
paktua73 | Joined since 2017-05-17

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

full time swing player,short term trading with long experience on trade, use own rally pattern calculation, lead large own members legions. let be part paktua legions add at tele @swingdarkred73.





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2021-06-16 22:44 | Report Abuse

haha..paktua ok..same to you Bella..

haha who say paktua in high floor..
be it..
paktua now just hold at fair level..
averag at 0.64++
(last buying at 0.68..bcoz buying in T2 period paktua have advance T2 everge down level..)
so how got in high level

tut tut
not new player..


2021-06-16 22:30 | Report Abuse

paktua love share good vibration..
let we back this poems..
let we bring more heat in SD forum

dear SD warriors..
you got what do want every time..
no hard work..
no challenge..
no hard work required..

some of you saying..
that would be great..
thats will make you WEAK..
you never gone through anything..
thats strengthen's you

do you weak? so easy influence by others?

tur tut
never care else..also not weak fighter
here will stand long until sept..


2021-06-16 22:20 | Report Abuse

paktua love sing a poem..
even all say boring..
let hear more n more..
untill SD forum heat hard...

dear SD holders..
experiences tell us
If you scare to fail..
you are difficult to succeed..
if you scare to lose money..
you are difficult to make money..

dear SD holders..
if you wait for batman..
joker will spin you over..

dear SD holders..
let be an Eagle..ignore the crow..
let hear this..

jika takut pada cemuhan usah berani berkarya..
jika takut pada bayang-bayang...
usah berdiri di bawah cahaya..

jika gerun pada gelora..
usah bermimipi menjadi nelayan..
jika mengigil jejari ingin "cutlost"..
usah berangan raih keuntungan..

dear SD holders..
be an eagle..ignored the crow..
fly higher n higher....

never fear any..
always dare to fight if you believe..

tut tut
let be an Eagle fly untill naysayer give up..


2021-06-16 21:58 | Report Abuse

this night SD forum is paktua forum..
let we bring chaos n heat..
let hear more melalak poems..
let hear this pula..

paktua does not sing..
because it has an answer..
it sings..because it has a song..

paktua listen to the wind ..
because its talk..
paktua listen to the silence.
.because its speaks..
paktua listen to own heart..
because its knows..

dear troopers..
if you want go fast go alone..
if you want go far go together..

when spider web unite..
their can tie up a lion.
when a piranha filled in the river.
a shark also shy and swim backstroke..
you need be calm if want to fight with tiger..

even though..
you know thousand things..
ask the man..who knows one..

its not enough..
to learn how to ride..
you must also learn..
how to fall..and stand up rise..
fall hundreds times..stand up thousands..

when you reigns a believe..
the impossible maybe attained..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view.

tut tut
who always think to soon..
is always come to late.


2021-06-16 21:45 | Report Abuse

paktua gilaa melalak
sedang orang dah muak..
let hear more..

hear this if you feel loser..
if you was beat hard until down..
remember to fight back..
don't never ever give up even once..

hear this if you feel loser..
fight back..fight more n more..
even left only you...even just left you stand alive
only the stronger will earn the thrive..
you're the CHAMPION..
why down before fight..??

never give up even once..
even you was bean defeated..
not means you are loser for ever..

same on SD..
if we give up on him..
he will never look back on you..

SD will walk strong back soon

tut tut
paktua dare fight to a CHAMPION.


2021-06-16 21:23 | Report Abuse

paktua back melalak..
in mco night..
let we hot sd forum..
let hear this

I am never gonna leave..
what I deem my dream..
no matter what I might bear.

I know who I wanna be.
got the courage and belief..
like a knight on a white mare..

voices telling me..
that i need to run..
but I scream..

I've been living in a dream..
fighting to defeat..
all demon in nightmare..

I will never fear pain..
I will never fear to fail..
i will never fear chance

cause i know i won't change
both when sky fall..
and on sunniest of days..

I know my self..
I know my worth..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view.

tut tut
will fight till last blood.


