
wanapit | Joined since 2010-12-04

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2014-05-11 00:25 | Report Abuse

Will AAX and Airasia gain something here...?


2014-05-10 23:41 | Report Abuse

put my money in amanah saham Malaysia will gv me almost 11% for 2 years...no need to worry or monitor anymore...


2014-05-10 23:39 | Report Abuse

Almost 2 years of waiting...maybe hv to wait for another 2 years more...fed up...once got back my modal, will letgo...


2014-02-27 12:31 | Report Abuse

biggest...can handle 30TEU...3 time than current terminal


2014-02-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

new terminal...


2013-10-03 01:55 | Report Abuse

in http://nexttrade.blogspot.com/2013/09/pelikan-hopeful-rally.html....Alex Lu wrote "..CSL has cash balances of RM1 billion as at 30/6/2013 ( http://announcements.bursamalaysia.com/EDMS/edmswebh.nsf/all/1DC9314A0BAF1C3948257BDF005D86F3/$File/CSL%20Announcement-2nd%20Qtr%202013.pdf ) ...wonder ...so many cash and make profit..price drop like no tomorrow anymore... :r

News & Blogs

2013-09-23 13:14 | Report Abuse

10th of thousand mostly Malays. Half of them killed by bullet and bobby trap. Half wounded even turn OKU. 10th of thousand family feel the impact. How in the earth they would forgive and forget?. They tolerate to PKM family out there when they accept to tie a peace, but Chin Peng dont want. He refuse when Baling Talk held back then. Only 'NO' for Chin Peng. Even Chin Peng family still in Sitiawan,Perak living in good. Do this Malays who's family was killed back then harm them??..the answer is endless NO..NO..NO. We live in harmonies after PKM treat gone. Please preserve. Only 'NO' for Chin Peng alone rpt alone. If we can tolerate when our family shoot to death or became OKU, why dont you? Chin Peng die at age almost 90, their family dies at age 20's to 40's. Think about that...ask your self. peace no war.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:15 | Report Abuse

communist formed to fight back Japan who's attacking Chinese(fact). The idea came from the main land where the Japanese have done the same(killing) in China where they invade half of China(Manchuria-Mukden Incident 1931). Japan also kidnap Malays and Indian to be a buruh paksa in Burma. When time came to put down their weapon, they resist. They form new fight with British. British form an army from Gurkha and Malays and some Chinese and some Indians. But Cummunist doesnt stop the fight. They have their own idea that is to form a Cummunist Malaya country. People stand and fight back. They join Malaya Army. Chin Peng should accept Tunku offer when they meat in Baling before(1956). But he wouldnt. Who's to be blame? Malays?, UMNO?, MCA? PAS? PKR?. He went back to Siam@Thailand. Until now, the PKM is still not desolve yet. It still as a party. Means it still a treat to country who's it people reject communist to rule this country. It also agreed with Chinese, Indians and Malays back then when Malaysia is form as Parlimentary Democratic Country@Merdeka day...history doesnt lie same as stock chart!!!!..It's bitter for PKM family, but have to accept it. In Democratic, majority have the said. My family also have bad story about PKM...


2013-09-12 23:05 | Report Abuse

belum pernah dengar ada negara dalam dunia tak naik2 harga barang atau petrol malah air sekalipun...ini lah perjalanan sebuah negara. syarikat2 kecil besar pun setelah beberapa lama akan revise harga barang jualan mereka...masih salah kerajaan juga. tengok harga milo sekarang. dalam petrol tak naik setelah beberapa tahun, milo dah naik berpuluh peratus. ni semua salah kerajaan. sebab kasi milo naik harga...


2013-09-12 23:01 | Report Abuse

Penang naik harga air tak pulak bising2...

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:54 | Report Abuse

NFC and PKFZ - trial by court...no comment. Truth is truth...that is BN supporters motto...when we came across the fitnah or lies, there we voices. That all folks...

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:47 | Report Abuse

Mahathir - second richest man in the world!!!.

Walaupun sudah bersara, Tun Mahathir kekal menjadi musuh utama pembangkang. Kesungguhan beliau membantu kempen Barisan Nasional dalam PRU-13 ini benar-benar menyesakkan dada pembangkang.

Sehingga ke satu tahap mereka tidak mampu menahan semarak aura Tun Mahathir dan tidak mampu juga untuk mematahkan kata-kata beliau, maka mereka bertindak melepas geram dengan mempersoalkan ajal beliau yang belum sampai. Mereka juga tidak mampu lagi menyembunyikan dendam peribadi terhadap beliau dengan menyatakan secara terbuka betapa cita-cita mereka untuk memenjarakan beliau sejurus berkuasa.

