
SEE_Research | Joined since 2019-12-16

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2022-07-30 01:51 |

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2022-07-29 20:08 |

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2022-07-29 17:55 | Report Abuse

To : milk fella
From : SEE_RESEARCH As at now __ 6.00 pm., 29 July 2022
1. Fully agreed with you , milk fella , very cute fella, you are right on , as you drink a lot of milk , firstly you will not be able to be drunk in buying more above RM 1. 19 for J tiasa , and even should you managed to do the actual buyings because you are a close follower , you had to be a good example to be the first batch of initial victims , also your healthy bones with your fresh milk having a concoction of calcium will be able to withstand the bad fall .
2. Is the bad fall from the peak prices bad enough for your plantation stocks ? ; for this coming week end review __
upon your result , kindly , please do not reveal to your spouse as such self disclosure will cause a lot of stress to your loved one . 3. Just say something like you are almost a perfect side actor to your follower or your Master , it is very safe to buy J Tiasa plantation stocks such as J tiasa at above RM 1.20 , because the F M annoucer has secretly informed me that it is a strong buy at RM 1.19 at this great bargain price and pile into it with full force ___ at the mouth watering target price of RM3.16 . 4. How can it not be , as being the close follower , there is a need to show good example by piling all my milk money into it ---- with full force. 5. Please do not blame , as there is very little choice to be a close follower , early bird gets the worm , it turn out to be
" no milk today "
=============================================================================Posted by Investformilkmoney > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Drink milk everyday for healthy bones.


2022-07-29 14:51 | Report Abuse

To : milk fella From : SEE_RESEARCH 1. As you learn from StingRay and Mikecyc , do not simply , in your quiet manner issue buy orders on their stocks , " YOU ARE WELL ENCOURAGED ONLY TO BUY A LIST OF 10 PLANTATION STOCKS AS ISSUED BY YOUR FOLLOWER OR MASTER . 2. Least it not be , your responsibilities will be taken away . 3. Then , what happen __ it will be no milk today.

742 posts

Posted by Investformilkmoney > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Your bet with stingray:
I can learn from this.
StingRay Stock Bet , 28/7/2022

1. Hiaptek
2. Komark
3. jsb

Mikecyc :

1. PA
2. Jkgland
3. Rgtech


2022-07-29 14:35 | Report Abuse

1. Wonderful to hear that you are cute and come down like your list of 10 palm oil stocks , the way the list of palm oil

slide down .

= stocks slide down ***


2022-07-29 14:31 | Report Abuse

To : milk fella

Issued on 2.30 pm , 29 July 2022 ,

1. Wonderful to hear that you are cute and come down like your list of 10 palm oil stocks , the way the list of palm oil stockb
slide down .
2 . Good do a serious review and do not disclose to your spouse for fearing of affecting them in negative positions.

3. Just lock up the review in the locker and throw away , the key as the FM announcer always encourage to be done .


2022-07-29 13:55 | Report Abuse

To : Real life , Real people

From : SEE_RESEARCH issued on
2.00 pm , 29 July 2022


1. Every day in KLSE , there are
101 counters traded ;
to be exact almost 1,190 counters including warrants __ well traded.

2. When a person mind is just fixated to only the 10 stocks of palm oil counters ; is like looking for the outstanding tallest tree in the woods , but missed it totally .

3. What a waste of time and efforts , more so the plantation stocks are badly smashed down at every level of RM 0.10 from its peak prices since
25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 April 2022 and until now __ 29 July 2022 , the plantation stocks had not recovered to its peak prices , still lingering at its bottom level of its prices .

3.1 And it is after 3 months now , still unable to recover to its peak prices but stationed at the lower station.

4. Take a serious review on
J tiasa /4383 / peak RM 1.25 /
25 April 2022
Now __ 12.30 pm . , RM 0.645
Smashed down by ,
a whopping RM 0.605 ;
what a massive loss ?

5. But really should you perform on a serious review on this coming weekend _ 30 , 31 July 2022 , you will be shock and perhaps be traumatised with the huge percentage of losses __ and not as safe in plantation stocks as per perceived .

6. REALITY HURTS ? ?? ???

7. As most of us are facing challenging times __ the last 2 years
2020 , 2021 and now coming to
3 years , in which we had not experienced before our lifes.

