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2021-02-21 14:29 | Report Abuse

i believe there is no weak/ strong in language,
just TRUE info or fake news only

u talk so many, what kind of good thing u wish to share ?
u come here for argue only, and then u delete ur comment after it


2021-02-21 14:26 | Report Abuse

vadaiISback yes my english is weak so what ?
atleast i comment something truth with prove
not like u
keep spread fake info..
like u said admin i3 also delete ur comment
if what u said is real mean i3 admin also not agree u, mean u tell lie, gv false info/fake news

why i3 admin dont delete my comment ?


2021-02-21 14:23 | Report Abuse

i think it will go back to rm1 atleast, i believe the deal with kangtai is not play play one
coz kangtai is a very big company

im holding since may 2020 but not much la
this time i think yongtai is REAL


2021-02-21 12:56 | Report Abuse

vadaiISback u better dont comment ady and dont spread fake news
i already screenshot all ur word since JAN 2021, if i3 can post photo i will prove u

anyone want the screenshot welcome pm me..
i will send u after i meet u.. u need to prove that u not the gang with vadaiISback


2021-02-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

refer back my comment at 21feb 11:35am
here the link direct to KJ twitter


2021-02-21 12:43 | Report Abuse

vadaiISback and now u say only digi, cbyap is me?
i told u ady including ur acc vadaiISback, gukujiao, gateway31, berational, daren6419, barubelajartrade, 24hourproducing, thomaszum all acc is my acc

all user comment in here and klse screener all is my account


2021-02-21 12:40 | Report Abuse

like what khairy mention early
(they will not deal with company that just distribute only)

The Sinovac vaccine will arrive by the bulk, which than would be bottled and packaged by Pharmaniaga, while the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) is in the process of evaluating the clinical data of the vaccine.

but pharmaniaga just put packing into bottle only...


2021-02-21 12:37 | Report Abuse

Daren something i AGREE and something not
have confidence with YONGTAI but our Govourment pusing2

i think Khairy just purchase vaccine, not the one giving approval
we can see SINOVAC not yet approve by NPRA but it will arrive malaysia at 27 FEB
mean that sinovac by Pharmaniaga 100% will get approval

National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA) is in the process of evaluating the clinical data of the vaccine.


2021-02-21 12:31 | Report Abuse

I dont know Why vadaiISback keep attack me
because i tell the truth ?
why i cannot comment the truth ?
i told u ady dont come kacau me...
u cant beat me, because now im more clever now
i always post comment with sources/ link
not like u.. keep comment without prove and DELETE COMMENT after it


2021-02-21 12:27 | Report Abuse

i never spread fake news
u can click my profile and see what i comment.. as i never delete

who spread fake news ? is u..
u spread fakenews and delete it after i comment with prove with link/ sources


2021-02-21 11:35 | Report Abuse

early morning bad news come out

Khairy Jamaluddin @Khairykj
Front liners are being notified about their vaccination appointments.
@JKJAVMY has NOT approved any private providers/market for COVID vaccines. The plan is available at


2021-02-20 04:37 | Report Abuse

hahaha new id again?
what u want to play ?
lose ady open new id to comment lol


2021-02-19 21:09 | Report Abuse

Hopefully our govourment will take this advice to allowed more company & private sector to supply and distribute Covid-19 vaccines


2021-02-19 20:52 | Report Abuse

same as usual u will going to hide,
wont log in this ID anymore
and then u will use another ID to shoot me..


2021-02-19 20:48 | Report Abuse

u check my profile, and see what i comment as i never delete..
and now i will comment and paste together with sources

my info all is correct not like u.. all ur info just agar-agar only
u guess i win or lose ? hahaha
but it's does not matter

as long as i gv u TRUE info..


2021-02-19 20:40 | Report Abuse

hey robertzz ur info wrong again

Malaysia has agreed to procure five types of Covid-19 vaccines so far, namely Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, CanSinoBIO and Sputnik V.

However, only the Pfizer vaccine has received approval from the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), while the rest are still under evaluation. The first batch of Pfizer vaccine is expected to arrive in the country on Feb 21.

here the link


2021-02-19 19:50 | Report Abuse

as what i know there is only 1 vaccine is approve not 5
other vaccine is still waiting result
u can check at NPRA website

Pfizer approve ady, and will reach malaysia in this sunday 21 feb 2021 by Mas Malaysia


2021-02-19 19:20 | Report Abuse


这个疫苗是 (一期)(二期)同时进行的,现在等result而已
永大集团也是在等这个result 才将report submit to NPRA and MOH



2021-02-19 19:09 | Report Abuse

来来去去 都是那几个人 一直讲一样的问题
你们开这么多户口 有什么用?你的info对吗?
info错了人家改正你们又不爽 一直射射射,然后又delete comment

AstraZeneca 是MRNA

永大集团和康泰生物签的是康泰生物自己研发的灭活疫苗,不是AstraZeneca 的MRNA疫苗,康泰生物与AstraZeneca的合作是代工生产AstraZeneca 的MRNA疫苗,拥有权,销售权,知识产权都是归AstraZeneca!


2021-02-19 15:38 | Report Abuse

Dont comment so much ady
as i said
if u guy stop spread fake news then i will stop comment immediately
hope 'ur boss' saw my message
and ask ur team stop spread fake news
Thank you
Gong Xi Fa Cai, Happy New Year


2021-02-19 15:30 | Report Abuse

click on vadaiISback profile and see his comment
all Post removed...


