
sundaymorn13 | Joined since 2019-12-07

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2021-03-02 16:16 | Report Abuse

Aiya, got someone quote my old comments here and not even credit, sad.

Rally so strong but can't even reach 50sen, run out of gas, so disappointing hahaha. That is why I don't play short term ya, stressful life and need to monitor all the time.

Good luck to everyone who bought in, it's a good honest company, and even if you get caught today you can expect dividend soon, maybe April, to lessen your burden ya. Just watch out for the lack of news, then this counter will go sideway for a long time again. Last time the price did not match the fundamental, which is why it exploded, but now that price is just about the fair value then it's back to slow climb for this company. My opinion anyway, maybe there's a few goreng session left, who knows?

For me I have exited and already appraising the next hidden gem. Thank you Mr Ruslan and co for your hard work last year, and congratulations again to those who hold since November


2021-03-02 08:48 | Report Abuse

Morning... kicking things off from 50sen today


2021-03-02 00:17 | Report Abuse

@maxstore769 hahaha let us enjoy this small moment, here has been quiet for too long. The trendplay traders and opportunists will play their game now, but we made our moves long ago and can relax and just enjoy the ride.


2021-03-01 16:58 | Report Abuse

Last 15mins, still strong buy. Tomorrow we go again!


2021-03-01 16:49 | Report Abuse

Here we are... RM0.40

I am relieved, feel like floating!

Last few months looking at flat line, doubting my own research, and holding on. Finally paid off.

Congratulations again everyone!

I might have found another gem, need to research some more but entrance opportunity seems like perfectly timed with exit from this counter. We will see!


2021-03-01 16:43 | Report Abuse

Yes, covid came at the worst timing for this company. Imagine undertaking huge loan and then suddenly getting hit by once-every-century pandemic.

And still manage to come out with great results, and managed to service their debt. That is top-tier company management. The board knows their stuff


2021-03-01 16:14 | Report Abuse

What do you mean "suddenly" shoot up...

I and many others write here long long analysis for months already waiting for this day...

By the way, for new investors here, the current price is still UNDERVALUED, even if the rally breaks down, I believe this counter will continue to climb because:

1. The fair value is estimated around RM0.35 to RM0.55. The ESOS exercise price is RM0.41
2. This counter consistently gives out dividend. If follow FY18 (similar net profit), it's 1.1 sen per share, which at current price (RM0.31 right now) is still about 3% yield. If you bought in at RM0.20 last week, then it's 5%. Ever heard of a consistent 5% dividend yielding penny stock?
3. All-green quarters for FY2020, in a pandemic year, as a non-glove non-medical, small-cap counter.
4. Lower revenue but higher profit margin compared to previous year, meaning the management is skillful enough to navigate tough periods.
5. Gigantic RM1.2bil order book, they managed to replenish their orderbook (I believe it was just RM1.0bil but they managed to add two more projects in 2020).
6. Extremely stable revenue, counting on multi-year servicing projects and concessions. Investors unlikely to face any uncertainties when it comes to revenues.
7. This counter was supposed to profit from HSR and ECRL mega projects, unfortunately did not manage to materialise. However, if ECRL resume, then this counter is a beneficiary.
8. This company has been in expansion mode and is still expanding right now with new acquisition in progress so they can enter PLUS highway RnR concession. In last than a few years you will see explosion of revenue.
9. Not to mention other high-profile clients like handling Pengerang Integrated Complex facilities and EduCity

To me, this is really actually at least RM1 of a counter. Sell for quick profit, or hold for 1-2 years, there is only big money to be made from this hidden gem.


2021-03-01 14:30 | Report Abuse

Enough rest, let's continue the climb!


2021-03-01 12:27 | Report Abuse

Mr @Michael Kwok, congratulations, got your TP. Exitting now or are you feeling bullish? ;D


2021-02-26 14:39 | Report Abuse

Hard to say the target price, I'll be very happy with 35-50sen range, back to where it belongs. But chart is building up to something good next week. I believe the rally will resume next week to higher peak also, like Batman_Return said.