8. When most of us , try our hands in investments in KLSE , in order

* To earn milk money *
more than 90 % of so called investors are tilted to negative returns .

9. You all can write in pretentious cover _
so good on _ the plantation stocks of palm oil , seriously do a thorough review on your portfolio , this weekend of July 2022
especially those who had bought at peak prices of 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 April 2022.

10. The result of your internal review ;

just keep to yourself ,

you will not want to share with your spouse for fearing of affecting them in negative positions ; thus causing them to be miserable and sad.




The world's largest tree is the Hyperion, which is a coastal redwood
(Sequoia sempervirens) and is located somewhere in the heart of Redwood National Park in California.
How tall is the tallest tree in the world?

The Hyperion reaches a staggering 380 feet tall! The exact location of the tree is a well-kept secret — and for good reason.

Not more than a few hundred feet from it is a clearcut from the 1970’s.
That means that Hyperion was maybe weeks away from being cut down

before the land was protected with National Park status by the
Carter administration.


2022-07-29 12:28 | Report Abuse

TSH had badly fallen from its peak prices of RM1.89 , can it " revover = can it recover "
to RM 10.00 to be a blue chip status as clearly announced by the F M announcer , thru his daily broadcast by the hour .


1,911 posts

Posted by prudentinvestor > 9 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Ah Pen has been buying 500,000 TSH shares almost every single trading day since the middle of April yet its share price has dropped by almost 50% since then.


2022-07-29 12:21 | Report Abuse

To : prudentinvestor From : SEE_RESEARCH As issued at 12.20 pm., 29 July 2022 1. Upon your sharp eyes whereby you have noted that this stock , TSH had badly fallen from its peak prices of RM1.89 , can it revover to RM 10.00 to be a blue chip status as clearly announced by the F M announcer , thru his daily broadcast by the hour .


1,911 posts

Posted by prudentinvestor > 9 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Ah Pen has been buying 500,000 TSH shares almost every single trading day since the middle of April yet its share price has dropped by almost 50% since then.


2022-07-29 12:04 | Report Abuse

To : paktua 73 ( only for paktua 73 ) and not meant FM announcer From : SEE_RESEARCH 1. This stock ___ can suit your taste as an experienced trader , MSC / 5916 , the low for this current season is RM 1.86 / 12 July 2022 , with the current resistance ___ RM 2.00 / 28 July 2022 , being broken the next resistance level is at RM 2.40 level whereby it was consolidating on 30 June 2022. 2. You may want to put inside your watch list .


2022-07-29 08:39 | Report Abuse

4. He must retreat entirely from public life and live out his retirement in ignominy *

5. British commentators also ridiculed Andrew for claiming he had never met


( the accuser , who turn out to be his victim ) ,

querying why he had agreed in that case to settle for such apparent large amount and pointing to a photograph of the pair together when she was 17.

6. Others called for transparency on where the settlement money is coming from the Queen ' s private income or from official sources effectively backed by British taxpapers.


A. In Britian the laws __ are almost equivalent to the rule of the law.

B . So , in short , elderly aunties will feel very safe as well .

C. You will no doubt agree with confidence or even propose to increase on double the strength for the strong punishment __
to protect your own female community , as a good cheerleader __ chon888 ?

D. Then , what happen , should
the milk fella , cute and can be conflicting behaviour
_ may not agreed ?

even he is reputedly to be from your same team .



2022-07-29 08:39 | Report Abuse

My parting shot for this broadcaster __
as he had broadcasting from January 2021 to now _ end month of July 2022
( with different FM frequency _ a long period of 19 months _ is it enduring ? Or rather you are finished ?

This is how a male who had taken advantage of a female on sex matter
even Her Majesty son ,
Prince Andrew is not spared
* Prince Andrew settles sex assault lawsuit *

Full report as per the Malaysian media , by the Sun / page 6 /
issued date 17 February 2022

London :
1. Disgraced British royal , Prince Andrew faced a call 16 February 2022 to
"""" live out his retirement in ignominy """" after reportedly settling a special sexual assault lawsuit for a whopping British pounds 12 millions ( RM 68 millions ) .

2. * This is all over for Andrew .

