
sharkeatapple | Joined since 2015-10-25

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2016-04-01 16:44 | Report Abuse

Correct. Hopefully the announcement is an encouraging news.


2016-04-01 16:37 | Report Abuse

Somehow high risk.


2016-04-01 16:37 | Report Abuse

Not so much lah. Earning some pocket money only.


2016-04-01 16:36 | Report Abuse

Lets wait for the announcement later see whether the buy volumn is triggered by positive news.
If really a good news, then both lioncor and liondiv will dance.
Again, dont speculate. Hahaha....


2016-04-01 16:35 | Report Abuse

Hold a bit of liondiv. Hopefully can have big gain in % as the price is in single digit now.


2016-04-01 16:24 | Report Abuse

Investor99, not only awake. It will dance if positive news announce later.


2016-04-01 16:23 | Report Abuse



2016-04-01 16:21 | Report Abuse

Not greedy. If got solid news announce later to support, then limit up on next monday. Hahaha.


2016-04-01 16:13 | Report Abuse

Seems like good news ahead (announcement after 5pm today). Congratulations, investor99.


2016-04-01 09:03 | Report Abuse

Will lioncor surge in price & volumn and trigger uma?


2016-04-01 08:06 | Report Abuse

Correct, kk123.
Investor99, we expected there is announcement made yesterday but not happened.
And today is overdue as the request for extension is until 31.3.16.
Seems like the chance is tiny.


2016-03-31 09:47 | Report Abuse

Investor99, totally agree with u. Somemore no official reply on the decision for the request for extension until 31.3.2016. May b big angpow (announcement today) waiting for u. Worst case is "request for extension" again. Will it b entertained or not is another issue already.


2016-03-31 08:09 | Report Abuse

Yes. But lioncor can submit request for extension (as previously did).


2016-03-30 22:43 | Report Abuse

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, SJ Securities Sdn Bhd (“SJ Securities”) wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) had vide its letter dated 5 October 2015 (“Bursa’s Letter”) granted the Company an extension of time up to 31 January 2016 to submit the Regularisation Plan to the regulatory authorities.
The Bursa’s Letter also stated that Bursa Securities’ decision is without prejudice to its right to proceed to suspend the trading of the securities of the Company and to de-list the Company in the event:
(i) the Company fails to submit the Regularisation Plan to the regulatory authorities on or before 31 January 2016;
(ii) the Company fails to obtain the approval from any of the regulatory authorities necessary for the implementation of its Regularisation Plan; or
(iii) the Company fails to implement its Regularisation Plan within the time frame or extended time frames stipulated by Bursa Securities.
Upon occurrence of any of the events set out in (i) and (iii) above, Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company upon the expiry of five (5) market days from the date the Company is notified by Bursa Securities and de-list the Company, subject to the Company’s right to appeal against the delisting.

29 January 2016
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, SJ Securities Sdn Bhd (“SJ Securities”) wishes to announce that SJ Securities had on 29 January 2016 submitted an application to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for an extension of time from 31 January 2016 to 31 March 2016 for the Company to consider options for any Regularisation Plan.

IF "no Regularisation Plan" and "no more extension":
Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company upon the expiry of five (5) market days from the date the Company is notified by Bursa Securities and de-list the Company, subject to the Company’s right to appeal against the delisting.


2016-03-29 07:36 | Report Abuse

Countdown: Three more days.


2016-03-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

Investor99, You’ve got a point.
Let's count down for that. Haha.


2016-03-28 16:26 | Report Abuse

Countdown: Four more days (28/3, 29/3, 30/3, 31/3) for Official Announcement on any Regularisation Plan.


2016-03-25 07:09 | Report Abuse
2016-03-24 14:43

(中國‧北京24日訊)深受中國業者競爭所苦的全球鋼鐵業者總算看見一根浮木。商品交易巨頭來寶集團(Noble Group)指出,中國創紀錄的鋼鐵出口可望在鋼價回漲後下降,因為中國業者可能更有興趣和國內煉鋼廠、而非國外做生意。











2016-03-22 10:04 | Report Abuse

Agree to the above comments.
Unless good news announce, the share price will move upwards.
This counter is high risk.


