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2014-03-17 13:24 | Report Abuse

The media’s shameful Malaysia Airlines coverage: Gawking at a foreign disaster

Putting My Foot Down

I doubt this issue is as 'complicated' as the author tries to suggest. It is true, for example, that any half-competent Air Force would have noticed (and acted upon) a plane veering so far off course. It is also true that Malaysian Airlines isn't a very well-run airline, something its extremely high annual losses might suggest. It is also true that many of the statements by Malaysian officials thus far have been confusing, contradictory, and misleading, and that a lot of this mismanagement has something to do with the fact that the Malaysian government (and government linked companies like Malaysian Airlines) are largely run by corrupt incompetents, reflective of a system that gives out rewards based on race, cronyism, and political loyalty over merit. These aren't so much opinions as facts. Seems to me like the foreign media agencies (or some of them anyway) have formed a reasonably accurate impression.



2014-03-17 13:23 | Report Abuse

The media’s shameful Malaysia Airlines coverage: Gawking at a foreign disaster

Putting My Foot Down

I doubt this issue is as 'complicated' as the author tries to suggest. It is true, for example, that any half-competent Air Force would have noticed (and acted upon) a plane veering so far off course. It is also true that Malaysian Airlines isn't a very well-run airline, something its extremely high annual losses might suggest. It is also true that many of the statements by Malaysian officials thus far have been confusing, contradictory, and misleading, and that a lot of this mismanagement has something to do with the fact that the Malaysian government (and government linked companies like Malaysian Airlines) are largely run by corrupt incompetents, reflective of a system that gives out rewards based on race, cronyism, and political loyalty over merit. These aren't so much opinions as facts. Seems to me like the foreign media agencies (or some of them anyway) have formed a reasonably accurate impression.



2014-03-17 13:16 | Report Abuse

A Plane Disappears, Malaysia's Flaws Emerge

Confusion doesn't normally make for a great economic indicator. But the chaos that's marred the hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is revealing quite a bit about Malaysia's potential -- or lack thereof.The Southeast Asian nation has long been hobbled by a political culture that places the ruling party's needs over those of the Malaysian people. For six decades, Prime Minister Najib Razak's United Malays National Organisation has appeared to have only one goal: to maintain its hold on power. It's thus promoted -- and recently reinforced -- Malay-first racial policies that benefit its political base.

The side effects, including stagnant living standards, waning competitiveness, and the humiliation of Malaysia's sizable Chinese and Indian minority populations, are all overlooked in the service of this larger goal.The bungled search for Flight 370 has simply made manifest the consequences of this cynical bargain. How does someone like Hishammuddin Hussein become defense minister and acting transport minister in Southeast Asia's third-biggest economy? Even with his nearly 20-year stint as a legislator and more than a decade in ministerial posts, it can't hurt that he's also the scion of a powerful political family. The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysia's leaders are to being questioned by anyone.

This mind-set also explains why Malaysia is ensnared in the middle-income trap that South Korea and Thailand escaped years ago. Rather than free the economy from race-based quotas and business preferences, the party has expanded them. Never mind that these policies make Malaysia even less attractive to multinational companies and encourage so many of the nation's best and brightest to move to Singapore and Hong Kong. Or that the Philippines and Indonesia are surging ahead as Malaysia looks backward.The country is proving to be all hardware and no software.

For years, UMNO acted as though top-quality roads, state-of-the-art ports and bridges, iconic skyscrapers and a swanky new capital in Putrajaya would inevitably pave the way to prosperity. But economic software is even more important. And on that front, Malaysia has never bothered to cut red tape, level the playing field for non-Malays, or introduce the competitive forces necessary to stimulate entrepreneurship.

Why bother when all the party needs to do to stay in power is redraw voting districts, bribe the masses with fat handouts, invoke religion when necessary, and muzzle any pesky publications that dare to write about corruption and privilege? All this explains why per-capita income in a resource-rich nation with an enviable geographic position in Asia has stalled at near the $10,000 mark. Malaysia is stuck in the middle-income trap because its leaders are stuck in time.The families of the victims of Flight 370 deserve better. But then, so do the Malaysians whom Najib claims to serve.