3. Andrew is finished ---- undone by his insufferable arrogance ,
entitlement and staggering naivety .


2022-07-29 08:38 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-29 08:37 | Report Abuse

6. A lot of KLSE participants __ have look with the respect ; as he has not betray his followers for self protection and even he had made bad calls , he had announced to exit in numerous times , with example like in Jaks.

7. Pak tua 73 had not sent his followers to the alter table with

8. The good buy calls versus the bad buy calls are obviously more ; easily in the ratio of 75 % good calls as compared to 25 % bad calls _ that can be easily seen in various forums.
( as he disclosed on the entry prices ; exit prices )


2022-07-29 08:36 |

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2022-07-29 08:35 | Report Abuse

To : Sting Ray
To : paktua73

As at 8.30 am , 29 July 2022

1. My reply to you _.

( 2. Noted on your comments , and take in good spirit from you .)

2. That good spirit is out of respect towards you ;
___as your comments will normally end with _
* thanks *

or * cheers *

3. It still stand and is valid
" with the respect "

but my quiet moment thence till now for the last 20 hours do not reflect any forms of submissions to the repeated , repeated , repeated daily unsolicited messages
( as no one wants to be tricked into losing money or downloading malware because of many types of hidden spam _ while many of us may think we are savvy enough to recognise any form of it , the spammers regularly update their methods and messages to lure potential victims )

( similarly, everyone with an email address will undoubtedly received countless of spam messages , on daily basis __ whether we like it or not. )


2022-07-28 10:46 | Report Abuse

To : Sting Ray
From : SEE_RESEARCH as at 10.45 am., 28 July 2022 1. As you mentioned , we do not know each other , you are right. 2. Noted on your comments , and take in good spirit from you .


2022-07-28 10:35 | Report Abuse

To : Sting Ray From : SEE_RESEARCH 1. Who ever you are , no , my reply , we do not know each other. 2. The primary reason : is that many of the Eagle Group members requested SEE_RESEARCH to express their rebuke Prof Kevin as the members are not to do so in the Eagle Group .


2022-07-28 10:16 |

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2022-07-28 10:16 |

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2022-07-28 09:27 |

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2022-07-28 09:15 | Report Abuse

To : mike To : Prof Kevin from Singapore ( with his religious associate _ K ong H _ _ the infamous preacher )


Issued on 9.00 am , 28 July 2022

Should Prof Kevin is over engrossed on the usages of his handphone( s ) , his wife is going to confiscate by locking his handphones inside the locker and throw away the key.

His wife , too is learning fast from
Prof Kevin ,
* To buy 10 plantation stocks in KLSE , stored the 10 plantation stocks inside
the locker and throw away the key , learning fast too * always the Prof Kevin personal slogan .

TSH 1. The Eagle Group are still waiting for your reply as you had been singing from RM 1.89 to RM 1.00 band as for 9.00 am., 28 July 2022 1.1 Prof Kevin buy orders at RM 1.02 / number of lots ____ ? 1.2 Prof Kevin buy orders at RM 1.01 / numbers of lots ______? 1.3 Prof Kevin buy orders at RM 1.00 / number of lots __________? 1.4 Prof Kevin buy orders at RM 0.995 / number of lots _________________? 1 LOT = 1,000 SHARES 2. AS YOU , PROF KEVIN PUT THE MONEY WHERE IS THE MOUTH IS ? 3. The Eagle Group members are anxiously waiting for your reply ___ are you going to reply, Prof Kevin , so , so , so Ah Soh like your Singapore Goody Feed is saying ___ ? ?? ???


2022-07-28 08:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-28 08:02 | Report Abuse

To : Phoebe From : SEE_RESEARCH As at now : 8.00 am ., 28 July 2022 1. Fully agreed with you , Phoebe , you are FULLY right on Director , T S Lim Wee Chai buying on Topgloves , until T S Lim is bloated on his himself and he invited and persuaded Tropicana / 5401 to buy some substantial block on Topgloves /7113 BUT FINALLY TROP/ 5401 had to cut losses Tropicana sells 1.85 million Top Glove shares at loss
Justin Lim

April 16, 2021 21:47 pm +08

Tropicana sells 1.85 million Top Glove shares at loss
(This article has been amended for accuracy.)

KUALA LUMPUR (April 16): Tropicana Corp Bhd sold shares in Top Glove Corp Bhd at a loss.