2016-03-21 21:51 | Report Abuse

8 more trading (working) days to 31/3.
My guess is good news ahead.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


2016-03-21 18:13 | Report Abuse

investor99, u r right. May be it is meaningless, but there still some figures for us to understand more on Megasteel/steel industry as of 2012:
-There are 4 CRC producers, 2 steel plates makers, 5 coated steel producers, 26 steel pipes manufacturers and 21 steel service centres in Malaysia.
-“We have a HRC capacity of about 3.2 million tonnes but a current utilisation of 1.2 million tonnes or less than 40% capacity.”
-“We are using direct reduced iron and iron ore based scrap to produce grades of quality required by customers in the automotive inner parts, oil and gas and the pipes sector.
-“So far, we have no problem supplying to the overseas market, but it is ironic why a few locals would question our product quality,” he added.
-“Local producers can supply 80%, or 2.4 million tonnes of what these manufacturers are importing,”
-“If we can get back to the 2007 levels of 200,000 tonnes per month, we can turn around. Now we are at 80,000 tonnes per month,”
- RM40bil steel sector
and many more..


2016-03-16 19:27 | Report Abuse

The request to extend until 31/3 (submitted on 29/1) still yet receice any reply.
From observation, request for pn17 extension is normally 3months.
But recent submission only 2months.
May be should be optimistic (my guess only, no solid point support).
This is not a recommendation to buy/hold/sell.


2016-03-15 09:57 | Report Abuse

investor99, thanks for the advise. :)
I din chase high.
What i hope is that the LIONIND's "bullishness" will help to improve both LIONCOR & LIONDIV performance.


2016-03-15 09:08 | Report Abuse

LIONIND bullish.


2016-03-15 08:16 | Report Abuse熱到暈!-用電飆高-國能授招/
熱到暈! 用電飆高 國能授招









2016-03-11 11:14 | Report Abuse
钢铁行业:需求托底稳增长 深化结构改

  《政府工作报告》强调需求侧托底保持经济中高速增长,供给侧攻坚深化结构性改革。稳增长压力下基建和地产建设进程提速有望释放钢材需求;明确去产能的要求和措施,并加大环保压力倒逼过剩产能出清,还就供给端质量方面提出相关要求和配套措施,钢铁行业供给端将持续优化。随着退出方式、配套资金、债务处理、人员安置、盘活土地相关政策逐步落地,过剩产能有望加速“出清”,供给侧结构性改革将是钢铁行业2016年最重要的投资主题之一; 钢企改革和转型过程中,特钢将在军工、核电、航天航空、汽车、高铁等领域承担重任,新粤浙线获批标志着油气管网建设再次加速,特钢和钢管领域的投资机会值得重点关注。我们维持钢铁行业“买入”评级,重点推荐低估值龙头、有转型预期、有土地资源和业绩明确的公司,重视供给侧该给、一带一路、京津冀一体化等主题性投资机会。广发钢铁组合:八一钢铁(20%)、首钢股份(20%)、宝钢股份(20%)、玉龙股份(20%)、久立特材(20%)。
  本周国内铁精粉均价402.19元/吨,较上周上涨13.16元/吨;青岛港进口矿均价375.0元/吨,较上周上涨12.5元/吨;唐山废钢1120元/吨,较上周上涨60 元/吨;唐山方坯1780元/吨,较上周上涨90元/吨。


2016-03-09 10:58 | Report Abuse

Be patient, bro. :)


2016-03-08 18:34 | Report Abuse
黄汉川: 增强竞争力 进口钢价合理利中小企 2016-03-08 08:56


2016-03-08 09:46 | Report Abuse

investor99, finally lioncor wake up.


2016-03-07 16:42 | Report Abuse

investor99, agree with u.
lioncor is pending good news.
If it can exit PN17 finally and if long term steel industry is recover.
i think lioncor will eventually rebound.
1st thing is to exit PN17 status.


2016-03-07 16:11 | Report Abuse

investor99, hopefully lioncor also up.
Steel stocks around the world all rebound follow the positive news from China (steel policy).
lioncor just need catalyst (investor and spv may be) to up.
Just need to be patient.


