
karadis | Joined since 2021-02-20

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2021-05-19 11:08 | Report Abuse

In addition, it is certain that your financial knowledge is poor. Kid, study hard! Don't mess around every day.

(iii) listing and quotation of up to 195,190,470 new Prolexus Shares to be issued arising from the exercise of the "Warrants B".

Then, who is "Warrants A", and what will its fate be?

I'm lazy to educate you. It's useless to talk about it with a fool.


2021-05-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

Look, the liar alvin1188 has finally appeared. You are welcome to buy more to help everyone raise the stock price. We look down on you if you don't buy it! Hahahahaha

Still that sentence! Buying Warrants carries a high risk. Don't easily fall victim to these speculators and liars. Warrants at this time are extremely high-risk. Of course, if you are willing to fall into the wealth scam created by these scammers, no one can stop it.

Don’t know that will you suddenly disappeared like fell into the toilet after a big warrants price drop.


2021-05-19 09:25 | Report Abuse

@Msspirit. In Bursa Securities, the degree of manipulation of warrants is very high.

First of all, the market is generally divided into two types of warrants, Company Warrant and Structured Warrant. The most popular recent transactions are usually Structured Warrant, and this Warrant is issued by a third-party financial institution, such as Macquarie, CIMB, Kenanga, Maybank and RHB etc.~

When financial institutions issue structured warrants, they have to set an "inventory level" to determine the maximum number of warrants that can be sold, so why do they need to set it?

This is because some of the publishers of Structured Warrant itself (such as the third-party financial institutions mentioned above) provide Market Making activities, and Market Making means to provide you with practical, that is, Bid and Ask in the stock market.

These rises and falls should actually be controlled, which is why we said above that the issuer will provide Bid and Ask in the market.

To understand the operation behind Structured Warrant, we should understand "Sold Out Warrant" This means that the publisher's Inventory Level is empty, and they have sold out all
the Structured Warrant that was originally hold! In that case, publishers will not be able to control the price of Bid / Ask, which will cause Spread to become very large. Warrant is a short-term trading tool, so everyone should be careful to trade. This concept also applies to Company Warrants.

The issuing company has its own "stock level" to manage and control the warrants. In addition to the issuing company, there are also many banks and institutions involved. Everyone wants to make money, which will create a lot of skills. This is actually a mental game, and human nature is greedy.


2021-05-18 23:18 | Report Abuse

Worthy of encouragement, at least fulfilled the promise. Motivated when there is pressure. Looking forward to the 10% Buy Back.

@PatienceWin, I don't thinks so, high risk and downtrend now. But you are welcome to buy more.


2021-05-17 17:11 | Report Abuse

You insult their CEO. I think many people applaud your point of view. But you deliberately opened a new account just to insult the other party, which is a bit redundant. Are you another identity of alvin1188 & Smart8investor?

Looking forward to your follow-up sharing.


2021-05-17 17:00 | Report Abuse

@Cvk2130, Who are you? and why open a new account and clamoring here, you are obviously ill-intentioned in bad purpose.


2021-05-17 16:56 | Report Abuse

Those scammers look like disappeared now. How many people who believed Prolexus Management and those scammers have already lost a lot of money this time.

Prolexus's CEO is the biggest liar, Bursa please open the file and check is it coaxing everyone to believe and manipulating stock prices:




Where are you now? @alvin1188 , @Smart8investor and those scammers who deleted all their posts? Please buy the mother share and warrants, and push the price up. We are looking for you.

These crooks are the most hateful! In order to make money for themselves, they deceived the hard-earned money of people.


2021-05-11 10:42 | Report Abuse

No, @Msspirit. Mean that Warrants fall into the abyss of hell.


2021-05-11 09:52 | Report Abuse

The warrants holders are fleeing! Is the wolf really coming?


2021-05-11 09:50 | Report Abuse

What are the secret advantages of Issue Bonus Share for these directors and major shareholders?

In fact, there are a lot of tips in the gray area that you don't know and they won't tell you.

For example:
1. Use Issue Bonus Share to transfer the company's surplus from left hand to the right hand enrich their pockets, which can also save reasonable taxes.

2. When the company's future prospects are not optimistic, they can enrich their pockets through Issue Bonus Share.


2021-05-10 16:18 | Report Abuse

He (Smart8investor) deleted the posts that he wrote just now again, which is really sad.

To be a man, we must be brave to face ourselves. I would rather you be a liar than you are an insider or even the management of Prolexus. Otherwise, it would be really sadder.

Don't know when he will appear again? When we forget him?


