
richardlee | Joined since 2017-04-14

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2017-12-16 18:03 | Report Abuse

When i joined the AA forum a few months back i was a newbie and one of the first lessons i learnt is there is a lot of predictions here which turn out to be wrong, especially posts by those who talk big like they are sure and can see the future.

Some of these wrong and strong views are probably made casually, just for fun but many others seem to be done with bad intentions to help their trades and to cheat innocent readers. These crooks gang up and use clone IDs to support each other and are easy to spot in the forum, they are crude people with little education and poor upbringing so their posts often contain crude and vulgar language.

I think BWC and Investo have been trying to clean up the forum for some time and now i am helping in this good cause too. Ok to have the casual comments, ok to be wrong in the stock market but don't be a crook and give irresponsible comments to try to mislead readers.

As always when online, everyone need to be careful of scams and frauds. Look at the quality of posts and you know whether what type of people are posting. Don't blindly follow the posts here.


2017-12-15 21:46 | Report Abuse

Who else will support Icon8888 when so many old posts have proven his calls were so wrong and dishonest? Who else will get so desperate when Icon8888 is exposed? Who else would use same rude or vulgar words, same time appear and disappear same time? Proven many times already la. Only those who are Icon8888 clone IDs will still ask, it is a proven fact to real readers already. :-)


2017-12-15 20:55 | Report Abuse

When i joined the AA forum a few months back i was a newbie and one of the first lessons i learnt the hard way is there is a lot of comments here which turn out to be wrong, especially those who talk big like they are sure and can see the future. Some of these wrong and strong views are probably made casually, just for fun but many others seem to be done with bad intentions to help their trades and to cheat innocent readers. These crooks gang up and use clone IDs to support each other and are easy to spot in the forum, they are crude people with little education and poor upbringing so their posts often contain crude and vulgar language.

As always when online, everyone need to be careful of scams and frauds. Look at the quality of posts and you know whether what type of people are posting. Don't take many of the comments here too seriously.


2017-12-15 20:45 | Report Abuse

In stock market, what may be right for you, could be wrong for someone else. Ding dong risks may be important to tactical investors but not to passive long term investors. That is one reason why there is always buyers and sellers.


2017-12-15 16:30 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to complain, tell lies, post vulgar comments or spam the forum when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. When Icon8888 and his gang makes these shameful and rude posts they only show they lack education and did not get proper upbringing.

Icon8888 should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for. Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-12-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

What is happening to the AAC sale?

Clearly the market is disappointed as it has taken a lot longer than expected. Some people now say it may be delayed further to year end or maybe even aborted

Then why was Icon8888 so so sure as far back as last year? In Aug 2016 - this is more than a year ago - Icon8888 already started promoting the AAC deal and even suggested a possible TP of 5.00 when the AAC deal is finalized.

Icon8888 promised the forum the winning bid will be announced in Nov 2016 and lured readers to buy by saying insiders are already buying. When there was no announcement in Nov last year, Icon8888 continued to suggests the deal was near completion in Jan 2017.

BWC warned Icon8888 many times that AAC deal may not be so smooth and should not be over-promoted. But Icon8888 didn't care, he kept using strong words and also used his gang of clone IDs to support his dishonest calls and to instigate readers to buy.

Of course anyone can be wrong in the stock market. But if anyone was warned repeatedly and yet continued to talk so big and even used a gang of fake IDs to support his views, he clearly wanted to mislead readers on this forum intentionally. Maybe they were trying to benefit their AA-CW trades. That is dishonest and maybe even illegal. .

I don't simply say all these, the proof is clear when looking at Icon8888's old posts below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao


2017-12-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

Anyone who can say that is confirmed in category (i) and (ii).
Readers and admin can see the how active Icon8888 is with his many clone IDs, lucky CNP V2 makes it easy to stop them from cheating other innocent readers here. Good wins over evil again.


2017-12-15 14:49 | Report Abuse

With CNP V2, hardly any effort needed, it is only Icon8888 and his clone IDs anyway. We are winning so easily, we don't even have to say a nasty or rude word yet even.

As usual, when the crooks can't win an argument and their dishonest activities are exposed by other readers, Icon8888 and his clone IDs show their true colors by calling you nasty names or attack you with vulgar words. This shows how desperate they are and how much they lack education and had poor upbringing when young.

These discussion are good as they helps readers to realize they need to be careful on this forum and see who the crooks are. Thanks guys.


