
skyinvestor90 | Joined since 2021-01-30

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2021-05-11 15:10 | Report Abuse

as i said... after pp price will drop to correct the market capital... after pp market capital increase 1 it will drop more... u want to believe or not depend on you...dont forget to ask tok syed during AGM....


2021-05-11 14:53 | Report Abuse

itu cluster 90 sen, 80 sen dan 70 sen yang selalu hentam dan cakap saya tipu ini harga boleh turun sampai 60 sen sudah missing ma... rasa itu orang pun sudah tekan button cutloss....sudah cakap ini kaunter akan terus turun harga slow2... tapi ini cluster hari2 kompang rm2.7...aiyooo mau kelentong newbie...pergi belajar fundamental dlu...ini kaunter kalau trap tiada dividen...saya bagi nasihat bukan mau sailang itu harga rendah... cuma bagi itu nasihat logik dari fundamental analysis.... kita bukan main saham baru sehari senang2 nak kena kelentong dengan cluster 90 sen,80 sen dan 70 sen.... selamat hari raya semua... maaf zahir dan batin... saya tulis malay supaya 1 malaysia boleh paham ma...


2021-05-10 11:28 | Report Abuse

sudah cakap ini counter value 30 sen saja... tapi dia punya sembang harga boleh pi rm3... nanti lagi dua minggu masa meeting jangan malu tanya itu tok syed ini kaunter value berapa? 90 sen pun dia malu mau cakap.... haritu naik sampai rm1 sebab korang semua FOMO... sekarang sentimen sudah habis...dia mau balik harga asal... tambah dengan beban PP dan warrant conversion... lagi dia mau turun sebab kena adjust balik market capital... mungkin tulis english ada yang tak paham... sekarang saya tulis malay...


2021-05-07 23:06 | Report Abuse

you want to know fear or not wait untill pp issue... u know how heavy this counter with 3.4 billion total share... after pp issue the market capital will increase 1 billion... sure price drop for correction market capital... that time i fear u dont know how to run.... dont cry that time... next week profit taking for raya...


2021-05-07 21:35 | Report Abuse

chip shortage solved end june said tsmc...ini dnex baru nak setup...delay covid lagi 3 tahun baru siap... itu pp pun belum settle... duit belum ada...macam mana mau upgrade... ini dnex no cash flow...sure stuck for long term or forever term...


2021-05-07 16:33 | Report Abuse

run anson... i not lie... last chance for you to sell at rm1.5...sure u trap next week... next week profit taking before raya...


2021-05-07 15:56 | Report Abuse

sure gonna trap like people trap at rm3... gud luck anson...


2021-05-07 15:40 | Report Abuse

after pp total share increase... counter more heavy... market capital will increase... sure confirm price drop to correct the market capital... sure rm1.2 coming...


2021-05-07 15:32 | Report Abuse

u see heavy resistance now...


2021-05-07 15:31 | Report Abuse

run anson run... people buy at rm1.4 will take profit before close today... sure your trap again this time...


2021-05-07 15:21 | Report Abuse

they put fake support at rm1.5 and disposed at rm1.52...


2021-05-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

due to covid...alot project delay...


2021-05-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

sure pp at discount... if above who want to take pp...


2021-05-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

after pp more drop... counter more now anson... rm1. 2 coming... secure your profit... alot people stuck above waiting to quit... now they will take profit for raya... beware...


2021-05-06 10:51 | Report Abuse

aiyooo masih ada yg percaya cerita dongeng foxconn mau invest...hahaha...ini org senang kena con...


2021-05-06 10:09 | Report Abuse

who trap here sure dont get any dividen...this counter no profit...


2021-05-06 10:06 | Report Abuse

the sentiment is over the price will return back to original price...


2021-05-06 10:05 | Report Abuse

dont dream la foxconn... dont con people la...


2021-05-06 10:03 | Report Abuse

sure... i will not let newbie got trap at high price... see how many people trap at scib... from rm3 now already rm1.4...even their qr 10 time better than dnex...


2021-05-06 09:51 | Report Abuse

dnex loss company.... dont have cash before late... after pp price will futher drop... if bad qr report the price will capital dnex already overvalue...


2021-05-05 16:09 | Report Abuse

already remain in the morning... tragedi 7-8 april will repeated... one day show only because rsi is oversold... normal for all counter... fifo...


2021-05-05 12:36 | Report Abuse

@rocketfly... if u scare bitcoin... can try eth... more stable and low risk. ..bitcoin too expensive now...


2021-05-05 12:33 | Report Abuse

xrp i already take after they dump... doge already 600%...just wait elon musk when see bearish signal... this crypto more bubble... but can make alot of profit...even they drop they rebound back... this dnex already overvalue for me...more high risk than crypto...


2021-05-05 12:24 | Report Abuse

dogecoin better...everyday rocket... alot profit already... xrp still not settle sec case...


2021-05-05 11:46 | Report Abuse

save yourself first...


2021-05-05 10:33 | Report Abuse

jangan syok awai sangat....itu history 7-8 april sure day game only because RSI already oversold...mana2 counter oversold sure ada one day game...that why ada screener RSI oversold.....esok jangan nangis2 sebab stuck dekat high price lagi...


