
rogueone | Joined since 2016-12-20

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2017-03-01 19:09 | Report Abuse

Bon, check the CBBC first maybe?


2017-03-01 13:59 | Report Abuse

Lai liao Lai liao don't gamble ah I tell you!


2017-02-28 14:15 | Report Abuse

*no gambling please


2017-02-28 14:15 | Report Abuse

want to burst liao burst liao


2017-02-28 13:56 | Report Abuse

Lai liao Lai liao


2017-02-28 11:34 | Report Abuse

So peaceful here last two days. Luckily you say "but" Bon else kena tangkap for gambling. Key event tonite will be Trump's speech to Congress. DJIA S&P rally due to Trump's effect for so long, will it ends tonite? Let's see.


2017-02-28 10:42 | Report Abuse

Good morning don't gamble please but good calls again wakaka kikiki puiii


2017-02-27 14:35 | Report Abuse

bravo ayam & FP! Why your gambling call so cun?!! Please don't gamble but why so cun?!
Dear master sifu dragon garam aiyo why u delete so fast I nampak byk org reply lu worrr. Sorry lar was travelling tapi no need guess oso know what you rite lar...Wakaka kikiki puiii!..


2017-02-25 09:10 | Report Abuse

one more last one, really last last :) for newbie who want to ask questions and get it answered consistently ah, lu tukar lu become nama perempuan. sini sifu semua uncle hamsap punya... nampak nama perempuan terus mao become Hero.. whether betui perempuan or not tau ka? this one really can end with wakakaka kikiki lorrr ok that's it! Ciao!


2017-02-25 09:02 | Report Abuse

lastly lar I oso told duit before don't ma hao pao and confuse people here. he oso know. I still think his expertise is in stock and not HSI; yet...


2017-02-25 08:56 | Report Abuse

aiyo dragon lu sudah jadi ayam ka kokokoko so early in the morning! lu itu 4d number sudah bukak baru mao cakap game plan wa oso can lar... my point very simple only lar... lu cakap mao tolong newbie tapi bila you ma hao pao lu cakap 24500.. people share day trade lu cakap jgn gambling..kalau newbie really trust you 24500 blindly hantam C lor since u everyday cakap horse cannon.. lu ada faham ka?

lagi satu, what's the different between your game plan and gambling? sama sajerrrr you oso don't know confirm will kena ma betui ka? siapa cakap I follow duit? I want to follow oso follow ayam lar this year ayam year ma.. simple, clear and concise.. ada salah ka? btw hor wa oso entered around 24200 resistance sebab wa rasa banker mao guna byk duit to hantam 24500 tak semesti boleh sampai.. ada salah ka?

btw based on your sleeping pattern and comments mao jaga muka wah tau lu a bit senior lar. makan garam lagi byk dari newbie makan nasi batui ka? kalau betui better go medical check lor garam no good ahh.. ok lar wa tak mao bad karma nanti lu sakit jantung lu blame I. itu sahaja.. go hv fun kay it's weekend suruh orang jgn gambling tapi sendiri stress mao jaga muka sini..

Ok lar i mao keluar paint the town red for Monday. Kalau u boring u type lar dont delete wa reply on Sunday nite kay? Have a good weekend! Next week continue we continue yea!



2017-02-24 13:21 | Report Abuse

Who is kongjie? Let me talk to kongjie see I try to ma hau pao like you see boleh masuk ka only need to talk kosong and add wakaka kikiki puiii at the end rite?


2017-02-24 13:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo dragon lu hari hari cakap lu punya cave byk bagus tapi tak boleh masuk. APA Lu mao promote lar? Lu bazir masa sini buat apa. Go back cave earn ur money lar.. sini waa boleh tolong tiao why gambling whenever they call buy or sell don't worry wakaka kikiki puiii!


2017-02-24 12:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo dragon masih belum give up ma? Wa ada tolong you tiao they all why gambling tapi no one tiao me. I think you muka Dan reputasi Bo liao ler APA macam?


2017-02-24 10:43 | Report Abuse

Wahhhhh you all so daring gamble here. Aiyo sifu come scold you only know ah.


2017-02-24 09:59 | Report Abuse

Again hor use Property to tahan. How long can tahan?


2017-02-23 17:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyooooooo where's aiyo lar. If you notice property is the one pushing the index up today and it already at stretch since yesterday boom? CBBC all the way to 24500 but any sifu with experience before that it's not necessary will hit? I'm not sure. The finance sec mentioned yesterday that rate increase by fed will affect the property industry the most and yesterday fed minutes does imply at hike? Correct me if wrong I would be receptive to comments :)


2017-02-23 16:24 | Report Abuse

Wahhhhh you guys so daring. All against the master sifu hero of the year dragon ka? Later he come here aiyoyo padan muka wakaka kikiki lu baru tao.