2021-02-26 11:27 | Report Abuse

GFM Investor Relation is extremely rubbish.

This is already afternoon, how is this public statement still not disseminated and picked up by any news:


2021-02-26 10:39 | Report Abuse

I don't know why my comments didn't go thru here today. Wanted to say that the QR hasn't hit the news so the rise may be staggered.

And don't worry @maya1301, I know u are stuck at high price maybe 40sen then it slipped, that's why u are so bitter. We will come back for u.


2021-02-26 03:04 | Report Abuse

Great QR! Hit it out the ballpark, just slightly more than my prediction 30m revenue, 3m profit (10% margin). Higher net profit and margin than last 2 years despite pandemic and lower revenue, back to all green QRs. With so many volatility out there, this company is showing resilience.

Tomorrow is a day to enjoy after a very long wait and betting on fundamentals. Congratulations everyone!


2021-02-17 14:18 | Report Abuse

@maya1301 I pity you, I think only you no life keep commenting here consistently from last year... People have life and other investments, not all the time so free to sit on a trading forum and comment ;) Hahahaha


2021-02-17 12:25 | Report Abuse

@LaoTzeAhSir Unfortunately Malay boardroom companies like this tend to neglect shareholders and PR, focusing too much on just core business. This must change if they want to have any chance to go to Main Market.

But fundamental wise, I think the company has massive potential to dominate FM service in the future especially with their RM1bil orderbook (which I hope is still intact after the pandemic). But GFM board really must learn to reward public shareholders, and engage in PR consistently, and they must be aware of its positive impact on their company.

Currently the price is still suppressed by:
1. Lack of consistent news and PR engagements to maintain publicity
2. Being an ACE market listing, which has too many shady counters
3. Intra-day trading not available
4. Very very low dividend yield
5. No share buyback, or any other shareholder reward programme besides the meagre dividend
6. QR lacks clarity sometimes, there are few expenses/items that seem not clear (e.g. intangible asset), but not clarified properly, and there is also no clear direction/ future prospect to get investors excited.
7. Warrant and ESOS pricing seems tone deaf to the stock market, when they have not made good enough efforts to keep their counter at the price.

If they actually address these problem, GFM easily is a RM1 counter.


2021-02-16 17:32 | Report Abuse

Just hold on for a bit more, book closing is next week for FY2020. Revenue and profit will both beat last year, and expected net profit similar to FY2018. I don't think this counter will dip below RM0.25 again. No reason to, it's fair value is between RM0.35 and RM0.55

Coincidentally, there is a potential golden cross forming up, it will be accelerated by the price rally next week, when it happens this counter get another boost.

This week is last call to board the GFM rocket, it will launch soon!


2021-02-15 15:13 | Report Abuse

@Lukey_Greek Nice theory ya, good luck to you.

Unfortunately if you actually go through the announcement document and do the maths, the numbers don't lie.

Again, good luck to you ya.

In future, maybe you can use this counter as a precedent for you to actually read the facts in released company announcements and digest them, maybe bring them here to discuss, instead of just spewing mindless conspiracy and trading on hope.

There's only about <5% chance that this delisting won't go through in March, and the outcome from this 5% chance if it happens is that FGV price will drop to below RM1 again.

For the last time, read the document ya. Don't say I didn't warn you ya.


2021-02-15 15:03 | Report Abuse

pari57 Alamak!

Keep one year already, couldn't wait 2 more weeks for book closing?


2021-02-12 17:32 | Report Abuse

Hello everyone, how you all doing?

Completely no news at all in January ya, very disappointing, I was really hoping for at least the Amzass acquisition progress news for pre-FY boost.

This counter really make us fed up ya, flatter than wood plank hahahaha.

