Blog Posts
2021-09-03 16:20 | Report Abuse
by putting and pulling big Q, make retailers scare......kikikikikih
2021-09-03 16:18 | Report Abuse
people collecting.....dont get trap with the way they played.....sharks tried to fool ikan bilis to dump cheap to them......kikikikikih
2021-09-02 16:36 | Report Abuse
adoi pharma......suppose to heal people but now killing retailers......adoi...adoi
2021-09-02 15:28 | Report Abuse
2021-09-02 14:54 | Report Abuse
kasi goncang pokok....banyak ke buah yg jatuh.....kikikikikih
2021-09-02 13:10 | Report Abuse
baru bawa kluar pharma under my grandmother bed.....thought could sell bcos this morning seems so fast and furious......but aiyya....pancut more energy...kasi simpan balik.......kena scold by my grandmother,kacau dia tidur......kikikikih
2021-09-02 10:11 | Report Abuse
apa tunggu.....buyyyyyy.....kikikikih....jngan sampai ketinggalan keretapi.....
2021-08-30 10:12 | Report Abuse
i give my pharma to my grandmother to keep under her bed.....kikikikih
2021-08-30 10:11 | Report Abuse
better to layan tom and jerry rather than pharma..kikikikikih...need longer time to move foward due to so many shares in hands of retailers......retailers keep dumping after frustated with progress at moment.....kikikikih
2021-08-30 10:08 | Report Abuse
how's tom and jerry today.......kikikikikih
2021-08-27 09:17 | Report Abuse
tom and jerry.....when they tired....they hv milk together.......kikikikikikih
2021-08-26 09:46 | Report Abuse
bizfuneng.....i just repost from previous
when?? to wait for announcement
2021-08-26 09:28 | Report Abuse
adoi la pharma.....airasia yg rugi sebab covid pun boleh naik......pharma not affected by covid but got advantage but.....adoiii..........kikikikikih
2021-08-25 10:26 | Report Abuse
buy...b4 suma kena one willing to sell anymore......20 sen dividen coming ......kikikikikih
2021-08-25 09:33 | Report Abuse
until forget to move fwd......kikikikiih
2021-08-25 09:32 | Report Abuse
banyak main telor.......kikikikikih
2021-08-25 09:25 | Report Abuse
2021-08-23 09:23 | Report Abuse
good dividen.....expected another good dividen next managers will collect.....kikikikikih
2021-08-23 09:15 | Report Abuse
adoi....sapa suruh jual....its going uppp lar...rugi sapa jual......kikikikikikih
2021-08-21 22:15 | Report Abuse
monday will go upppp........kikikikikiih
2021-08-21 09:36 | Report Abuse
just be patient... wait next qtr....kikikikikih
2021-08-21 09:34 | Report Abuse
Higher trade receivables as of 30 June 2021 were mainly due to sales of COVID-19 vaccines to the Government, which collections received in July
2021 of approximately RM320 million. In addition, higher receivables were also due to advance payment made to the supplier on purchase of COVID19 vaccines of close to RM120 million and sales of leukaemia drugs to the Government around RM90 million.
Higher inventories as of 30 June 2021 was mainly due to higher inventories for COVID-19 vaccines towards the end of the month of June 2021, circa
RM450 million
Higher payables as of 30 June 2021 was mainly due to advance payment made by customers on sales of COVID-19 vaccines and purchase of drugs for
leukaemia patients of almost RM300 million and RM90 million, respectively.
Higher borrowings as of 30 June 2021 was primarily due to purchase of COVID-19 vaccines. There is a timing difference in terms of collection from
customers which resulted in higher gearing ratio of 3.1. The gearing ratio will improve to 1.8 upon receipt of payment from the customer.
For the period under review, the deficit in operating cash flows were mainly due to purchase of COVID-19 vaccines. There is a timing difference in
terms of collection from customers. The situation is expected to regularise in quarter 3 2021.
so this the answers why qtr result 'seen' not so good.......
2021-08-20 10:47 | Report Abuse
buyyyyyyy.......will push up later.......kikikikikikih
2021-08-18 13:27 | Report Abuse
covid new variant found in parlimen.......gila kuasa mau jadi PM but no capability....kikikikih
2021-08-18 13:19 | Report Abuse
market augur well Anwar ibrahim as shown yesterday.....when umno u turn and select mail sabri ....PN 2.0 going to be new can see market today.......loosai...another failed gomen 2.0 in making.....
2021-08-18 13:17 | Report Abuse
kasi tutup parlimen......kikikikikiih......bersidang bawah jambatan......
2021-08-17 16:37 | Report Abuse
market cheering downfall of kerajaan gagal......
2021-08-16 09:13 | Report Abuse
cheap sale....buying opportunity.....kikikikikikih.....later go upppp.......kikikikiih
2021-08-13 09:43 | Report Abuse
when the qtr result out??? today evening???
2021-08-12 16:33 | Report Abuse
nampak gaya will maintain keras sampai result keluar.....kikikikih
2021-08-12 16:33 | Report Abuse
hihihihi.....this few days....pharma maintain keras dari pagi sampai petang.....
2021-08-11 16:05 | Report Abuse
what a luck of pharma....every time to go up...there is always bad news in our politic.....erhmmms
2021-08-11 15:23 | Report Abuse
turn red......bcos of politians.......erhmmms...
2021-08-06 15:51 | Report Abuse
ayoyo pharma...hari2.......pagi pagi sudah pancut....petang terus tidoq......kikikikih
2021-08-05 15:54 | Report Abuse
after promosi.....pharma going hot.....cepat2...mau jalan naik.....kikikikiih
2021-08-05 11:27 | Report Abuse
promosi musim pkp.......kikikikikih
2021-08-05 11:27 | Report Abuse
sapa beli pharma....dapat satu kotak viagra......kikiikikih
2021-08-02 11:31 | Report Abuse
selagi pm gagal do not resign......klse wont go anyway and keep sliding.......
2021-07-29 15:52 | Report Abuse
all asia market green........except msia.......lost confidence gov......nobody dare to come to invest......................
2021-07-29 15:50 | Report Abuse
ayoyo.....agong sudah marah sama kerajaan gagal/penipu........kikikikikih
2021-07-29 10:57 | Report Abuse
pharma sudah buat u turn.......buyyyyyyyyy.........kikikikikih
2021-09-06 10:47 | Report Abuse
trevor777....why your dnex qr so late.......