
wees123 | Joined since 2020-03-25

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2020-05-08 11:47 | Report Abuse

i see warning buy i happy, but from salman i need to think properly. coz u always warning buy warning buy macam tak kena 1 hahahahah, elaborate abit can ? :)


2020-05-08 11:20 | Report Abuse

heard from some gambler telling me they dont have the addiction already, just like u stop smoking for 2 month n u successfully quit smoking addiction, n those modern abit punya uncle swtich to online gambling dy, maybe 60-70% gambler will come back but not 100%


2020-05-07 13:23 | Report Abuse

they dont wan buy also convincing ppl not to buy, the thing is they trying so hard asking u not to buy wor, not like jus a once or twice, is like everyday also convince u not to buy, even the buyer here never try hard to ask others to buy together also, wats the objective behind, too free ntg to do wana save the buyer pocket, or wana buy at cheap price LOL, trust no 1 but ur self in money game like stock exchange


2020-05-05 22:34 | Report Abuse

after waited for 2 weeks is still at 0.76-0.80, so i think to be more realistic it wil be 0.76 if wan to collect at cheap price, depends on your luck thou even if u wan to buy in 0.76
later end up
0.78 tunggu dulu, sure will drop
0.80 tunggu lagi, pasti fake bounce
0.82 ok.. this time 0.80 i sure buy in
0.84 ............
0.85 ..
0.90 .. farkedddd. ok LA BUY IN in now dont want to think already, later miss boat, got chance to go 1.00

ppl sell at 0.90 coz got profit already

drop 0.80 hahahahahha


2020-05-05 18:04 | Report Abuse

tomorrow UP up up hahahah zuliiana


2020-05-04 14:42 | Report Abuse

never 100% use all these famous ppl as our guideline, coz lim goh tong never enter university and able to build genting, so u dun send ur children to enter university la so they can be like lim goh tong, life is just like gambling, you bet at the right time with huge amount, u become GOD and idol for everyone, but you cannot always do that in life, he got his timing therefore he become GOD.. does tat means he wont make mistakes for coming bets, coz he is still human after all


2020-05-04 14:38 | Report Abuse

everyone roads to success must match with ur resources and ur personaility in order to unleash full potential.. example.ur personality. u dont have the passion to wait 10-20 years,, then u cannot bet on bluechips la, u wan fast money u have to find ur own " sure win ' chips to play , if u have 10-20 years to wait ( thas me coz i still young ) then i can bet on some stock which suitable for me thou


2020-05-04 14:36 | Report Abuse

the billionaire investors would not share with u 100% of wat he is thinking, they spent so much time n effort to analyze the market, n give it out for free to the public and ikan bilis like we all ?? and we follow him we become rich ? billionaire got billionaire punya ways to play the game, and 100-200k ppl got their ways to play also, 10-20k investors have their own ways to survive also, u cant use billionaire ways to invest if u only have 10-20k or 100k with you, u still need to do ur own research


2020-05-03 08:46 | Report Abuse

coz he wan to buy in again later at lower price


2020-05-02 09:03 | Report Abuse

ur stall where zuliana


2020-05-01 17:09 | Report Abuse

@ocpd those idiots hor, they dont need to know how future works for the oil, they jus need to know the coming week profit is real n sell off, hahahahah


2020-05-01 12:29 | Report Abuse

so conclusions for me is.. up abit... BUY BUY BUY hahahah


2020-05-01 12:28 | Report Abuse

@apple168, very good analyis, i hope most investors as smart as you, but ppl punya punya thoughts actually very straight foward sometimes, you are right on ur analysis but shares price are determine by majority especially shares value below 1 ringgit can be easily move by ikan bilis, i am sure most ikan bilis will just buy with simple tots, no bankrap, starts to fly again, MCO releasing. it will still up abit althoughi think wont up much larr, i think everyone is aware of current situations now


2020-05-01 11:00 | Report Abuse

all this while investors worry air lines will bankrap only, if it does not goes bankrap.. wat doesnt kill u will make u stronger,, so AA got chance to rise like phoenix again coz they survive for now


2020-04-30 17:58 | Report Abuse

18 years old punya younger generations now is smarter than me n you during our 20-24 years time i tell you, they suck at working attitude only


2020-04-30 17:54 | Report Abuse

@keyman, many account create coz younger generations getting smarter already , they learn alot from history and also from older generations, n read alot books article from their smart phones, ... got crisis got oppotunity, 1970-1980 not many ppl understand this , jus like mahathir era, smart ppl only anwar tat group, now 2020, so many talented people.. all can see " golden oppotuniy ' when the market crash , even i get to know 1 of the student still studying also step into shares market ocean due to covid-19 , and another of my younger generations frens also make 100% profit few days ago... bought 1 month only.. rise 100%, sendiri go cari which shares naik 100%, and he is first time player also, outrun all of us here already


2020-04-30 14:06 | Report Abuse

i have heard alot saying the 2nd wave will come, but i waited so long, fark it jus buy in at 3 + , later i do hope 2nd crash will come also, so can buy in low again, but seems like the wave no come, i could only think if 2nd wave means 2nd time lock down = 2nd outbreak of corona in malaysia, why would i hope for 2nd outbreak for money ??? my heart is not tat black yet


