printingusdollar | Joined since 2020-05-14

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2020-06-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

I think gam gam pass only, Ageson office do not have good workers, many 食萨米 ambik gaji buta.....


2020-05-27 12:51 | Report Abuse

Bravo and thank you!


2020-05-27 12:43 | Report Abuse

How to be very knowledgeable in construction industry? Study what degree and thru industry experience or...


2020-05-27 12:25 | Report Abuse

oppa gangnam style.....


2020-05-27 12:25 | Report Abuse

Opps opps


2020-05-27 12:23 | Report Abuse

who is the better worker? bangla, myanmar, bangladeshi, indon or others?


2020-05-22 11:36 | Report Abuse

OPEN up your eyes and look around. The world is talking about globalisation, life on Mars, artificial intelligence replacing low-end manual work.

But all you worry about is refugees from the unfortunate third world competing with Malays in this land. After almost 50 years of special privileges and rights, shouldn’t Malay be at least on par with the 1920s 'pendatangs' (immigrants) by now?


2020-05-22 11:33 | Report Abuse

Pronouns like ‘kita’ (we) are dangerous when you use it in opposition to a group you consider to be different from you, as former minister and Negeri Sembilan Bersatu chief Rais Yatim does in his tweet - first to separate himself from the Rohingyas and then to equate the Rohingyas to the ‘kaum lain’ (other races) that he says came in the 1920s under Britain.

Rais does not explain who the ‘us’ are in opposition to his ‘kaum lain’. Is it just his little ignorant self?

Or does it include Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu - all formerly under Siam until incorporated into the territory that now forms Malaysia by the British? Are these states also the ‘kaum lain’ - the others?

Does he also exclude from the ‘us’ the people of Sabah and Sarawak, who were also ‘brought’ in by the British?

He admonishes the ‘us’ to learn from history. Rais is no historian, no humanist and he is even not consistent with his beliefs. I just wish to remind Rais that both history and law are on the side of his ‘kaum lain’.

Rais has no better claim to the ‘us’ than those who came to these territories to eventually form the Federation of Malaya and then Malaysia. Rais has no claim to a predominant ‘us’. His claim to that is no better than that of any of his ‘kaum lain’.


2020-05-22 11:23 | Report Abuse

you are obviously a sad by-product of decades of social engineering by the Umno/BN propaganda.

In your myopic and shallow mind, Malays are the true owners of this land and are entitled to whatever the resources this country has.

You also believe that the special positions of Malays and their entitlement have been challenged and threatened by non-Malays, despite the fact that these non-Malays are a mere fiction manufactured by the Umno/BN narrative.

Therefore, according to the Umno/BN propaganda, Malays must come together and unite under Umno/BN while turning a blind eye to decades of abuse of power and indiscriminate plundering of nation's wealth by the Malay ruling elite from Umno/BN.


2020-05-21 10:50 | Report Abuse

Likely no other countries want to resettle the Rohingyas so they will be in our country for long term and more will try to come.....


2020-05-20 14:30 | Report Abuse

Ong Ong Mari


2020-05-20 14:30 | Report Abuse

waiting to fly. ^^


2020-05-20 14:30 | Report Abuse

See my name?


2020-05-19 13:23 | Report Abuse

Viva, i know the people can tahan, but the politicians cannot do that because no tax to makan for them...


2020-05-19 13:06 | Report Abuse

The Movement Control Order (MCO) and Conditional MCO (CMCO) have been successful in bringing down the number of Covid-19 cases in the country, but the authorities remained alert as hari Raya Aidilfitri looms.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the authorities were currently focused on compliance of CMCO's standard operating procedures (SOPs) and Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO), in the hope of containing the infection further.

"Screening process for eight risk groups are also ongoing. We have yet to calculate the (ministry modeling of Covid-19's) R-naught (R0), but it currently stands at around 0.3," he told a Press conference today.

R0, which represents how many people an average person with a virus can infect, has been reduced to less than 1, compared to 3.55 before the MCO was enforced.

That means, prior to MCO, one individual could infect 3.55 persons, according to the ministry's modeling of Covid-19.

"Most of the recorded new Covid-19 cases were imported, which were from those returning from abroad. What is more important is for us to maintain the double digit figure (of the number of cases); and maybe reduce the number further in one or two days," said Dr Noor Hisham.

He said the country had managed to reach double digit in daily Covid-19 cases during the MCO and CMCO.

"That means, the MCO and CMCO had been successful. Our concern now, however, is the festivities, whether there would be an increase in cases or we'll be able to maintain the double digit (in daily cases).

"We are concerned that the cases may increase if we do not comply with the SOP, which is seemingly simple, yet tough to adhere to.

"Everyone already knows what to do, but they (SOPs) need to be practised to make them a norm before we can even discuss on exit strategy."

He said the ministry would draft an exit strategy only when there was a better SOP compliance among the public and further reduced number of Covid-19 cases.


2020-05-18 14:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah just love it,


2020-05-18 13:33 | Report Abuse

Sad but true......Price of fuel at the pumps went back up last 2 days.....


2020-05-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

Agreed. Looks like we only have less than a handful of servant working, PM, Turtle eggs and our beloved Norhisham.

Agreed too that operation cost across board are lower due to fuel price drop. Can government lead by reduce toll, taxes, cukai tanah, TNB etc???


2020-05-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

Ageson price now 0.15. slurp......just collect more!