
truesight1122 | Joined since 2020-02-10

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2020-11-09 13:23 | Report Abuse

kuttyravi this forum is foc and anyone could create a free account under 5 minutes and splurge track records that never can be verified. so i suggest u, turn off ur old acer laptop and get back to your miserable life with your pathethic wife and daughter. i.e. working 9-5 earning B40 salaries and spend your free time talking shit over here


2020-10-21 16:41 | Report Abuse

kuttyravi: basicallysimple very sure we all had enough of your sarcasm.... you hv posted far too many times.....if you have any issues regarding KNM pls express it intelligently ....pls do not smear or express your hatred to any individual or your ever favourite target sardin81 ..this is not the venue made for that,, my earnest hope .for your utmost sobriety ....thanks

Wow coming from a person who blamed the Vedic Astrology for the drop, and telling everybody that trading KNM shares short term guarantee max 10% profit?

Just back off dude, you and syndicate (sardin81) got exposed HARD!!


2020-03-24 14:17 | Report Abuse

riko yes correct, he always come out to bark after knm go up 1 to 2 cents..


2020-03-19 10:23 | Report Abuse



2020-03-18 13:17 | Report Abuse

Godofgambler what happen to your TP price 60c? dumb ass of the year


2020-03-16 17:37 | Report Abuse

keeninvestor12 only explanation for me is they dispose at higher price then buy back at lower. maybe the price drop so much because of them. anyway , nothing much i can do but continue to hold.

tell yourself anything as long they can make u sleep at night. pathetic sardin follower who bashed on informed investors sharing the real facts. now go hug your mama and wait for a few years before u escape this KNM trap.


2020-03-16 17:22 | Report Abuse



2020-03-16 15:00 | Report Abuse

super_newbie don't simply create panic leh,

so you are saying investors can only cut lost when company enter into PN17 is it? share price drop few hundred percent but not in PN17 no need to panic?


2020-03-16 10:06 | Report Abuse

cut losttttttttttttttttttttttt. continue dropping this week!


2020-03-13 12:02 | Report Abuse

few more cents to go!!

for those going in at 7-8 cents. be wary that it might not rebounce so soon too


2020-03-11 16:17 | Report Abuse

sardin81 of course i would discourage them to buy at this foreseeable downtrend. i have sympathy. i have been accurate in my prediction and factual in my arguments in contrast with yours. so hopefully the curent holders will be more informed and let go this share which is currently priced at 7 cents.


2020-03-11 16:15 | Report Abuse

sardin bullshit cycle
-talk bullshit
-debunked by informed investor
-repeat bullshit
-debunked by informed investor
-repeat bullshit
-debunked by informed investor
-repeat bullshit
-debunked by informed investor
-repeat bullshit
-debunked by informed investor
-repeat bullshit
-debunked by informed investor


2020-03-11 16:14 | Report Abuse

your minds have to be clear. it is really not wise to follow the advice for a guy who keeps on repeating his own myth which have been debunked by numerous informed investor like MD34 & masterkevin


2020-03-11 16:12 | Report Abuse

sell it immediately. sardin will be trapped in averaging 40+c for all his life. that's none of our business, is his karma anyways for spewing bullshit for months


2020-03-11 16:10 | Report Abuse

guys. i am not IDSS. im here to help sincerely. u would have thanked me if you listened to me instead of sardin when it was 20+c. now that your hands is burn, you have to sell it cause KNM will keep falling!


2020-03-11 16:08 | Report Abuse

sell sell sell sell sell. really dangerous if still holding it. the market is correcting everyone sell ur shares NOW! KNM pricing is below `10c. if sell now, still consider gain


2020-03-11 16:07 | Report Abuse

sell. danger share. next support 7c


2020-03-11 09:35 | Report Abuse

the arguments sardin have are debunked numerous times by informed investor before in this thread.

his skill is to keep repeating by showing some random facebook post and accusing others as IDSS OR even make reference to some exhibition fair which have thousands of other booths.

people, dispose everything just like when i told u to do so at 20+c


2020-03-10 18:27 | Report Abuse

cash cow business with 2% margin. sounds about right!! LOLL


2020-03-10 18:26 | Report Abuse

yeah a sophisticated would definitely place more reliance on a random facebook post provided by Sardin instead of analysing the financial.

right guys?