2017-12-15 14:15 | Report Abuse

I saw Icon8888 come out of hiding in end Nov already, straight away he lose money when he bought Supermax at 2.04 and what was worst is as usual he write articles and talk big to lure others to buy when he knows so little. Same thing as in AA, a little knowledge in investment is dangerous and when he tries to be sifu in forum and talk big, he becomes dangerous to other innocent readers too. I see his old posts he already bought his first batch of Supermax at above 2.30 in 2016 and he says it is his biggest position. Now stock what price?

So the lesson is readers need to be careful of Icon8888 and his clone IDs. You can easily spot his clone IDs. Once anyone exposes the dishonest posts made by Icon8888, he will use his clone IDs to attack you, often with rude or vulgar language.

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 22, 2017 11:02 AM | Report Abuse
Bought more this morning at 204
Article soon

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 5, 2017 01:56 PM | Report Abuse
I am very comfortable with Supermax
it is rock bottom now. Even if USD weakens, it has limited downside
One of my biggest position
but patience required
instead of 12 months, probably needs 24 months to bear fruits
never mind, I can wait

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 4, 2017 10:36 AM | Report Abuse
lai liao lai liao, this one big time export play....


2017-12-15 13:19 | Report Abuse

If Icon8888 is so comfortable and in NZ he won't be so desperate to use his clone IDs to attack those who exposes his dishonest acts la. He is still around, actively trying to cheat others, his latest scam is in Supermax which i proved using his own old posts. So instead of Icon8888 using his clone IDs to make false accusations, rude name calling or vulgar words, anyone got anything intelligent to say? This discussion is good as it helps readers to be careful on this forum and see who the crooks are. Thanks guys.


2017-12-15 12:47 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 can easily post here in his own IDs instead of using his clone IDs but so far he too coward. Let readers and admin decide if i scared or not to face to face with Icon8888. I think most real readers not category (i) la.


2017-12-15 12:16 | Report Abuse

With CNP V2, no problem, it is only Icon8888 and his clone IDs anyway. We are winning so easily, we don't even have to say a nasty or rude word yet even.


2017-12-15 12:10 | Report Abuse

Standard - when the crooks can't win an argument, they either (i) say they will ignore, they said that a million times before but can do it only for 5 minutes (ii) call you names or attack you with vulgar words. This discussion is good as it helps readers to be careful on this forum and see who the crooks are. Thanks guys.


2017-12-15 12:07 | Report Abuse

Neither? You don't know head or tail and see so many proves of misleading posts by Icon8888 and repeated vulgar posts by his clone IDs but you chose to just attack those warning readers to be careful? If you are really not a clone ID, it proves you are in category (i).


2017-12-15 11:48 | Report Abuse

Mistake? It is still going on and there is no remorse. Look at what he is doing now at Supermax. Look at how his clone IDs are commenting, still making nasty posts. Are you category (i) or (ii)?


2017-12-15 11:43 | Report Abuse

Of course it is fair, CNP V2 equalises our efforts against Icon8888 who uses a gang of clone IDs to say the same thing over and over again. Anyone who complains about repeated posts warning readers to be careful but do not complain about the misleading posts by Icon8888 and his many vulgar posts is surely either (i) not very bright or (ii) a member of Icon8888 gang too. You choose which category you are in.


2017-12-15 11:33 | Report Abuse

Easy to accuse, prove it like i do with old posts. Otherwise, it proves you are the crook instead. Cursing from crooks is small thing and it only means we are making good progress on exposing the scammers and cleaning up the forum. It is something to be proud of. Do you think Icon8888 will be so desperate and use so many clone IDs, including vulgar words to attack if what we say is not true? :-)


2017-12-15 11:10 | Report Abuse

I think BWC and Investo have been trying to clean up the forum for some time and now i am helping in this good cause too. Ok to have the casual comments, ok to be wrong in the stock market but don't be a crook and give irresponsible comments to try to mislead readers.


2017-12-15 09:20 | Report Abuse

All i am saying is that the stock don't look ready to take off short term. So if you are a tactical investor, then maybe put some money elsewhere or keep some cash. If you are a passive long term investor, then maybe you can just hold as the longer term outlook looks good. End of day, no right or wrong, depends on your investment strategy and risk profile. I still think got short term ding dong risks.


2017-12-15 09:03 | Report Abuse

All views are welcomed as long as they are honest and civil. It is your right and don't let these crooks bully you away.