2021-06-16 20:42 | Report Abuse

paktua love SD battles game..
paktua set wilk fight hard here...
paktua is swing traders not an investor..

paktua ride when got all analysis we got..
know in trade world no Mercy was provided..

loses is best friend..
if we ignored we will eat by them..

to win we need real warriors heart..
if coward no mountain you can climb..

no matter how expert you're..
no matter how master you're..
if greed/feae or ego be leader..
you will defeated..

let hear this..

how to know how good you're..
if coward still be you leader?
how come to be success but afraid to lose..

was decided to buy SD even all run..
stand aimed rm1.10 on sept 21..

tut tut
dare to fight or die try!!!


2021-06-16 20:39 | Report Abuse

bcoz got to many time free..
until don't know time to sleep..
paktua decide to put all melalak theme here..
will have most of paktua view from now..

tut tut
sapa suruh pkp extent..


2021-06-16 20:33 | Report Abuse

paktua kan suka high high one..

xper now paktua got advantage T-2 everage buy level..
even was buying at 0.68 last reload
and got everage 0.64++
so consider in good position..
now paktua wait 0.58-0.54 fortress..
trade we cannot predict rally up or more down..
so if diwn already know what level to in..
if up already have share on hand

**not buy or sell or recommended pick stock just share own move.

tut tut
most gila swing general


2021-06-16 20:00 | Report Abuse

paktua revealed some..

bcoz mco extend 14 day more..
alot time free..
paktua love to fire more adrenaline..
more excited woo..

now paktua love to play part here
for next 14 trading day..
after learn at mmag,pdz komark n notion..
how trap was been setup..
learn from vivo n dataprp
how pattern reverse rally back..
with own judgement n own analysis..
paktua ready to involved on this battlefield..

so to be fair..
paktua write own move later..

paktua was reload
1-1st at 0.68(buy on T2 period got advantage buy level to 0.64++)
2-2nd reload consider from 0.58-0.54
3-final reload will at 0.46-0.48..

with target average level to 0.50++
with goal total 1.5m share in hand..

own target to released at 1.10 on sept..

this just personal Fight..
not recommend anyone to follow.

**not a buy or sell call or recommended pick stock justshare own fight only..

tut tut
paktua love be hater n fight on crazy wave


2021-06-16 19:36 | Report Abuse

wah until now forum still hot kaa??

tut tut


2021-06-16 17:04 | Report Abuse

yoda karim speak too his jedi knights..

thanks to all small rebellions..
we manage defend 0.645 fortress today.
as we know..with limited ammo..
also we need to fight our yoda in sd need more time..
mean time need sustained price..
tomorrow we know
its time to hold back hope not crash below 0.60..
remember our defend is 0.58 fortress..

tut tut
obi wan master


2021-06-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

don't compare with stock link china investment..
(kanger,csl,xinquan n msport) all know ready why thia up with know reason..

transmile also. london biscuits not same with sd..
all this was repeatedly spin on all red wave stock haha..
but its ok to make all take Alert step..
but not with all link china investment their well known crook long time after crash msport

tut tut
just own sharing


2021-06-16 15:37 | Report Abuse

paktua not argue with anyone here..
just shate own view..
to who been trader or investor.
look back on own life way..
how many you influence by other
then you make wrong decision?

paktua not ask anyone to follow
paktua hold sd.
paktua optimis and do won judgement..
with own Analise n experience..

so if you feel not right
let it go..
if you Analise and willing absorb the risk
it easy..

remember serbadk will rise with or with out us.
there fight until die bcoz this is their ship.

and paktua willing put trust to serbadk team and sail with their ship..

tut tut
just iwn sharing


2021-06-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

paktua love bring back old memories..
to who know myeg n dsonic..
who remember..after pru14
this two hit badly..
but now this two still standing..

paktua not good example to follow..
was thru many wave...
many situation..
reputation and integrity crumbled..
never ever care dare to stand fight and fight..
paktua know hard to against time..
to solved all with tiny dateline..
but know if we fight with frankly n honest
success always in our side.

when paktua see..
sd doing acted so sharply quick..
then paktua know..
their in right track..
result will reveal on 3 month from now..

tut tut
just own sharing..