2020-03-10 18:24 | Report Abuse

as per sardin, IDSS only attacked this counter and only KNM investors are dumb enough to cut lost. he thinks that IDSS knows each holder individually and confident that they will cut lost, whereas in fact they are targeting KNM which has weak fundamental.

or maybe, he thinks that if IDSS attack, share price sure drop. then everyone can become IDSS now, target bluechip shares and make nestle drop from RM141 to RM 0.14 like the weak KNM

am i right sardin?


2020-03-10 18:18 | Report Abuse

sardin81 is so desperate by spreading non-factual lies to push up the share price because he needs to pay his downpayment for his Peradoa Myvi. he had previously all in to KNM and trapped inside this share for the paper losses. we dont need to help him to get out


2020-03-10 18:17 | Report Abuse

few months back sardin said himself that he bought in at 38.5c. Now he want to push the share price up by talking nonsense here. he thought the purchase power of investors in this forum is able to help him push up without realising that the amount of people here is incomparable to the whole equity market. again, his views are too narrow.

he is in dip ship now with all the paper loss, i bet his savings of RM10k over 10 years is depleted because he all in in KNM.

dont fall to his trap


2020-03-10 18:11 | Report Abuse

the "strong points" are debunked by MacDee34 and masterkevin in an instance. sardin81 is full of lies guys, listen to him and you will be like those that listened to him at 40c and screwed up. The drop when he convinced everyone to buy is proven and more true than the "facts" he bring out.

if you are hesitating, just cut lost.


2020-03-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

so how sardin? setting up a booth at those fairs can earn me a fortune kah? true kah? woooow


2020-03-10 16:27 | Report Abuse

all you can is accusing others with different view as IDSS. go ahead.. that's all you capable to do anyways :)


2020-03-10 16:22 | Report Abuse

again, thousands of booth in those fairs, but only BORSIG got good prospects ahead?

or you are saying that all the companies owning a booth in the fairs are planning something big and their share price will go beyond RM3? So if i wanna get rich, i just open a booth at those fairs la, am i correct?

try move your eye balls around, you are seeing things too simply and narrow :)


2020-03-10 16:18 | Report Abuse

MacDee34 forget about educating sardin81, his views are too narrow. he can't see a bigger picture. for example, when carona strikes, he confidentally told all of us that the share price will rocket because KNM is an ethanol producer, little did he know that in this entire world, KNM production only takes up less than 0.5%, quoted by another user previously. he thinks it is a big deal that can improve KNM share price because his whole world only got KNM, thats why it looks big to him. Same goes to his other counter points.

i spent some time writing facts to him which he has trouble understanding, all he able to do is to make reference to some random facebook workers saying that "see, KNM is doing better than great".

From what i know is, he definitely can't analyse the financial statements based on his supporting arguments, so no point sharing your comprehensive analysis on the report, as you will feel like explaining to a sardin, literally.

hope we are able to get in around 8-9c. hopefully. cheers!


2020-03-10 15:56 | Report Abuse

cautious all, red light red light*
When sardin say the share will go up, is time to let off the shares as it would definitely go down. he has an impressive proven track record from 40c to 13c :)


2020-03-10 13:01 | Report Abuse

sardin sucks. hahaha. uneducated swine


2020-03-09 11:11 | Report Abuse

sardin81 will say, just continue holding, dont cut lost! it will bounce back to RM 3 soon because KNM has BORSIG, and BORSIG starts with B and ends with G, how often can we see a company with such amazing letter combination?? ALL IN KNM!!


2020-03-06 14:24 | Report Abuse

can trace ka? trace to in front of me so i can slap the loser out of u la. talk big pandai. like vadai the cuckholder


2020-03-06 14:23 | Report Abuse

last time u said coronavirus will favor KNM because KNM is ethanol producer?? now u u-turn to say that the share price drop because of coronavirus?? are u even listening to urself ah?