But I trust in my research, no point thinking about holding too long, for new investors I think if enter now is the best time, while waiting the QR end of month (hoping on 23rd, because if 26th evening like usual then I'm scared the news will be stale by 1st March Monday), that I am confident will be very good. Saw some spikes in volume, means big players also come in already, let's hope for success! Also bigger dividend, GFM please!!

Happy Chinese New Year!


2021-02-12 17:20 | Report Abuse

Aikk Mr Mabel, still not out yet?

By the way your calculation is completely outdated ya, as disclosed by Maybank IB:

Felda PAC - 2,638,968,388 units (72.34%)

In the same document is also mentioned that Public Spread is now <25%, at 23.93%.

So your "Mabel and retailer team" is definitely not 27.53% as you mentioned ya.

If you do your own maths with this info, surely by know you will notice that Felda has been collecting mostly from retail NOT private institution.

Maybe you didn't know that a large part of FGV retailers are actually Felda settlers?

My thesis is Felda will target private institutions last, for the final ~5% (not 3% per your calculations ya) for road to 90%.

This counter is as good as gone already.

p/s: You seemed so experienced with "12 plantations" and all that ya, so I'm confused with all your experience how you not picked up all these things. But glad to point this out to you, so can stop the misleading to new investors also. I already warned you months ago, and proven correct. I hope by March don't see your comments here ya. Like you, I also like to play this counter for past few years, sub-RM1 FGV play is my one of my favourite, very easy. But no use to mislead people to get stuck now, when we both in entered in better position than most new here and make money no matter what the price. I already accepted the offer within first few weeks.

Pity the new investors la, like AmInvest already said, many plantation counters out there better for investing, instead of stuck in this counter at this price for months.


2021-02-08 13:10 | Report Abuse

Good try Mr. Mabel but next time don't apply your stock fundamentals to government-tied companies like this ya. This is bursa, we buy these kind of stock, we private retailers are at the mercy of the big guys, no chance to force anything, pray they don't cut you only.

Warned you few months ago...


2020-12-20 12:44 | Report Abuse

Wah, this section getting livelier, many different usernames I see now. Good, there is more attention.

Actually, if your fingers are itchy, as I said, this is a boring company, wrong counter to get your quick returns. You are free to sell it now, it's a win-win situation; you can make your quick returns switching to banks or big cap recovery now, and this counter has less jitters and anxiety, and can form momentum quickly.

Personally, short term is too tiring for me, and I'm not that generous to keep paying brokerage fees, so bargain hunting counters like this is my style. No point to advice you to buy, hold, or sell in this shark-infested forum, if you need the money, please sell. If you ask for my plan, I will still hold for up to March, this was in my plan before I even bought this stock. But then again, I entered at RM0.11 back in April, I have no risk on this, even sold some in June, topped up a bit back in August.

Now back to the counter, you can even see with naked eye that we are almost at the foot a of a hill. But in order to make a mountain out of that hill, this counter will need PR boost. Luckily for us, there should be a lot of GFM-related news in January, peaking with a very strong FY2020 in Feb.


2020-12-09 11:15 | Report Abuse

I'd run from this counter for a few months. I think a lot of investors here have never kept themselves up to date with how bad FELDA position is in right now, and probably never read the White Paper. Think rationally:

1. Debt-ridden FELDA won't be able to privatise FGV anytime soon with its dire state. In fact, after this 'takeover', FGV future earnings will now be siphoned back to FELDA to sustain itself. This is not a case of your typical privatisation. This is desperate, government-sponsored PR move. Stop fantasizing RM4, RM5, not only has FGV not achieved anywhere near this price since few years ago, FELDA simply cannot afford it.

2. There will be a period of limbo in which you will get no progress from this news. The anxiety is not worth the investment, the upside is so little, but things can easily crash. You can't even be optimistic about privatisation at higher price, because we all know that FELDA simply cannot afford.
Feel free to raise the market price to RM3, because in the end FELDA will not be able to afford and will have to pull out, and everything comes crashing down. Worse if the government retaliate by putting obstacles on this already scrutinized company.