2021-05-03 22:14 | Report Abuse

rarely to limit down... will drop slowly since this is heavy counter... maybe can up and down back...what can i said it will go to south soon...


2021-05-03 22:06 | Report Abuse

after two year if still cant make profit... this dnex will stay become penny with no dividen...that why i said this company is high risk investment... not like greatec and inari which already proof they can make profit... and their qr always improved...


2021-05-03 22:04 | Report Abuse

that ping just give small profit only... please do research....if that ping only... this dnex counter only value 10 sen only with current total share dnex of 2.4 billion...u need to remember siltera is loss company... that why khazanah lelong to dnex... so dnex need a lot of fund to restructure siltera... based on news... atleast need 2 year to make profit from siltera... u need to wait 2 year....


2021-05-03 21:10 | Report Abuse

kita nasihat dia cakap kita mau con dia beli harga rendah...ini kalau beli pun nanti harga makin turun xdak guna.. kalau naik setakat 1% atau 2%...rugi bayar broker saja... ini stock sudah terlebih naik dari 20 sen ke rm1...skarang dia mau kembali ke harga asal... itu naik sebab sentimen saja...


2021-05-03 21:06 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... sudah cakap...itu orang x abis2 dgn dia punya chip shortage la... foxconn la... ini company value 30 sen saja... you stuck ini company dividen pun xdak...


2021-05-01 23:52 | Report Abuse

dont forget sell yourself also...


2021-04-28 23:45 | Report Abuse

mana2 kaunter pun bila sentimen dah over semua orang run...


2021-04-28 23:44 | Report Abuse

ini org kalau beli careplus dekat rm5... dia bagi harapan jangan jual itu share suruh simpan...dia punya harapan tu sampai share jatuh rm1 pun dia masih mau simpan dan post ini good company...hahaha


2021-04-28 23:42 | Report Abuse

dia ingat kalau director beli dekat harga tinggi dnex punya price kena ikut harga director beli... banyak syok jadi director kalau itu macam... itu top glove director beli dekat rm7 pun harga boleh jatuh rm5... fgv kwsp invest beratus juta pun boleh jatuh dari harga rm6 ke rm1... aiyooo ini mau trap orang beli harga tinggi...


2021-04-28 20:30 | Report Abuse

aiyoo want compare greatec/D&O with dnex...their financial report and QR very good... even drop will rebound back... this dnex qr report not value 1 billion capital market... but now dnex market already 1.8 billion... just wait next qr report of dnex release... u know what will happen to price... this dnex still widad level...


2021-04-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

if issue at 30 sen... total share around 3.2 billion... the market still 1 billion...


2021-04-28 18:39 | Report Abuse

since most director purchased around 20 sen... maybe pp price at 30 sen to attract people buy... if high price who want to buy...


2021-04-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

@toyota78...hahaha finally u turn to the right part.. not too late... funny... hahahaha


2021-04-26 22:04 | Report Abuse

siltera 1 billion profit? siltera loss company... that why lelong 200 million only... china will invest in 2023...they estimate 2024 to get profit... u need to wait another 2 or 3 years... this counter will be like widad... 40 billion investment from uae prince in 20 years... anything can happen in 20 years... that why widad price keep drop... same like dnex... the price will keep drop... u want believe me or not... depend on u...


2021-04-26 11:32 | Report Abuse

someone still believe the price will going above 0.8 because previous pp at more than 0.7...who care about their profit... director buy at 20 sen ma...please at least learn TA if u dont want learn FA...resistance and selling very strong... bear control the price... price will keep drop... from 90 sen they keep saying the price will up... but the price already 70 sen... sentiment chip shortage not working... this siltera cant help anything about that...not related...big fund not easy to get fooled by that sentiment... dnex sentiment is over... all people already run...


2021-04-23 09:40 | Report Abuse

i think not easy to get investor with the current price... 900 million is big money... if ask u to invest with current situation of siltera u want to invest with that money for long term return? that why until now no one interested to purchase...


2021-04-23 09:35 | Report Abuse

yesterday big volume and big drop enough to show strong selling signal... it mean the operator also already run and many people already cutloss.... since 90 sen i warning the price will drop to 60 sen... but some people said i talk nonsense... but today it touch 60 sen already...wait pp release... this dnex will be more heavy and the price will be more difficult to move...


2021-04-22 22:52 | Report Abuse

i will que 1000k lot at 1.52...i will not let anson liew buy at rm1.5...if anson want buy at 1.53...


2021-04-22 22:21 | Report Abuse

that 1 billion investment also by 2023...dont do analysis syok sendiri ma... read and understand....


2021-04-22 22:19 | Report Abuse

you know after pp the total number of dnex share is 3 billion... if price rm2.7 the market cap of dnex already 8 billion... please think logic and learn FA...that is the reason u trap at high price...and other thing read that news full and understand... that profit was estimate on 2025...u need to wait 4 years and they state that it long term investment for 10 years... maybe u become old already that time to take profit...


2021-04-22 21:36 | Report Abuse

the TA already show the trend is bearish... tomorrow maybe go down again or rebound half for last disposed before crash again.


2021-04-22 19:16 | Report Abuse

since u mention warrant... after complete exercise of warrant and pp... total market cap for dnex is 3 billion at current price 0.735...still no profit already 3 billion...think yourself