2020-03-06 14:21 | Report Abuse

of course u are not able to respond la. you have typed some serious stupid comments that when someone rebuts you, u are exposed. so how sardin, coronavirus only affect KNM ka? all listed companies are manipulating and understate their net profit by 1 billion ka?

bodoh of the century - you


2020-03-06 14:19 | Report Abuse

matter of fact, when the share price was 40c+, masterkevin said it will drop, while u con others that it will rise above RM 3. so he still a liar? or u are?


2020-03-06 14:17 | Report Abuse

sardin81 provide evidence la, since u said can trace, show everyone here that we are the same people. another dumbass always talk big only. why dont reply to my previous reply on you?


2020-03-06 13:24 | Report Abuse

masterkevin212 20 - 0 Sardin81


2020-03-06 13:24 | Report Abuse

masterkevin212 i looked back at this thread and everyone doubted u and supported sardin. those that did already become beggar. you completely, i mean COMPLETELY destroyed sardin81.

well done bro. the truth prevailed in the end. we need you more than sardin81 definitely


2020-03-06 13:21 | Report Abuse

guys let me summarise sardine81's points so far

- KNM is under attack but IDSS, the whole KLSE only KNM counter got attacked, thats why share price low.
- KNM share price cannot exceed RM 1 because of corona virus. coronavirus only happened to KNM so far, all the infected are KNM staff
- the whole KLSE is manipulating the profit. the manipulation is very simple by moving cash here and there. and hence every other counters net profit also understated by RM1bil, just like KNM.

if you want to hold or average down based on his comments above, kindly to so. one way ticket to hell :)


2020-03-05 15:09 | Report Abuse

RJ 87, still continue ka? kena fucked by so many people in different counters but still choose to believe that you can do well in stock?

why? the conversation with your self that i made up in my previous post is too accurate? you was so hurt by it cause u think that i imply your believe system is collapsed, and hence now u say mine is collapsed? omo.. ang gugu...

your words no longer have credibility la dude. it is all destroyed by me. whatever u said anymore wont matter. no one will believe u cause u have weak fundamental.

compare to sardin81 who sees the world so naively, i prefer to destroy incompetent people like u that thinks u know it all while ur rebuttals has tonnn of flaws. u cant even make reference to an article that support what u just said moments ago. how incompetent are u?

please do not breed as this world does not need another dumb ass in this world


2020-03-05 12:25 | Report Abuse

truesight1122 you still dont get it, whatever Audit you can find, there are many ways to go around them. Alot of of things can be done so that I can show whatever "profit" or "Loss" without breaking any laws or rules....

The safest way for you to know a company is good or not, you have to look at raw data. Raw data does not lie.. if there is a sales of RM1 million, means there is RM 1 million coming in. Then if there is an expense of RM500K to pay your staff... means RM500K is taken away.... Raw data accurat.

When comes to profit and loss... it can be anything. From the same Sales figure, I can make it a profit or loss of any amount, depending on how I move the money. There is nothing illegal about it and there is nothing Auditor can do about it because its how I run my business, I simply move my money according to the law.. and the outcome of profit or loss will be different.


you are right bro. you are definitely right. share price 0.4 u also right, 0.3 u also right, now 0.2 u also right, hopefully when 0.1 later u also right ya.



2020-03-05 12:24 | Report Abuse

the great RJ87 provided us with an article, show the writeback on ECL which is a simplified approach under MFRS 9, when all his previous debate is about PPE impairment NBV and all that shit!

he was explaning all the nonsense with his weak fundamental all the way but then KNM share price remains stagnant!!
"why??" he asked himself.
"WHY do i know all these FACTS but the share price wont budge???"
"i am to embarassed but i have to keep type so that people thought im a sophisticated investor"
"how much is the tuition fees for basic course on equity market??? i really need to attend it"
he is crying while calling others "Noob", "Novice" whatsoever. at least that is a tid bit of self-esteem he can get.

now, everyone, RJ87 has outplayed himself in every way.

i shall rest this case and let him remain to be destroyed.

