
vvv1 | Joined since 2016-09-20

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2018-02-23 18:49 | Report Abuse


The few brands that bucked the trend were Mazda (+82.8%), Peugeot (+37.5%) and Mitsubishi (+21.5%), along with premium segment leader Mercedes-Benz (+6.0%).

1300units! Bravo Mazda!


2017-07-04 11:57 | Report Abuse

no chance to buy back already, check the trend, once rocket engine start, no turning back until the Q result announce.


2017-06-30 16:24 | Report Abuse

Time to rebound!


2017-06-29 17:34 | Report Abuse

catch big lot at 7.2! haha, go go!


2017-06-21 11:59 | Report Abuse

time to top up! normal adjustment after dividen payout la...so many years buying shares already, panic what? it's just normal, happen on every counters after dividen/bonus shares/share split etc etc


2017-06-13 21:28 | Report Abuse

When is the Bauto Philippine listing?


2017-05-23 01:28 | Report Abuse

When sales of every other brands were dropping, only few of them with the right strategy could survive and take over another, Mazda ( and Bermaz) was one of them! Bravo!


2017-05-23 01:26 | Report Abuse


"it was a strong month for Mazda (+20.8%)"

When every other brands are


2016-09-30 16:58 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo...0.2 ahh....

okok....so last week was syndicate playing....share collection...now is weak market sentiment, ppl throw....what else?

vivoinvestor, clap for what? clap yourselves for stuck in this counter? hahahahaha

oh well....told you earlier already don't want to listen then now turn the gun on me?

continue your own imagination please, think of more creative reasons please...I am sure one day you will realise even you yourselves also can't lie to yourselves anymore.


2016-09-30 16:26 | Report Abuse

hahaha...why no announcement then you guys turn the gun and shoot at us? we so innocent...


i think rm6 got la

today can close at 0.205 or not also is a big question mark alrd

doitanyway, CKNYAM, bruce, goodboy, goldentriangle etc etc....standby your bullets and support wei....make sure it close at 0.21 ok?



2016-09-30 12:49 | Report Abuse



2016-09-30 12:39 | Report Abuse

kesian Goodboy vhock2....i think you guys trapped here because of CKNYNYAM huh? because of his over positive promotion on vivocom, right? hahaha


2016-09-30 12:35 | Report Abuse


seriously....what kind of weird assumption? hahahahahaha...oh well, i think you are like Trumph....living in your own world, just keep attacking whoever "enermy" that you think can divert ppl attention, but ignore those fundamental issue of this counter.


2016-09-30 12:33 | Report Abuse

Goodboy, as you said, previous HoA are not included in the orderbook yet, then what makes you so confident that today will have announcement for the RM600mil HoA?

2 out of 3 HoAs alrd failed you, 67% of failure rate, and you hope for this RM600mil to be success?

Please tell me, if today no announcement on this RM600mil contract, what will you do on Tuesday?


2016-09-30 12:31 | Report Abuse

and why i come here? cause i am too free and it's fun to make fun with you guys here...
oopss...sorry i know it's bad like that...but but...it's really fun to see your frustration! wakakakaka...

let's see how long more this 0.2-0.205-0.21-0.20-0.205 can last....i bet with you, it's gonna be loooooooooooonggggg....let's see if by Nov the price still stay below 0.25, will you guys still shouting like this or not?


2016-09-30 12:27 | Report Abuse

as i said, i m ikan bilis,i dont think i am that powerful to press the price down.. and this forum now only few people visiting...sommore now concur by you guys, no one will come to read this thread anymore cause is all bias comments...blindly to be positive without considering other factors!


2016-09-30 12:25 | Report Abuse

a bunch of idiots...oh well, i forgive you guys as i know your frustration on seeing the share price up down 0.20-0.205-0.21-0.205-0.2.....hahahahahaha


2016-09-30 11:56 | Report Abuse

and you still haven't answer me...what if no announcement? can you explain the status of the 2 HoA announced earlier?


