
wee888 | Joined since 2013-12-25

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2014-05-02 10:45 | Report Abuse

I sincerely believe if u buy at <0.28, u will not lose( maybe wrong!!), reason, 2 big investors buy at 0.29 - 0.30. Certainly, if u speculate at this point of time, a bit risky as high volumes due next few days. Am holding my hands and wait till next week. Tks, just sharing my thoughts, trade at your own risk.


2014-05-02 10:38 | Report Abuse

gerry, i agree and disagree. When u buy on the uptrend, most probably you are a speculator. To long-term player like me, i don't. If i want to buy, i will wait it stays flat for some time, then i enter.Tks, just sharing my thoughts.


2014-05-02 09:45 | Report Abuse

i am jealous!!! you all make and now i have to beg for Starbucks coffee!!!!


2014-05-01 09:16 | Report Abuse

Bullbear, i understand how you feel' sometimes i also tak boleh tahan, imagine saying words that are no no in this forum!!!! That racial slur and that 4 letter words - really a bit too much, if spoken by any one outside here, will sure be arrested. Even if someone make a complaint, i believe it can be traced who made it. Anyway, i can't use forbidden words here as i am a proponent of no bad mouthing. Tks.


2014-04-30 11:30 | Report Abuse

Operator of i3investor, please consider my suggestion. This forum is not a place for insulting people.


2014-04-30 11:25 | Report Abuse

It doesnt matter. This is to prevent people from abusing the system. Jika u tak nak cakap, jangan cakaplah!!!!


2014-04-30 11:20 | Report Abuse

Operator of i3investor, i suggest that a new system of using this forum by suggesting that anyone who wants to write here should register by sending his or her photostat copy of IC. Anyone abusing the forum should be barred permanently. What say you and other users of i3investor? I hope i3investor read this comment of mine. Tks


2014-04-29 20:06 | Report Abuse

Mpay boleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!


2014-04-29 20:00 | Report Abuse

To long-term investors, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I think we should ignore those with pseudo Einstein brains!!!!


2014-04-29 19:13 | Report Abuse

Those that laugh last will laugh best!!!! Those that laugh now are those who like to think they are the best, pseudo think they have brains of Einstein !!!! Don't panic, we are investors.


2014-04-29 13:38 | Report Abuse

Was told big syndicates behind the volatility. Those who are brave are laughing to the banks.


2014-04-28 20:39 | Report Abuse

Enjoy your dinner tonight, Mpayians!!!!
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Mpay away!!!!


2014-04-28 11:30 | Report Abuse

Make sure you donate some to charity!!! Don't always think of making money. Freely you give, freely you receive. No malice intended, just sharing my thoughts.


2014-04-28 08:39 | Report Abuse

3rd edition, 1st print:
The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round, round and round
All day long, All day long
The bell on the bus go ‘ring, ring, ring’
‘ring, ring, ring’ , ‘ring, ring, ring’
All day long, All day long
The driver on the bus says ‘Any more fares?’
Any more fares?’, Any more fares?’
All day long, All day long
The driver on the bus shouts
‘Buy Mpay, Buy Mpay; you will travel all year long’
All year long,All year long
The passengers reply
'Sure, to Bursa we go' all day long
All day long, All day long

The bus stops, Passengers go out and go in. The bus then moves.

The driver on the bus says ‘Any more fares?Any more fares?’ all day long
All day long, All day long
The passengers reply 'No fares, no more fares; we have Mpay, we have Mpay’ All day long, All day long
The driver says ‘Syabas. Syabas’ all day long
All day long, All day long
The passengers replied ' With mpay free on bus, travel all year long'
All year long,All year long

Disclaimer: Not a buy/sell call.Trade at your own risk.
Note: most pantuns are adapted.


2014-04-27 21:02 | Report Abuse

tks, hopefully things will work out smoothly.


2014-04-27 20:25 | Report Abuse

Tks, tommylim. I think not really a grave problem.