2016-03-06 11:07 | Report Abuse
Last time, Megasteel was the sole producer for HRC in Malaysia.
Recently southern steel started producing HRC but the quantity is relatively small compared to Megasteel.
Lioncor and Liondiv own 78.89% and 21.11% respectively in Megasteel.


2016-03-05 22:43 | Report Abuse
鋼鐵公司受突擊‧戶頭遭凍結 2016-03-05 16:22


2016-03-03 22:22 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Steel Association (MSA) has criticised the way the authorities had carried out the recent industry-wide raid on steel product importers.

The association said in a statement that the authorities, checking on import irregularity, employed “heavy-handed tactic which have received wide national press coverage” that would tarnish the reputation of the raided companies before the due process of the law could be accorded to them.

“Such a high profile operation will unjustly exacerbate the negative sentiments towards the industry,” MSA said in a statement issued on its behalf by the Lion group.

The association, whose president is Tan Sri William Cheng, said it viewed with concern that the steel companies were raided by the authorities which were “heavily armed.”

“Some of these companies have had their bank accounts frozen and their staff had their mobile phones confiscated. MSA believes that as bona fide manufacturers, the steel companies have been abiding by the import rules and regulations, and will continue to cooperate with the authorities,” the association said.

It noted that the steel industry had contributed greatly towards nationbuilding in the last 60 years, and to date the steel industry had saved the country billions of ringgit in foreign exchange by substituting imports with locally produced steel products.

A business daily had reported that the Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation (Misif) lodged a complaint with the Finance Ministry over the industry-wide audit. Since the report’s publication, a few of the listed steel companies had informed Bursa Malaysia that they were among the raided firms.


2016-03-03 08:34 | Report Abuse
討论审查钢铁公司问题 蔡智勇会见MISIF和大马皇家关税局总监

(吉隆坡2日讯 )財政部副部长拿督蔡智勇今日在財政部会见大马钢铁工业联合会(MISIF)代表和大马皇家关税局总监,討论关税局最近审查钢铁公司引发的问题。



另一方面,马来西亚钢材五金商会(MSMDA)针对最近总检查署旗下国家税收復甦队伍(NRRET)、大马关税局、大马公司委员会及大马皇家警察合作展开的「钢铁行动」(Operasi Besi)中,以反洗黑钱法令及反资助恐怖份子法令,突击检查了多间钢铁公司和厂家的行动,表示极度关注。







2016-03-02 19:03 | Report Abuse
AGC: NRRET a rebranding of existing task force, not involved in 1MDB investigation

PETALING JAYA: The current task force investigating money-related offenses is not new and is merely a rebranding of an existing one which has been around since 2011, says the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC).

"The National Revenue Recovery Enforcement Team (NRRET), is not a new task force but is a rebranding of the previous Special Task Force that has been in existence since 2011," the AGC said in a statement Tuesday.

"The aims of NRRET remain the same, which is to assist the Government in dealing with ... evasion of customs duties and tax by individuals and corporate bodies; smuggling activities; misuse of subsidised goods; illegal outflow of funds and acts of corruption which result in the abovementioned activities," the AGC said.

It also clarified that the NRRET would not in any way be involved in investigating 1Malaysia Development Berhad or its related companies.

The NRRET is made up of the AGC; Royal Malaysian Police Force; Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission; Bank Negara Malaysia; Inland Revenue Department; Customs Department; Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry; and the Companies Commission of Malaysia.

"NRRET primarily streamlines and coordinates the integrated multi-agency enforcement actions with regards to the aforementioned issues," added the AGC.

The rebranding exercise was taken after new Attorney-General Tan Sri Apandi Ali assumed office late last month.


2016-03-02 18:28 | Report Abuse
五金商会抗议反洗黑钱法检举逃税 “高压性”执法打击钢铁商

(吉隆坡1日讯)马来西亚钢材五金商会(MSMDA)希望我国执法当局四造在近来合作进行的“钢铁行动”(Operasi Besi)中能以较友善和较温和的形式展开调查,而非以反洗黑钱及反恐怖主义融资法令这种“高压性”的突击行动来打击我国多间钢铁公司和厂家。









2016-03-02 18:27 | Report Abuse








报道: 郭美裙


2016-03-02 11:05 | Report Abuse
Pelabuhan utama tiada mesin pengimbas
29 Februari 2016 6:00 PM

