
py1818 | Joined since 2021-03-03

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2021-04-23 10:02 | Report Abuse

Share below 1.84


2021-04-23 10:02 | Report Abuse

Today so far first support 1.84 broken. Downtrending.


2021-04-23 09:58 | Report Abuse

Still can not break support 1.84. Not good.


2021-04-23 09:50 | Report Abuse

Dataprep must stay above 1.84.
Now 1.74 means first support 1.84 broken

Next support 1.31 to 1.44 will be tested.


2021-04-23 09:43 | Report Abuse

Yes. I agree very much.

@superlimit88 py1818 if possible do not enter....only my opinion
23/04/2021 9:36 AM


2021-04-23 09:42 | Report Abuse

My Strategy - buy only if price stays above support 1.84.


2021-04-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

@newbies @py1818 what the best price in to make my loss lesser?
23/04/2021 9:33 AM

In downtrend, i always reduce my shares. So if drop further, i lose less. If drop further, i reduce more and more until zero.

Since support 2.43 and 2.15 and 1.84 broken, not good to hold a lot of shares.


2021-04-23 09:34 | Report Abuse

Dataprep must be above support 1.84.

If below, downtrend already


2021-04-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

Dataprep must be above support 1.84.

If below downtrend already


2021-04-23 09:32 | Report Abuse

@superlimit88 @py1818

downtrend !



2021-04-23 09:28 | Report Abuse

1.74 not good. Must be above support 1.84, downtrending


2021-04-23 09:19 | Report Abuse

1.84 still just barely holding. Not good. Should be breaking 2.15 resistant


2021-04-23 09:16 | Report Abuse

Resistant 2.15
Support 1.84

Support 1.44
Support 1.31


2021-04-23 09:15 | Report Abuse

Support 1.84 broken - downtrending


2021-04-23 08:01 | Report Abuse


Support 0.415

After dropping from high of 0.655 and
If price now onwards is unable to stay above 0.415,
more DOWNTREND to follow.

All summaries are for short-term basis. Not for 1 year to 5 year projection


2021-04-23 07:55 | Report Abuse

I don't want to confuse all newbies with cup and handle formation, rsi 95%, trangle patterns, bull flag, bear trap, sma, ema etc. etc.

I just tell readers my summary based on my assesment.

All assesment are for short-term basis only not long-term basis.


2021-04-23 07:46 | Report Abuse

@rr88 Py1818. If this, if that. If shud not be in stock market players mind.
23/04/2021 1:18 AM

Both you and me are in technical analysis .

However, my ifs and ifs is better than your descending and ascending traingles pattern. Mine is much easier to understand for the common folks.


2021-04-23 03:52 | Report Abuse

Buletin for all my friends

Resistant 2.65
Resistant 2.43
Resistant 2.15
Closing price 1.87
Support 1.84
Support 1.44
Support 1.31
Support 1.10
Support 1.05
Support 1.01


2021-04-23 03:48 | Report Abuse

At least buletin give verdict UPTRENDING from 0.90 to 2.00 on wednesday. If anyone take profit while can, sure can make profit from 0.90 to 2.00 at wednesday.

Overall, I myself make more money despite losing rm 1,900 today on dataprep.

That is why i always say PAPER PROFIT IS NOT REAL PROFITS. Take some profit first and leave some share for further upside.

I think i mention this many many times already.


2021-04-23 03:41 | Report Abuse

You just 50% 50% only la.


2021-04-23 03:40 | Report Abuse

Aiya @rr88 if everybody follow your sell call at 0.90. Everbody then missed out in big gains la. Price go from 0.74 to 2.85.

How to believe you 100% ?


2021-04-23 03:25 | Report Abuse

@Jeju88 Tomorrow limit down would be 1.31. It's happening again. PY1818, I believe so

Sentiment BAD now.

According to chart, Last time dataprep limit down from 2.50 to 1.80 then next morning limit down to 1.25 in first 20 minutes. At limit down price there are no buyers only sellers suddenly buyers come back and bought all limit down shares then price go up to 2.15.