- Bloomberg


News & Blogs

2014-03-17 13:15 | Report Abuse

A Plane Disappears, Malaysia's Flaws Emerge

Confusion doesn't normally make for a great economic indicator. But the chaos that's marred the hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is revealing quite a bit about Malaysia's potential -- or lack thereof.The Southeast Asian nation has long been hobbled by a political culture that places the ruling party's needs over those of the Malaysian people. For six decades, Prime Minister Najib Razak's United Malays National Organisation has appeared to have only one goal: to maintain its hold on power. It's thus promoted -- and recently reinforced -- Malay-first racial policies that benefit its political base.

The side effects, including stagnant living standards, waning competitiveness, and the humiliation of Malaysia's sizable Chinese and Indian minority populations, are all overlooked in the service of this larger goal.The bungled search for Flight 370 has simply made manifest the consequences of this cynical bargain. How does someone like Hishammuddin Hussein become defense minister and acting transport minister in Southeast Asia's third-biggest economy? Even with his nearly 20-year stint as a legislator and more than a decade in ministerial posts, it can't hurt that he's also the scion of a powerful political family. The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysia's leaders are to being questioned by anyone.

This mind-set also explains why Malaysia is ensnared in the middle-income trap that South Korea and Thailand escaped years ago. Rather than free the economy from race-based quotas and business preferences, the party has expanded them. Never mind that these policies make Malaysia even less attractive to multinational companies and encourage so many of the nation's best and brightest to move to Singapore and Hong Kong. Or that the Philippines and Indonesia are surging ahead as Malaysia looks backward.The country is proving to be all hardware and no software.

For years, UMNO acted as though top-quality roads, state-of-the-art ports and bridges, iconic skyscrapers and a swanky new capital in Putrajaya would inevitably pave the way to prosperity. But economic software is even more important. And on that front, Malaysia has never bothered to cut red tape, level the playing field for non-Malays, or introduce the competitive forces necessary to stimulate entrepreneurship.

Why bother when all the party needs to do to stay in power is redraw voting districts, bribe the masses with fat handouts, invoke religion when necessary, and muzzle any pesky publications that dare to write about corruption and privilege? All this explains why per-capita income in a resource-rich nation with an enviable geographic position in Asia has stalled at near the $10,000 mark. Malaysia is stuck in the middle-income trap because its leaders are stuck in time.The families of the victims of Flight 370 deserve better. But then, so do the Malaysians whom Najib claims to serve.

- Bloomberg



2014-03-17 13:09 | Report Abuse

In the case of the Malaysian 777, was there a problem in the cargo hold? Last week, the National Transportation Safety Board discovered that there was an unusually large consignment of lithium-ion batteries on the cargo manifest. This technology is more recently known as the cause of fires that led to the grounding of the Boeing 787 fleet, but lithium-ion batteries for personal electronic devices have been a frequent cause of emergencies in cargo holds and baggage handling.

They are prone to overheating and combustion. The FAA’s Office of Security and Hazardous Materials Safety records many of these incidents in the U.S., including a fire caused by a battery on a self-propelled surf board on a FedEx airplane.

If there had been a battery-induced fire in the cargo hold of Flight 370, automatic smoke warnings would have alerted the pilots and they surely would have had time to report an emergency.

There is, however, a relevant example of a large airplane being lost over the Indian Ocean after a cargo fire. In 1987, a South African Airways 747 with a 159 people aboard suffered an uncontrollable cargo fire that began with computers packed in polystyrene. The airplane fell into a deep part of the ocean east of Mauritius.

Although the searchers had what they regard as the single most important aid to an undersea mission—a starting point based off the airplane’s last known position—it took two years to recover the flight recorder from depths as great as 15,000 feet.