2016-09-30 11:55 | Report Abuse

goldentriangle...haih...i forgive your no manners...chill


2016-09-30 11:45 | Report Abuse

goldentriangle, what if no news? If got news, the share price already move, no need wait till announcement.


2016-09-30 11:44 | Report Abuse

GoodBoy, don't find excuses for the poor performance...ok? everyday also got excuse...well, you choose to believe it so that you feel better, but please look at other counters, affected by your so call sentiments or not?

wake up please...


2016-09-30 11:27 | Report Abuse

thanks for sharing Huat1...in deed that's what i keep saying in my previous posts...


2016-09-30 11:18 | Report Abuse

may not have any announcement cause remember there were 3 HoAs prior to this RM600mil, but only 1 is announced with contract signed (RM100mil) on 19 Aug...which is also considered overdue since the initial announcement on the HoA was stated by end July.

so no one knows what happened on the other 2 HoAs....oh no...3 HoAs now...you guys have to pray hard....i mean...REALLY HARD!


2016-09-23 00:28 | Report Abuse

make simulation if you not believe by now. Assume that you recognize the losses here but you buy another counter now which is as good as Vivocom yet it's in the uptrend now, see how fast you can recover your capital!


2016-09-23 00:23 | Report Abuse

Come here ask ppl buy is "Hero", come here ask ppl sell is "enermy"
However your hero has caused your money stucked here at least more than 3months, but if you follow your enermy's advice, you will be enjoying your profits now.

To hold on this counter forever so to prove that at last you finally WIN really that important?
I thought the most important thing is to protect your capital and earn profit?
Do you ever think why other people keep making money but you always have to buy and hold for long long long times and at the end get a peanut profit?

Have you look at the technical side of this counter rather than blindly believe in fundamentals only?

We ask you sell is to ask you swap your fund to another counter so that you won't miss the opportunity! Looking at the current trend, vivo will be maintained at this level for another few more months!


2016-09-22 16:38 | Report Abuse

alot of contra players....T3 today...after 4pm force selling.


2016-09-22 01:35 | Report Abuse

take a few minutes go and download a chart software for free (yes, it's free, unlike your vivocom caused you huge losses)...then open the price chart of vivocom and analyse yourself! Don't know how to analyse? Google is always our best sifu! so many free resources out there, search it! And you will know what me and traderman and many others opposing your opinion here is correct, we speak based on facts, not by "Vivo Vivo up up up!" And not by so many "good news" that blinded your eyes...

Don't keep saying you are Ikan bilis that's why can't do anything but just wait...hello, that's your capital, your money! And you are willing to risk your capital here just because you "believe"? Just because you die die want to jaga muka don't want to admit your own mistake of entering the game at wrong price?

Other than keep chasing us away and cursing everyone opposing your opinion as dogs, take a step back and think!

Rather than keep questioning my motive of posting here, might as well you think of the way to recover your capital as soon as possible...

Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow...
Next week, next next week and next next next week...
You are just like a person who keep procrastinating!


2016-09-22 00:51 | Report Abuse

Finally got time to visit forum after counting my profits today...


Who say if sell now will loss? that means you totally don't understand what's stock trading. That means you never use your time to study other counters but day and night stay in this forum and keep shouting "Vivo up up up!" only...what a sad case...

What I mean is free up your capital and do your homework properly to buy another counter and earn back your losses in a safest and shortest time (I don't mean contra here, but at least with a foreseeable timeframe). Rather than waiting endlessly here and let your losses run!

If don't know how, time to go take some investment class rather than stay here and shout "Vivo up up up"

I think, for so many people here, only MyView knows what he/she is doing and buying...others just blindly thinking they are mighty long term investors while actually even at the first place entered at a wrong price...what a sad case..aih...


2016-09-21 18:04 | Report Abuse

MyView, you are right! That's IF the people here bought at 11sen @ September 2015, then will have profit of 327%! Wow sounds great!

but too bad they are not! I bet most of them bought it around 0.33-0.365 before price adjustment of recent bonus issue! And now they are facing a HUGE LOSS!

