
thenewbee | Joined since 2016-06-16

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2017-02-14 09:37 | Report Abuse

same with u fp sifu


2017-02-13 17:13 | Report Abuse

1. Bon: 23600
2. ayam: 23456
3. FP : 23688
4. thenewbee: 23650


2017-02-13 16:54 | Report Abuse

@ommani, cham together. let this chammness stay away from us. huat together. wish u guys all the best and huat in this roster year


2017-02-13 16:53 | Report Abuse

@duit sifu..
I where got not percaya you . last time i was with capital 3k and went up to 5k in 2 weeks time before i break even with my c with hawk that time. with ur calls i believe i can earn more den last time . i thought world is ending few days back when everything goes against me. Definitely after this incident, i'm transforming myself into a warrior soon to be ninja


2017-02-13 16:41 | Report Abuse

same bro @ommani, i'm holding vivocom now which consolidate for months d


2017-02-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

duit sifu, rm400 a day everyday is a lot d lo. 400 x 20 days =8k per month d. @ommani sifu if u have -9k how u trade haha? consider i lost 16k in this trade ,i also -16k from today onwards also


2017-02-13 16:27 | Report Abuse

okok got it. noted duit sifu


2017-02-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

just saying if i cant get 0.16 should i go for 0.165 now?


2017-02-13 16:17 | Report Abuse

i earned a lot from ur calls also previously. i have to mentioned this out, eatech, sime c8, umw-cy, etc. I have great respect to u. Helping people to earn money here. 好人有好报


2017-02-13 16:16 | Report Abuse

duit sifu i really appreciate ur effort here help a stranger here. i have faith in you queue all at 0.16 now. is there any alternative way to contact u (email etc) i have just sent my best wish to him when i close my trade just now wishing him all the best. i hope my 3k+ can turn around to great amount soon


2017-02-13 16:06 | Report Abuse

rephase my words duit sifu, not a must la. but better lo. Helping a almostdead fish here. All sifus here also see whether this half dead fish can go alive or not. If one day i did happen, i will book a restaurant in kl and invite all of u ugys


2017-02-13 16:01 | Report Abuse

thanks for all the sifu's advice. Duit, any call must share share here. Need those calls so badly now


2017-02-13 15:52 | Report Abuse

sent my last greeting message to hawk and wishing all the best in trading. I feel relieved right now after suffering from depression for almost a month. duit, u are truly a legend. i feel so much better now. Yeah definitely will transform from a zombie to warrior soon.


2017-02-13 15:46 | Report Abuse

mentally got destroyed atm


2017-02-13 15:45 | Report Abuse

duit sifu, neeed ur help a lot do achieve that. also all sifus here, i'm happy to take in everyone's advice. of course i will have my own justification also


2017-02-13 15:42 | Report Abuse

@@bbchan i got ony 10+ percent left of my capital . if is 2k i don even mind


2017-02-13 15:39 | Report Abuse

start all over again now. climb back from today onwards !!


2017-02-13 15:36 | Report Abuse

ok guys thanks for the advice i have sold everything. only have 3k plus left. seriously i need a good rest


2017-02-13 15:32 | Report Abuse

duit sifu the thing is if i cut now i don think i have enough money to trade in other momentum put warrant also. seriously nth left. still aiming for 0.05 to cut erm..


2017-02-13 15:22 | Report Abuse

duit sifu, i wanted to cut loss now but the h67 price at 0.03 i don feel like doing it hoping for higher price to let me to cut loss ? should i take risk to hold for few more days?


2017-02-13 14:59 | Report Abuse

still dreaming big here. i still insist don want to cut at this level


2017-02-13 14:05 | Report Abuse

ayam sifu check ur email :)


2017-02-13 11:40 | Report Abuse

thanks guy haha. @twobits, sponsor me to stay there and i might consider haha. now i'm totally broke


2017-02-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

ayam sifu sent u another email


2017-02-13 11:27 | Report Abuse

DUit thanks a lot for ur advice here as a trader i have prepared to lose this time and will definitely come back stronger in the future with what i left right now. Truly appreciate ur efforts in giving me such a valuable advice. I wish all the best in ur trading and huat gao gao all the way


2017-02-13 11:19 | Report Abuse

no worries understood ayam sifu


2017-02-13 11:11 | Report Abuse

this will be my last time complaining about hawk. Let me tell u guys what did he send to me this morning after a several spam from me.This guy told me that i have been right from the very start that i'm nt suitable for hsi warrants but i have insisted just because my heart cant take it ( average from 0.315 to 17 with current price at 0.03, tell me who can stand it) , and he claimed that my last month had good profits( 10 percent using my 30% capital) .