Serentak dengan itu, tentera siber mereka pun ditugaskan menyerang Tun Mahathir. Justeru, tersebarlah berbagai artikel untuk memburukkan beliau. Antara yang paling menarik ialah artikel yang menuduh beliau sebagai orang ke-2 terkaya di dunia seperti yang tertulis di sebuah blog pro-pembangkang:

Perkara yang paling aneh berlaku sehari yang lalu apabila nama bekas perdana menteri Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad telah dengan misterinya dipadam dari senarai Wikipedia yang memberi maklumat tentang harta yang dimiliki oleh pemimpin semasa dan bersara di negara-negara serata dunia. Dengan menyebut 53 rujukan, Wikipedia telah menyenaraikan Mahathir sebagai bekas pemimpin negara yang kedua terkaya di dunia selepas Presiden Mesir, Hosni Mubarak yang memiliki sejumlah sekitar US $40 ke US$ 70 billion.

Kononnya, maklumat ini didapati dari Wikipedia, namun hilang sejurus selepas mereka melayarinya. Tidak pasti kenapa mereka mesti menyatakan maklumat tersebut hilang secara tiba-tiba. Apakah mereka cuba menggambarkan seolah-olah Wikipedia juga berada di bawah kawalan Tun Mahathir atau BN?

Sedangkan jika kita melayari Wikipedia berkenaan personaliti-personaliti politik di Malaysia, mahupun jika mencari maklumat mengenai mereka di ‘google search’ atau ‘yahoo search’, kita akan dapati bahawa kebanyakannya mengutamakan atau memaparkan maklumat yang cenderung berat sebelah di sebelah pembangkang. Justeru, di mana logiknya Wikipedia, google atau yahoo dikawal oleh Tun Mahathir atau BN.

Pelik juga apabila maklumat mengenai kekayaan Tun Mahathir ini hanya tersebar selepas beliau bersara dan menjelang pilihanraya ke-13. Sedangkan, selama 22 tahun beliau memerintah dan beberapa tahun kemudiannya setelah bersara, tiada pun yang mengungkit perihal kononnya beliau begitu kaya? Dengan begitu ramai musuh dan begitu hebat sekali ‘korupsi’ beliau sepertimana yang dituduh pembangkang, kenapakah tiada usaha dari pembangkang untuk membawanya ke mahkamah? Jika pembangkang boleh melakukan cubaan untuk menyaman beliau atas tuduhan memfitnah Anwar, kenapa tidak boleh mendakwa beliau atas tuduhan korupsi?

Jika alasannya ialah mahkamah tidak adil dan berada di dalam kawalan Tun Mahathir, kenapakah Anwar lepas bebas?

Oleh itu, pesan kita kepada pembangkang, sekiranya ingin memfitnah, sekurang-kurangnya, biarlah konsisten. Fitnah yang tidak konsisten mudah saja dikantoikan. Takkanlah dah terlalu banyak kali terkantoi pun masih belum belajar dari kesilapan lagi?

Mengikut senarai Forbes, orang yang ke-dua terkaya di dunia ialah Bill Gates dengan kekayaan berjumlah USD67billion. Tun Mahathir langsung tiada dalam senarai orang-orang kaya dunia.

Kehidupan Tun Mahathir juga membuktikan bahawa beliau tidaklah semewah mana. Tanpa gelaran Bekas Perdana Menteri dan Penasihat Petronas, segala kemudahan yang dinikmatinya dari segi perjalanan dan lain-lain tentulah sukar baginya. Namun, tentulah bohong juga jika dikatakan Tun Mahathir miskin. Jika benar beliau miskin maka tentulah satu penangan yang memalukan bagi Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang makmur. Tentulah ada yang tidak kena dengan negara ini jika bekas Perdana Menteri yang begitu banyak berjasa, bertaraf negarawan dan berdiri sebaris dengan pemimpin dunia akhirnya hidup dalam kemiskinan setaraf rakyat biasa.

Tidak kira betapa kaya atau miskinnya Tun Mahathir, apa yang pasti ialah beliau belum mampu memiliki atau menyewa jet peribadi dan helikopter seperti Anwar Ibrahim sekadar untuk berkempen. Namun, bohong juga jika dikatakan beliau tidak mampu tinggal di hotel mewah di luar negara. Pun begitu, beliau tidaklah sehebat Anwar yang mampu melakukannya beratus kali setahun dengan wang sendiri.

Jangan lupa bahawa Anwar keluar negara selalunya bukan atas jemputan, tetapi atas inisiatif sendiri untuk memburukkan negara ini. Berbeza dengan Tun Mahathir di mana kebanyakan perjalanan beliau adalah atas jemputan dan segala kos yang terbabit ditanggung pihak yang menjemput.

