
suntze | Joined since 2018-06-17 22:49:10

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2020-01-02 16:18 | Report Abuse

Hi ahbeng77, can you pls share the link to the news?


2020-01-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

broken 200ma. Uptrend sign?


2019-11-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

all guesses and living on hope that it will go up. i wish you all the best.


2019-10-29 16:28 | Report Abuse

pecca profit margin is 12% while apm is 2.5%. imagine pecca revenue is 131.4m and pocketed 16.6m while apm revenue is 10 times pecca which is 1334m but only earn 38m. how to compare? If apm revenue drop 20%, i think the net profit will be same as pecca. So will investor willing to invest in pecca or apm? apm margin will be squeeze further by proton as the chinaman ceo already said that local spare parts manufacturer not competitive enough.


2019-10-29 10:07 | Report Abuse

epf disposing maybe due to apm profit margin has been shrinking all this year. it has shrunk from double digits all the way down to 3 to 4% only. on top of that, car sales has reach a plateau and they foresee next year car sales will drop. regional automotive demand will also slow down and therefoe apm product will see a decline in demand. the return of profit no longer meet epf criteria.


2018-07-05 12:43 | Report Abuse

Hi Tehka, you also recorded huge losses on this share? I believed we from the same group.
I think Tehka and I share the same plight. We just wanted to grow our money so that can have a better retirement. But sadly, we are doing much worst now. If i buy the share from hearsay in I3, then i would say serve me right. But i'm currently buying shares with proper guidance and analysis but yet it still performed worst.


2018-07-04 13:03 | Report Abuse

I'm at loss now. I don't know should i be angry at my own stupidness. I was not doing well on my own. Therefore, I thought it is time to learn from others. I joined my sifu group early of the year. He recommended HY with all his analysis. Comb thru and sound reasonable. Bought it. Make some money but at the end loses it at end. Then same goes with masteel and now lionind. Is it just my back luck or the analysis given was flaw? I'm very frustrated with myself. I did not do well previously but now i'm doing much worse.

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2018-06-18 00:12 | Report Abuse

I believed OTB_Subscriber is a genuine Mr. OTB subscriber. I too observed the same. I do believed that Mr Ooi did help many to make money but there might be two group of ppl here. One who is already your subsciber prior to last year and have make some to alot of money and the other group is people like me who subscribe to the services this year. My capital has reduced significantly. So the argument that you recommend Masteel and HY when it is very low only hold half truth to a group of people while not the other group, ie: new suscriber. Anyway, no point to look back and argue. Now the most important things to me is to look forward and how to recoup my capital.

P/s: The above has no intention of bad mouthing anyone but just merely stating my opinion. Sorry if it offended anyone.