See ya.

oh ya, still waiting for the cuckholder VADAL! Vadal is not back, he is GONE!!


2020-03-05 10:15 | Report Abuse

VADAIisback yayaya bla bla bla bla. still intact after first session. everyone, does VADAIisback desired to become a cuckholder? we will see....


2020-03-05 10:13 | Report Abuse

RJ 87

ho ho ho...I will read until here I shall rest my case one this topic here. What tell me you are less than a novice is...You ONLY have the basics. U r not wrong to have able to point out ONE OF THE MANY PLACES it could appear. If you are interested to actually become less novice, perhaps u should go check Hibiscus QR on how it's done. I can't tell you for sure what happened there. But it happened. I dropped my jaw when I read their QR too. You see, if you can put your pride and ego aside, it's not so much about what you know. You only know what you know, things that's gonna get you is always things you don't know. Equity market is full of surprises. Never failed to surprise me.

A good rule of thumb is, if there are too many numbers that you don't know. Better stay away.
Stick to company with numbers that you can make sense of.

dont worry i can deal with numbers better than u apparently. based on your past replies we all can agree that u are a novice. maybe around 30 years old but with competency of a fresh grad. bla bla bla , ask me to refer other QR or whatever, why not i refer u to look at nestle, airasia, melewar QR? cause it doesnt make sense and doesnt support anything in my debate right? yes everyone knows that except u.


Again I'm gonna go back to my initial example. What's the actual cash appearing in KNM's account? Is it with or without the RM11.5mil? And if RM11.5mil still appear on KNM's account, why does it bother you what's written in PnL? Between 1) PnL loss. But money enters account in cash. 2) PnL declares big ass profit. ZERO cash appears in the account. Which one is worse? C'mon be honest, stop dodging simple question like these.

you are that kind of naive guy who think that the double entries invented by the great Luca is to balance the trial balance. thats why u cant see beyond the numbers as i said. depreciation, impairment or any other non cash item does not bother u , cause u struggle to understand!


There could be many reasons. Commodity price drops. Asset don't worth jack shit.
Commodity price goes up. Suddenly the asset worth a world. Impairment writeback.

U wanna ding dong ding dong on the actual reason impairment loss and writeback; be my guest.
no, commodity price drop is not a factor for ppe impairment. no it hasnt happened in malaysia or anywhere in this world. u made me laugh again. yaya, impair and writeback impair and writeback, again i need to quote my previous reply, this is not your dad's gorpis store.. why am i so angry with incompetent and clueles people like u.. maybe i am just dissapointed that malaysia's equity trader quality is that low..



2020-03-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

RJ87 since you like the term "novice" so much, let me use it in my reply too

my question is can it be done? I'm not asking if auditors will agree or not. I'm sure you can read. I try not to doubt that yet.

Likewise, I can say...How naive to believe the world filled with angel and honest nice Samaritans. For one, Jho Low can walk away with BILLIONS of Malaysian Tax payers money...

ALOT of people are NOT following the "rules" that you are following.

The fact that you dont know an audit process means u have never exposed to big firm. you must be a sad little working adult who earns a net pay of RM 2700 monthly. it can be done, on what basis? do you know what are the basis for IRB to carry out tax audit? u sure KPMG will want to sacrifice its reputation for a mere, i mean MERE / SMALL / INSIGNIFICANT KNM which pays idk how much audit fees annual, to sign on the auditor report that implies the tax computation has been audited to be true and fair?

Gosh, what a novice..

& kindly enlighten me the correlation between 1MDB case and KNM? such a novice.......

RJ87 "Impair RM500mil to report RM 500 loss to avoid paying tax. Can or cannot? Yes or NO."

You can make alot of assumption in anyway you like about the state of machinery based on NBV. Is the cash still pouring in? I don't care it's a black cat or white, the cat that catches the mouse is the good cat. That's why I prefer to see operating cash. Cash is coming in. Good machine. If no cash coming in, u say it's worth a world also no use.

and how do u determine what a good machine is? for fucking sure the cash will be in cause they are doing a business. the question is is the margin good enough? compare to its competitors technology, can KNM compete efficientcy? thats what a NBV tell u. the problem is you is that you cant see beyond figures, and thats just sad.

oh, and you are soooo novice..