Oleh itu, jika Tun Mahathir dikatakan ke-dua terkaya di dunia, di mana pula kedudukan Anwar? Lebih dari itu, di mana pula kedudukan Bill Gates? Atau Carlos Slim Helu, iaitu orang yang terkaya di dunia pada ketika ini mengikut senarai Forbes?

Apakah pembangkang cuba menyatakan bahawa ‘Forbes’ juga dikuasai oleh Tun Mahathir kerana tidak memaparkan senarai se

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:41 | Report Abuse

Just come across this article...make sense jugak...

Satu perkara menarik sepanjang kempen PRU-13 yang sudah seminggu berlangsung ini ialah kemampuan kewangan Ketua Umum PKR, Anwar Ibrahim untuk ke hulu dan ke hilir menjelajah seluruh negara dengan menaiki jet eksekutif dan helikopter.

Sedangkan di masa yang sama para pemimpin PR yang lain dari DAP dan PAS, kebanyakannya hanya mampu menaiki penerbangan biasa sahaja, sama ada menggunakan perkhidmatan Air Asia atau pun MAS.

Jarang yang ada menyewa pesawat atau helikopter peribadi seperti Anwar, kalau ada pun cuma segelintir itu pun melibatkan mereka yang benar-benar rapat dengan Anwar.

Kos sewaan per jam jet eksekutif dan helikopter itu bukannya murah, ia melibatkan perbelanjaan yang tinggi mencecah angka ribuan dan puluh ribu yang bukan calang-calang orang mampu menanggungnya apatah lagi bila hampir setiap hari kemudahan itu digunakan.

Dari satu sudut ia adalah satu kelebihan dalam melancarkan kempen pilihan raya PKR selain memudahkan pergerakan dari satu tempat ke satu tempat, namun di masa yang sama ia juga melambangkan gaya hidup Anwar yang serba mewah.

Itu belum lagi dikira jumlah perbelanjaan yang perlu dikeluarkan untuk menampung pembelian lori kontena dan bas Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat serta segala kos tanggungan perjalanannya dari utara ke selatan.

Selain itu, gaji dan sara hidup berbelas orang pengawal peribadi Anwar termasuk empat orang yang diimport khas dari Filipina juga bukan kecil anak perbelanjaannya.

Ini menimbulkan persoalan dari mana Anwar memperoleh dana pilihan raya sepanjang kempen PRU 13 ini sehingga membolehkan dirinya menikmati semua kemudahan ini, nak dikatakan hasil dari duit tabungan sejak dari kecil, agak mustahil.

Hasil tabungan duit dari kecil itu kalau pun ada, nak menampung kos pembinaan banglo mewah Anwar yang berharga RM7 juta di Segambut itu pun tak terdaya, inikan pula untuk menyelesaikan kos pengangkutan Anwar dan keluarganya dalam kempen PRU-13.

Baru-baru ini timbul dakwaan mengenai dana asing yang mengalir masuk bagi menampung kempen pilihan raya PR, ada kebarangkalian gaya hidup mewah Anwar ini disebabkan dana tersebut. Itu tak mustahil jika dilihat keakraban pemimpin PKR itu dengan pihak asing.

Namun untuk mendapat kepastiannya, Anwar perlu tampil memberi penjelasan kepada umum supaya dapat merungkai tanda tanya. Kalau dapat dijelaskan lagi apa istimewa dirinya berbanding pemimpin PR yang lain sehingga sebegini hebat gaya hidup mewahnya, itu lebih baik.


2013-04-30 17:27 | Report Abuse

Choose economy stability...intact policies...every one happy...later can fight maa...but always economy first...no economy, how to cari makan maaa...

By Azli Jamil

PETALING JAYA: The Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI), a private think-tank, says the ruling Barisan Nasional will win the 13th general election (GE13) and that much of the support among rural Malays, which was absent in 2008, has returned to Umno and Barisan Nasional.

In its analysis presented yesterday, ASLI said BN is expected to win 123 to 135 seats in the next elections on this basis, but could reach as high as 150 if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak can attract Indian and undecided Chinese voters as well.
“From my interpretation of the research if the swing of Malay rural voters to Umno is strong, then the battle for rural Malay votes will favour BN.

“The coming election will basically be decided by rural voters in rural constituencies,” ASLI’s CEO /director Michael Yeoh Oon Khing told The Malaysian Reserve in an e-mail interview yesterday.
“Nevertheless, what can be certain is that the two big winners in the coming elections that are expected to be on April 14 or 21, will be Umno and the DAP.”

Yeoh said trends showed Indian rural and semi-urban voters have shifted back to BN while urban voters of all races are still with the opposition.
Undecided voters would pay close attention to choice of candidates and how the campaign unfolds to make their choice.
ASLI says it is confident that Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud would deliver 100% of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera seats, giving the majority to win Sarawak while it is confident that Umno should do well in Sabah, leading BN to regain control of the state government.