2014-04-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

Ravi, many petty stocks have been on the rise the last few months. If you just close your eyes and punt them, most probably you will make $$$. You don't have to look for recommendations!!! If you don't make, then you are like the blind mice!!!That's why, many analysts are sending alarms when you trade in petty stocks as they are on the high ends now. Whether holding or hit and run is better, is up to one's perception. If you say it is better to hold, show statistics to prove your contention. [Anyway, am long in this counter.] Certainly, it is better to look for experts like OTB; it is safer and has higher probability of winning. No malice intended, just sharing my thoughts. Tks


2014-04-27 08:09 | Report Abuse

Good Sun morning, all Mpayians.

2nd Edition, 1st print
The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round, round and round
All day long
The bell on the bus go ‘ring, ring, ring’
‘ring, ring, ring’ , ‘ring, ring, ring’
All day long
The driver on the bus says ‘Any more fares?’
Any more fares?’, Any more fares?’
All day long
The driver on the bus shouts
‘Buy Mpay, Buy Mpay; you will travel all year long’
All year long
The passengers reply
'Sure, to Bursa we go' all day long
All day long

Disclaimer: Not a buy/sell call.Trade at your own risk.
Note: most pantuns are adapted, not original; some are originals.


2014-04-26 21:09 | Report Abuse

Disclaimer: you trade at your own risk. If u really want to buy, i pray for you to win.


2014-04-26 20:13 | Report Abuse

Asiapac boleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!


2014-04-26 19:50 | Report Abuse

Have a nice Sunday, tomolo...

If I give you a fish
You will eat only for a day
If you buy Mpay
You will eat for a life time.

Disclaimer: trade at your own risk.


2014-04-26 17:35 | Report Abuse

Yes, it will be like a diamond, up up up in the sky!!!!!


2014-04-26 12:40 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz, OTB, icon8888, tommylim, john888 and the likes, carry on your good works. Freely you give, freely you will receive. There are some clowns here , better to ignore them.


2014-04-26 11:33 | Report Abuse

Long term investors will sleep, sleep no matter what .... until the destination is reached!!!


2014-04-26 10:34 | Report Abuse

I agree with you, gerry. I am holding long in this counter and like you, having some fun, punting along the way. Always be cautious when you gamble. Tks for your advice.


2014-04-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

Good morning all Asiapcians, have a nice weekend.

We all will live a meaningful life if we always think positive, meaning
- respect others
- do not instigate
- do not belittle others
- do not mock others
- do not be presumptuous
- do not be pretentious
- agree to disagree
- discuss with civility
- etc, etc

God bless you all n have a meaningful discussion; doesn’t matter who is right or wrong. Make friends and not enemies. Have surrounding full of friends, not enemies. Make this forum a wonderful corner to exchange ideas and opinions. Lets us go forward and don't look backwards!!!. Tks, no malice intended to all.


2014-04-26 09:01 | Report Abuse

Good morning, all Mpayians. Have a nice weekend!!!

The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round, round and round
All day long
The bell on the bus go ‘ring, ring, ring’
‘ring, ring, ring’ , ‘ring, ring, ring’
All day long
The driver on the bus says ‘Any more fares?’
Any more fares?’, Any more fares?’
All day long
The driver on the bus SHOUTS
‘Buy Mpay, Buy Mpay; you will travel all year long’
All year long, All year long

Disclaimer: Buy at your own risk.
Most of my pantuns are not originals, but adaptations from nursery rhymes.
Only a few are original.


2014-04-25 23:00 | Report Abuse

Daytraders/swingtraders/speculators embark and disembark several times along the journey. Long-term investors like me sleep thro-out the journey. Rain or shine, we sleep and sleep until the destination is reached,


2014-04-25 22:09 | Report Abuse

tks Mr. Ooi. Glad to hear from you again. Tks again for wanting to share some ideas of yours. Am eagerly waiting for your postings.


2014-04-25 16:48 | Report Abuse

2 nd reprint, First Edition

Get a scoop of that. Get a scoop of that.
What? .........................Mpay
What? .........................Mpay
Hitea, starbucks coffee, chocolate and strawberry,
Mint chip, butterscotch and berry, all in Mpay
Mpay, Mpay, we want more
One, two three, four, five scoops!
Yeah! Mpay !
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten scoops!
Yeah! IMpay!
Mpay! Mpay! Mpay!