2020-03-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

sardin 81 truesight1122 ... if too hard for you to understand, dont crack your head. you will go nuts,

Please dont waste people time explaining things to you when you have no intention to "understand" what people is telling you.

I already give you one simple example BORSIG ZM... how does it grow from RM500,000 to RM130,000,000. what is causing this growth ? if no money is pumped into it.. can it grow ? All the machineries from initial investment would have depreciated until RM 0 already. By right BORSIG ZM should be sold for RM0 and not RM130,000,000.

"COST", "expenses" or whatever name you want to call ... I am not an accounting word expert, whatever they want to call it... they are just words. Fact is, there are many ways to move the money around, the real world is not like the educational accounting you read in your books.

KNM is a very profitable company, evidence of growth in KNM GROUP is very clear. Real profits in KNM is much larger than what is reported. They are being channeled into various units inside KNM to grow them... things like Peterborough WTE, Impress Ethanol wont appear from thin air into KNM GROUP if KNM is only making as little profit as reported.

Their revenue/sales is RM1.6 billion... means they will receive that hard cash. How much profit they want to announce is up to them. Most important thing is not how much profit reported but the RM1.6 billion hard cash coming in.


Borsig ZM, is that a subsi? did it use cost accounting or equity method? the company is bought in 2004, and it had 16 years to grow its assets. every firm even gorpis sole proprieter is able to grow their asset with 16 years. just that ZM is at a larger scale. the cost does not depend on the NBV of PPE AT ALL. AT ALL. AT ALL. WHY ARE U SO CLUELESS. It is based on initial cost of investment. let me ask u, so out of the RM 130mil, how much is pocketed by KNM?

again with that "money is elsewhere that the whole KLSE investors cannot see". first understand capitalization and expense. then we will talk. right now, just look at the margin. it is the most useful input from the AR. dont go around telling uninformed investors that "tHe NeT PRofiT Shld be 100000000000 biLLi0ns!!!! ThE WholE WoRld c@nt s33 it" kind of bull shit.


2020-03-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

VADAIisback truesight1122, it’s very obvious that you’re the b*stard loser here, because sohai like you didn’t manage to buy these shares while it was 7 cents last year, and now you claim you cashed out when it was highest at 47.5 cents, you think people here are stupid to believe a sohai like you ? working with an investment firm it seems, but posting with a new account just recently and attacking others here like a real b*stard loser

by the way, if you think nobody would know who you are, there’s a thing called ip address, wouldn’t be hard to find you, and since you’re so arrogantly thinking you’re safe while posting comments here, be careful, i doubt you would have fingers to type comments here soon


eh dei, no need ip address la. come to sunway pinnacle today. i am a very snake worker, i will be at the smoking area every 2 hours. today, for the loser VADAIISBACK, i will be there at fixed interval 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. i am wearing a black tee with red logo. do confront me and see who fucks up. mother fucking loser. if my fingers are still intact before i go home, means my previous comment regarding u is true


2020-03-04 17:43 | Report Abuse

sardin81 Margin is low because actual profit is channeled elsewhere... RJ87 you explain better than me how they move income from becoming "profits" better than me. KNM have a base revenue of RM1.2 billion, it has never drop below that level before. Cost can easily be reduced, the reason for "high cost", that is where some of the profits went to. Later all these "cost" will grow the company. Remember BORSIG ZM.. high cost, loss making but quietly grow by a whooping 26000%, from RM500,000 to RM130,000,000


Again, if the "COSTS" will return as benefit in the future, why would general lee not considering to capitalise it? haih....... expense means expense la, talk like some kind of reinvestment.