That's why I keep saying, is your trading method wrong but not the fundamental of this stock!

Don't you guys understand? If you really bought it at 11sen in last Sept2015, yes, I will congratulate you and please hold this share for longer term, cause you are in earning position now, let the profit run!

But if you are having HUGE LOSS now...oh dear...then don't keep saying you are long term investors, cause you don't even know what should be the entry price! You bought at HISTORICAL HIGHEST PRICE! You bought it cause at that point of time you want a quick return! You want a lightning fast profit! You want to contra! So now you want to let the loss run?

And now you tell me you are long term? Oh dear...please don't humiliate this term!


2016-09-21 17:30 | Report Abuse

So to all mighty long term investor in Vivocom...today no stupid buyer sapu 300lots to close at 0.21? drop back ah...aiyo...nvm la, LONG TERM mah...believe, stick to your believe! Who says today market sentiment bad? Oil price jump more than 2%, Japan Yen finally depreciates as per Japan Gov's wish...Tokyo Nikkei up 300points, KLCI up 3points, majority of regional share market closed positive and now DJ futures point to positive rise too...

The only negative sentiment is Vivocom...

But but...soon, soon, it will break 0.3! Yea ha hahahahahhaha....which this is the biggest hope that you guys are having now, I know it's cruel to break your hope, but well...ok la...let it be...

Cheers guy, have a sweet dream tonight and continue dream that Tmr will be so call "uptrend" for vivocom yea! Hahahah hahahaha

You guys continue dream la, but I am laughing to the bank with my earnings today!


2016-09-21 10:32 | Report Abuse

@goldentriangle Are you pretty girl? if yes i don't mind let you blow...hahaha..
if not, then shut up and don't divert the message that i want to convey!


2016-09-21 09:52 | Report Abuse

@traderman agreed with you...sometimes just found so difficult to make ppl understand

want to catch bottom price also blindly catch, rely purely on his/her own guts feelings on the bottom price....0.225 shouted is bottom, 0.21 shouted is bottom, 0.205 shouted is bottom, 0.2 also shouted is bottom...

maybe he is rich to catch so many bottomssss (although he claimed that he is ikan bilis...)

but many pity people will follow him to put their hard earned money here! wait endlessly...3 months after 3 months....don't you realise you can do more than just waiting?

Time is money.


2016-09-20 23:47 | Report Abuse

My sifu taught me

Rule No 1 of investment- protect your capital
Rule No 2 of investment- don't against the market force


2016-09-20 23:46 | Report Abuse

@CKNYAM79 chill bro, no use to keep cursing ppl, did I ever curse you?

The price won't go up and down just because of your repeatitive postings, do you think your postings are more powerful and more encouraging than the numerous investors briefings and roadshows performed by Vivocom?

All newspapers out there, The Stars, sinchew, nanyang, the edge, etc etc will have more readers than the forumers here, Public is flooded by the good news of vivocom, if the share price can sustain, it will go north by now.

Rule No.1 of investment


2016-09-20 23:19 | Report Abuse

Seriously i doubt that Richardcslim got ever look and study at other shares before? Or vivocom is the first counter you bought ever since you started "investing"?

Again i have to stress that nothing wrong on vivocom's fundamental, the only problem here is your way of trading...i see a lot of familiar IDs here started your posting since early this year, which i presume that's the time you guys bought Vivocom, means that probably you were the one bought at the Historical High Price of 0.33-0.365 as of now...so since then till now, how many months has gone? I would say you could get a better return if you put in FD for 3months.

Time to learn people...you have to understand the reason why people makes money but you are still waiting to breakeven, you have to understand the market force...seriously you think i am the one who made the price drop? I am also like you, just a ikan bilis...but i think at least by now i am abit more cautious and i know what to do to protect my capital...