To be sure, the technology of submersibles and of deep water searches, driven largely by trophy and treasure hunters, has improved immensely since the 1980s, as the successful locating and recovery of the wreck of Flight 447, also after two years, shows. The search now being conducted for Flight 370 includes the far reaches of the Indian Ocean where the depth can reach 20,000 feet. In that case the challenge of finding it will be unprecedented.

It will probably take years before the investigation reaches an outcome. Right now it requires a skillful combination of dedicated people working with many different disciplines, scientific, forensic, managerial, informational, humanitarian, military, legal, and political. It will involve different languages and cultures. Commercial interests have to be reconciled with the public need for clarity and integrity.

So far the way this task has been handled is not encouraging. The Malaysians have asked for the help of 25 countries in the expanded search. Now nations are being asked to check their radar records, which is strange since if anything as large as a 777 had been flying rogue through busy international air corridors and over militarily sensitive sites would have triggered alarms instantly.



2014-03-17 13:09 | Report Abuse

It turned out that these messages described an incremental shutdown of the airplane’s flight control computers, requiring the pilots to take over. The computers were being fed anomalous data because of a failed air speed gauge. The pilots, poorly trained, bungled the hand over, and lost control.

Had the Malaysian 777 been able to transmit such a detailed record of its behavior before disappearing, we would have been more able to discount or pursue possible and imminent mechanical failure – like, for example, any gradual loss of cabin pressure because of a leak in the fuselage structure or a problem in the cargo hold.

What was happening in the cockpit of Flight 370? Turning off the transponders was a simple step for the crew, just a matter of a few twists to the left of a dial placed between the two pilots—not accessing some circuit breaker above. That would be a very strange thing for them to do. It would, however, be the first thing a hijacker who got access to the cockpit would want to do.

Yet why would any hijacker direct an airplane out into the great void beyond surveillance and without making demands for the safe release of the passengers?

A suicide pact by the crew has been raised, but in the two most recent suicidal crashes the pilots pushed down the nose and dived to the water instantly. This was the case with an Egypt Air Boeing 767 soon after leaving JFK airport in 1999 and a Silk Air Boeing 737 flying from Jakarta to Singapore in 1997. A suicidal pilot does not prolong the agony.

When it comes the psychological behavior of pilots, the Malaysians are doing the reverse of what the Egyptian and Indonesian authorities did in those two crashes. In each case the idea of suicide was anathema to the national cultures. The authorities contested the verdicts of the crash investigators and, instead, asserted (without credibility) that the crashes were caused by mechanical failure.

The Malaysian authorities are doing the opposite: impugning the aircrew without any tangible evidence. First with the prime minister’s assertions of deliberate actions, and then by staging police raids on the captain’s home.

One TV so-called analyst extrapolated from the fact that the captain had a self-built flight simulator in his home that he might have been practicing left turns. Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was one of the airline’s longest serving pilots, logging 18,000 hours in the cockpit. He didn’t need to rehearse any turns; he had made many thousands of them. The simulator was probably used to keep him current with software updates to the 777’s systems. Pilots often use simulators to keep their airmanship sharp – in these days of automated flight decks there is a danger of losing some of the old “seat of the pants” reflexes that can be crucial in an emergency.

Some sources have reported with a straight face that the Boeing 777 soared to a height of 45,000 feet as whoever was in control deliberately sought to disable passengers. First, at that height the airplane would be way beyond its operational ceiling and uncontrollable. Second, at this early stage in its flight it was loaded with fuel that would have made it a struggle to reach even 38,000 feet.

How safe is the 777? There was a brief flurry of alarm when it emerged that the Federal Aviation Administration had issued an Airworthiness Directive after inspectors found corrosion in one model of the 777 that could have led to a structural failure and loss of cabin pressure. It turned out that the Malaysian 777 was of a model not affected. In any case, Airworthiness Directives are issued all the time – they are the direct result of experience with the daily operations of airplanes, and they are the front line that ensures that prospective problems are detected early.

The 777’s safety record is exceptional. One way of illustrating this is to compare it to the much smaller 737. Since it first entered airline service in 1968 more than 4,200 people have been killed in 737 crashes. Until last summer the 777, which entered service in 1995, had not killed a single passenger. (Last year’s crash in San Francisco was caused by pilot error.)