Readers and admin can see that is the difference between good readers like us and crooks like Icon8888 and his clone IDs. We respect other people's right to make fair comment but Icon8888 will use his clone IDs to attack others with crude words and try to bully them to got away. Icon8888 and his gang clearly has bad intentions on this forum.


2017-12-14 14:19 | Report Abuse

All views are welcomed as long as they are honest and civil. It is your right and don't let these crooks bully you away.


2017-12-14 13:02 | Report Abuse

Kena taroh is small thing if it is from crooks and scammers because that means you are doing the right and good thing for the forum. It is actually something to be proud of. Only crooks don't understand that. :-)


2017-12-14 12:27 | Report Abuse

RM1 sale div is hype? Guess who over-promoted AAC deal since end 2016 and helped to hype that special div will be RM1? Same crook who has little knowledge in stock market and his call is so wrong but keep talking big and criticizing analysts and other readers. His old posts re-posted below as proof. Readers will notice that Icon8888 and his clone IDs keep accusing but dare not put up any old posts to prove because they are lying.

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:36 AM | Report Abuse
AAC stands for Asia Aviation Capital. It is Air Asia's plane leasing unit
they are selling AAC for USD1 billion, which is RM4.47 billion
based on 3.3 billion shares, that is equivalent to RM1.35 cash per share
rumours that they will pay out RM1.00 special dividend
are you sure you want to take profit because "somebody is pushing up the price to goreng" ?

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 6, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
This Deutsch analyst lack of imagination and no substance
He doesn't know how to structure deal
For AAC, no use look at current balance sheet . Air Asia got a lot of planes. If necessary, They can decide how many to inject into AAC and lease back subsequently
The key is to sell it to get USD1 billion so as to alter the entire group risk profile to minimize holding risk for shareholders
The leaseback might cause more later on, but I think the impact is acceptable
Give me the RM1.00 dividend first. The rest we cerita later


2017-12-14 08:56 | Report Abuse

I suspect a lot of people suspected already. That is why BWC warned to reduce holdings and that is why AA under selling pressure for a while already i think. Icon8888 did everyone readers her a disservice by over-promoting since more than a year ago. A little knowledge but want to talk big, is a dangerous thing.


2017-12-14 08:10 | Report Abuse

Not advising, just sharing my thoughts only. I think the ratio depends on many things eg your own risk profile etc, i am not expert. I only just learnt portfolio management from BWC in AA forum.


2017-12-14 07:58 | Report Abuse

Wow, another whole night no rude posts by Icon8888 using his clone IDs, he and his gang used to make 10 - 20 posts a night easily last time. That is really great news for this forum!! This proves again CNP V2 really effective and easy to expose Icon8888's dishonest activities, forcing him to hide behind his fake IDs and making him afraid to make more posts.

Once in a while Icon8888 will still use his clone IDs to make a few rude remarks but that is a small price to pay if we want to get the forum safer for readers from scammers and crooks. Congrats to AA forum, good wins against evil again!


2017-12-13 14:42 | Report Abuse

What is happening to the AAC sale?

Clearly the market is disappointed as it has taken a lot longer than expected. Some people now say it may be delayed further to year end or maybe even aborted

Then why was Icon8888 so so sure as far back as last year? In Aug 2016 - this is more than a year ago - Icon8888 already started promoting the AAC deal and even suggested a possible TP of 5.00 when the AAC deal is finalized.

Icon8888 promised the forum the winning bid will be announced in Nov 2016 and lured readers to buy by saying insiders are already buying. When there was no announcement in Nov last year, Icon8888 continued to suggests the deal was near completion in Jan 2017.

BWC warned Icon8888 many times that AAC deal may not be so smooth and should not be over-promoted. But Icon8888 didn't care, he kept using strong words and also used his gang of clone IDs to support his dishonest calls and to instigate readers to buy.

Of course anyone can be wrong in the stock market. But if anyone was warned repeatedly and yet continued to talk so big and even used a gang of fake IDs to support his views, he clearly wanted to mislead readers on this forum intentionally. Maybe they were trying to benefit their AA-CW trades. That is dishonest and maybe even illegal. .

I don't simply say all these, the proof is clear when looking at Icon8888's old posts below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao


2017-12-13 13:21 | Report Abuse

Short term ding dong risk, so hold some for longer term which is still good, move some cash to other stocks with better short term potential and hold some cash since market not so good.