2021-05-10 15:33 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, @Smart8investor. First of all, Prolexus' stock price has been in a downward trend from 11/2020 until now.

Second, only their Managing Director-Lau Mong Ying has keep buying, not their CEO (Executive Director-Choong Chee Mun). The board of directors of this company seems to have only one director (MR LAU MONG YING), and no one else is willing to buy their own company’s stock and just sleeping. Their CEO is one of them.

Third, You just inducing everyone that Prolexus is still thriving, can buy it, don’t miss the chance to make a fortune. When others buy in, it may be the best time for you to sell.

Fourth, A magnanimous person will not delete the posts that he wrote before, but only sneaky people will have that behaviors.

Don't try to shift the focus, you are a liar, and most likely in the same group members with Alvin1188. Believe that Alvin1188 will jump out soon.


2021-05-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

Of course, you didn't wrote any bad to this. You just inducing everyone that Prolexus is still thriving, can buy it, don’t miss the chance to make a fortune. When others buy in, it may be the best time for you to sell. A magnanimous person will not delete the posts that he wrote before, but only sneaky people will have that behaviors.


2021-05-10 14:51 | Report Abuse

Since you deleted what you wrote above, your reputation has gone bankrupt, making us deeply suspicious of your sinister ambitions.


2021-05-10 14:46 | Report Abuse

If you follow this forum, you will found that the posts written by @Smart8investor have been deleted by him, and alvin1188 also suddenly disappeared.


2021-05-10 14:44 | Report Abuse

@Smart8investor, why you delete all your posts? Are you also a scammer group or Prolexus insider here to entice everyone to buy, then delete what you wrote when the stock price drops?


2021-05-10 14:09 | Report Abuse

Prolexus’s Mother Stock and Warrant prices will rise or drop?

Exercise ratio = 1:1;
Exercise value = RM1.20;
Current share price = RM1.02

The price required to convert to the stock
= ( warrant price ✘ ratio ) + Exercise value
= ( 0.065✘1) + 1.20
= 1.265

The price for the warrant to be converted into shares is RM1.265, but according to the 10/5/21.1:30pm mother stock price of RM1.020, there is a premium of RM 0.245, which means that the price of the warrant to be converted into shares is more expensive than buying the shares directly in the market.

How to calculate premium%?
Formula = [(warrant price✘ratio) + Exercise value – Shares price ] / Shares price
Premium % = [(0.065✘1) + 1.20 – 1.02] / 1.02 = 24.02%

In other words, it is 24.02% more expensive to convert into shares with warrant than buying the shares directly in the market. This means that it is not good for investors, because you need to pay more money to convert into mother shares.

On the contrary, this is indeed beneficial to the Prolexus. Because if you can convert the mother stock at a cheaper price, the difference of the price needs to be paid by the company that issued the Warrants (that is, Prolexus), mean that they will lose the money.

If you were them, you will more prefer mother stock and Warrants prices rise or fall?


2021-05-10 13:11 | Report Abuse

Warrants will expire after 2 weeks. According to the technical point of view, the mother stock is not optimistic in the short term. With more people selling and fewer people willing to buy, it can be expected that Warrants may usher in a wave of selling.

Look forward to alvin1188 helping us raise the price of parent stock and Warrants. It's your show time.

I will more prefer to keep my bullets and shoot it after May, but not now.


2021-05-07 17:57 | Report Abuse

A very strange phenomenon, the board of directors of this company seems to have only one director (MR LAU MONG YING), and no one else is willing to buy their own company’s stock.

But we still have to praise him, at least he continues to support his company's stock. Warm applause....


2021-05-07 15:20 | Report Abuse

Issuing bonus shares does not involve cash flow. It increases the company’s share capital but not its net assets. When a company issues bonus shares, the shares are paid for out of the cash reserves, and the reserves deplete. For internal accounting, a bonus issue is simply reclassification of reserves, with no net change in total equity, although its composition is changed. A bonus issue is an increase in the share capital of the company along with a decrease in other reserves.

For example: if you hold 2,000 shares of RM3 stock, after 2 get 1 bonus share, your stock will become 3,000 shares, but the price will be adjusted to RM2.

I admire the fool who came up with this strategy to increase the stock price of prolexus. So far, it has worked, but he is no foresight. The use of this strategy have a important prerequisites, they have ignored it. This will be fermented within a year.

If they are really aware of the potential problem, then they will start to hesitate whether to change "Propose" to "Confirm".

In any case, please manage the company properly and be responsible to us (investors).


2021-05-07 14:19 | Report Abuse

The management of any listed company will go to their forum to see what investors are saying. This is basic.