2020-04-30 11:03 | Report Abuse

august will be 4.80-5.00 dont go in now miss boat


2020-04-30 11:02 | Report Abuse

no profit yet ler... naik abit only. need to see after lunch


2020-04-30 10:09 | Report Abuse

ppl dun care 1 ma.. buy the rumors n sell d news, mostly here during dis situations just wan to goreng. u think ppl really invest in the company only base on performance, got good news all rush in, think like majority make short term money, sitll make ma, think like minority make long term big money lor


2020-04-30 10:04 | Report Abuse

theres not much to gain to buy in when they are already at " safe " situations


2020-04-30 10:04 | Report Abuse

this is the thing when buy the time u wait till business to operate again, it will be too late to go in, the price already at moderate lvl


2020-04-30 09:35 | Report Abuse

already buy yesterday


2020-04-30 09:13 | Report Abuse

wuo rise like phoenix leh zuliana


2020-04-30 08:43 | Report Abuse

see today will naik o not


2020-04-29 20:13 | Report Abuse

no 1 here wil be able to give u n accurate answer, too much possibility


2020-04-29 17:52 | Report Abuse

yeah lor, why is he still here since this 1 sure close shop... maybe he has a kind heart, wan to save us from getting eat by shark


2020-04-29 15:36 | Report Abuse

all big company also pretending la i think. we jus wan to goreng make abit n lari


2020-04-29 15:32 | Report Abuse

ini kali la.. masuk abit first today. 70cts i also happy can buy in cheaper n more


2020-04-29 15:22 | Report Abuse


u knoe n i knoe, if business starts again sure will up , althought it wont recover back to glamorous price as before


2020-04-29 15:18 | Report Abuse

just treat it as all of us has been entertaining each other during MCO


2020-04-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

nanti up to 0.80 again.. zuliana might need to wait 1 week to go back to 0.75 ?? hahah


2020-04-29 14:59 | Report Abuse

yeah, it will happen no need ppl say also will happen, all the God of Stock here can predict future wont be in dis forum dy


2020-04-29 14:53 | Report Abuse

yeah live4tea say many days dy say will be 0.65 0.70, 0.50, waited for 2 weeks already stillll dint see it, now upgrade to 0.74 already. predict 4-5 times macam satu also tak kena


2020-04-29 11:41 | Report Abuse

air asia standing strong wor, n rise abit today, maybe got chance to close at 0.78-0.785


2020-04-29 11:13 | Report Abuse

those rising like rocket , go in now also too late, ppl starting selling for profit dy, time like dis.. u see profit u wan to hold longer ?? i think most will faster let go. masuk money into the pocket first only observe again ? sounds like some of us here right hahahah


2020-04-29 11:09 | Report Abuse

and i heard from my remisier , alot new accounts for the past 2-3 month, all rookie beginner , buy very little 1.. 3k , 5k- 10k tat kind of amount, rookie mostly will buy wad ? genting lor, those famous company lor


2020-04-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

those having good news, dint see it rise much, either maintain, those having bad news dint see it drop too much or by 5pm close market end up also maintain, means bad news = ppl let go = drop= then ppl buy in more coz is cheaper

good news- rise abit- ppl getting smarter not to chase high, therefore will wait it drop abit before buy in.. all kind of behaviors now, long term investors now also become day trader, the market very moving fast, players are in fear mode now coz of uncertainty, but need to cari makan also ma, see good abit sell, tat causes some irrational pattern tat u can see in d the chart now

now is the time to play those 20 sen - 50 sen shares , coz ikan bilis it self strong enough to move those categoery of shares


2020-04-29 11:02 | Report Abuse

majority at home buying shares becoming a day trader, so u need to catch the timing


2020-04-29 11:01 | Report Abuse

MCO still need to find money to survive wad, so some risk have to be taken


2020-04-29 11:01 | Report Abuse

ya la. we all know lose gao gao, dy but the shares is still rising, weather is fake bounce or not. as long as hit n run when it hit ur comfortable target


2020-04-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

more likely IDSS be extended, read the latest news


2020-04-28 09:04 | Report Abuse

macam damn good news, time to attack ?


2020-04-28 08:36 | Report Abuse

today macam ada chance to rise after reading the news


2020-04-27 16:56 | Report Abuse

by the way, AA maintain today again, n green by very very little, which doest help much la, but is defending mode,


2020-04-27 16:51 | Report Abuse

thas y i said recover how much i duno coz very hard to predict, but if MCO release sure will stimulate the market better than now, that time wan to buy also too late dy, takkan everyday sit there wait for 2nd outbreak


2020-04-27 14:43 | Report Abuse

u bought already ah ?


2020-04-27 14:37 | Report Abuse

positive thinking, china took 2 month, malaysia will be roughly 2 month also, if u put it at may 12 it will be 2 month, use wat happen to china as reference to make decision maybe ? ask ur self can AA survive till may 12, not saying after release AA will have good business, but the release u know will a lot company will bounce back, bounce by alot or little i duno la cannot predict. by tat time whole malaysia will be celebrating