2021-06-16 15:18 | Report Abuse

paktua love entertain here..
to who new in serbdk world n his brutal wave please scroll from 2018-till 2019 see
all there..
when dark time hit SD..
see how many was yelling will crash
until 0.30 laa
until 0.10 laa

but then
all gone when sd solve all..
now paktua still love be here..
hope can grab more lower
before all cloud settle..
game only two week..
if compare to sapura,knm,tm,drb..
on two week their down more badly..
but sd now can manage not crash below 0.50.
stand fight above 0.60 by now..

tut tut
love fight when all fear


2021-06-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

haha paktua bet at 0.645..
the lower by today..
not lower then that..

tut tut
and stand reload on below then that.


2021-06-16 14:50 | Report Abuse

when 1st sd crash paktua got lucky
fight until 0.78 that time..
but too influence by all rumours hit all around..
when rise back rm0.95-0.98
paktua sold...
but price rise more highers just couples days back hit 1.50
then coming month hit rm2.50 till rm4.

then come again 2nd chance..
paktua nit lucky buy below 1.00
just hit at evrgre rm1.03..
then decided hold no matter what..
then hit also back above 1.70.

now are Paktua need to hear all rumour again?
without knowing progress on sd side was excellent?

tentulah tidak!!!
Paktua dare to hold from now..

tut tut
let see by next 3 month
will be back above rm1.00


2021-06-16 14:33 | Report Abuse

paktua suka SD sebab..
1-masa qatar kena boikot jatuh sampai below 0.70 juga..
then success make comeback..

2-crash again but only below 0.90
then success make comeback also..

all this scenario got bad comment from every where..
now paktua optimis
SD team act quick..
hire ey,hire 3 new jedi..
n progress on the way..
share start strong not falling hard anymore..

paktua give 3 month
n stand with this period
with SD warriors..
and will believe SD will..
make come back above rm1.

tut tut
this real from paktua n will stand hold share until next 3 month from now.


2021-06-16 12:40 | Report Abuse

morning season..
yoda rebellions success..
defend 0.67 fortress..
even their know..
their no longer strong..
their willing to die defend it..
mean while..
on evening season..
hope strong counterattack
by white force legions will success..
to bring back 0.70 fortress..
to be main base for jedi knights troops..

**not buy or selk call just entertaining view.

tut tut
see later on evening season..


2021-06-16 12:13 | Report Abuse

opps sorry need out from here after long stand hold..
done out at 0.50..

tut tut
done huge throw at 0.50
bye bye


2021-06-16 12:08 | Report Abuse

jedi night now..
well prepared for long war..
its will be 3 month battles ground..
all rebellions stand at fortress 0.645..
backup rebellions..
stand at 0.58 fortress.
if 0.645 fortress collapse...

now let we go to war..
fight will begin soon..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view.

tut tut
let battles begin.


2021-06-16 11:51 | Report Abuse

at last pass 0.50..
now capai paktua target from mar till jun baru hit..
now let see can hit last time higher rm0.56
can hit or not..

tut tut
will consider sell on evening


2021-06-16 11:43 | Report Abuse

Yoda karim..
set new battles ground at 0.645 fortress..
after see massive dark force fleet ship..
with obi wan n his jedi knights..
their set all rebellions to stand
in final fortress 0.645 today..
do or die
if die let die hard..
with stand let stand as jedi knights..

let we stand together..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view.

tut tut
battles will begin..


2021-06-16 11:27 | Report Abuse

now yoda karim n his master jedi..
plan new big attack to destroy dark force..

with new EY battles ship..
otw to big battles point..

will reveal the white energy..
and clear the dark evil kmpg..

then..on far far away on small planet..
yoda karim give spirit speak..

let prepared long battles..
will be 3 month brutal battles ground..
this is our fight.
we dare to die to bring back our
dignity..honor..and reputation
republic serbadk.
to all rebellions..
in all universe regions..

now let we stand fight until
glory day arrived.."

jedi n warriors..
let we bring the Spirit..
let hear this.

your are the true rebellions
in serbadk legions..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view.

tut tut
yoda karim bring warriors spirit.


