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2014-02-14 14:39 | Report Abuse
Actually they sold off all of their treasury shares already, no more left to be sold. No information on how they gonna allocate those funds. I only can comment that the share price won't move untill the entitlement date for private placement is announced.
2014-02-14 14:27 | Report Abuse
I agreed with you Firebird,substantial share holding movement must be declared. Treasury shares must be bought by different group of investors which all <5% shares held.
2014-02-11 17:48 | Report Abuse
the answer already posted to bursa la...zzz, read it first.
2014-02-10 11:58 | Report Abuse
10mil will be deducted from the cash on hand, i believe it will not dilute the EPS.
2014-02-07 15:47 | Report Abuse
If they price going to move, I guess it will be after the 5-day V-WAMP for the private placement.
2014-02-06 15:18 | Report Abuse
the reason im having this counter in my portfolio is the future earnings of this company even without the O&G business. with dividend yield >5%, no harm with long term investment but for those short term traders, they might hesitate by looking at the flat movement of the share price recently. Fair enough.
2014-02-06 14:58 | Report Abuse
looking at the number of treasury shares disposed, the 'buyer' definately not from retail treader, I'm guessing that the same private investor(s) that going to subcribe PP bought it. Maybe the investor wanted to absorb more shares but they can't buy from open market which will shoot up the share price before PP. So, they are asking the company to off load the treasury shares. Just my thought.
2014-02-06 14:44 | Report Abuse
yes, that's the reason why the share price won't move as of now. Looking at the new projects and on going projects for this counter, EPS growth will certainly overwhelm the number of shares (which will dilute the EPS) once the PP listed.
2014-02-06 13:22 | Report Abuse
This private placement price also come with free 2 warrants, say if the free warrant is priced at 0.15, PP owner will get 30cents for each share they own. For 1.40 + 0.30 = 1.70. The current open market price (1.40) is still consider more expensive than the PP. Of course that is the assumption that the WA price is 0.15. Until the final date and WA price is announced, the price will not be pushed to RM 1.65 for sure.
2014-02-06 10:54 | Report Abuse
i guess the price won't go up too much until the ex-date of private placement is announced.
2014-01-30 10:48 | Report Abuse
private placement will also dilute EPS of the company. But as long as the company keep growing using the fund from PP, it should be ok. This PP is ~15% of total shares.
2014-02-14 14:48 | Report Abuse
no prob. that is possible, which will be good.