The property developer disposed of 1.85 million Top Glove shares for RM9.98 million, or an average selling price of RM5.395 per share, at below its investment cost of RM12.59 million (RM6.805 per share), according to the company's filing.

The glove maker’s share price has rebounded from the low of RM4.52 last month to close at RM5.57 today.

“The disposal was undertaken in order to minimise losses as the market price of Top Glove shares has recovered marginally since early 2021.

“Also, as the roll out of the vaccine is expected to improve the recovery prospects of the economy and thus the property sector in the near future, Tropicana will intensify property development activities in strategic land banks,” said Tropicana when explaining the rationale for the share disposal.

Following the share sales, the property developer still holds 12.47 million shares, or 0.16%, in Top Glove via its wholly-owned unit Desiran Realiti Sdn Bhd, according to filing with Bursa.

Tropicana, which bought Top Glove shares in December last year, added that the disposal will also generate working capital for its property development activities that will contribute positive earnings.

Tropicana said the share disposal is expected to reduce the company’s earnings by approximately RM2.6 million or 0.2 sen per share, for the financial year ending Dec 31, 2021 (FY21), against the investment costs of RM12.59 million based on the average cost of investment from the purchase of Top Glove shares in open market transactions.

To recap, Tropicana bought its first block of 11.25 million Top Glove shares for RM73.06 million, according to its filing with Bursa dated Dec 3, 2020. This was equivalent to RM6.49 per share

Subsequently, it raised its stake by buying an additional 3.07 million shares worth RM20.05 million via open market transactions. This translated into RM6.53 per share.

It is worth noting that Top Glove executive chairman Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai is also a chairman and a substantial shareholder of Tropicana, holding 162.21 million shares or an 11.07% direct interest.

Tropicana shares price was up one sen to close at 89.5 sen, bringing it a market capitalisation of RM1.32 billion.

Kathy Fong


2022-07-28 06:49 | Report Abuse

To : PlantBull
7.00 AM , 28 July 2022

1. When SEE_RESEARCH was inside in the Eagle Group, had noticed that you are his side actor and assistant for Prof Kevin ,
your color of coat is showing out _____? ?? ???

Posted by PlantBull > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

The best is yet to come! With the dwindling supply of farm land, scarcity will lead to rise in value!


2022-07-27 23:37 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-27 21:53 | Report Abuse

Please wake up from this Singaporean genjutsu.
Please wake up from this Singaporean Prof Kevin


2022-07-27 21:51 | Report Abuse

7 th Exposure
To : Prof Kevin
From : SEE_RESEARCH issued on
10.00 pm , 27 July 2022 =======================================================================
1. Kong Hee

prayed over so much olive

oil the United States might invade him But if he is selling them or "giving them away in exchange for a tithe/offering/donation",

then he is literally a snake oil salesman.

Wait, he's actually selling (reselling?) the oil?Oh right.. their brainwashed followers who might squabble over who gets which bottle.

========================================================================2. Kong Hee methodology is well copied by the Prof Kevin in the Eagle Group members , and some of the members , just awaken to see Prof Kevin not better than the snake oil salesman squatting precariously next to the industrial drain of Jurong , Singapore

3 . Purpose of Prof Kevin
To sell his WARES of a long list of
10 palm oil stocks , practically all his wares of 10 Plantation stocks in KLSE, already turned to be a long heavy necklace in which tied to his neck ,
the long heavy weighted necklace are no more precious stones but similar to the pebbles are found plentiful in the Bulugan forest.

4. Selling or reselling his worthless peebles of 10 plantation stocks are badly smashed on its prices from peak high prices of 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 April 2022 to now 27 July 2022 _ already 90 days _ and yet Prof Kevin maintained it is a small , temporary correction in the Plantation stocks in KLSE .
Actual term by technical parameters

A. Meaning of correction in technical term is 19 % and below
from its peak prices

B . Bear market is equivalent to its price from its peak prices are more than
20 .1 % .

C . Plantation stocks in KLSE are badly smashed down at 45 % from its peak prices.


Profile photo for Joel Long
Joel Long
Lives in Southeast Asia2y
Kong Hee Fat Choi!

Of course, first refrain.

And of course, what do I get when I read the answers? Some amazingly outrageous justification of his actions.