For fairness and clarity, this comparison must be qualified. The 737 is a world-wide daily workhorse on domestic routes, sometimes making as many as seven flights a day. Ten thousand 737s have been either delivered or ordered, and the accident statistics are influenced by the fact that many older 737s fly in regions like Africa with lax safety oversight and where crashes are too frequent.

More than 1,170 777s have been delivered and they fly long routes with far fewer flights being made per day, a less punishing regime. Nonetheless, the 777 is of a far later generation in its technology than the 737 and consequently benefits from advances made in its structure.


2014-03-17 13:06 | Report Abuse

The Baseless Rush to Blame the Pilots of Flight 370
Malaysian leaders have turned the airmen into scapegoats without a single persuasive fact. Meanwhile, the government’s culpability in the loss of 239 people grows.

Commercial aviation has never faced a crisis as grave as the one presented by Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370. At a time when flying has never been safer airplanes just don’t go missing without trace. And yet one has, taking 239 people with it. Vanished.

Public confidence in the governance of international air travel is shaken. The reputation of two world-esteemed companies, Boeing and Rolls Royce, is at stake. Not only that, but the whole technical hubris of the age of super-connectivity has been rendered hollow by the discovery that, in fact, we are not being watched all of the time wherever we are on the planet. There are, it turns out, vast voids as little watched over as the moon.

This sad drama has been compounded by an engulfing fog of speculation, frequently reaching a tone of hysteria. People are spooked. They want information that nobody is able to provide. We have come to expect quick enlightenment. That isn’t possible. We demand transparency and coherence. They’re not happening.

What little evidence there is has been contaminated by the performance of the Malaysian authorities. They resemble a bunch of dumb cops blundering over a crime scene, arguing over what it reveals and what it does not and competing for attention. In a sadly familiar ploy of the pursued, the prime minister himself was put up to float a theory so far lacking in any persuasive facts: the pilots did it. Dead men have no defense.

So, after nine days, what can really be understood about the forensics of this tragedy?

There are two apparently solid facts that condition everything else:

After their last routine exchange with controllers the pilots never sent any Mayday or distress message. The captain’s last reported words were calm and normal: “All right, good night.”

The transponders – the airplane’s continual link with the outside world, receiving and sending information about its position, were turned off.

Essentially, these two triggers ensured that the Boeing 777 would disappear. That could be either by design, by deliberate human intervention, or as a result of a technical failure.

There were two other ways for the airplane to automatically report its progress. All modern jets have computers constantly monitoring their systems and, in a limited way, able to send status reports to flight control centers on the ground. The 777 was equipped with Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS). In the case of Flight 370, no messages sent to Boeing and engine-maker Rolls Royce indicated a problem.

After a whole week went by, it emerged that the 777 was also linked to a satellite system operated from London by Inmarsat. For some hours after all other communications stopped, the airplane was sending a “ping” recording its presence to a satellite. (The Financial Times reported that Malaysian Airlines had not paid for the service, and the pinging was “an empty signal” – the minimum remaining after a deactivated automatic data link.)

What is interesting about this ability of the airplane to monitor and report its health, or otherwise, is that if Flight 370 had been an Airbus, and not a Boeing, the volume and quality of the information would have been different.

The cockpits of Boeing and Airbus airliners reflect a fundamental difference in the philosophy of how an airplane is commanded. Boeing, in designing the 777, held to its traditional idea that a pilot should always have the ultimate authority over the machine. Airbus, on the other hand, believes that more authority should be placed in the computerized flight management system because it is less likely to make mistakes than a human. There is nothing in the safety record of either company to claim that one is better than the other.

However, when Air France Flight 447 disappeared over the South Atlantic in 2009, investigators had telling clues to its condition within hours. This was because the Airbus A330 had sent 24 so-called fault messages via satellite to a maintenance base in Paris. These were as a result of its Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring system (ECAM), which itself reflects the precedence given by Airbus to automated flight controls.