2021-06-16 11:09 | Report Abuse

Yoda karim know..
luke awang walker is traitor..
bring Republic collapse..

now with young jedi
yoda karim organized all small rebellions..
be come one big rebellions legion..

now his give full trust to 3 young jedi
to bring back white energy..
to destroyed dark force kmpg..

too young jedi this for you..
let hear this..

let bring back the glory..
bring back white energy..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view.

tut tut
jedi your fight..


2021-06-16 10:57 | Report Abuse

haha no problem bojed..
kita wait mco release..
bole lepak2 at pelita jalan ampang

tut tut
mco real darkvader


2021-06-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

haha morning bojed..
saja jer entertain member here..
mco boring so melalak here

no problem..
paktua love play red sea
win or lose is common in swing trade
no pain no gain..

tut tut
love old buddy


2021-06-16 10:47 | Report Abuse

jom kita do exercise..
let melalak abit..

today yoda karim n his rebellions alliance
success counter back all fortress..
was capture by darkvader legions..

with all rebellions unite..
be the one strong legions..
with ammo n equipment their have..

their Will stand defend until..
comeback 3 master yoda with mega troops..
devil dark side kpmg will destroy soon..

when master yoda success..
find a secret white energy..

too all rebellions let hear this..

you're the warriors..
stand fight when many fear too..

**not buy or sell call just entertaining view only.

tut tut
bring the fight on.


2021-06-16 10:19 | Report Abuse

paktua glad hold sd share.
not willing to sold..
until reach back 0.80..
prepared to reload more if hit below 0.60..
today standby some ammo at 0.63-0.6..
if darkvader legions do major attack by evening.

++not buy or sell call just share own move only

tut tut
feel like today abit hard to below 0.64..
feeling feeling only laa


2021-06-16 10:14 | Report Abuse

morning @pendekarbujang..
sorry morning abit bz..

tut tut
love all his old comrades


2021-06-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

yes macam paktua katakan..
pagi season akan cecah 0.65 (walau pun belum cecah)
kita lihat adakah 0.640.65 utk jajaran pagi?

**not buy or sell call just chit chat only.

tut tut
baca bole percaya jangan.


2021-06-15 19:01 | Report Abuse

oklaa rr88 hope good joke on other forum yer..
don't delete view again if say buy yer

tut tut
love joke with good friend


2021-06-15 18:48 | Report Abuse

hahaha..rr88 hang ada kaa kapal layar..
kaa laa guna sampan berlayar tepi sungai..
eh lupa..
terdelete view say buy at 0.705 no early morning today yer..
ihik ihik

tut tut


2021-06-15 18:40 | Report Abuse

hehe serba will not up in a million years..
will be up in amillions seconds from now h

tut tut


2021-06-15 18:19 | Report Abuse

iyaa kenichi is young widow laa..
so good got muach from janda muda maa..

:-)@Don’t show gay traits here.

Posted by KenichiLee > Jun 15, 2021 6:04 PM | Report Abuse

muacks paktua. Love you 3000

From your followers of pdz
15/06/2021 6:10 PM

tut tut
not a duda but suami berbini tiga


2021-06-15 18:16 | Report Abuse

true rr88..
why hang delete buy 0.705 on early morning????
rr88@So apa macam sudah kena?
The first 5 mins pagi tadi aku kata jgn masuk, degil, keras kepala. Skrg sudah kena. Lagi tunggu lagi senget babe.

Aku tengok riak di air aku dah tau jantan betina. The first 5 mins, operator keno bom. Dia cuba lawan tapi itu big seller kasi baik punya bom bom bom.

Ptg dia tangkap harga rendah n dia henjut sikit kasi jual sama lu org masuk perangkap dia. Itu saja. This is money game only.
15/06/2021 6:10 PM

from tomorrow as father to son of liar aka rr88..
paktua will copy n save all rr88 view buy..
bukan apa takut ada hantua terdelete

tut tut
just bring a joke to entertain you all only..