Sure, spreading the gospel through Miss Sun Ho was how they chose to go about it. Guess who promotes barely-qualified singers this way too? Those who wish to launder money.

Let’s get one thing real straight. There can be a difference between a legal wrong and a moral wrong, but the legal wrong is set in place because it is morally wrong to pretend something you aren’t, or that you have money that you actually don’t - these things come and bite us back if we allow it to happen for too long. These sorts of “is it wrong? Isn’t it wrong” grey area that is being alluded to by some who have answered, will cause all sorts of problems with outsiders’ trust of our ability to conduct business in a clean fashion. Hell, you only need to cast your eyes toward Malaysia to see all the friggin’ bomohs waving coconuts for a lot of money from god knows where! (actually we do - it’s from the same kind of utterly gullible people who’d unquestioningly give money to Kong Hee Fat Choi and still continue to do so anyway)

I’m not a Christian, but I understand that some Christians consider being poor a sin. So, with that in mind, how come you’re

To me, he is a scourge. He is the Singaporean example of the megachurch, with their cults of personality and televangelism in Singlish form. Whether or not any one of you who reads my answers think he’s an angel is nothing I care about - I care that he is still actively and openly swindling people with that American crap about oils and essences.

I care that I don’t have anywhere near his level of charisma to turn words into gold, to stop people from disadvantaging themselves throwing money at a person and his friends, who are willing to cook the books like crooks.

Also, I don’t care about “the sort of culture” that is born out of the worst recesses of human greed. If you really care about what is built up as a facade, make it real and take him out of the equation. Sorry, no Kong Hee no joy? Then it was just a cult to begin with. If you needed him to feel good about being his constant prey, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

Please wake up from this Singaporean genjutsu.


2022-07-27 20:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-27 15:53 | Report Abuse

To : milk fella From : SEE_RESEARCH As at 3.50 pm., 27 July 2022 1. Thank you for your reply ; at least by your reply it somewhat reflect some honesty from you, the members from the Eagle Group offer their good comments to you. 2. Have you tried your best effort to secure the positive reply from the Prof Kevin not to remove the Eagle Group members when the members send in their negative comments ? 3. In this case , Prof Kevin can you allow such practice when the Eagle Group members send in negative comments ___ with Prof Kevin 's graciousness __ WILL NOT REMOVE THE SAID MEMBERS. 3.1 Await your kind reply , as a confirmation ___ Prof Kevin ?

Aiyo, after get salary kena deduct house loan, car loan, bills, insurance and everything then got extra only spend in share market la. This also need to teach. Did I say I will put 100% of my salary? Eat grass lo like this.
Anyway, I say this also to let new people here know the basic.


2022-07-27 13:57 |

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2022-07-27 13:49 |

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2022-07-27 12:43 | Report Abuse

To : milk fella / cc to Prof Kevin
as at 12.40 pm., 27 July 2022 / Wednesday
1. Your investment skill is so atrocious : without knowledge on Technical charts and technical analysis. ( milk fella & Prof Kevin )
honestly as you mentioned very clearly Stock: [TSH]: TSH RESOURCES BHD

2022-04-22 10:26 | Report Abuse

Let me get my salary and top up later at end of month , on 22 April 2022
and to buy upon obtaining your salary end April 2022, so sorry to note that you had been sucked by the big vacuum cleaner , Prof Kevin at the peak prices of plantation stocks of 25, 26 ,27 , 28 , 29 April 2022 __ more so on your salary and not on your savings . What the master conartist has done to you. 2. You had to use your monthly salary at end April 2022 ; instead of your saving funds and yet as you had fallen victim , you still need to cover for his , Prof Kevin wrong doings : really this pathetic Prof Kevin. ======================================================================== Investformilkmoney My milk won't go sour la. I only use my additional saving which I don't have to rely on for investing in share market.
Rules for investing is to use the money which you can spare. Not spend everything until you cannot eat.