2014-03-17 12:55 | Report Abuse

Chinese slam Malaysia for ‘contradictory’ information
March 17, 2014

china MASBEIJING: Malaysia drew a fresh round of scathing criticism from China Monday over conflicting information on missing jet MH370, with state media and social media users voicing increasing scepticism as the search enters its 10th day.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Saturday announced that the Malaysia Airlines flight’s disappearance may have been “deliberate” and that the aeroplane flew for several hours after leaving its intended flight path.

In an editorial, the China Daily newspaper questioned why the announcement from Kuala Lumpur came more than a week after the flight vanished and wondered whether Malaysia was sharing all of the information it had gathered.

“The contradictory and piecemeal information Malaysia Airlines and its government have provided has made search efforts difficult and the entire incident even more mysterious,” the newspaper wrote.

“What else is known that has not been shared with the world?” it asked.

Two-thirds of the passengers on board the flight were Chinese, and Beijing has been critical of Malaysia’s sharing of information — a concern reiterated Monday as fears mounted that the plane might have been hijacked.

“It is of the utmost importance that any loopholes that might have been exploited by hijackers or terrorists be identified as soon as possible because we need counter-measures to plug them,” the China Daily wrote.

Yao Shujie, the head of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham, wrote in an op-ed in China’s state-run Global Times newspaper that Malaysia “has lost authority and credibility” due to its chaotic response.

“The lack of national strength and experience in dealing with incidents has left the Malaysian government helpless and exhausted by denying all kinds of rumours,” Yao wrote.

He added: “If the search continues to be fruitless even following the new information, Malaysia would be better off handing over its command in the international rescue operation.”

The plane’s disappearance remained the most hotly debated topic on China’s popular social networks, with many users of Sina Weibo, a Chinese equivalent of Twitter, echoing concerns over the Malaysian government’s release of information.

“Why is it only now that they’ve confirmed it may have been hijacked?” one Sina Weibo user wrote Monday morning in response to the latest revelations by Kuala Lumpur. “Malaysia, what else are you hiding?”

Another posted: “I’m really getting more and more disappointed in Malaysia and their unreliable government. I’m not planning on travelling there anytime in the future.”

Last week, one of the most widely forwarded messages was a posting that read: “Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia Airlines keeps denying. China keeps sending rescue teams.”

On Monday, the meme had taken a new twist.

“Malaysia has been telling a week’s worth of lies. Vietnam has fished out a week’s worth of trash. China has forwarded a week’s worth of news,” read the latest viral message.




2014-03-17 11:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by BEAMAN > Mar 17, 2014 11:01 AM | Report Abuse

foreirener in now keep buying MAS share.. something fishy.

BEAMAN, any statistics or proof or data to show?


2014-03-17 10:55 | Report Abuse

So, is it possible that Shah hijacked the Malaysia Airlines flight in some twisted form of protest against the government? Of course—even if it seems a less likely explanation than the half dozen other theories that are being floated. Because, whatever happened on board Flight 370, Shah’s support of Anwar Ibrahim is the one piece of evidence that suggests he had a firm grip on reality, not that he was trying to escape it.

Read the rest of Slate’s coverage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.



2014-03-17 10:55 | Report Abuse

The Malaysia Airlines Pilot’s Politics

Zaharie Ahmad Shah supported Anwar Ibrahim. That’s common sense, not zealotry.

There is an axiom in Malaysian politics: Eventually everything comes back to Anwar Ibrahim. So, the longer that the fumbling and inept investigation into the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has gone on, the more certain it became that it would somehow boomerang to the leader of the country’s democratic opposition.
William J. Dobson William J. Dobson

On Saturday, Prime Minister Najib Razak went before the cameras to declare that officials believe the plane was deliberately diverted and flown in an unknown direction somewhere along a wide arc from Kazakhstan to deep into the Indian Ocean. Now that the search for the Boeing 777 has turned into a criminal investigation, the authorities are taking a close look at the flight’s chief pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and its first officer, Fariq Abdul Hamid.