I don't wish to see one day when the share price of vivocom climb to 0.3 and yea...finaliy you got some profit and sell off, but when you turn back your head and calculate, oh dear... 1 year only earn that 10%? Then you will start telling others share market not good la, very risky la, don't allow your children in future to buy stocks la, etc etc...think back...who's fault? Vivocom? Ikan bilis like me or traderman? Or bursa? Or should be yourself for so stubborn in not listening to others? Blame yourself didn't read enough?

Do some calculation and forecast your profit return, please don't use the sky high CIMB's TP of 0.68, i am sure you yourselves also won't believe it....you sure keep waiting endlessly like this is the best way to earn?

Sometimes i really in doubt that why you guys so scared of cut loss...really believing in the fundamental? Or you just want to jaga muka? Or just die die want to bet? Or actually you are ignorant?

And please...stop using "long term investment" when you yourself also don't understand the meaning of it, you hold a stock more than 3 months doesn't mean you are the mighty Long Term Investor. Don't humiliate this term.


2016-09-20 18:08 | Report Abuse

So who is conman as of today? Golden triangle, not you?


2016-09-20 18:07 | Report Abuse

I really doubt that why you guys can keep predicting the share price and you still deeply believe in it when the market proved you wrong times after times...

Do you really think you shout by when when when the price will be as such as such then the price will be as your wish?



2016-09-20 18:04 | Report Abuse

Sometimes damn funny...you guys keep saying it's collection period, and it has been many months...collection hasn't over? Every day the trading volume so huge, always in Top10 active counters, after so many months and you tell me still in collection?

Wake up people

I know only good words are well received here, cause I have been following this tread for months...oh well, you guys just enjoy the good news and hope for a better future...don't cry if Tmr drop back to 0.205 yea..and when it drop don't curse me cause I don't have that much of fund to keep collecting...it drop is just because the market

Don't like a kid, always imagine there is an enemy fighting against you, ok?

In share market, the only enemy is yourself
In share market, the only people who is always right is the Market itself

Protect your capital people..don't always think that the share price will move as per your wish.


2016-09-20 17:04 | Report Abuse

one day 0.005 to reduce your paper loss by 2% already happy like this?

Imagine today if you grab MYEG, how much you already earn?

@vivoinvestor time to learn more about stock trading, all days hear about good news of vivocom won't make you gain back your money. 忠言逆耳

Seriously you think why MyView so steady and hold on vivocom? As declared by himself before in his posts, his average cost is far far far lower than anyone here...I forgot how much he said before but you guys can search his posts...

And you want to be as steady as him when your cost is much much much higher than today closing price? How long more you want to wait? Why you want to wait for so long when you can get back your money soonest possible by doing more study and get another good counter? Only 2 reasons you will do this, either you are crazy, or you are lazy.


2016-09-20 16:49 | Report Abuse

Wish and Pray and shout for good news are not going to move the share price back to high level by Nov16! Nov 16 is predicted by CKNYAM79, not me yea


2016-09-20 16:48 | Report Abuse

tingkap...have you done your study on vivocom? Why you want me to give fair value? and my posts are not regarding the price, I am just telling the fact that you guys should move on to grab another counters to recover your capital!


2016-09-20 16:46 | Report Abuse

All temper so bad...haha cause you guys choose not to face the fact...

Oh well, take a deep breath and after calm down then think how to recover your capital...oh well, that's your capital, not mine anyway..I just want you to realize that this counter is not going to move back as high as 0.365 (before ex) anytime soon...

Either you average down and sink even further into it and wait longer time


Cut loss with whatever you have and do your own homework (don't be lazy) and grab another counter to gain back your capital.


2016-09-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

No...did I recommend any stock counter just now? Cause I believe you should do your own homework before you buying any counter...

tingkap, please tell me then why this counter "must" shoot up in near term? This stock is valued currently at PE more than 10 now, which is fairly valued as of now, don't over hope that it will climb up any further in near term....think of another way to recover your capital when here is no movement

Be a smart trader


2016-09-20 16:26 | Report Abuse

CKNYAM79, other than calling ppl dog and copy pasting the news, what else can you do?