2022-07-27 11:21 |

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2022-07-27 10:37 | Report Abuse

27 July 2022 / Wednesday 91 lot = 1,000 shares ) , should read as 27 July 2022 ? Wednesday ( 1 lot = 1,000 shares ) your confirmation on this buying order will definitely be able to calm the nerve of Eagle Group followers whom you had misled on 8 April 2022 to buy big at RM1.72


2022-07-27 10:36 |

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2022-07-27 09:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-27 08:48 | Report Abuse

6 th EXPOSURE ON Prof Kevin

To : Prof Kevin

From : SEE_RESEARCH issued on 8.45 am , 27 July 2022

And your theme for the Eagle Group is really so inviting to lure all kinds of investors , young and old alike
Your theme with your play acting scrip
*** Everyone can fly
Everyone can be a millionaire to buy a long list of 10 palm oil stocks in KLSE ***


1. As for the night is drawing near to an end , how do you to sleep last night , is it a nightmare : that you , Prof Kevin can think and reflect on your cruel deeds of assembling your young innocent eaglets as you lured them to the altar table .

2. You ushered and misled the young eaglets to buy big at above RM 1.72 on
8 April 2022 and relentlessly on your vacuum cleaner with full power and obviously they were unfortunately sucked in lock , stock , barrel into your traps of your inviting target prices of
( i ) RM 10.00 / blue chip status

( ii ) more kaw kaw kaw target price of RM 150.00 / to surpass the top blue chip price of RM 150.00 of Nestle

such a mouthful of watery concoctions.

And your theme for the
Eagle Group is really so inviting to lure all kinds of investors , young and old alike.

Your theme with your play acting scrip ; that is well rehearsed recital

*** Everyone can fly
Everyone can be a millionaire to buy a long list of 10 palm oil stocks in KLSE ***

Obviously , even aunties like chon888 also ran in , bringing along the milk fella , the cute fella : then now _26 July 2022 , they are trapped in the penthouse prices of 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 April 2022 .
Follow closely behind the
Start of The Bull s h i _ _ _ fella was seen chasing like a mad bull ___ after the high prices.
The last of your team , an additional past time fella ____telur fella
almost his telur is burnt to similar
" black char siew " rendering this fella almost to be similar useless eunuch .

As at now ___ 27 July 2022 , it is 3 months passed and yet you keep on your assurances that this period is a small correction but ACTUALLY THE PLANTATION STOCKS OF A LONG LIST OF 10 STOCKS WITH THEIR PRICES ARE BADLY SMASHED DOWN WITH

The bull fella realised now , it is the start of the bulls _ _ _ _ _. and perhaps he can unload all the bull s h i _ _ _ in the telur garden whereby the telur fella is inviting for your waste .

Right on __ telur fella __ your wish comes true __ what a good wish.

Prof Kevin, kindly and please have a little caring heart; it is definitely not correct to trap your own followers ,
even paktua , the swing trader has a moral attitude of his own righteousness , he will not sacrifice his followers for self protection thus resulting in your self enrichment___ definitely , it is not right.




2022-07-26 22:09 | Report Abuse

To : Prof Kevin

From : SEE_RESEARCH issued on 10.00 pm , 26 July 2022

1. As the night is drawing near , how are you to sleep this night , think and reflect on your cruel deeds of assembling your young innocent eaglets and you lured them to the altar table .

2. You usher the young eaglets to buy big at above RM 1.72 on 8 April 2022 and relentless on with full suction power using your vacuum cleaner and obviously they were unfortunately sucked in wholesales into your traps of your inviting target prices of
( i ) RM 10.00 / blue chip status

( ii ) more kaw kaw kaw target price of RM 150.00 / to surpass the top blue chip price of RM 150.00
such a mouth water concoctions

And your theme for the Eagle Group is really so inviting to lure all kinds of investors , young and old alike
Your theme with your play acting scrip
*** Everyone can fly
Everyone can be a millionaire to buy a long list of 10 palm oil stocks in KLSE ***

Obviously , even aunties like chon888 also ran in , bringing along the milk fella , then now _26 July 2022 , they are trapped in the penthouse prices of 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 April 2022 .
Follow closely behind the Start of The Bull s h i _ _ _ fella was seen chasing after the high prices.

Prof Kevin, kindly and please have a little caring heart; it is definitely not correct to trap your own followers , even paktua has a moral attitude of his own righteousness , he will not sacrifice his followers for self protection.



2022-07-26 18:30 | Report Abuse

To : Prof Kevin
To : 3 musketeers , side actors
To : extra past time actor ,
telur fella
1. Is it wonderful to enjoy on the view from your penthouse prices of your 10 worthless peebles that are formed into a
long necklace of 9 worthless peebles, whereby you are looking down ,
hanging from a thin branch of the aging tree in the Bulugan forest , when you are not so careful , the way you swing here and there ; can miss a step ,and down you go down , again .