2021-06-15 18:12 | Report Abuse

hye @KenichiLee..
shhh keep silent...
paktua lost big sana woo..
later kena bashh

tut tut
never fear admit if loses


2021-06-15 18:09 | Report Abuse

bcoz rr88 is son of king liar..
paktua not scared laa..
later son or king liar bagi cop duit pisang..

rr88 esok hang nak jampi harga berapa?
jgn lambat sangat..excited laa
rr88@Paktua kocek kosong dah k.o. dtg lepas gian ka? Kelentong dlm gian? Hutang duit anak bayak rugi saham dah bayak balik ka blom? Kalu tak reti tikam jgn tikam menatang ni.
15/06/2021 6:02 PM

nice see many many joker here..
to entertaining all sd holding who stand hold until now..

tut tut
king pembohong always paktua..


2021-06-15 17:49 | Report Abuse

base on paktua king bomoh most liar one..
tomorrow SD will retrace more..
will be down til 0.61..
for early morning mybe will stand around 0.64-0.665

**not buy or sell call just chit chat only..

tut tut
baca bole percaya jangan.


2021-06-15 17:47 | Report Abuse

haha welcomed @UPlanet..
queen dompeilee coward..
not dare except paktua challenge

tut tut
real king pembohong is paktua never doubt it..
but..not fear to reveal the truth..


2021-06-15 17:13 | Report Abuse

opps old man wrong word..

yaaka.. queen liar dompeilee?
or just wayang only..

paktua also can say buy 0.58 and sell 0.73
comeon laa
lie buy lie sold kaa?

tut tut
always king liar..but real play on real time....


2021-06-15 17:09 | Report Abuse

yaakas queen liar dompeilee?
or just wsysng only..

paktua also can say buy 0.58 and sell 0.73
comeon laa
lie buy lie sold kaa?

tut tut
amways king liar but real play on real time....


2021-06-15 16:26 | Report Abuse

war still continue..
darkvader strong move a head..
one by one fortress their captured..
rebellions still fight with last blood..
stand on final fortress 0.685..
with limited ammo n army..
stand strong with yoda karim..
more warriors down n defeated..
not their never fear..
to stand fight for final battles..
let hear more song..

come resistance fight

tut tut
bloody battles still continue..


2021-06-15 16:11 | Report Abuse

war still continue..

darkvader counterattack back..
and capture back 0.70 fortress..
all rebellions step back stand at 0.695 fortress..
with brave leader yoda karim..
their stand fight with no fear..
Yoda karim yelling..
too all brothers..
rise our hand too the air..
stand fight.we're warriors of the world..

let hear our rebellions song..

come brothers let stand fight..
Don't let final fortress 0.685 destroy..

tut tut
juru bahasa only


2021-06-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

with back up from all small rebellion's..
lead by yoda karim..
their success take back 0.70 fortress..
now more n more small rebellions come..
their just pay back ..
to yoda karim..
when ship sail strong in arab sea previously..
to all rebellions who stand fight with yoda karim..
let hear this song..
cry thunder..

let we stand fight more..

tut tut


2021-06-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

war still continue..
rebellions more coming
and stand fight to defend 0.695 wall..
from no where..
all small rebellions stand..
with yoda karim n his legion..
their know even not have huge ammo
stand unite ro become big rebellions..
their can to stand defend abit longer..
let we give them one song..
let hear this

let stand together..
more we unite more chance we win.

tut tut


2021-06-15 15:33 | Report Abuse

battles still continue..

dark vader legions too powerful..
their throw more
yoda legion cannot defend kubu 0.70..
with limited ammo their ask small rebellions
stand at 0.69..
hope their can make it before huge back up
from arab legions come rescue..
ihik ihik

tut tut
star war fan


2021-06-15 15:21 | Report Abuse

haha this ship not titanic..
but this is titan ship very smart one..
captain karim success port at short gulf
cannot sink even have big hole already..
ship still standing n repairing more likely happen..

**not buy or sell call just chit chat only.

tut tut
still standing above 0.69?
after 4.55pm will reveal


2021-06-15 15:13 | Report Abuse

galaxy war..
darkvader legions.(epf,big inst fund)
Yoda legions (karim n awang gang)

part 5
yoda legions try attack push up at0.75
dark army fire with huge bullets at 0.71-0.705
yoda still try to eat all
be continue..

tut tut
ihik ihik