats only for simple swing laa..


2021-07-21 12:26 | Report Abuse

haha paktua with yb padang rengas only..
we not with yb bagan datoh..
we push him step down..
zahid n najib just bring bad Image to umno..

tut tut
so now with team B in umno laa


2021-07-21 12:20 | Report Abuse

airo1157..say easy any can say conman..
but let be gentlemen laa..
don't just brave under keyboard warrior only..
so how..
paktua dare reveal to you..
all paktua doing swing trading..
if all get pprove..
paktua will do simple thing..
with you..
need to know let we deal to meet..
paktua ask you from last year ready..

tut tut
easy n simple..


2021-07-21 12:15 | Report Abuse

haha..its simple air01557..
if you have prove paktua sell on hlt(on last year jun n jully 2020)..
let we we set after cmo release to fasa 3 we meet..
you set any place..
paktua n team general dare to come..
bcoz of trading is p&c..
we can show face to face personally..
to reveal your claim is true...
paktua want to see also who real who you are..

tut tut
easy n simple


2021-07-21 10:56 | Report Abuse

haha betul ular..sebab tu paktua say not 100%
ada yg do work like yb muar,tan sri anuar musa,yb lembah pantai,yb seputeh, n ada beberapa lg yb do good work..

tut tut
paktua gang yb padang rengas we is real yb lord
thee thee


2021-07-21 10:33 | Report Abuse

haha ular..dewan rakyat malaysia never do 100%
what need to do..
tak kiralaa opposition/ umno or pn..
semua political interest only..
rakyat never know who really do action
100% for rakyat..

tut tut
reality is bila ada parliament open ad elaun for yb maa..
all sembang only..


2021-07-21 10:26 | Report Abuse

haha ular..paktua always supporter TG maa
not against TG one..
even out still back up TG but with own way laa..
paktua just speak to tan seli not means against TG one..
bcoz thats real issue will give big impact on TG reputation..
the best is paktua hear rumour thats tan seli will do CSR soon this will give good wave to TG..

tut tut
always do with own way


2021-07-21 10:22 | Report Abuse

paktua dah start bz sb dewan rakyat nak start open next week..
so no more chit chat lama lama laa

tut tut
mana2 yg sent personal chat sorry yer paktua mybe not active abit while..


2021-07-21 10:20 | Report Abuse

haha ular thas fella virtual trader sejak awal bulan julai 2020 dah melalak..
paktua ajak bertemu senyap xberani

tut tut
cuba cabar dia jumpa bukti dia play trade..
dia wayang jer..
paktua relax jer sebab dah taw sapa dia..
buat buang masa je.


2021-07-21 09:41 | Report Abuse

paktua pray TG can reach 4.15 n stand above 4.15 this week..
even paktua not hold any share TG..
but have many paktua buddy hold above 4.50..
hope TG will climb back above 4.70 by sept..

tut tut
wish TG will climb more then 0.18 this week..


2021-07-19 08:24 | Report Abuse

morning..hari ni just new day n last day..
bcoz tomorrow is

so red sea wave will stand?
glove still got big issue..
if thats not settle even got hige demand..
bad sentiment will hit glove world..
media barat akan terus play the sentiment..
now all king glove kena kesan..
selagi all king glove still ignore
show off donation strategy..
don't want imposes them self to public as warga perihatin..
glove market will hit hard on red sea..
this issues also hot on Thailand,vietnam,usa,eu..
open our eyes see whole issues why glove still downtrend...

tut tut
paktua jadi conman here


2021-07-18 17:49 | Report Abuse

but..paktua langsi juga..
kasi hot kat TG forum

tut tut
minta maap yer tan seli..
kina mention politic show off ni..
sibab parliament sulah maw open..
later bz no time nak langsi langsi
ihik ihik


2021-07-18 17:47 | Report Abuse

haha tan seli alaa Hongkong if nit wrong laa..
hehe mco talak bole nak berarak depan ofis tan seli hehe..
nanti kecoh YB umno kasi panas depan pejabat TG

tut tut
hehe lia sctry talak cun talak maw call laa
kasi direct call sinang paktua alaa personal no tan seli woo..
just mybe tan seli a bit bz time paktua contact..
kina think positive laa


2021-07-18 17:18 | Report Abuse

betul2 ular..tu yang paktua maksudkan..
shiw off kasi masuk hali hali pun tak apa dalam news..
kasi sana mof talak guna rakyat n westerns media don't know what tan seli deliver..
kasi direct donation macam taiko glove thailand..
ni politic kina play shiw off juga..

tut tut
kasi sendili biar ala new TG owner give bantuan kewangan too persatuan bla bla


2021-07-18 17:13 | Report Abuse

haha ular paktua call pun lia no layan maa..
tu sibab paktua melalak kat sini..
even ada YB call tan seli pun cannot get in line..
iyoo mana YB tak hot???
lia jangan langsi laa..
maw tanya kasi donations bukan maw minta rasuah..

tut tut
ihik ihik


2021-07-18 17:08 | Report Abuse

betul ular..
but kat thailand n Vietnam dah hot issue glove juga woo..
now eu n usa tengah monitor..
tu sebab ove price down kaw kaw..
issue labor n local sensitive ni also hit kat thailand n vietnam..
demand glove dah mula beralih pada demand from local owner (thailand also have own taiko king glove)
china use vietnam friendly barat to deliver g china glove to eu..
TG ada black record ban issues evwn open di viwtnam n thailand tetap give bad impact in usa n eu market..
tu sebab price still red..

tut tut
maw tak maw tan seli kina buat show off donation..
kasi baik mata sana western eyes..


2021-07-18 16:59 | Report Abuse

now king glove know..
majority rakyat sulah hot ini glove factory..
mco talak tutup..sedangkan lain kina tutup..
king glove still masuk billion2..
lain niaga tutup talak masuk apa pun..

bila gang ph open issue force tax too king glove..
memang rakyat setuju laa..
dah laa hentam billion untung..
kasi foreign labor kerja..
yang local kasi sekat xder income..
mana rakyat tak hot..
kata glove kasi income sama gomen..
rakyat ada kisah??
sebab rakyat xdapat!!
jika king glove kasi direct to local donation..
cintoh kasi bakul makana area factory masyarakat setempat..
kasi bantuan kewangan pada persatuan. penjaja kecil di kawasan yg glove ada kepentingan..
kasi bantuan rm5 juta pada persatuan peniaga iks..
kasi bantuan rm3 juta pada persatuan penduduk yg terkesan dgn Pekerja glove(sebab hostel n pekerja glove berada di kawasn penduduk situ)
kasi bantuan perlu pada YB di kawasan yg kilang glove ada..
bila ini dibuat..
ph gang and amarika akan open eyes..
senang gomen kasi cucuk left amarica ban..

tut tut
ni maksud show off distributed..
king glove jangan shiw off play golf with tayyap,
shiw off dinner di Hongkong..
show off buy kondo di usa..