
vivoinvestor | Joined since 2016-06-20

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2016-08-01 18:20 | Report Abuse

u want sell, u want hold, up to personal.

Since EGM for bonus is 22 Aug 2016, and Q2 result latest will come out on end Aug 2016, why so kang cheong to sell??

let hold until this....


2016-08-01 16:43 | Report Abuse

Alex Winnie, u just skip the comments if u don't like. No need comments anyone like you are the boss here. Here is free comments as long as no abuse. If u feel any abuse, just click report abuse, no need long talk so much.

No one want a person keep on show off and being big boss here.


2016-08-01 10:41 | Report Abuse

Alex Winnie,

My view keep post just to remind the reader.
That dis like personal attack, con new comer...always look for fight..
if u got time to go earlier earlier, the fighting here more dramatic...haha


2016-08-01 09:59 | Report Abuse


Someone try to scary your to sell at now by grabbing little bit profit.
But after you sell now, they will grab big profit.

If he/she is so good in analysis, why don't just spend time to analyze a stock that can give profit instead of spend time non stop writing here but gain nothing????

You must think why someone keep non stop telling you to sell if he/she get nothing? Just because he/she so good heart????

Think of his/her purpose.


2016-07-29 15:29 | Report Abuse


not i believe or not, i pity u only....u work only ma...need to be like that meh????


2016-07-29 15:18 | Report Abuse

Wah so cham ah..

your boss dont allow u leave the table, keep non stop type is it?

or u know u can't grab low anymore, need keep steering on the screen



2016-07-29 15:04 | Report Abuse


If u talked about politic, below issue is affect to whole Malaysia, not only VIVO.

South Sea issue already let u know how US's attitude to China and also proof u how China's strong it is. Malaysia is economical friend for both countries, so both countries WILL NOT let Malaysia in critical. Don't use old story.

Posted by disagreetoagree > Jul 29, 2016 01:20 PM | Report Abuse
see? politics in malaysia will kill the economy in the country......vivocom will hit a snag....all mega projects now are halted! see? this is happening already........

disagreetoagree 3139 posts Posted by disagreetoagree > Jul 29, 2016 01:20 PM | Report Abuse

Political turmoil in Malaysia now.....US Department of Justice and FBI are seizing assets linked to 1MDB through 3 individuals in USA, Jho Low and Riza Aziz are 2 of them. They have even pointed out "Malaysia Top Official #1" which obviously refers to the person holding the top job in M'sia.


2016-07-29 12:23 | Report Abuse

interested to know since all of us chat with u so long time...


2016-07-29 12:23 | Report Abuse


few of us called u He, a few pula called u She, you are he or she...or both also not correct?


2016-07-29 12:03 | Report Abuse

disagree give analysis at least new comer will read a bit to justify right or wrong...personal attack make yourself a joker only ler...


2016-07-29 12:01 | Report Abuse


No more point to shoot anymore, until only strategy of personal attack?
Poor disagree...kesian...where is your long analysis???
proof us la...u should know this way of personal attack tak laku sangat ooo.....


2016-07-29 09:47 | Report Abuse

hello kawan kawan,

u just let him be...dia kerja saja...u just ignore / skip his comments


2016-07-29 09:46 | Report Abuse


Do u think u are start out of word to shoot???
From fundamental to project awarded, to 1MDB, until now personal attack.. u are out of reason to pursue new comer liao, old buddy here know your purpose....why u still here???

only 1 reason, u are paid for this, u happy or not, got anymore reason or not, u still need to write crab things in order to deliver your homework...

I a bit kesian u...u kerja kuli saja at here.


2016-07-28 09:41 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree ,

U write so much also useless...all this consider rumours..
If what you said is real..US side already take away all the property..or SG has done whatever should done. Now both US & SG still no action, means no proof, only talk in rumours. You now like Pasar uneducated lady, only talk what other people talk..


2016-07-27 14:30 | Report Abuse

Alex Winnie,

If u are not contra player...just wait until Aug 2016 after Q2 report come out...Since already wait so so long, why don't you wait another 1 month...if u quit now, all the effort paid before no meaning liao.

The Kacau man also disappear, you are not far from now. Some share behave like Honda kap...slow slow but win at the end...


2016-07-26 17:50 | Report Abuse


as long as the person still barking over here, no value comments will be pose. Just only can repeating the old news to warn new comer to avoid them being play by him/her


2016-07-26 15:44 | Report Abuse

Why someone never ending story to talk bad 1 company here ??
Why he so hate ViVO?
He paid to do so? Purpose?
If not profit, why he so rajin here never ending posting???


2016-07-26 15:26 | Report Abuse

If u believe, just hold until after Q2 results...up & down manipulate by this group....just let them be....all done by them


2016-07-22 15:16 | Report Abuse

understand he tell people sell anywhere he go?


2016-07-22 15:12 | Report Abuse

Better don't come out...he disappear mean is uptrend..some more i don't want waste time skip his comments


2016-07-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

Good morning to you all,

All new comer please go back older pages to read how him/them talk bad to achieve his/their own personal target to press down price.

Now external issue influence Whole Malaysia market, not only influence to Vivo, many other shares affected as well...if what he/their said is true happen...actually whole Malaysia is going collapse (the way his said)...then all of us can no need play in this share market liao. Actually how can report to MCMC or SKMM so he can be kept in ISA due to spreading bad/wrong rumors that affecting Malaysia's economic??