Can happen again, you never know. If limit down i buy a bit and see what happens . If price go up, i will add bit by bit. Don't want to be greedy.
If greedy and go all in at limit down price, may get stuck at limit down price.

Later if price go upto 1.90 i sell. That is my plan. Always not be greedy.


2021-04-23 01:34 | Report Abuse

Major resistant 0.23

Price must stay ABOVE 0.23. If can not then the rally is FINISHED/ HABIS/ THE PARTY IS OVER.


2021-04-23 01:30 | Report Abuse

Actually been downtrending since 1.05.


2021-04-23 01:28 | Report Abuse

If your cost is 0.16, so what? Downtrending means you losing more paper profits. Paper profits is REAL MONEY.


2021-04-23 01:22 | Report Abuse

Short term wise dnex is downtrending. Long term wise verdict still unknown.


2021-04-23 01:20 | Report Abuse

Down trending since major support 0.81 broken. If share can stay above 0.81, then uptrending still possible.


2021-04-23 01:16 | Report Abuse

If this share is unable to stay above 0.64, the RALLY is FINISHED.


2021-04-23 01:11 | Report Abuse


Prices must stay above 0.42. If fall below, means THE PARTY IS OVER.


2021-04-23 01:08 | Report Abuse

Buletin for


Major resistant 0.40

So far price unable to break major resistant 0.40. Still downtrending. Must stay above 0.40 to show uptrending.


2021-04-23 01:03 | Report Abuse


Major resistant 0.21
Major support.

Price must stay above major resistant 0.21. If unable to, THE RALLY IS FINISHED.


2021-04-23 01:01 | Report Abuse


Support 0.415

After dropping from high of 0.655 and
If price now onwards is unable to stay above 0.415 ie. Today closing price, more DOWNTREND to follow.


2021-04-23 00:56 | Report Abuse


Major resistant 1.14
Major support 1.02
If prolexus unable to go higher than 1.14 the rally is effective FINISHED.


2021-04-23 00:51 | Report Abuse

Major resistant 0.80
Support 0.72
Support 0.67
Support 0.64

Here are the support for dnex. Today price drop to 0.72 but rebounded back to 0.74.Not good. May drop back to 0.64 if fall further.



2021-04-22 18:52 | Report Abuse

newbies @py1818 hopefully tomorrow rebound again ,i bought in 2.65
22/04/2021 6:10 PM

How to reduce risk

Ok you bought high. Have you try reducing risk by selling some at a loss, so if price goes further down, losses will be less.

Also with dataprep can not keep a lot of shares overnight because may limit down tomorrow morning.

Also tomorrow may limit down in first 20 minutes then slowly rebounded to 2.15. This happens last time. May happen again.

Hope this answers your question.


2021-04-22 18:06 | Report Abuse

Outside people think we are crazy here but i begining to like the word 'crazy'. Sounds fun.

Limit down tomorrow at 1.23 in the first 20 minutes. Then let see what happens. Fasten your seat belts, friends.


2021-04-22 18:02 | Report Abuse

Remember friends,
what happened last time opening price 2.50 limit down to 1.85. Next day limit down to 1.23 in the first 20 minutes then rebounded to 2.15.

Can it happen again? Those who bought at limit down at 1.23 and slowly sell to 2.15. Many stood by doing nothing, some did not look at dataprep at all because given up hope on dataprep.

Tomorow is going to be wild wild west! Just the kind of things we like. Yahoooooo......


2021-04-22 17:37 | Report Abuse

Resistant 2.65
Resistant 2.43
Resistant 2.15
Closing price 1.87
Support 1.84
Support 1.44
Support 1.31
Support 1.10
Support 1.05
Support 1.01

This morning broke support 2.43 signaling first downtrend.
Then afternoon broke support 2.15 signaling second downtrend. Was hoping it close above 2.15 but at 2.07 i cut loss at 4:30 pm.


However, to have any hope of UPTREND, share must stay above 1.84 support.