Kerugian berbilion ringgit yang ditanggung oleh kerajaan akibat memanipulasi sistem oleh sesetengah syarikat pengimport besi mampu dielakkan jika pintu masuk atau pelabuhan utama di negara ini mempunyai kawalan yang ketat. Persoalannya apa sebenarnya yang berlaku sehingga ia memungkinkan sesetengah syarikat pengimport begitu mudah melakukan penipuan tersebut sehingga ia menyebabkan negara hilang hasil pendapatan melalui industri pengimportan besi.
Dalam BAHAGIAN AKHIR laporan khas ini, wartawan Utusan Malaysia, ZULKIFLEE BAKAR dan MOHAMMAD YASIR JAAFAR mendedahkan punca penipuan itu boleh berlaku.

KUALA LUMPUR 28 Feb. - Ketiadaan dan kekurangan kemudahan mesin pengimbas terutamanya di pelabuhan utama di negara ini menjadi punca kegiatan mengelak pembayaran duti termasuk aktiviti penyeludupan sukar dibendung.

Menurut sumber, mesin pe­ngimbas sedia ada di pelabuhan terbabit kebanyakannya tidak berfungsi, rosak dan terlalu usang.

“Malah ada juga pelabuhan utama di negara ini didapati tidak dilengkapi dengan mesin berkenaan sekali gus menyukarkan proses pemeriksaan terutamanya kepada anggota penguat kuasa.

“Ketiadaan kemudahan mesin tersebut memaksa anggota penguat kuasa terpaksa menjalankan pemeriksaan secara manual yang akan memakan masa lama untuk sesebuah kontena,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia baru-baru ini.

Katanya, pemeriksaan tidak dapat dijalankan secara efisien tanpa kemudahan mesin pengimbas berkenaan apatah lagi dengan jumlah anggota penguat kuasa yang terhad.

“Bayangkan untuk satu syif sahaja, lebih kurang 1,000 kontena masuk ke pelabuhan dan satu hari mereka mempunyai tiga syif bermakna 3,000 kontena masuk sehari.

“Secara kasar, sekiranya 3,000 kontena sehari dihitung dengan 25 hari bekerja, ini bermakna 60,000 kontena sebulan masuk ke pelabuhan,” katanya.

Jelas sumber, adalah agak sukar bagi sekumpulan anggota untuk memeriksa kesemua kontena terbabit secara manual yang sekurang-kurangnya memakan masa berjam-jam untuk memeriksa satu kontena.

“Maka inilah senario yang berlaku di pelabuhan dan tidak mustahil aktiviti penyeludupan termasuk kegiatan mengelak pembayaran duti kerajaan berlaku dalam industri mengimport ini.

“Apa yang kita bimbangkan adalah tanpa kemudahan ini, barangan haram seperti dadah serta senjata turut boleh diseludup masuk dengan mudah melalui pelabuhan,” katanya.

Tambah sumber itu, sekiranya pelabuhan utama di negara ini dilengkapi dengan kemudahan sistem berkenaan ia sekurang-kurangnya dapat membendung kegiatan yang menyalahi undang-undang tersebut.

“Jika ada mesin pengimbas ini, anggota penguat kuasa sudah boleh mengenal pasti kontena yang meragukan sebelum diarahkan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan secara lebih teliti (manual),” jelasnya.


2016-03-02 00:00 | Report Abuse

Yes. According to the news these few days, it's mainly HRC product.


2016-03-01 18:43 | Report Abuse
冻结户头没收手机 钢铁业投诉查税过激










2016-02-29 23:16 | Report Abuse
‘Perangi’ perbuatan sabotaj ekonomi

KUALA LUMPUR 28 Feb. – Tindakan sesetengah syarikat pengimport besi yang memanipulasi syarat dan sistem pengimportan dengan tujuan mengelak membayar duti antilambakan komoditi berkenaan mampu melumpuhkan industri besi tempatan.

Sehubungan itu kerajaan tidak harus memandang ringan kegiatan haram tersebut kerana ia bukan sahaja mendatangkan kerugian kepada hasil pendapatan negara tetapi juga menjejaskan industri besi sehingga memungkinkan ada syarikat tempatan gulung tikar.

