
rayleeinvest | Joined since 2014-11-20

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2015-04-29 10:46 | Report Abuse

based on the reaction here.. I see all here are very calm.. must be playing only warrant..
despite it has been plunging from 0.940 to 0.720.. more than 22sen.. thats suicidal!!!


2015-04-29 10:44 | Report Abuse

now 0.740.. going down to 0.720.. and finally to 0.665???
these syndicates are very cunning to trap all those who wanted to convert the warrant
to make it less profitable..


2015-04-28 17:06 | Report Abuse

hopefully will rebound higher tomorrow to 0.410..
many bought at 0.375..


2015-04-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

Wow! today drop 8sen!!! nobody trade here???


2015-04-28 15:58 | Report Abuse

if cant win the operator, leave them alone!


2015-04-28 12:12 | Report Abuse

stay calm & trade with caution..


2015-04-28 11:31 | Report Abuse

RED alert.. enter again when market stabilize.. trade with caution now..


2015-04-28 09:15 | Report Abuse

Bioalpha! Go! Go!! Go!!!


2015-04-27 16:40 | Report Abuse

despite US market indices all up (though soft), majority of stocks here today went down..
what actually happen???


2015-04-27 14:52 | Report Abuse



2015-04-27 14:51 | Report Abuse



2015-04-27 14:51 | Report Abuse



2015-04-27 14:51 | Report Abuse



2015-04-24 19:07 | Report Abuse

Thanks & good for you JY108! You must be a pro.. :)

@YS3535 & for those who get 0.42% for your brokerage fees, I guess you are trading with your collateralised account (margin) hence they charge you this much.. 2x or 3x of your cash deposit/shares collateral is the norm..

bcoz 0.42% is the standard brokerage fee charges.
next the minmum amount charged on brokerage range from RM8 to RM28.00.
Mine is RM28.00 (the highest or the standard.. see how you look at it.. buy I get 3x collateral)
if I deposit RM50K (either cash/shares collateral), i get another RM150K (3x) = RM200K total,
enough to buy lots of shares..

Others charge minimum 0.28% - 0.30% (UOB Kay Hian which I know of)
for collateralised account for 1x to 2x of your deposit..

RHB & Maybank charged a standard 0.42% also for 2 to 3x your deposit..
Minimum brokerage fees range from RM8.00 to RM12.00 (couldnt remember which is which)..

For those new beginner, there are 3 important things to consider when opening a new (retail) trading account:-

1. Reputation (hence i only choose to trade with bank's trading platform) - own personal preference.
(you wont have to wake up every day to worry if you can withdraw/get your money
or all your money gone with the trading company (trust account) if they go busted)

2. Trading Platform (Software) = User Friendly (Simple, Nice & Easy to use),
Features (Nice User Interface (UI or if can use in Google Chrome /Internet Explorer),
Charts, Comparison, Statistics, etc)
Reliability & Dependable (Not always breakdown /freeze moment during peak/high volume)
P/S: Not all trading platform have all these, you win some, you lose some..
P/S: Among the Very Important features is whether the software support
>Good Till Date (GTD) order - clients can place orders valid up to 30 trading days.
and also the Stop Loss (very important feature to protect your profits).
So far I know only RHB Invest have it. Others I am not sure.

3. Brokerage fees (your cost of funding your shares)
Standard is 0.42% for all major trading companies like Affin-Hwang, Maybank, RHB, etc.
for collateralised (margin) account with minimum brokerage fees of RM8 to RM28.
for 0-100K transaction and other range would be 0.28% to 0.35% depend on negotiation
or amount deposited. Above 100K, minimum fee is from 0.15% 0.21%..
Intra-day will be from 0.10% to 0.15%

3.1 for Cash Upfront account, of course you get the best rates, ie. 0.1% & minimum RM8.00.
(I dont have one, thus cant give feedback/comment)

4. Payment Method - very important to consider for convenience.
whether they accept/have online payment/funds transfer via multiple banks in many locations
as possible. Most big ones accept online payment with multiple banks.
Some dont even accept online payment/fund transfer but only Cash bank-in via ATM Cash
or cheques bank-in.
Imagine if we stay in suburb area or small towns, carrying so much cash risking ourselves
to being robbed.

5. Good Support/Customer Service
Despite some may get the best(cheapest) rates, if we dont get the necessary good service from our dealers/representatives (like helping you to temporary increase limit, bank in your cheques, doing the administration for warrant conversions, dividends, when trading platform breakdown, give advice, tips, etc.), then we have to do it everything by our own.
P/S: Hence there's always a catch too if the fees are too cheap..

During my research for trading platform to trade in Bursa, by default I chose Affin-Hwang (merged)
due to I have a very old account with Hwang-DBS when I purchased my 1st ESOS.