Tomorow if price break support 1.84, signal first downtrend. If break 1.44 or 1.31 support then signal second downtrend.

And if break support 1.10, then third downtrend.

As you can see it is a very bleak picture.


2021-04-22 17:19 | Report Abuse

@UniPen88 Yes, thanks py1818 for all your advise. Been quietly following u....Am not greedy type.
22/04/2021 4:23 PM

@superlimit88 tak ada lah hal lah py1818,,,ini dataprep lain kali boleh trending LU dan LD dah biasa lah
22/04/2021 5:03 PM

Thks my friends. You can see all my comments by

Clicking py1818 here and click comment button.

Or google py1818 i3investor and click comment button.


2021-04-22 16:57 | Report Abuse

@Jeju88 PY1818 you very clever...

I bought at 1.00 sell 1.23
I bought at 1.23 sell 1.32
I bought at 1.33 sell 1.64
I bought at 1.70 sell 1.75
I bought at 1.90 sell 2.35
I bought at 2.40 sell at 2.46
I bought at 2.46 sell at 2.46 today
I bought at 2.30 and 2.17

The reason i buy and sell many times is because

1) want to take profit
Because i said many times PAPER PROFIT IS NOT REAL PROFIT to the readers here. Also this morning i advised to take profit and sell some shares.

Imagine i have 15,000 shares and no take profit today my losses will be yesterday closing price - today closing price * 15,000 shares.
2.57 - 1.87 * 15,000 is rm12,000.

2) Also end of day i dont want to hold 15,000 shares. At most i hold 4,000 overnight. With dataprep LU or LD Can happen in same day.


2021-04-22 16:46 | Report Abuse

@superlimit88 @py1818 ...sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit ...friends

You know lah, limit down today. tomorrow may limit up or down also can.
Can drop back to 0.74, then we all buy back. Hahahaha......


2021-04-22 16:39 | Report Abuse

At 2.07. Total loss today for dataprep rm 1,900. Can not win all the time.
Strategy - if share close above 2.15 i buy back little by little.


2021-04-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

Sold all 5,000 shares


2021-04-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

I bought at 1.00 sell 1.23
I bought at 1.23 sell 1.32
I bought at 1.33 sell 1.64
I bought at 1.70 sell 1.75
I bought at 1.90 sell 2.35
I bought at 2.40 sell at 2.46
I bought at 2.46 sell at 2.46 today
I bought at 2.30 and 2.17


2021-04-22 16:20 | Report Abuse

At one point i was carrying 15k shares but i always reduce when opportunity has profit so my risk is low. Now left with 5,000 shares at 2.296 each.

That is why i send message this morning to take some profit and reduce risk if price drop big.


2021-04-22 16:15 | Report Abuse

@ Iknow666 shit.. my cost at 2.35... shares more than you 9k shares.. lols
22/04/2021 4:04 PM

You can reduce a bit so you don't take huge risk.


2021-04-22 16:10 | Report Abuse

I posted this message at 9:26

py1818 Dear friends, it would be wise to do a bit of profit taking. Sell a bit afterall paper profit is not real money.

Please take note , this share stays above 2.65 and 2.43 support.
22/04/2021 9:26 AM

superlimit88 noted py1818

If anyone sell a bit of their shares they now will be buying at 2.09. All laughing.


2021-04-22 16:02 | Report Abuse

@Iknow666 Py1818... So how now? Still hold until end of today? Still believe it may really shoot up a bit later
22/04/2021 3:49 PM

Hi. I am holding until support 2.15 is broken for good. At 2.00 got 10,000 lot buyers. See what happens at 2.00.

Please bear in mind my situation can be different from you. I sold shares this morning. So left with 50 lot only. Ie. 5,000 shares and my cost is 2.296 per share.

If fall, i would not lose much


2021-04-22 15:52 | Report Abuse

It is also very clear rr88 refer us as monkeys in a joking manner.


2021-04-22 15:51 | Report Abuse

He said to sell at 0.90. Very clear message with no buy back. Subsequently dataprep go up to 2.0++.

You all still trust him?