The analysis said the Pakatan Rakyat coalition should retain Kelantan and Penang, but BN could regain Penang if there is solid Malay backing and if the MCA and Gerakan could win just four more seats.
ASLI is neutral on Selangor, saying that the battle for that state would be the toughest. It is confident on BN winning Kedah and Perak on the back of support from the Malay swingback to Umno, adding that DAP will still hold on to its Chinese majority seats in Perak.

The report ended by presenting scenarios of post-election realignment possibilities such as Umno and PAS or Umno and DAP.
The analysis was done based on telephone interviews and discussions with different groups as well as other surveys done by other researchers, said Yeoh, adding that the demographics are broad-based covering different ages and ethnic groups.

In a related news, an online media highlighted a Morgan Stanley Research report that said: “If the ruling BN loses by winning less than 50% of the seats up for grabs, investors would likely see this as a ‘negative risk event’.”
It added that BN losing would affect leadership and government stability thereby “postponing the reform agenda undertaken by the country in the near term until political stability is restored”.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:21 | Report Abuse

By Azli Jamil

PETALING JAYA: The Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI), a private think-tank, says the ruling Barisan Nasional will win the 13th general election (GE13) and that much of the support among rural Malays, which was absent in 2008, has returned to Umno and Barisan Nasional.

In its analysis presented yesterday, ASLI said BN is expected to win 123 to 135 seats in the next elections on this basis, but could reach as high as 150 if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak can attract Indian and undecided Chinese voters as well.
“From my interpretation of the research if the swing of Malay rural voters to Umno is strong, then the battle for rural Malay votes will favour BN.

“The coming election will basically be decided by rural voters in rural constituencies,” ASLI’s CEO /director Michael Yeoh Oon Khing told The Malaysian Reserve in an e-mail interview yesterday.
“Nevertheless, what can be certain is that the two big winners in the coming elections that are expected to be on April 14 or 21, will be Umno and the DAP.”

Yeoh said trends showed Indian rural and semi-urban voters have shifted back to BN while urban voters of all races are still with the opposition.
Undecided voters would pay close attention to choice of candidates and how the campaign unfolds to make their choice.
ASLI says it is confident that Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud would deliver 100% of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera seats, giving the majority to win Sarawak while it is confident that Umno should do well in Sabah, leading BN to regain control of the state government.

The analysis said the Pakatan Rakyat coalition should retain Kelantan and Penang, but BN could regain Penang if there is solid Malay backing and if the MCA and Gerakan could win just four more seats.
ASLI is neutral on Selangor, saying that the battle for that state would be the toughest. It is confident on BN winning Kedah and Perak on the back of support from the Malay swingback to Umno, adding that DAP will still hold on to its Chinese majority seats in Perak.

The report ended by presenting scenarios of post-election realignment possibilities such as Umno and PAS or Umno and DAP.
The analysis was done based on telephone interviews and discussions with different groups as well as other surveys done by other researchers, said Yeoh, adding that the demographics are broad-based covering different ages and ethnic groups.

In a related news, an online media highlighted a Morgan Stanley Research report that said: “If the ruling BN loses by winning less than 50% of the seats up for grabs, investors would likely see this as a ‘negative risk event’.”
It added that BN losing would affect leadership and government stability thereby “postponing the reform agenda undertaken by the country in the near term until political stability is restored”.

News & Blogs

2012-04-30 10:40 | Report Abuse


one more to tell the truth...when a burglar rob your house, who wud you call????...ghost buster?...no..a policeman la ...Gov should spend more money to add more police strenght...nowaday, so many robbing bcoz of not enough of police force...100k of police strenght to ensure 28M Malaysian + 4M foreigner safety??...not even up to par...that's all folks..

News & Blogs

2012-04-30 10:18 | Report Abuse


authority said.. "biar"....
protestor said..."go..go"...

what is it means...please dont spread lies...

News & Blogs

2012-04-30 09:45 | Report Abuse

when the authoruty said please seek other venue, follow la...when you are kid a bit stubborn, how your mother@father punish you??..if you kena cubit, it is lucky enough...remember or not???..

News & Blogs

2012-04-06 09:05 | Report Abuse

already use 2 kancil - having bad experience with both kancil...mmm, 1 proton saga - very lasak and got "interior sound" package included, 1 wira - the best, with factory spec on highway can beat merz lol..., currently exora - easily 7 adult + 4 children, but have to accept the rule - more weight more fuel consumption.....happy to be Malaysian and patriotic a bit. hoping to get inspira later on...hopefully invesment can go well...God Willing...


2012-02-21 23:12 | Report Abuse

masih panas ke ni???..


2012-02-02 14:25 | Report Abuse