2017-12-13 12:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh AA not moving, even when results good and coming to year end already. Looks like AAC deal maybe no news. All this prove BWC is right. First he warned Icon88888 many times one year ago don't over-promote AAC deal because could be not so smooth. Secondly, lucky BWC say short term big picture not so good recently, ask readers to take profit and sell down to 30% - 60% invested only. That is what this forum needs more, honest and accurate views over months and years, not all the wrong and dishonest calls by Icon8888 and his vulgar words using his clone IDs. All proven by old posts re-posted below. Let readers and admin decide.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Nov 24, 2017 05:06 PM | Report Abuse
Like I said a few times recently, the price action of AA worries me. However, to me big picture medium term still looks ok. One possibility is I am reading the big picture incorrectly, very possible, we are all still learning and maybe I missed something. Secondly, there is a chance there is some small picture that is affecting price eg big delay in AAC deal? Really bad results? Don't know. All I know is that in these situations, there is no conviction on the stock anymore. That is why suggested recently to bring down to 50% - this is not an exact number, depending on your risk profile, it can be 60% or even as low as 30%. Lets wait until there is more direction again. For tactical investors, again we see clearly that stock market is not a simple just buy and hold.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Nov 20, 2017 09:56 AM | Report Abuse
Actually I think you are doing the right thing to reduce holdings in AA. Big picture suggested weeks ago for investors to take some profit in AA and make tactical move to other stocks already. No crystal ball and can be wrong but looks like now safer to reduce more even eg

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao


2017-12-13 07:58 | Report Abuse

Wow, whole night no rude posts by Icon8888 using his clone IDs, he and his gang used to make 10 - 20 posts easily last time. That is really great news for this forum!!

This proves again CNP V2 really effective and easy to expose Icon8888's dishonest activities, forcing him to hide behind his fake IDs and making him afraid to make more posts.

Congrats to AA forum, quiet here better than forum being infested with Icon8888 and his clone IDs making dishonest posts to cheat innocent readers or making vulgar posts to harass others. Good wins against evil again!


2017-12-12 15:06 | Report Abuse

Wow, whole morning only 2 - 3 rude posts by Icon8888 using his clone IDs, used to be 20 - 30 posts easily last time. That is really great news for this forum. This proves again CNP V2 really effective and easy to expose Icon8888's dishonest activities, forcing him to hide behind his fake IDs and making him afraid to make more posts. Congrats to AA forum, quiet here better than forum being infested with Icon8888 and his clone IDs making dishonest posts to cheat innocent readers or making vulgar posts to harass others. Good wins against evil again!


2017-12-11 11:05 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to complain, tell lies, post vulgar comments or spam the forum when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. When Icon8888 and his gang makes these shameful and rude posts they only show they lack education and did not get proper upbringing.

Icon8888 should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for. Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-12-11 09:44 | Report Abuse

I think some people didn't like the comment as they wanted to promote the stock and so only wanted positive comments but we are here to get honest views, in the stock market there is a time to buy and there is a time to be more cautious.


2017-12-11 08:22 | Report Abuse

True or not my view that this stock got short term ding dong risks? Just sharing so that readers can make informed decision based on views from everyone.


2017-12-01 14:42 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to complain, tell lies, post vulgar comments or spam the forum when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. When Icon8888 and his gang makes these shameful and rude posts they only show they lack education and did not get proper upbringing.

Icon8888 should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for. Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-11-30 20:32 | Report Abuse

richardlee so easily affected by what people say? That is funny. Readers can easily see it is Icon8888 who needs to abandon his ID and is the one forced to say vulgar words using his clone IDs. When richardlee make 1 post, Icon8888 need to spam with 10 posts. Who is the one affected and desperate?

I blamed Icon8888 because he was wrong? Or rather do I blame him because he dishonestly gang up to support his very strong but wrong calls to benefit his trades, which will hurt innocent readers?

I over-promote BWC? Over-promote means i must have said a lot of things about BWC which turned out to be wrong. If true then please prove by re-posting my old posts. On the other hand, do you need me to re-post the many strong but wrong Icon8888 posts on AA and the AAC deal which he and the gang over-promoted? Readers not stupid la.

Also, this is between me and Icon8888. Why are you all involved if you are not actually Icon8888 hiding behind clone IDs or busy bodies? Readers can see from your comment histories if you are a real investor or IDs created by Icon8888 to defend himself and to post vulgar posts mainly.

End of day no need to argue. I keep repeating the warning to readers to be careful and just leave it to readers and admin to decide.