Also he claimed that these people that talk bad about him are mostly competitors or soul grapes , hahaha sour grapes when he is losing that much. when i asked him to show his transaction record on h67,he just totally ignore me.

1 thing that i cant stand is that he said that if the market is so bullish why didnt u cut loss n follow ur friends ( i guess he meant u guys in this forum) and come back later for the h and make profits in both way. i was like what, who am i subscribing? who am i paying to? ask me to cut loss when he gave me so many calls to average down until i got no bullet left?

This people is truly irreponsible & unethical, not to mention there was a few times that he averaged down and only managed to inform me when the market is closed ( only when i asked him). someone should banned him from continuing posting stuffs in hsi


2017-02-12 23:45 | Report Abuse

Fklibie, he doesn'teven want to reply my message now . do u think he will really screenshot his h67 transactions to us subscribers. dream only here. Now i just want to start all over again and move on. let this be the last and only lesson in my trading experience


2017-02-12 23:22 | Report Abuse

hi guys to those that were previously bleed badly because of following hawk. There's actually a few possibilitites why hawk could averaged down his warrant so much, first he bought in low volume everytime , 2ndly he got huge capital which enable him to do so. Or the last possibility is that he never bought a single share at all but only asking his follower to buy( just an assumption). There are people who earn money in this way by stealing people's technical analysis chart from somewhere and asked people to average down if it goes another way round as they think that by doing that u will eventually profit at some level. By given in this case as warrant is expiring soon and the market is on bullish mode everyone is losing so badly.

Fklibie, klee, milan wong
The way he is trading actually put all his subscribers at risk, endless of averaging down. As market only behave either uptrend or downtrend, so it willeventually will go to the way he wants. ( just my assumption here) if u guys are actually the victim of hawk's subscriber, can u guys share the whole story here as well so that there wont be more people becoming the next victim. JUst doing some good deed here. i have prepared to loss everything here more than 20k in h67. hopefully there wont be other people suffered huge loss like me


2017-02-11 18:26 | Report Abuse

duit sifu, i have been in depressed condition for few weeks till now left nothing eventually as well. have been so tiring everyday just want to let this over and start all over again. i alwas have cut loss and take profit target but ever since following this person, i only know how to average down in warrant


2017-02-10 17:10 | Report Abuse

to those sifus that commented and gave positive advice thanks a lot. Don have to sympathise me, money gone can earn back. I just don want any other people to fall in to the trap anymore. To those that make jokes of my comments, thanks for spending time to comment and wastedur few minutes in ur life


2017-02-10 15:49 | Report Abuse

1 more thing u dont even care about ur subscribers when u are averaging down, nt disclosing ur trade strategies so that we know how many batches u are going to average given in the worst scenaro. cut loss level was only given on day trade hsi but no in this trade


2017-02-10 15:34 | Report Abuse

a special message to hawk, honestly speaking when i joined ur boat initially i had high expectation towards hsi warrants as everytime when u commented on forum u sounded so confidently everytime and some sifus seem have great respect towards u. The first call ever since i ever subscribed you it was a bumpy ride, when people believed it was bearish u confidently convince me that it was bullish before the expiry of c54. Well i will say u were too lucky to be able to settle the trade before the expiry date as steve mentioned to rely strictly on EW for the longer term is too dangerous as HSI is Dynamic- it changes to the external factors (esp now with so muxh going on) and besides ( i personally think it that way as well) , when u are applying EW's theorem on chart, how can u excluded the market condition, news, political influences. Tell me what if the bullish only start when c54 is expired? nothing left dude. come on dude, the trade is not close yet?? Seriously? with only technically 1 week more to trade in the market , exercise value of 22200, how much do u think it worth even though if it drops 300-400 points next week? able to break even ur initial cost consider that u averaged down h67 for countless of batches. With ur method of trading, even me myself can post how profitable i am to trade in this way. given that u managed to average down till 0.12 level atm ( clueless but should be around there) and u able to cut loss at 0.07, still u are only losing by 5 bits( but outsiders wont know how many batches u have bought to average down till that level) .