2021-02-19 15:28 | Report Abuse

there is Criteria for a listed company to be classified as a PN17
i never study this, and i never comment about this

look back my comment , Feb 15, 2021 2:33 PM
i comment based on what BOO say still hardworking with MOH and NPRA

u can click my profile and see all my comment, as i never delete

and last People say u are DOG, u wont become DOG
because u wont be affect by what people said

what people said / comment is not important, and u should prove ur self by result


2021-02-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

ok robertzz i dont want comment ady.. i quit from here
happy CNY to all hope u all earn big in NlU year


2021-02-19 15:09 | Report Abuse

vadaiISback u should say all acc coment in yongtai i3investor is my account, including vadaiISback , gukujiao, gateway31, berational, daren6419, barubelajartrade, 24hourproducing, all acc is my acc


2021-02-19 15:01 | Report Abuse

hello vadaiISback later u delete comment again ?
i told u...i not scared at all as i never spread fake news
my comment never delete
not like u.. u think u delete comment and no one know ur comment / history ?

tell ur boss
'if u guy stop spread fake news then i will stop comment also'


2021-02-19 14:47 | Report Abuse

u dont even know what is share..pls go study first...


2021-02-19 14:27 | Report Abuse

atleast company need earn money, debts ratio, project, not just ' share market is unpredictable, maybe u wait it goes down to 0.1x but from 0.20 it fly to the sky'

hello pls wake up... now is day time...dont dreaming

pls go take some course before u invest in stock market

insider can push ? u know how stock market works?
concept of stock market..?
u dont know at all


2021-02-19 13:34 | Report Abuse

maybe from 0.20 tmr fly to rm 20..

so funny u.. do ntg and price will go up ?
then u also no need work ady
everyday pray at home u will become billionaire..


2021-02-19 12:11 | Report Abuse

shorterm also cannot... just wait if u want to buy this stock.. now is down trend

lower n lower n lower

next support 0.1x


2021-02-18 22:05 | Report Abuse

ofcoz there is some good user like NEVERCHASEHIGH , ThegreedZ and some other user i cant remember whats their name


2021-02-18 21:58 | Report Abuse

i just a small potato from Kota Laksamana... if u business here u should know whr u can look for me... im mr X kota laksamana


2021-02-18 21:54 | Report Abuse

i not scared at all as i nvr spread fake news
my comment nvr delete
not like u.. u think u delete comment and no one know ur comment / history ?

tell ur boss
if u guy stop spread fake news then i will stop comment also


2021-02-18 21:40 | Report Abuse

welcome to lodge report to mcmc or any department ..
hope yongtai lodge a report to pdrm as well

who spread fake news.. let them judge
they are professional

hope they will tangkapan to all 'fake news gang' that gv fake news in here..

i just tell the truth.. all information comment by me can easily google / speech from YTB


2021-02-18 20:41 | Report Abuse

did u guy know what perdana doing ?
if dont know pls go research...

so funny...and did u know why only dayang go up and perdana dint ?
dnex go up and some petroleum company dint go up...


2021-02-18 20:32 | Report Abuse

every cent drop u also say strong support from 0.40 till now
u read back ur comment ... from 0.40 every cent drop u also comment strong support...until now 0.215 u claim ur self pro in chart ?


2021-02-18 17:37 | Report Abuse

see chart its down trend ! dont buy
downtrend stock cant win money


2021-02-18 15:59 | Report Abuse

thegreedZ already gv tips... ask to cabut
but keep kena f by "super fans"


2021-02-17 20:56 | Report Abuse

50:50 all not dare comment
maybe good news la...
either director buy more share or sell its own share


2021-02-17 18:30 | Report Abuse

Good Luck Guys


2021-02-17 17:09 | Report Abuse

oil now at critical price if can break up then perdana will up

actually its not so related to oil price
just if oil price go up then og company got budget and can gv contract to perdana only


2021-02-15 19:21 | Report Abuse

u guy know insider u guy should go verify
dont just comment here


2021-02-15 18:30 | Report Abuse

so funny u think people comment here can hold how many unit ?

no worry i believe banker will throw until u no money buy


2021-02-15 15:35 | Report Abuse

goodjob penta

for those dont think this stock will up pls short it....hahaha


2021-02-15 15:34 | Report Abuse

perdana heng ong huat arrrr


2021-02-15 15:28 | Report Abuse

new low today 0.215 ^^


2021-02-15 15:26 | Report Abuse

i did not spread any news
we are discussion... why cant discuss ?

based on what u comment can prove u what also dont know
before u comment pls do some research la

go read what dpharma n pharmaniaga request.. with MOH

u just like white paper what L also dont know then act like PRO


2021-02-15 15:12 | Report Abuse

i also dont know why the authorities want to block them..
2 week ago d'pharma and pharmaniaga make noise ady

according to BFM director speech that day we can know d'pharma and pharmaniaga also bring in this vaccine... SO....


2021-02-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

we are not syndicates like what u said
we dont know each other..

why i agree with their comment? because i did my own research

you dont believe my comment...
go do ur homework then u will know who is 'syndicates'
who is REAL and who is DOG


2021-02-15 14:40 | Report Abuse

im from melaka, im melaka people :p