Then I also research on other banks as well. So far I have seen Maybank, RHB/OSK88 and UOB Kayhian (including Affin-Hwang).. I asked the sales representative to show me the demo trading platform to see its capabilities besides the brokerage fees mentioned.

hence for comparison, Affin-Hwang offer the nicest UI & very user friendly (Java scripted, so I can use it on both Google Chrome & IE browser)..

RHB/OSK88 offer the best in terms of features but old UI Platform (Non-Java Scripted and can only use Internet Explorer).

Same for Maybank & UOB KayHian with old UI (Non-Java Scripted and can only use Internet Explorer).

Hope this helps.. what i share here is just for guidelines & easy start for new beginners..
(not necessarily you have to follow but as an alternative & consideration if you may overlook
certain things)

I am also a new beginner (newbie) like you all here 5 months ago.. still got lots to learn from you all.

I will try to write/blog accordingly to share more at my i3 blog most probably in May.
So stay tune ..

Happy trading, happy making $$$ & have a great weekend!


2015-04-24 16:55 | Report Abuse

based on chart nexus, today's close at 0.435 is bio's 1st level of support.
next support level is at 0.425 & lastly at 0.405 in which if its breach can exit & enter later again..
however if you purchase at very low price eg. below 0.30.. then we may wanted to consider taking some profit first before our profit getting thinner & thinner.. when the price cannot sustain as its already breached more than 116% in less than 1 month..

if next week the price is up & goes beyond 0.435, it will be a turning point (pivot) at 0.455 & need to break the 1st resistance at 0.465, follow by 0.480 (peak)..
so for those were buying within this price point.. hence need to monitor accordingly
esp. for very short-term players (2 weeks to 2 months) or contra players (T1-T4)..


2015-04-24 16:33 | Report Abuse

of course at any point of time within the 4 days (T1-T4),
if you reach your profit target, even on purchase day (intra-day),
you can always sell it off.. dont have to wait until T3 or T4..

hope this helps..


2015-04-24 16:29 | Report Abuse

YS3535, i guess you must be playing with cash account right?

for those with collateralized account, you will get additional 2-3x collateral (margin) & of course with higher brokerage fees (between 0.28 to 0.42%).. depended on brokerage companies..

eg. if you bought 50k shares or your cash park in your trust account
will give you 100k to 150k margin to play with..

when you buy your shares via collateral, you either can trade it (contra players) within few days or pick it up (purchased the contract)

eg. 6th April bought 10k units of 0.20sen for RM2,000 will not be counted the day (Purchase Day).
Day 1 (T1) will be 7 April,
Day 2 (T2) @ 8 April,
Day 3 (T3) @ 9 April is whether you wanted to pick-up or sell it off (options for you)
Day 4 (T4) @ 10 April is the force sell day (cannot pick-up) &
must be sell off, hence call force selling., if you dont sell-off, then you account will be suspended (for certain brokerage firms) or if you wanted to pick-up during force-sell (not encourage),
then you must remit cash immediately (all depend on your brokerage rules & regulations)

refer here for guideline.. http://klse.i3investor.com/jsp/hti/brokers.jsp


2015-04-24 16:14 | Report Abuse

thanks for the sharing Shaun Loong..
in addition, if the price does not hold within 0.330 to 0.335 or goes above it by next week..
then the next support level will be 0.320 where many will be waiting to enter in again...


2015-04-24 16:08 | Report Abuse

to make enough for 2 to 3 sen.. buying volume is the game..
50,000 for 2 & 3 sen will give you 1 - 1.5K gross profit..
100,000 for 2 & 3 sen will give you 2 - 3K gross profit..

focus only on few counters then you can make handsome profit..

if more, you can count yourself $$$ & smell the moolah oredi..


2015-04-24 16:07 | Report Abuse

yes.. dont chase it up.. its replaying the same pattern..
sell 1/2 at 0.355 to 0.370 (if bought between 0.310 to 0.340 or lower)
OR when you reach you few sens target..
and then 1/2 at higher price (if it goes up) at 0.380 to 0.390.. (just a guide only)

like I said, at this limited range, make 2-3 sen is very good, dont be greedy & chase..


2015-04-24 15:57 | Report Abuse

my frontkn quota full today.. wait for an exciting next week.. :)


2015-04-24 15:28 | Report Abuse

today its T4, so many contra players throw out @ 0.435 & 0.430,
hopefully after 4pm, the price will shoot up to 0.445 to 0.455 & beyond..


2015-04-24 15:28 | Report Abuse

today its T4, so many contra players throw out @ 0.280, hopefully after 4pm, the price will shoot up to 0.295 - 0.300..


2015-04-24 15:23 | Report Abuse

now wintoni is trading sideways & replaying the same trend of few days ago,
within the range 0.360-0.370.. unless it breakout to 0.385 - 0.395..
trading within this limited range & profit 1-3 sens is possible but need to monitor closely..

volume buying is weak at 6MIL, now many contra players wont be eyeing wintoni & priva that much hence hopefully all this correction the price will move again..