2020-03-04 17:41 | Report Abuse

vadaiISback truesight1122, such a new profile with only 13 posts so far, claims to be working for an investment firm, but got so much time to post on this forum with lengthy comments instead of focusing on the job *yawn*

where was this sohai truesight1122 when the price went up from 7cents to 47 cents last year ? calling others stupid, tapi tak sedar diri, memang kes anak haram bodoh si truesight1122, lebih baik kamu pergi mampus

yeah i snaked to type the comments, what can u do, loser?
when the price went up i cashed out and went to other counter, what can u do, loser?

type all u want but we all know that you are a loser and failure in life. not to mention a son of prostitute. all your future girlfriends/wife (if u ever will have 1) would have sex with me after i offer them RM 31, the change from my teh tarik session.


2020-03-04 17:38 | Report Abuse


truesight1122, try ask the KPMG guys...can I impair 50% of my RM1Bil asset in my good years so that I escape tax? E.g. Revenue 500mil, profit 100mil. Impair RM500mil to report RM 500 loss to avoid paying tax. Can or cannot? Yes or NO. Then use the RM100mil to buy asset so that I impair another 50%.

Here's things get abit complicated. For example. You buy an PPE for RM10mil. Revenue for the year is RM10mil. COGS is RM7mil. No credit given on both payable and receivable. Clean hard cash of RM3mil enter ur account. When comes to KPMG doing their audit, they insist the the PPE has lost 15% of it's value (negative 1.5mil). Hence, I do not know where they park this negative 1.5mil, I suspect it's in COGS. Instead of PBT of RM3mil. It becomes RM1.5mil.

Good questions! Did you lose RM1.5mil in cash? No you don't. You still have your RM3mil in your account. Did you lose RM1.5mil worth of asset? Yes you do.

The best part, this is a blardy good machine that you bought there. Someone came and offer you RM20mil for that piece depreciated piece of junk that's KPMG guys says it's worth RM8.5mil. Where does this additional RM11.5mil goes to?


First i would like to ask, what impairment of PPE is based on. are you saying that KNM bought up the auditors and make them nod on the 50% impairment requested to escape tax?

the impairment you talked about, yes it will impact the net profit without actually forking out real money. but what does it imply when the NBV of PPE is reduced? Most likely is the machinery not working as efficiently anymore.

The extra 11.5mil goes into PnL of course. but who would fork out RM 20mil to buy a PPE priced at RM8.5mil?

Eh dei, this is real world, not ur dad's gorpis store accounting.


Why it's accounted is simple. You see, there is another way of manipulating PnL. You buy an asset for RM10mil. Then, you get a someone to value that asset at RM15mil. Good question! Do u gain RM5mil in cash? No, you don't. Do you gain RM5mil worth of asset? Yes, you do. In balance sheet, if asset goes up, PnL has to go up or Debt has to go up. Else, cannot balance the sheet. If it's not accounted, how the F anybody know where did the RM5mil came from?

Let me answer the below. It will GREATLY affect the share price as the TRUE novice doesn't know how to count the actual LOSS in CASH! I'm the cash is king type of guy. No cash. No talk. To me, operating cash is the most important number to me. You should be more concerned with company with negative cash flow than a company with positive cash flow. That will separate company that bleeding cash than it's not. U can count a company's fair value with discounted cash flow to know how soon you can get your capital back in cash. The same can be used on company with negative operating cash on how long before the operation with NEGATIVE CASH will drive everything to ZERO. And, there are boat load of these kinda people in KLSE.


Another fucking clueless sheep noted in this thread guy. revaluation doesnt go into PnL or debt, it goes into fucking OCI reserve. you dont even have the basic, should i continue the debate?

Cash king. HAHAHAHAHAHA. so easy for investors right, just all in on companies with plenty of cash. my god....


Using the same analogy u gave; Let say you impair ur company worth RM11.5mil for RM11.5mil. Does it mean your NTA become 0? That sounded dumb to me. Honestly, that a very dumb analogy. Does it makes sense to you that ur company is now worth zero and should be priced at RM0? Really?

brother, u know what is the impact of impairment or not? firstly impairing the asset reduces your net profit by 11.5mil, which is 30% of that KNM's. and, please analyse la, what is the reason behind impairment? just because it is non-cash expenses then is ok? really?

Get good please.... God..