2. Unfortunately, the Bulugan fella will not be able to extend some helps to any of you , as the Bulugan fella , he himself is trying to save himself .

3. Just look after your self , come night , the Bulugan fella will be very busy as he really need to search for extra bolsters covers , extra bedspread to cover deep his head like the ostrich finding the hole to cover its head.

4. Sorry , he is not in a fine position to help you , the 3 musketeers , also the past time actor , telur fella ; remember to demand for your daily wages which are due to you all.
It is only fair , the failing prices of his 10 plantation stocks cannot , honestly pay you very well.
It is a fair deal between employee and employer , some meagre payments are required ;
please do not be con by the Prof Kevin ( from the Goody feed ) .


2022-07-26 16:48 |

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2022-07-26 16:34 |

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2022-07-26 15:51 |

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2022-07-26 15:08 |

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2022-07-26 14:00 | Report Abuse




To : All plantation lovers in KLSE
To : Eagle Group members for your own good understanding

As at 2.00 pm, 26 July 2022 / Tuesday

Pls view the
Scam Tactics

* A Nurse and her Lover :
The Anatomy of a Scam / Close Up *

1. Very well explained that the physiological techniques employed on each individual needs , even in big group of investors can be scammed without the each member realization , more inclined towards the usage of same religion + belief ; that it can become a vulnerability towards the victims , even the victims do not realise that they had been sucked in the mechanism of the scams.

Can happen any where even in financial markets , not excluding KLSE.

2. In Eagle Group

Stay vigilant

Watch out in Eagle Group ,
there is a Prof Kevin too.


In the Eagle Group

The main script :

$$$ Everyone can fly

Everyone can be a plantation millionaire in buying a long list of
10 Plantation stocks in KLSE

*** Hold tight ,
hold tight tight ,
hold tight tight tight and
lock up your 10 Plantation stocks in the locker and throw away the key. *** the Prof Kevin encouraged strongly.

From : one an Eagle Group member who is cautious and mentioned that
stay vigilant and there is a
Prof Kevin being seen ; shouting on the Bulugan land deal ___?

The victim summarised well.
Anybody can be scammed.
The smarter ones who escaped, because
"Just that the script didn't suit them "


2022-07-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

To : milk fella
From : SEE_RESEARCH As at now 11.25 am., 26 July 2022, 1. On a positive note , you are such a cute fella , Do you know how to calculate on the market capitalization when it is ( i ) RM 10.00 --- market capitalization in RM ____?
(ii ) RM 150.00 ---- market capitalization in RM ________ ?
Take an accurate Singapore calculator for this calculation , perhaps the Eagle Group members request you to borrow one super modern calculator from the Professor Kelvin ( as per GOODY FEED report on the { 1 plus 1} scammer ; that scam on the victims of SGD 50 millions . 2. Go and review on your own portfolio of many Plantation stocks , and the many nights as you are about to sleep , you will need to borrow some bolsters covers from the Prof Kevin , from Singapore
BUT not enough time as the courier services cannot arrive the following day, so sorry. 3. Before it , the Eagle Group members send their sincere appreciation and greetings ____ to you , milk fella for your wonderful service to invite Mikecyc who uses his sharp eyes to reveal some of the Prof Kevin soiled past background. ===================================================================
712 posts

Posted by Investformilkmoney > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

I started to ignore sourgrape alread


2022-07-26 10:32 | Report Abuse

To : aunty chon888 cc : your cousin ( ooi888 ) As at now 10.30 am ., 26 July 2022 1. What are the peak prices for 2020 , 2021 for Adventa , you mean other investors need to hold , need to hold tight , need to hold TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT AND DO NOT KNOW HOW TO EXIT NEAR THE PEAK PRICES 2. The Prof Kevin ---- with his main motto ,
" Everyone can fly and be a plantation millionaire in the 10 plantation stocks " 3. Prof Kevin in the " goody feed " from Singapore , never share his spoilt from wars ,
he already ran off with over SGD 50 millions ============================================================================= =========================================================


2022-07-26 09:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-26 08:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-26 08:42 |

Post removed.Why?