2015-04-24 15:00 | Report Abuse

good for you peter123..


2015-04-24 14:48 | Report Abuse

Bioalpha supporters, press on & move forward!!!
buying is now 40% vs selling 60%.. good sign!!!
index already went up so high to 13.62% touching 1860.. all counters move up..
and hope this counter also..


2015-04-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

@richkid, are you part of the operators? you seem to be everywhere & have the insider news?


2015-04-24 14:43 | Report Abuse

@richkid, thanks for the positive outlook.. hopefully & watchfully.. :)


2015-04-24 13:28 | Report Abuse

based on 2015 price movement trend, it started from 0.30 in early Jan & reached peak of 0.485 just 10 days ago..
that's a whopping 62% increase within 4 months..

hence be watchful again.. since it's dropping, its good to pick-up at low discounted price..
those playing contra, please dont try to average out unless we pick-up.. otherwise we will get burn or our profits could get wipe out..

as some of you mentioned the par-value is 0.30.. hence there's always a possibility of it to reach 0.30..
even the FA is good, but most of the price movement /buying-selling volume depends of TA as we all know..

Redtone case in point, even the Sultan also invested in it & Berjaya group subsidiary bought it, the price was 0.80..
those bought at 0.85 & above will get stuck & perhaps need to wait for some time to break even / make profit.

hence be watchful..
the market is always there (so many counters) but our capital is limited & need to protect it to optimize & generate many small profits..

happy friday & happy trading!


2015-04-24 13:05 | Report Abuse

great cheers for all Priva supporters!
as much as we wanted it to go up.. please be realistic about it..
Priva has gone up tremendously from 0.13 till 0.430 (peak) within 4 months this year.. more than 200%!!!
and this is a goreng stock as we all know.. based on the price movement trend, 0.390 to 0.395 is the support.
if cant break out from it, it will drop to next support at 0.360 and
further drop will need to consider to exit if our stop loss target were reached.

last time I used to play contra for Priva, no problem..
now cannot already.. we have to pick-up & keep & wait for the price uptrend..

same for Wintoni.. after kena left-right with UMA & restricted by banks (only released recently) as well..
same for Bioalpha (from 0.27 to 0.470 (peak) .. after kena UMA, price keeps dropping (and also correction) also..

sure now the operators will be CAREFUL not to move so fast or
SLOW DOWN or PULL OUT temporary after reaching their initial target..
otherwise they cant recoup the high price & volume that they have invested..
but many of us dont know when the operators push/pull the price down or their actual targets (we can only roughly guess)..
only by TA (charting) we know the buying/selling volume & also the support & resistance level & play along with it to make profits..

hence need to be watchful and alert at all times..
goreng stocks usually dont follow rules, they have their own rules..
even when KLCI is up, the price will go stagnant or down, when KLCI is down, the price keeps going up like crazy,
everything is possible in goreng stocks bcoz the operators have the price target to reach & duration time to reach it.. we dont have..

if we dont take regular profits (few cents, depend of your profit target) & just wait for the peak,
eventually all our profits will get wipe out & perhaps get burn as well..

happy friday & happy trading!!!


2015-04-24 12:42 | Report Abuse

as I said earlier..
now its reacting the previous pattern.. cant really sustain the coming back from 0.310 to 0.365..
since Wintoni cannot breach the resistance of 0.360-0.370..
hence 0.340 is the current support same like last time..
if still cant hold, it will go down to 0.315 as next support..
so those playing contras need to be watchful..

last time I used to play contra for Wintoni, no problem..
now cannot already after kena clamped down by banks (though release recently)..
hence I picked-up & wait for it to go up again..
same for Priva.. after kena left-right with UMA as well..
same for Bioalpha.. after kena UMA, price keeps dropping (and also correction)..

sure now the operators will be careful not to move so fast or pull out temporary
after reaching their initial target, otherwise they cant recoup the high price & volume
that they have invested..

playing the goreng stocks by the operators also need to be watchful and alert at all times..
if dont take regular profits (few cents, depend of your profit target) & just wait for the peak,
eventually all our profits will get wipe out & perhaps get burn as well..


2015-04-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

thanks for sharing trademan.. thanks for sharing Swk23..
let's cheer for BIOALPHA!

News & Blogs

2015-04-24 11:31 | Report Abuse

You must be joking for presenting this "touch-up" accounts of 1MDB.
this ill-fated company cannot thrive again unless our PM Najib come out & spill the beans & speak the truth accordingly (very unlikely).. which all of us wanted to know..