3. The government backing this purchase is founded on shaky ground. The next government/ election campaign will easily scrutinize this purchase at least as a PR attack. In fact, it might even be discussed a few days from now in Parliament. RM400m free money to help FELDA, and another funding round to help purchase FGV, totalling RM1bil, in the middle of pandemic? Other than that, any shit that hits FELDA's fan will also now be smeared all across FGV face too. The political storm is too great for this.

4. Think of the potential re-organisation deficit, which will affect earning. Not to mention potential board replacing that will disrupt operations. And if you think FELDA still has good candidates to put into the board to drive operations, I can say that you have been not up to date with FELDA's situation since almost a decade ago, this is a government agency that has managed to turn RM6bil cash into RM9bil debt in 2 years, and is still unable to recover until now.

5. Syed Mokhtar will not get a sniff on FGV. He is simply disliked in the current government, nor does he have any upstanding with the opposition. He is caught in a limbo, that I'm sure is no problem to him as a tycoon, but I'd be surprised if government allows him to get into FGV,.

Personally I have cut my profit today (I only buy FGV at below RM1 anyway), and there is a big chance it will dip below RM1 again, and stay there for a very long time. Anything can happen, this is my decision, I am simply offering you all a fact-supported opinions, not fantasy speculations.


2020-12-05 02:25 | Report Abuse

Tough question.

Will it go up to 50 sen? Definitely. Will it go up more than now in 3 months? Definitely. Will it go up 50 sen in 3 months? There might be a rally in the near future, but if continue at current pace, then in my opinion is maybe not so fast.

Many factors in play, namely if economic situation recovers then more counters will grab attention over this counter. As I said previously, it's a naturally 'boring' IFM services, steady revenue throughout year, no excitement. Purely looking at its YTD revenue also, is just at 84m, and full-year is certain to be lowest compared to last 2 years.

However, their current profit margin at Q3 already on par with FY19, and it's very possible to beat their 2-year profit record, barring any tax hit like last year. On track to post +40% profit vs FY19, and that will definitely grab some headlines. If this happens, GFM will start FY21 flying.

In my opinion, lowest revenue but highest profit in 2 years especially in this eventful year showcases how much the board understand their business, and experienced enough to adapt to headwind situations. Look how they are also expanding to concessions, which now already supply almost 40% of their revenue just through KP Mukah alone (and will continue to provide steady income for the next 20 years). With the potential Amzass acquisition, they will certainly add to the revenue contribution from concession arrangements in the future, not to mention they keep expanding into new industry and reaching new set of potential clients. All this is on top of their already large RM1bil orderbook.

My own conclusion, this undervalued company has proper direction business-wise, and is looking to expand rapidly. It explains the pitiful dividends (only 1-2%, come on GFM, at least give us FD rates), and the goal since 2017 as far as I know has always been to reach the Main market, and so far I see that every company decision has been towards that objective, despite unforeseen bumps. Not a goreng stock, more like herbal soup that takes time to brew, to be enjoyed by seasoned veterans and the patient (pun intended).


2020-12-03 17:40 | Report Abuse

Who was that, park so much at 0.20... Spike in volume today... Something brewing?


2020-12-01 15:31 | Report Abuse

In my opinion this "boring" counter in a "boring" industry has been sideways for so long that most of the operators have lost interest, so expect no big swings or fluctuations typical in other ACE counters, but we should see a slow but steady climb to reflect the good company performance. It is good enough if they can improve on the dividend yield, and continue to slowly climb in revenue and profit as we move on, as this will generate honest interest to the counter. At this point this counter should focus on recovery to it's 30 sen mark, then hopefully achieve it's fair value of about 40 sen. For new eager and impatient traders, this is a good counter to teach you the 'investment' part of stock trading.


2020-11-26 09:47 | Report Abuse

Technical is all set. Good news with the budget today (hopefully), and QR tomorrow. Good luck everyone, put on your seatbelt, see you on Monday