Posted by richardlee > Nov 28, 2017 07:52 PM | Report Abuse X
When i joined the AA forum a few months back i was a newbie and one of the first lessons i learnt the hard way is there is a lot of comments here which turn out to be wrong, especially those who talk like they are sure and can see the future. Some of these wrong and strong views are probably made casually, just for fun but many seem to be intentionally done to cheat readers. Guess as always online, everyone need to be careful of scams and frauds. Don't take many of the comments here too seriously.

Posted by JN88 > Nov 28, 2017 08:46 PM | Report Abuse
richarlee: is you feel like they talk like sure for smtg. Maybe they are confident. And also you mention they can see future.... 3 year old childkid also know they cant see future come you say they can see future.

Posted by richardlee > Nov 28, 2017 09:23 PM | Report Abuse X
Not i feel, they actually say they sure. Confident doesn't mean have to talk like can see the future. In fact, most honest gurus very humble, no need to over-promote eg BWC and Investo because they know they are good while most crooks have to talk big - eg (readers can easily spot who from their postings) to try to lure naive and innocent readers.

Posted by onecall > Nov 28, 2017 11:18 PM | Report Abuse
richardlee so easily offended or affected by what people say. that is why in stock market, BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK. From your latest comment, people can so easily tell you are those type of people that blame others if their call is wrong, or caused you to lose money. Wrong call means dishonest to you. Lol. And talking about overpromote, everyone here can see that you are overpromoting bwc... very obvious.


2017-11-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

When i joined the AA forum a few months back i was a newbie and one of the first lessons i learnt the hard way is there is a lot of comments here which turn out to be wrong, especially those who talk big like they are sure and can see the future. Some of these wrong and strong views are probably made casually, just for fun but many others seem to be done with bad intentions to help their trades and to cheat innocent readers. As always when online, everyone need to be careful of scams and frauds. Don't take many of the comments here too seriously.


2017-11-30 08:51 | Report Abuse

All views are welcomed, including negative posts, as long as they are honest views. Readers deserve to have a balanced view on AA so that they can make the best investment decision for themselves. Don't get sensitive or personal about the stock. This is what BWC and Investo have always been encouraging others to do but there are those here, with bad intentions, who wants to control what readers get to read.


2017-11-30 08:39 | Report Abuse

Yes that is what i was warning about - the stock looks ok for long term but short term ding dong risk. So if we believe that outlook is true then we adjust our portfolio accordingly.


2017-11-30 08:34 | Report Abuse

No one seem to be agree whether AA results was good or not so good. Guess that is what the market is all about. BWC what is your view?


2017-11-29 21:44 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to complain, tell lies, post vulgar comments or spam the forum when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. When Icon8888 and his gang makes these shameful and rude posts they only show they lack education and did not get proper upbringing.

Icon8888 should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for. Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-11-29 20:42 | Report Abuse

richardlee so easily affected by what people say? That is funny. Readers can easily see it is Icon8888 who needs to abandon his ID and is the one forced to say vulgar words using his clone IDs. When richardlee make 1 post, Icon8888 need to spam with 10 posts. Who is the one affected and desperate?

I blamed Icon8888 because he was wrong? Or rather do I blame him because he dishonestly gang up to support his very strong but wrong calls to benefit his trades, which will hurt innocent readers?

I over-promote BWC? Over-promote means i must have said a lot of things about BWC which turned out to be wrong. If true then please prove by re-posting my old posts. On the other hand, do you need me to re-post the many strong but wrong Icon8888 posts on AA and the AAC deal which he and the gang over-promoted? Readers not stupid la.

Also, this is between me and Icon8888. Why are you all involved if you are not actually Icon8888 hiding behind clone IDs or busy bodies? Readers can see from your comment histories if you are a real investor or IDs created by Icon8888 to defend himself and to post vulgar posts mainly.

End of day no need to argue. I keep repeating the warning to readers to be careful and just leave it to readers and admin to decide.

Posted by richardlee > Nov 28, 2017 07:52 PM | Report Abuse X
When i joined the AA forum a few months back i was a newbie and one of the first lessons i learnt the hard way is there is a lot of comments here which turn out to be wrong, especially those who talk like they are sure and can see the future. Some of these wrong and strong views are probably made casually, just for fun but many seem to be intentionally done to cheat readers. Guess as always online, everyone need to be careful of scams and frauds. Don't take many of the comments here too seriously.

Posted by JN88 > Nov 28, 2017 08:46 PM | Report Abuse
richarlee: is you feel like they talk like sure for smtg. Maybe they are confident. And also you mention they can see future.... 3 year old childkid also know they cant see future come you say they can see future.