2015-04-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

be watchful.. already breached the support 0.44.. next support is 0.410..
If the price cannot hold within this range.. then the final support is 0.360 and then can exit already..
(according to chart)..

sometimes its okay to average & hold on if you bought at lower price than the current price (if its on downtrend) as long as we didnt incur losses or reach your cut/stop loss target..

however for those who play contra.. be very careful NOT to AVERAGE on downtrend price
as you will definitely get burn (based on my previous experience & many of us all here will agree)..

as much as we all wanted (including me) to cheer the price up..
I believe we cannot afford to overlook the TA (technical analysis) part which is very important..
the buying/selling behaviour & emotions of people.. besides the FA is strong for AWC..


2015-04-24 10:17 | Report Abuse

traderman, what I meant was this 2 days the price trend is down..
perhaps after UMA.. or other reasons..
of course overall it has increase tremendously..


2015-04-24 09:56 | Report Abuse

FBM KLCI 1,858.50 +12.42 0.67%

Majority counters are up.. but here is down???


2015-04-24 09:49 | Report Abuse

Persona! You are the ONE!!!


2015-04-24 09:35 | Report Abuse

Be watchful.. operators are playing games to shake down the price for those timid players..
hold on & move forward.. UP! UP!! UP!!!


2015-04-23 11:25 | Report Abuse

volume is very weak.. total buy & sell just 3MIL ++.. last few days was 22MIL, 41MIL & 15MIL..
without volume.. moving forward will be challenging.. be watchful..


2015-04-23 11:22 | Report Abuse

be watchful.. Priva keeps dropping.. coming support is 0.390.. follow by 0.375 & 0.360..
if it doesnt goes below 0.360.. then it will hovering between 0.360 to 0.410 eventually..


2015-04-23 09:46 | Report Abuse

Congrats to all who make profit today. Your patience pay off handsomely!
Based on Genetec recent trend, unless it can break away & reach beyond 0.225 to 0.240, otherwise it will return back again to 0.195..

I believe we all still hope for the one-time sweet magic where it goes from 0.16 right up to 0.260 before it closed 0.210 within 3days..
then it went down to lowest 0.190. but until recently with the directors playing hide & seek.. (buying & selling).. we just have to wait again..

Hopefully it goes beyond 0.225.. otherwise see all at 0.195 again..

Happy trading to all Genetecians!


2015-04-22 17:07 | Report Abuse

tomorrow is very crucial day!!! if tonite's US market performance is down,
then Wintoni will have the probability to follow its previous pattern going down again till 0.310..
if US market is Up tonite, then it has chance to move up between 0.350 to 0.375..
and if can breakout, it can reach 0.395 to 0.425.. then can consider on uptrend...

why US market is important?
bcoz this will generally affect the buying mood of traders (sentiments)..

Operators cannot move along fast if its just their own people buying..
they must take along other traders to motivate them to follow & go along with them..
otherwise how to make profit? left hand sell to right hand???


2015-04-22 16:58 | Report Abuse

hopefully Priva will break out from its resistance of 0.405 - 0.415..
if this week and earlier next week can go beyond 0.420 - 0.435..
then Priva can be said on the uptrend again..
otherwise it will move sideways for a while hovering between 0.360 to 0.410..


2015-04-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

now its reacting the previous pattern.. cant really sustain the coming back from 0.310 to 0.365..
if by tomorrow the price goes down again or cant manage to break out..
then can confirm temporary Wintoni cannot breach the resistance of 0.360-0.370..
if can break out & reach 0.385 to 0.390.. then got hope & confirm its uptrend again for Wintoni.. otherwise its just a wishful hope.. we'll see..


2015-04-22 16:12 | Report Abuse

no choice.. many who play contra need to clear their T4 today by 4pm..
hence a lot of sell-down.. thats the reality of goreng stocks.. hence just be watchful like I said..


2015-04-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

toto, you are most welcome..


2015-04-22 12:26 | Report Abuse

makan time! let's hope for afternoon show is good! cheers!


2015-04-22 12:14 | Report Abuse

those who advise average down perhaps have deep pockets..
if "gungho" follow and then tak jadi.. how??? can anyone guarantee???
we all know the answer which is a big NO!! NO!!
who will suffer? those who "gungho-ly" follow lor..
better protect your capital first & wait for confirmation rather than jump in the bandwagon..
not everyone got bullets/deep pockets to average & jump in.. must know our trading profile..
those who can average & jump in means they can afford it.. otherwise will be caught by surprise..
later on announce to the people "I am a long term investor" "Paper-Loss only, not real"..
those who said that wont be trading here already..

we all know this is momentum/trading stock, why talk about long term which is 2-3 years?
do we know what we are talking about?
we just follow the trend & profit from it.. not all trading stocks can be long-term..

hence we must ask ourselves this question.. are we trader/investor or gambler?
if we are gambler, then all this suggestion will be nonsense to you.. :)


2015-04-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

rapidbeginner, good for you! hope everyone is right here.. :)