Bro i did appreciated some of the winning trades u got it for me and u too being gentleman to let me to start my subscription date on the 2/1. Well when i was even to break even my first ever first trade with u with less than 10% profit on c60 and c54 lose abit ( as i cut loss following my own call. i can't just say ok bro i'm done i got profit and i'm nt paying u any shit after i profited, that's the reason why i decided to subscribe you but nt just ran away like that being cocky and irresponsible. But this trade the final trade with u is the way too extreme, i don mind losing in day trade 4-5 bits , but this is totally ridiculous. when i asked ur average everytime in h67, ur average seems getting lower and lower each time forcing us subscribers to follow you so that we will be in safer zone. i didnt want to put all my money in this trade but with 0.275 average what will i obtain in the end. This is just like gambling game for me to average down from 0.32 till 0.17 now( right now it stands at 0.055), and hawk still believe that this game can still be turned around within a week of trading. there's a difference between a small trade and with my current trade now. i beleive i'm nt the only victim in this forum.


2017-02-10 14:19 | Report Abuse

@kayoong , yes a good trader shouldn't keep on averaging down especially in warrant with expiry date kicking in


2017-02-10 11:50 | Report Abuse

this loss make me suffered but is good lesson for me too.


2017-02-10 11:45 | Report Abuse

noted sifus, will make my own decision soon


2017-02-10 11:27 | Report Abuse

fairplayer, of course i'm nt hoping it to goes to that exercise value, i'm hoping a slightly retracement after a bullrun for so many days atcut loss at 0.08-.10 level


2017-02-10 11:21 | Report Abuse

sifus i really need some help in my situation now. right now what should i do at 0.55level


2017-02-10 11:12 | Report Abuse

totally agree, @ommani even u did realize my comments previously i have never hold calls more den 4 days as well at most over the weekends as based on my own analysis is worth to hold and risk


2017-02-10 11:10 | Report Abuse

yeah sifus, so any advice now at this 0.55 level on h67? where will be my better cut loss point. i have prepared to lose everything here and start all over again. still in the process of learning and i admit it was my mistake as well to blindly follow someone's call. now just want get out with something and fight it back up


2017-02-10 10:59 | Report Abuse

rm200 per month in any group that u want to trade in ( hsi, futures, short term stocks trading)


2017-02-10 10:56 | Report Abuse

i'm wriitng this here so that others won't fall into the trap. Let's see how is hawk going to make up his story in his trade this time in his blog.


2017-02-10 10:49 | Report Abuse

today i'm going to say something here not going to be silent anymore. Remember i was talking the one that ask me to hold h since 0.32+ plus till now? now i'm admitting i'm skyhawk subscriber and at the same time i'm trading based on my own technical skill as well as i toally believe in hawk (EW's theory) and i was told to averaged down from 0.32+ until 0.0105 and now getting an average of 0.175 with all bullet spent. I was so worried few days back and when i talked to him, he asked me to cut loss if i cant hold i was like wtf as he was the one who asked me to average down from 0.32+ onwards. i've asked a few forex professionals about their opinions on hsi, all saying that it was a bullish run since november still now and any drop is any opportunity to get C and they got no idea why i will collect H since january. i just want to know is there any other else like me who is skyhawk's follower. if u dont know how to trade and want to subscribe someone dont ever subscribe skyhawk, back to almost 2months back i was in a roller coaster ride as well which favour H holder initially and finally h, losing more den 80 percent initially and had a small gain of 10% later on. This guy cant give u the best timing to get into hsi as he only trade based on EW without factoring news and market condition into his chart. is impossible that someone that claim himself professional can give a buy call from 0.32 till current level of 0.055.i will say that a simply ting tong call. 100 times ting tong call will stil let u win at least 20 times. if u are deciding to subscribe hawk in hsi, better not to. cause he will make u lose everything and when u are talking to him, he will ask u to study Elliot Wave to calm yourselves. ( to skyhawk, i cant stand u anymore, thank you for making a wonderful time in my hsi journey) ( honestly speaking, i earn even more by myself within 2 weeksmore den the call that he has given to me for the past 2-3 months)


2017-02-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

upside not over yet?


2017-02-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

@bonarda, what direction u mean here?


2017-02-08 16:31 | Report Abuse

thanks abangadik


2017-02-08 15:36 | Report Abuse

rchi sifu in short term time maybe in 2-3 months, what's ur price evalaution on mfcb?


2017-02-08 14:11 | Report Abuse

@bonarda, i don understand why hang seng can stay so bullish for so long. from 22600 till now. if i cut loss now it will be too terrible for me . no sign of hope at all?


2017-02-08 12:02 | Report Abuse

dont hope please, earn so much d. have to pray for us H holder to recover la aiyo


2017-02-08 11:20 | Report Abuse

ayam so what's ur point of view towards the end of next week from now?