
truesight1122 | Joined since 2020-02-10

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2020-03-03 17:49 | Report Abuse

jek2288 im glad. you were a loyal KNM and pulled out now cause u see the facts. i hope more will do the same


2020-03-03 17:22 | Report Abuse

first, give me the source of how you derive with 500k


2020-03-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

IAS 136 >>>SPECIFICALLY<< prohibits the reversal of impairment for goodwill. right now the whole kpmg professionals are laughing at you.

the lands wont appreciate as frequently like depreciation of other PPE. and how much can the land appreciate? you have details of the land holding by KNM? even so, you think it can be used to offset against the annual depreciation? do you have any idea how much PPE KNM is holding or not?

and, if non-cash item is not "important", why the accounting standard requires people to record it? surely it links to somewhere in the annual report that mediocre investor like you would not ever able to find out. so u are saying i impair RM 1 bil of PPE wont effect share price? oh my god the dumbness..

companies with thin margin is always risky. they are sensitive to any one-off items that can reverse the profit position overnight.

guys i am at the edge to give up talking to a dumb cow. hope in near future there will be people patient enough to explain to this sardin fish how the "real world" is running. now my concern is for all the small players who listened to the dumb sardin and invested into knm at this stage.


2020-03-03 15:58 | Report Abuse

sardin81 When you have RM1.6 billion sales.... your yearly bank borrowing repayment is only RM80 million. Just put a small profit margin of 15%... That is already RM240 million net income. This money will go somewhere. On the surface we only can see big items such as Impress Ethanol ( this thing dont comes FOC, some of the profits must have been in there ), then we have BORSIG ZM sales, that sales expose another portion of profit money, BORSIG ZM was supposed to be RM500,000 but when sold it is RM130,000,000... again this increase dont suddenly appear from thin air, profit money must have been kept there as well. Then peterborough WTE... even before construction, do you think KNM get the land free from UK gov ? They buy it.... money come from where ? surely wont drop from the sky.

Unless you have time, you go and visit their factories in Europe and see what else they have there.But from the few exposed evidence, Peterborough WTE, Impress Ethanol and BORSIG ZM... and sales of KNM group is increasing... we know money is in there somewhere, otherwise sales will difinately drop because if you dont re-invest you will not be able to compete and increase your sales.

hmm but from what we know, reinvestment in benefit generating assets will not effect the net profit in any way others than maintenance. read up the basic definition of expenses and assets, assets are recorded when theere is probable economic inflow. if as what u said, the "reinvestment" is reducing profit, then it is just expense. it will not generate any future economic benefit and the whole world knows it. it is a fact.

sardin81 Most important is not profit or loss because Profit and Loss can be manipulated.

manipulation of PnL? and is able to get through KPMG's audit? c'mon. KNM revenue recognition is straightforward unlike any other construction company which uses input / output method in accordance with MFRS 15 to recognise profit. you sell, you recognise. end of story. no room to manipulate others than committing fradulent financial reporting (ficticious invoices etc). i call bullshit on what you said.

sardin81 Most of them are made from non-cash item... such as depreciation, cancellation of deferred taxation, forex loss and etc... all these can easily be reversed, for example depreciation can always be reversed by asset appreciation, cancellation of deferred taxation can always be reversed by new ones... forex loss can also be reversed by forex gain... all these does not impact their actual sales and actual income and expenses.

Erm, no we dont reverse depreciation. depreciation is needed to reflect the useful life of the machinery. it wont be reversed, there is absolutely NO ground to reverse. as years go by, more depreciation expense will be charged to PnL and the net book value of machineries in the balance sheet will reduce as well.
forex loss will reverse, yes when malaysia is doing super good but the fact u brought it up means u have no clue and are just trying to get people to buy.

look, i am all up to discussions and exchange of facts but every "fact" you provided is just full of shit. you don't even get the basic concepts right. you are just trying to trap people into buying and push up the share prices so that you dont lose that much. just note that even u succeed, the buying power of all the people in this thread will not able to achieve that.

furking piece of shit


2020-03-03 15:01 | Report Abuse

sardin81 Actually KNM has already achieve profit of more than RM100 million, it is just that it is not shown in their results because of re-investment. Re-investment will eventually stop, when Peterborough WTE is ready because KNM did not plan anymore big projects.

But how does any of your previous reply correlates with what you mentioned about reinvestment that causes knm not achieve >100mil net profit?


2020-03-03 14:34 | Report Abuse

sardin what about my question? how about the reinvestment you talked about, how does it affect the profit?


2020-03-03 11:57 | Report Abuse

sardin, may i know, the "reinvestment" you talk about, how does it affect profit in any way ya? thanks in advance


2020-03-02 15:04 | Report Abuse

sardin, dont get pissed just by me mentioning the corona virus. it just shows that u can't standby your "facts". of course the demand of ethanol production will increase in accordance with what u said, but the fact that you mentioned knm share price will increase means that you expect the whole world to source ethanol from a mere KNM. do you have any clue how many ethanol producers are out there? it is just apparent u try to bullshit by taking opportunity of the occurence of coronavirus. now everything proves otherwise.

also the fact that u said net profit for 4 consequetive quarters should bring the share price up to RM 1 or above, just proves my point that u are being a mediocre investor that thinks market only looking at the net profit.

i work in an investment firm and i assure u that, 99% of people getting paid over hundred thousand here annually for analysing shares, will call bullshit.

for you, a green net profit = a good fundamental analysis. you are a laughing stock.

Everyone, pls laugh at this fried sardin


2020-03-02 10:05 | Report Abuse

Refer to my comments few weeks back that ask y'all to drop this share. it's such a shame that we are still seeing sheeps like sardin81 and godofgambler asking people to buy, TP0.6 whatsover, they are truly clueless.

Just imagine, when the share was at 30+c, you listened to sardin81, who does not even understand what a goodwill is (basic furking accounting) and held the shares. Take note, this is the very same person who mentioned that due to coronavirus, the demand for ethanol production for KNM will surge up so significant that it will move the share price. i was holding back my laugh so badly in my office. so what happens now?

For those who are still holding, just drop it for God's sake, people who are still convincing to buy here are mediocre investors (sardin, godofgambler, pak tua maybe?) who believe in overnight successes.

people who are still holding this share, yes this share has potential but not in the short term. maybe another 2-3 years when it is less geared. i have entered in counter at 12c last year and exit at 30c. Not exactly a big gain as compared with its peak but the money was used to generate profits in other counter. Opportunity cost, pls take opportunity cost into consideration especially at such time where plenty other shares are waiting to bloom.


2020-02-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

still hold? please cut lost everyone if you care about your family


2020-02-18 12:50 | Report Abuse

sell sell sell TA below 20c. those ham ga chan like godofgambler must have averaged at 43c


2020-02-11 10:18 | Report Abuse

Godofgambler you talk without any commercial sense. any business with poor prospect will be able to get loans as long they have collateral and structure their books in a way that it appears less risky. thereafter they will only need to comply to the bank covenants, pay interest on timely basis, maintain a good financial service cover ratio, they will be fine. but as masterkevin said, if the funding is not utilised to the max and translate into earnings, it means more burden on the margin in coming years..

"those banks trust knm credibility".... u think son borrowing from father?


2020-02-10 16:55 | Report Abuse

Godofgambler PKHGC, KNM fly until where dy?