Can you analyze the whole situation in a more objective way? Rather than just choose to believe what you want to believe? Be rational, please.


2016-09-20 16:21 | Report Abuse

people, don't be blinded by the fundamentals, yes, the fundamental is good, but it's not well received by the public, so can you blame the public? Can you blame me? The only thing you can blame is you entered to buy this counter at wrong timing....

Now look at your capital, do you want to recover it as soon as possible? Or you want to risk your money with this counter for another 3 months which no one can guarantee its gonna be 3 months only? Oh ya...the one CKNYAM79 will guarantee it...but do you know him in personal? So you choose to believe him and risk your money in this counter?

And I am just telling you time to switch counter to gain back your money as soon as possible...


2016-09-20 16:06 | Report Abuse

I wrote so much just now is not for you, CKNYAM79, cause from what you posted, i knew that you have sailang in this counter...

Yes, please stay invested in this counter since you are so confident into this, but please take a step back and think....what if price no move up by Nov 16 even after Q3 result?

Remember 1 month ago you also soooo confident that the price will shoot up?
I wrote here is for those ppl mistakenly bought the shares at high price and still "hoping" to earn big money by Nov'16 (as "predicted" by CKNYAM79), yes, perhaps you have big fund enough to catch the so call bottom, but what about others? Do you ever care for those ppl that trapped at high price?

Don't over confident and people here...look at your average cost price and make a correct decision, my main point here is, we should always use the safest and shortest way to gain our capital...don't blindly believe in those Castle-in-the-air story...and don't so stubborn to keep holding a stock forever...

CKNYAM79, I forgive you for shouting at me, but perhaps you are the most rude and selfish ppl I ever seen in this forum! I will pray hard that you will get back all your capital by Nov16 (as you wish) but I will be happy to see how's your reaction when price drop to 0.15...

No use to keep shouting positive things about vivocom when the price trend showing downwards...and the funniest thing is when price trend downward, you said the chart is manipulated, when price show upward, you will shout happily...how can you choose to believe what you want to see only?


2016-09-20 13:53 | Report Abuse

who dare to say 0.205 is the bottom? who dare to GUARANTEE the share price will move back to 0.4 in near term? Define "near term", 1 day?3days? 1 week? 1 month? 6 months? 1 year?


2016-09-20 13:47 | Report Abuse

with or without holding power....one thing everyone should consider is the "opportunity cost"...from all the treads above, i can see many of us actually put in a large portion of our fund into vivocom, which few months back we "think" the price can achieve 40sens (Don't deny that, Myview, CKYNyam, doitanyway, etc etc who keep promoting this counter, at that point of time you guys keep shouting for 40sens)...which i deeply believe that vivocom is worth more than 40sens also, even until now...

however, by when it can reach? if your cost is below 0.26 (before price adjustment due to bonus issue), definitely i would say it worth the wait...but how about those holding above 0.33, some even 0.365? seriously worth waiting? why not you sold now and buy other counters, for example, steel counter to earn back your capital first? why you want to be so in love with vivocom and wait until die here? You have to remember that, by then when the price climb back to 0.33, you are just breakeven but for those ppl keep shouting for so call "long term invest" (just because their cost is way lower than yours) is actually earning like hell...

so don't simply shout for "long term investment", you have to look at your average cost, if far from the current price, seriously, my advice to you is to either pump in more fund to average down....or if you don't have extra fund, it's time to cut loss and buy another share...

remember, opportunity to earn money in this share market is everywhere, as long as you are hardworking enough to do your homework! Don't be so stupid to keep this vivocom for so call "long term", which at the beginning you were actually aiming for return within 1 month!!!

yes, selling at loss is a very difficult decision, but "time is money" in this share market...just take it as tuition fees to pay to learn a lesson.

I agreed that vivocom is a good counter, but if you trade it wrongly, you will forever didn't get back your capital.

Don't over optimistic, your money is most important. Protect your capital is the utmost important task in this share market, why you want to risk your money in a downtrend stock?