Let's wait and see if they will admit their mistakes, correct them through actions, or continue to pretend to be invisible like foolish, and continue to be the incompetent management.


2021-05-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

For our rights, let us pressure them together to let them fulfill their promises.


2021-05-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

That's not important anymore, the key point is their credibility has gone bankrupt!

Buy back 10% company share? Almost half year, have you seen that?


They are "propose" BONUS of SHARES and WARRANTS when the WARRANTS is coming expire worthless soon. Their purpose is already obvious.

Please pay attention, it's just a "propose" only. It is very high probability that until Last Date & Time for Trading of Warrants: 25/05/2021 05:00 PM, it is still in the "propose" stage

But if their care about their reputation, maybe their will change "propose" to "comfirm" soon when got our message.


2021-05-07 13:35 | Report Abuse

Hope everyone makes a lot of money.


2021-05-07 13:34 | Report Abuse

But honestly speaking, their management was really bad, they didn't do what they said, and they used simulated ambiguity to deceive investors into buying. No guts!

They should learn from Top Glove. The boss of Top Glove have the guts. Even if their stocks fall, I will support them.


2021-05-07 13:26 | Report Abuse

Invest should be wisely. Stocks are just a tool for us to make money, not our lover. Should not blindly support or not support.

I will judge the enter and leave timing based on its fundamentals and technical aspects.

According to the information I have dug from my friends in the industry, I know some in-depth information and shared it here, but it may ruin some scammers' plans here. So you will see that why they are so angry.


2021-05-07 13:09 | Report Abuse

@Smart8investor, It is currently in an awkward position, and the daily trend is still in a downward position. But we see that the weekly and monthly trends have stabilized.

Therefore, it can be predicted that their next quarterly financial report will be a very important element to judge whether the future trend is up or down.


2021-05-07 13:03 | Report Abuse

@arv18, Yes! Agree with you. Stocks can be bought, warrants really need to be cautious, unless you really know how to play.

We need to be literate in speaking, don't be lack literacy like alien 1188.

Did he grow up by eating.....?


2021-05-07 12:49 | Report Abuse

The cheaters buy mothershares and push up the share price. In addition to owning stocks, the key purpose is making money in the warrant (check the warrant up from 0.08 to 0.27, then drop back to 0.08 quickly). So they makes a lot of money when retail investors lose a lot.

Maybe there are people who are hyping news in this forum is their people, like “pitifully” low IQ alvin1188??

Believe that Prolexus will soar soon. I look forward to everyone making huge money!


2021-05-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

Hmm...Strongly believe that Prolexus will buy in large quantities soon, and it will rise! I should enter the market quickly. Otherwise, would their CEO and CFO really sit there and get paid? Up Up Up...


2021-05-06 17:19 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, you have to pay attention to the pitfalls, they just say "plan" instead of "confirm".

The board of directors confirmed the 10% Buy Back "plan", but did not say when to buy. As a result, there was still no "Buy Back" news after half year!


2021-05-06 17:05 | Report Abuse

If what I said is not the truth, their quarterly report will not continue decline!

If what I said is not the truth, 10% Buy Back has already been realized!

If what I said is not the truth, banks and venture capital institutions have already bought a lot, and will the share continue to fall?

It is not that I need to prove, but Prolexus management needs to prove that their customers have not abandoned them.

The saddest thing about a person is always living in one's own imaginary world!

So you’ve learned you’ve got a “pitifully” low IQ. How worried should you be?


2021-05-06 16:52 | Report Abuse

@ Raint. You're right. It has been determined that the revenue and profit of next financial report will be greatly reduced. Heard that the bank will check the status of their future business orders with the CFO of Prolexus to review its future repayment ability.

Let the coming QR proof my information is it right or wrong.


2021-05-06 16:50 | Report Abuse

Alvin, If you don't believe it, welcome to buy more, maybe you will earn more, right.


2021-05-05 22:03 | Report Abuse

@POONJ, Someone keeps dispose because the insiders and their friend know the actual status of Prolexus.

There are somebody who always keep tempting people to continue buying, and the losses continue to be exaggerated.


2021-05-05 15:27 | Report Abuse

According to reliable sources, Under Armour plans to reduce the list of suppliers in Malaysia, and will concentrate orders on Ramatex, and abandon Prolexus.

NIKE is gone!
Asics is gone!
Under Armour is gone soon!


2021-05-05 15:23 | Report Abuse

The executive directors, directors and shareholders of Prolexus are unwilling to buy stocks in your company. Do you still believe that this company has development prospects?

Buy back 10% company share? Almost half year, have you seen that?


2021-05-05 15:07 | Report Abuse

Look at the warrant and you will understand!