Justeru beberapa pihak yang terlibat dalam industri besi berpendapat, ketegasan yang ditunjukkan oleh Pasukan Penguatkuasa Pemulihan Hasil Negara (NRRET) Jabatan Peguam Negara dengan melakukan serbuan ke atas syarikat terlibat adalah tepat dan kena pada masanya.

“Operasi seumpama itu yang turut disertai oleh beberapa agensi lain perlu dipertingkat dari semasa ke semasa bagi memastikan tidak ada mana-mana syarikat cuba mengaut keuntungan yang boleh ‘melumpuhkan’ industri besi tempatan,” kata satu sumber yang terlibat dalam industri pengimportan.

Menurut sumber itu, adalah sesuatu yang malang jika kerajaan terpaksa mengalami kerugian berbilion-bilion ringgit akibat sikap tamak dan tidak bertanggungjawab sesetengah syarikat pengimport besi.
“Kalau melihat kepada modus operandi syarikat tersebut adalah jelas, selama ini kerajaan sudah mengalami kerugian berbilion-bilion ringgit perbuatan manipulasi yang mereka lakukan,” katanya.

Menjawab satu soalan, sumber itu berkata, mana-mana pihak tidak boleh menuding jari menyalahkan Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) terhadap apa yang berlaku, sebaliknya perlu mencari jalan bagi menghalang sikap tidak bertanggungjawab syarikat terlibat.

“Bukan sahaja dalam industri besi, malah perbuatan memanipulasi pengisytiharan barangan yang diimport juga didakwa berlaku dalam industri lain. Tetapi takkanlah segala-galanya mahu dipersalahkan kepada JKDM.
“Jabatan itu bukan bertanggungjawab mengawasi industri besi sahaja sebaliknya semua barangan. Dengan jumlah anggota yang terhad sudah pastilah ada keterbatasan bagi JKDM membanteras perbuatan manipulasi tersebut,” kata sumber itu.

Atas sebab itulah, sumber tersebut menyokong penuh tindakan NRRET yang melakukan koordinasi dengan JKDM bagi membanteras kegiatan berkenaan kerana apa yang dilakukan oleh sesetengah syarikat besi itu juga boleh disifatkan sebagai perbuatan mensabotaj ekonomi negara.

“NRRET perlu terus diberi ruang untuk bertindak bagi memastikan hasil negara tidak tiris atau sengaja ditiriskan oleh sesetengah syarikat pengimport yang tidak bertanggungjawab di negara ini,” kata sumber itu lagi.


2016-02-29 22:53 | Report Abuse
Customs taken custody of shipping, accounting records of Ann Joo's units

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 29): Ann Joo Resources Bhd announced today that the Royal Malaysian Customs Department had, on Feb 24, inspected and taken custody of certain shipping and accounting records relating to the importation of hot-rolled coil (HRC) from its subsidiaries.

The subsidiaries are Ann Joo Metal Sdn Bhd (AJM), Anshin Steel Service Centre Sdn Bhd (ASSC), and Anshin Steel Processor Sdn Bhd (ASP), according to Ann Joo's bourse filing today.

"The purpose of audit and investigation was not officially informed by the Customs. None of the accounts of AJM, ASSC and ASP have been frozen by the Customs," it said.

"The documents that have been taken do not affect the operations of the group and the company is of the opinion that there is no financial impact. The company will continue to extend its cooperation to the Customs on the investigations," Ann Joo said.

The disclosure to the exchange came after The Edge Financial Daily reported today that the Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation (Misif) has lodged a complaint with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) on concerns raised by its members regarding the industry-wide audit of the steel industry last week that was conducted in a high-handed manner.

In a letter addressed to Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong, Misif noted that the industry-wide audit, which had so far raided 12 of its members including six listed companies, had resulted in the freezing of bank accounts and confiscation of mobile phones.

Apart from Ann Joo, Wah Seong Corp Bhd and the Amalgamated Industrial Steel Bhd (AISB) also made similar disclosures to the bourse today.

Wah Seong said its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary PPI Industries Sdn Bhd was subjected to the steel related industry-wide audit visits conducted by Customs, the Royal Malaysia Police, the MoF and the Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia on Feb 23.