Posted by richardlee > Nov 28, 2017 09:23 PM | Report Abuse X
Not i feel, they actually say they sure. Confident doesn't mean have to talk like can see the future. In fact, most honest gurus very humble, no need to over-promote eg BWC and Investo because they know they are good while most crooks have to talk big - eg (readers can easily spot who from their postings) to try to lure naive and innocent readers.

Posted by onecall > Nov 28, 2017 11:18 PM | Report Abuse
richardlee so easily offended or affected by what people say. that is why in stock market, BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK. From your latest comment, people can so easily tell you are those type of people that blame others if their call is wrong, or caused you to lose money. Wrong call means dishonest to you. Lol. And talking about overpromote, everyone here can see that you are overpromoting bwc... very obvious.


2017-11-29 20:36 | Report Abuse

Don't say i didn't try to help by warning repeatedly that this stock got short term ding dong risk, partly due to market. i kept some for longer term but moved some money to stocks with better short term potential and rest in cash.


2017-11-28 21:23 | Report Abuse

Not i feel, they actually say they sure. Is it you defend their dishonest activities because you are their clone ID? (readers and admin can easily judge based on your comment history). Confident doesn't mean have to talk like can see the future. In fact, most honest gurus very humble, no need to over-promote eg BWC and Investo because they know they are good while most crooks have to talk big - eg (readers can easily spot who from their postings) to try to lure naive and innocent readers. These crooks also cannot accept other people's views, so they harass them, often even with vulgar words.


2017-11-28 19:52 | Report Abuse

When i joined the AA forum a few months back i was a newbie and one of the first lessons i learnt the hard way is there is a lot of comments here which turn out to be wrong, especially those who talk like they are sure and can see the future. Some of these wrong and strong views are probably made casually, just for fun but many seem to be intentionally done to cheat readers. Guess as always online, everyone need to be careful of scams and frauds. Don't take many of the comments here too seriously.


2017-11-28 13:31 | Report Abuse

Someone made a good observation that people seem more interested to sell. That is why warned many times already this stock got short term ding dong risk, partly because of market.


2017-11-28 13:07 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to complain, tell lies, post vulgar comments or spam the forum when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. When Icon8888 and his gang makes these shameful and rude posts they only show they lack education and did not get proper upbringing.

Icon8888 should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for. Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-11-28 08:50 | Report Abuse

What is happening to the AAC sale?

Clearly the market is disappointed as it has taken a lot longer than expected. Some people now say it may be delayed further to year end or maybe even aborted

Then why was Icon8888 so so sure as far back as last year? In Aug 2016 - this is more than a year ago - Icon8888 already started promoting the AAC deal and even suggested a possible TP of 5.00 when the AAC deal is finalized.

Icon8888 promised the forum the winning bid will be announced in Nov 2016 and lured readers to buy by saying insiders are already buying. When there was no announcement in Nov last year, Icon8888 continued to suggests the deal was near completion in Jan 2017.

BWC warned Icon8888 many times that AAC deal may not be so smooth and should not be over-promoted. But Icon8888 didn't care, he kept using strong words and also used his gang of clone IDs to support his dishonest calls and to instigate readers to buy.

Of course anyone can be wrong in the stock market. But if anyone was warned repeatedly and yet continued to talk so big and even used a gang of fake IDs to support his views, he clearly wanted to mislead readers on this forum intentionally. Maybe they were trying to benefit their AA-CW trades. That is dishonest and maybe even illegal. .

I don't simply say all these, the proof is clear when looking at Icon8888's old posts below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao


2017-11-27 19:54 | Report Abuse

Wow, whole weekend Icon8888 made only 1 -2 posts using his clone IDs, used to be 40 - 50 posts last time. That is really great news for this forum. This proves again CNP V2 really effective at exposing Icon8888's dishonest activities, forcing him to hide behind his fake IDs and making him afraid to make more posts. With CNP V2, it is so easy, hardly any effort.

Icon8888 will use his clone IDs to make vulgar posts once in a while just to prove he is still around. Readers can report those nasty posts to admin. Even if no action is taken by admin, a few rude comments by Icon8888 and his clone IDs is a small price to pay if we can make this AA forum safer for innocent readers from traps and if readers can post views without being harassed. BWC has reminded us often that the big picture is to focus on making money honestly and safely in AA.


2017-11-27 14:59 | Report Abuse

This is partly the reason for the ding dong risks.