2021-05-05 15:06 | Report Abuse

If you don't flee, you will lose everything.

The management of Prolexus has no credibility.

Don't be deceived.

No, a group of people have bought again and got caught deeper.


2021-03-29 20:05 | Report Abuse

According to the latest quarterly financial report, it is obvious that Prolexus's Revenue and Profit Margin have fallen as expected. It is believed that the decline will be even more pronounced in the next quarter. Because the effect of a substantial reduction in apparel orders and mask orders will appear in the next quarter.

Apparel orders and mask orders almost burned out this quarter. What extent of revenue and profit will it drop in the next quarter?



2021-03-24 11:48 | Report Abuse

@kewllite Yes, didn't expect them to suddenly go crazy!


2021-03-24 11:31 | Report Abuse

Wah....Exaggerated drop......


2021-03-24 11:20 | Report Abuse

Mean that MMAG-WB reasonable price = 0.36


2021-03-24 11:15 | Report Abuse

MMAG’s Warrant still worth buying at this stage?

Exercise ratio = 1:1;
Exercise value = RM0.20;
Current share price = RM0.56

The price required to convert to the stock
= ( warrant price ✘ ratio ) + Exercise value
= ( 0.24✘1) + 0.20
= 0.44

The price for the warrant to be converted into shares is RM0.44, but according to the 24/3/21, 11am mother stock price of RM0.56, there is a premium of -RM 0.12, which means that the price of the warrant to be converted into shares is cheaper than buying the shares directly in the market.

How to calculate premium%?
Formula = [(warrant price✘ratio) + Exercise value – Shares price ] / Shares price
Premium % = [(0.24✘1) + 0.2 - 0.56] / 0.56 = -21.43%

In other words, it is 21.43% cheaper to convert into shares with warrant than buying the shares directly in the market.

MMAG-WB --- undervalue and still worth buying at this stage!


2021-03-24 11:01 | Report Abuse

Prolexus’s Warrant still worth buying at this stage?

Exercise ratio = 1:1;
Exercise value = RM1.20;
Current share price = RM0.89

The price required to convert to the stock
= ( warrant price ✘ ratio ) + Exercise value
= ( 0.085✘1) + 1.20
= 1.285

The price for the warrant to be converted into shares is RM1.285, but according to the 23/3/21 mother stock price of RM0.885, there is a premium of RM 0.395, which means that the price of the warrant to be converted into shares is more expensive than buying the shares directly in the market.

How to calculate premium%?
Formula = [(warrant price✘ratio) + Exercise value – Shares price ] / Shares price
Premium % = [(0.085✘1) + 1.20 - 0.89] / 0.89 = 44.38%

In other words, it is 44.38% more expensive to convert into shares with warrant than buying the shares directly in the market.


2021-03-18 10:11 | Report Abuse

It seems that your ability to understand is really limited, so you can predict that your investment career may not be very satisfactory.

Based on my previous analysis, I believe that the price of Prolexus must be at least less than 0.40 to be a low-risk investment. If the fundamentals of Prolexus really as I have judged, it will inevitably happen and fall to at least 0.40.

This is the result of fundamental changes, and it cannot happen just because someone says a few words.

Of course, it is also possible that my judgment was wrong. At that time, I had to self-examine which link I had neglected or judged incorrectly, so that I could learn and grow from it.

As investors, we must look at the analysis of various angles and positions rationally, and should not always use emotional language violence, which is not decent.

It takes time for fundamental changes to feedback on reality, so I said that the next two quarterly earnings reports will verify whether my guess is correct.


2021-03-17 11:35 | Report Abuse

I have mentioned many times that when the price is at least below 0.4, I will pick it up easily. That will be the best time. It depends on whether you believe my analysis or not. Of course, the scammer would definitely not support me, because I broke their plan.


2021-03-17 10:46 | Report Abuse

I am not a "saint". But I am a conscientious investor and analyst. I learned how to see a deeper layer of hidden information from the financial statements through the continuous in-depth analysis of Prolexus.

At the same time, observe the Prolexus management team's management performance as these facts are gradually revealed. Frankly speaking, I was even more disappointed.

It seems that those scammers have escaped most of the warrant. Those who were deceived by them are pitiful.


2021-03-16 11:00 | Report Abuse

But I still have to advise ordinary investors, kindly advice, their performance will definitely decline severely in the next few quarters. Pay attention to the risks.


2021-03-16 10:58 | Report Abuse

I look forward to them continuing to raise prices, which is definitely a good thing for investors who are trapped in it. If you don't lift it up, we all will look down on you!