2016-07-21 10:25 | Report Abuse

wahh...whole gang come out...

must be big jump later will be happen...

Normal they only send 1 person come at 1 time...

Now 3 persons come here together ...u get the signal????


2016-07-21 10:09 | Report Abuse

disagreetoagree every 2 to 3 minutes 1 post here...he really nervous...
so now all of us keep silence again Ok???

Let him bark himself...

This 1MDB is affect whole KLSE, not only to vivo...should grab at low if u confidence to VIVO and if u have bullet.......


2016-07-21 09:53 | Report Abuse

I only see disagreetoagree is getting nervous...
disagree cannot duduk diam diam because of nervous...
disagree's hand must keep typing because of nervous...
disagree is most nervous.........


2016-07-21 09:33 | Report Abuse

only few days proper forum then the unwanted person is come out back....
Anyone can make him proper disappear from here..

He is very kacau..comment totally no bring effort...


2016-07-21 09:17 | Report Abuse


Lagi 1MDB, haiz.....


2016-07-20 17:00 | Report Abuse

Drop 5 cent today is not an long as reach 0.30 at Friday.
Vivo up up up


2016-07-18 17:24 | Report Abuse


Old cat get burn your mustache (misai)


2016-07-18 17:19 | Report Abuse


Please read probably the announcement, your eyes got problem.


2016-07-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

@Justinvestor & Shafi Awong o
or anyone that beh tahan disgaree & his team,

Please no 1 reply this disagree.or anyone that try talk bad about VIVO.

We just keep silent...we will not lose any if we DO NOT reply.
We support VIVO by keep the share long term or BUY action.

Win at here make NO effect to the VIVO share value.
If u have bullet, they throw to push down, u eat to support.

Only mouth / writing war here is NOT make effort. If u worry they confuse new comer..just drop message ask new comer to check previous post. 1 msg may not check, but when 10 reminder ask them go to check, sure they will check.

Just no reply to all this wasting time / nonsense post.


2016-07-15 13:43 | Report Abuse

Please ignore those post purposely find fighting.

Just skip that comment if u know that 1 posted by nonsense.

U more comment, he/she more action+syiok...just ignore & skip his/her flood comments.


2016-07-15 11:15 | Report Abuse

Please ignore those post purposely find fighting.

Wasting to read here la...just skip that comment if u know that 1 posted by nonsense.


2016-07-15 09:15 | Report Abuse

Morning !!!!

Finally disagreetoagree have 1 opinion is all of us is supporting....


2016-07-14 15:02 | Report Abuse

He is joker...but don't forgot he is hired operator...the gang that hired him is the actual player behind...


2016-07-14 14:55 | Report Abuse

the whole negativity because disagreetoagree and his gang keep pressing la


2016-07-14 14:32 | Report Abuse

@ obsvr,

sometimes just can't ignore...he is too annoying...
too many post, taking space...make all reader want vomit..beh tahan...


2016-07-14 14:04 | Report Abuse

Kids...please be rational.....don't disturb adult, ok?
All professional adults, please leave this kid alone...u more comment, he more action....


2016-07-14 13:55 | Report Abuse

kid start make joke...please let him be if not he cry then lay on floor don't want go home....


2016-07-14 13:52 | Report Abuse

i think they are a group of youngster...of lead by elders...15 years back history they don't know...


2016-07-14 13:51 | Report Abuse

that why i said this group of operators like to enjoy ...死人财, 国难财 hahahahaha.......they also to put sauce n ketchup...without think properly..


2016-07-14 13:48 | Report Abuse

so now this can justify this operator is very young...sit here purposely hired by someone to be gunman / operator to write bad in VIVO.


2016-07-14 13:46 | Report Abuse

钓鱼岛 also can settled..uncle, not kidnap issue u know Sipadan has been almost make big issue between, China, Philippines, Indonesia...?


2016-07-14 13:41 | Report Abuse

Last time Sipadan also big also settled...
Obama and his potential replacement will not this war happen...
Don't always be SATAYMAN..

I feel that this group of operators like to enjoy ...死人财, 国难财


2016-07-14 11:01 | Report Abuse

now no more said come to personal attack liao...aiiii sien....
all smart investor, u all pandai pandai read la....
no time to play this full time operator and his gang...too many paid operator here...


2016-07-14 10:33 | Report Abuse

Instafan888 ,

Big chances is not Dr Yeoh's problem. is this operator and his group enlarge the Yeoh's retirement plan to push down price...


2016-07-14 10:31 | Report Abuse

From CEO to advisor/subsi head.....front seat go to back plan...keep monitor vivo / bring business to vivo while sitting behind / travel around the world...what a good retirement plan?????


2016-07-14 10:28 | Report Abuse

Dr Yeoh & Anne Kung still want to remain at this big boat...u can see they are waiting to fly...


2016-07-14 10:23 | Report Abuse

Why Dr Yeoh don't want tender immediately??? what he waiting for if VIVO really so bad like operator said??? immediately tender letter then can go need wait so long day...what Dr Yeoh so worried?? if he not tender...mean this is only romous by a group of bad people...since he is reach his golden year, retirement is definitely...all people also want travel around the world without burden during golden age.. but definitely is not because problems like this operator said lor..