The audit was conducted at PPI's business premises in Penang, which saw Customs taking custody of certain records and documents of PPI; some of PPI's bank accounts had also been temporarily frozen to facilitate Custom's audit and investigation.

"PPI had extended and will continue to extend its fullest cooperation to the Customs to resolve the matter as expeditiously as possible. The group is committed [to] ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations," Wah Seong said.

However, Wah Seong assured that PPI's business operation is ongoing as usual and that the audit and investigation by Customs do not have any material implication on the financial and operation of PPI, or on the group, as a whole.

AISB, on the other hand, also said Customs had visited its premises to conduct the audit for about two hours on Feb 24.

"The Customs has taken custody of certain documents pertaining to two importations of HRC for further verification. There were no further actions taken by the Customs, pending their feedback at a later stage.

"Since the company's bank account is not frozen and its business operates as usual, the business operations of the company will not be materially affected," AISB added.

Hiap Teck Venture Sdn Bhd, in a bourse filing last week, had also shared that Customs had taken custody of certain documents of two of its subsidiaries and frozen the bank account of one of the two subsidiaries "for purposes of audit and investigation".

Hiap Teck had said it was seeking legal advice on the matter.


2016-02-29 15:47 | Report Abuse

I think lioncor will only have motion IF ONLY good news announced (such as new investor confirmed join in, SPV, ...).


2016-02-29 13:26 | Report Abuse
Pelbagai taktik lari 
duti antilambakan

KUALA LUMPUR 27 Feb. – Pelbagai kaedah digunakan oleh sesetengah syarikat pengimport besi di negara ini bagi memanipulasi sistem serta syarat mengimport bahan ber­kenaan demi mengelakkan daripada membayar duti anti-lambakan.

Menurut sumber, kebanyakan modus operandi digunakan menjurus kepada tidak mengisytiharkan jenis besi sebenar yang diimport supaya tidak dikenakan duti berkenaan.
“Pertama dengan menurunkan harga besi yang diimport menggunakan kod atau tarif besi yang tidak dikenakan duti anti-lambakan. Ini bermakna syarikat terbabit tidak perlu bayar duti anti-lambakan sebaliknya hanya perlu membayar cukai import selain cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST).

“Kedua, syarikat terbabit mengisytiharkan besi diimport tidak tergolong dalam besi yang sepatutnya dikenakan duti anti-lambakan,” katanya kepada Mingguan Malaysia baru-baru ini.

Jelas sumber berkenaan, antara cara lain adalah dengan memanipulasi dokumen termasuk sijil perakuan bahan besi dengan menyatakan bahawa besi yang diimport bukan bahan komoditi yang sepatutnya dikenakan duti anti-lambakan.
“Cara ini turut melibatkan proses memanipulasi dokumen kandungan besi yang secara tidak langsung akan membolehkan syarikat berkenaan membayar kadar duti yang lebih murah daripada peratus yang ditetapkan.
“Pada kebiasaannya, dalam 10 kali urusan mengimport dilakukan tiga kali mereka akan guna cara ini dan ada kalanya menipu terus,” ujarnya.

Kata sumber, kaedah lain turut melibatkan helah `kontena AB’ yang mana barang diistiyharkan kepada pihak berkuasa berbeza daripada barangan diimport.
“Sebagai contoh import barang A iaitu keluli tahan karat tetapi yang diisytiharkan adalah aluminium iaitu jenis besi yang tidak dikenakan duti anti-lambakan. Taktik ini turut digunakan untuk kegiatan penyeludupan bahan-bahan lain termasuk yang berduti tinggi seperti rokok dan minuman keras,” katanya.

Tambah sumber, selain itu, antara cara lain adalah dengan me­nyalahgunakan pengecualian duti anti-lambakan yang dikeluarkan Lembaga Pembangunan Pelaburan Malaysia (MIDA).
“MIDA ada mengeluarkan pe­ngecualian kepada segelintir syarikat pe­ngimport besi yang memohon, namun pengecualian itu mempunyai jumlah besi termasuk tempoh ditetapkan.
“Sebaliknya syarikat terlibat menyalahgunakan dengan membawa masuk lebih daripada jumlah dibenarkan serta melangkaui had masa ditetapkan,” jelas sumber itu.