2014-04-25 09:43 | Report Abuse

Hot Mpay, Hot Mpay
One a penny, Two a penny
Buy Mpay
For it will pay


2014-04-25 09:20 | Report Abuse

Be positive in our outlook!! Be positive in all our actions.
Say ‘ ia boleh’….it will transform into…. ‘ia terjadi’!!
If you want to be rich, don’t say you can’t.
If you want to change for the better, don’t say you can’t.
If you want to be good, don’t say you can’t.
If you want to be generous, don’t say you can’t.
So, from now onwards, we say
Mpayians boleh!!!!
Mpay boleh!!!!


2014-04-25 07:57 | Report Abuse

Be positive in our thinking!!! That is the basic tenet in feng shui. Believe ia boleh, ia akan terjadi!!!


2014-04-25 07:20 | Report Abuse

Good morning, all Mpayians, hope Mpay flies higher and higher!!!

Saya suka makan buah langsat
Disuruh pergi ke Ulu Langat
Saya suka mengunjungi Taipeh
Disuruh beli Mpay

Seterusnya ke bursa
Membeli setangkai Mpay
Saya harap akan jadi kaya
Mpay yang saya percaya


2014-04-24 19:20 | Report Abuse

Cheers, all Mpayians

Hari malam gelap-gelita
Pasang lampu Mpay ke taman
Sopan santun budaya kita
Jadi kebanggaan masyarakat Mpayian


2014-04-24 13:14 | Report Abuse

Winners make it happen
Losers let it happen.
Winners see possibilities
Losers see problems.
Winners are a part of the team
Losers are apart from the team.

Note: not my pantun, extracted.

Hurray,Mpayians are winners as we have all the good attributes above.


2014-04-24 10:55 | Report Abuse

James, better ask roadside fortune teller!!! (just kidding, haha) Y'day parked at 0.24 for war. Only if i parked at 0.245, i will send by Poslaju a few cups of Starbucks coffee!!!


2014-04-24 08:40 | Report Abuse

dragonking, i still don't get u.U said buying now is disastrous, meaning to say the price will fall like Hupmty Dumpty? If so, why not sell now and buy low???


2014-04-24 07:27 | Report Abuse

Good morning all Mpayians. Hope have a nice day.

Harum sungguh bunga ros
Bunga karangan cantik tersemat.
Harum sunggguh saham Mpay
Membuat kita kaya dan bergaya.


2014-04-23 22:56 | Report Abuse

anyone agrees??? My view- it won't, will stay ard 0.30 for sometime before flying north. Just sharing my thoughts, no malice intended.


2014-04-23 21:36 | Report Abuse

The real drama begins at 9.00 am tomorrow. Don't go away!!!!


2014-04-23 21:31 | Report Abuse

Have a nice trip to London; don't forget to dine at the famous lobster eatery, around 20 to 30pound per head if i am not mistaken.


2014-04-23 21:23 | Report Abuse

logical reasoning, iafx. Tks


2014-04-23 20:54 | Report Abuse

We all are guessing!!! Look at Mpay, where pp at 15.5 sen, much lower than mother share, and yet mother shoots up.


2014-04-23 20:15 | Report Abuse

Hopefully so because still holding many. If drop,may be opportunity to buy. From my observation, counter will hover ard 0.30-0.31 for some time before changing gear to higher level.


2014-04-23 19:23 | Report Abuse

You are right, DreamM. Buy and hold long and don't worry about drop of few ticks. Hold tight and at the end of the day, you will see gold!!!

A cup of coffee a day
Will chase tiredness away.
A bag of Mpay
Will keep poverty at bay.


2014-04-23 11:56 | Report Abuse

If there are 10000000000 pzul, what a lovely world it will be!!!!


2014-04-23 11:40 | Report Abuse

The point here is not winning or losing!!! This is a public forum, show a bit of decorum when commenting!!!!


2014-04-23 11:31 | Report Abuse

Teasing is tolerable to a certain degree but not embitter people's feelings by spewing out dirty volcanic lava from the mouth and distorting what people say!!!