2017-02-20 12:17 | Report Abuse

Duit, you improve liao mah so I no comment lor. Your call last few days very clear ma whether profit or loss is their own judgement lorr. I still think your call ok geh maybe slightly earlier jer.


2017-02-20 11:53 | Report Abuse

The only sifu that didn't talk rooster sing song here. And fairplayer off course :)


2017-02-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

Wah ayam sifu I respect. didn't follow your c but read your comments your plan is so solid either profit or cut loss with time summore. Respect.


2017-02-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

I'll take that as a joke Mr. Pang :) If they can push UMW till it move like that I'm Andy Lau ahh!! Ahahaha


2017-02-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

Wahhh Mr. pang your cheerleaders all here already! Not gonna congrats you first but if it can stay above RM 5.70 today then maybe got chance liaoooo. All the best Mr. Pang!!!


2017-02-13 21:33 | Report Abuse

You must be kidding me right. If they can really push they won't waste their time here in i3 lorrr. What u can hope for is the further demerger announcement and the quarterly profit announcement lorr..Then they will come back and shout to rm10.


2017-02-13 18:08 | Report Abuse

Salute you mr. pang still support this counter when all the noisy one cabuts once the stock consolidates. Tp rm7 lar rocket lar now all cabut liao. Hope you'll be rewarded for your patient Mr. Pang :) all the best!!


2017-01-12 23:45 | Report Abuse

Dax red, DJIA red the day after Trump's speech. Ah seng so power can tahan so long again meh..


2017-01-12 11:40 | Report Abuse

H liao lorrr


2017-01-11 22:31 | Report Abuse

I have a hunch (really just a hunch) it gonna be really bad tomorrow. Trump's speech tonite will dictate global stock direction; and you can bet he gonna say something really stupid that's for sure..


2017-01-05 21:09 | Report Abuse

I'm still learning though and the first time you let go, it's really hard but once you've calm yourself down and stay neutral, you can look at it more objectively, and continue to learn.


2017-01-05 21:07 | Report Abuse

rogue one is very good. but everyone dies in the end. hopefully not in this thread though *touchwood*
follow blindly = gambling; and sometimes when you gambles; emotions play its' part; you always felt that it will rebound and the further it goes down, the harder it is to let go. If we can reach the emotional level of Donnie Yen in rogueone, then I think it will be very safe for you to trade :)


2017-01-05 20:54 | Report Abuse

duit, just my personal observation. You might think you're hinting or giving clue with the way you wrote your sentences, but you're in actual fact somehow confused some of the readers here who's might've interpreted your hint wrongly. Stick to basic call like what you did with stock if you want to; but when it come to hang seng, which is ridiculously volatile, you really need to improve the way you articulate. Just a personal observation, I hope you take it in a positive way. I'm still learning here and will continue to learn from this forum, selectively off course; with lots of filter. Cheers guys :)


2016-12-30 15:39 | Report Abuse

Noted. Will be off for new war celebration. Thanks bro rhci! I'm also aiming at dtrend but the u noise is very loud makes me scared oso.


2016-12-30 15:32 | Report Abuse



2016-12-30 15:32 | Report Abuse

Echo u still holding to h over the weekend?


2016-12-30 14:40 | Report Abuse

duit say cautious. cautious normally down no meh? down down down

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 12:53 | Report Abuse

mind sharing where to see this data. google so hard to find


2016-12-30 12:28 | Report Abuse

Followed shermen @0.185. down easier than up rite? Buzz when cut loss though :)


2016-12-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

manage cautiously means?


2016-12-29 21:01 | Report Abuse

do we look for Top Money Flow In by investors? is that the one?


2016-12-29 19:52 | Report Abuse

aiyo aiyo I pun aiyoyo lorrr. how to check money flow wor? the kuali live matrix there?


2016-12-29 16:21 | Report Abuse

wave 5 I dunno lar. star wars I know lar. long live the rebellion!!


2016-12-29 16:10 | Report Abuse

Now I'm really confused. duduk tepi tengok show only lar.


2016-12-29 11:02 | Report Abuse

end result meaning?


2016-12-29 10:56 | Report Abuse

however, noticed that the purchase of C is really strong today. all big volume. is this the buying pattern refer by sifu sting? where can we check by end of today whose the buyer etc? thanks yea.


2016-12-29 10:45 | Report Abuse

sorry again busybody and for learning. why C when DJIA down triple digit? how to know there's a strong rebound for HSI? China buyers?


2016-12-23 10:27 | Report Abuse

sorry to interrupt, CBBC refers to?


2016-12-23 09:35 | Report Abuse

half day?


2016-12-22 19:29 | Report Abuse

Pierre-Simon Laplace and another fella. argue argue then delete liao.


2016-12-22 19:26 | Report Abuse

aiks.. why the conversations deleted already? blackout?


2016-12-22 13:15 | Report Abuse

breach liao wor