They quickly learned—as no doubt all of Shah’s friends knew—that the pilot was a strong supporter of Anwar Ibrahim’s People’s Justice Party. Indeed, Shah is believed to have attended Anwar’s court hearing on March 7 that overturned his 2012 acquittal on sodomy charges, a politically motivated case that the Malaysian government typically dusts off around election time. On Sunday, the U.K. and Malaysian press treated the revelation with the shock you might reserve for damning evidence. Shah was described—by an unnamed source—as a “fanatical supporter of the country’s opposition leader.” Elsewhere, he is described (apparently by unnamed police sources) as “fervent” and “strident” in his political convictions. More than a week after the Boeing 777 disappeared, we lack a motive, a clear suspect, or even a crime scene, but we have our “Anwar Ibrahim connection.” That is Malaysian politics.

A fanatical supporter of Anwar Ibrahim does sound scary—as long as you know nothing about him.

Anwar is the 66-year old opposition leader who is the principal thorn in the side of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) that has ruled Malaysia for 56 years. Anwar heads a coalition of parties, which includes his own multiethnic party, that has made the greatest inroads against the country’s corrupt masters. In 2008, the opposition won more than a third of the seats in parliament—the first time that UMNO lost its supermajority that allowed it to change the constitution at the prime minister’s whim. Anwar, who had been a political prisoner for six years, most of it in solitary confinement, won his seat in a landslide, and the opposition won five of the country’s 13 state governments. Last year, his opposition party claimed to have won the election against the ruling party, a contest that many say was marred by widespread fraud. Anwar supported the massive protests that followed the ruling party’s supposed victory, but he never called for a toppling of the government.

Anwar is trying to defeat Malaysia’s authoritarian regime through elections—not terrorism, let alone revolution. So, to be clear, what we know is that the pilot of MH370 is a fanatical supporter of a nonviolent man who supports a pluralistic and democratic Malaysia.

Of course, we don’t know Shah’s precise state of mind, and it is true that hours before the flight, his political hero had just been dealt bad news with the court’s decision to overturn his previous acquittal. But this is not news that Anwar or his close supporters would have found shocking. On several occasions I have interviewed Anwar, most recently at his home in 2011, he was always forced to operate under the threat of these politically trumped-up charges that he viewed as nothing more than a weak effort to discredit him. Indeed, few Malaysians view the government’s accusations as anything other than evidence of crooked politics, and Anwar has only become more popular and UMNO’s rule more brittle.

But, if we are engaging in wild theories—and why not, this is Malaysian politics—then why would unnamed police sources be playing up the pilot’s political beliefs a week after we are no closer to knowing the truth about MH370? Because the Malaysian authorities’ performance during this investigation is a pretty reasonable approximation of what passes for governance in a corrupt, nepotistic regime that long ago lost any purpose besides accumulating wealth and extending its own power. Malaysia has fallen behind its Southeast Asian competitors economically in large part because of its stunted political culture. Acting transportation minister Hishammuddin Hussein’s defensive press conferences and updates, which range from opaque to contradictory, are what you’d expect from government ministers who are seldom expected to answer questions.


2014-03-17 01:39 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, there are 29.8 million of people.
But when ever something happened, all end up
by putting blame on Anwar Ibrahim.


2014-03-17 01:07 | Report Abuse

Is missing Malaysian jet the world’s first CYBER HIJACK? Chilling new theory claims hackers could use a mobile phone to take over the controls


2014-03-17 01:04 | Report Abuse

Kuala Lumpur -- Ketua Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin di nasihatkan agar menarik kembali kenyataan yang di keluarkan sebelum ini. Menurut Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, Datuk Mahaguru Ibrahim Mat Zin hentikan perbalahan sesama sendiri, tambahan pula ketika musim pilihan raya.

"Ini ke kerja orang Umno (dan) orang Barisan (Nasional) ni. Saya sokong dia masa pilihan raya, (saya pesan) kamu orang-orang silat semua pangkah dan sokong Khairy. Sana orang-orang tua bukan suka dengan dia, dia kurang ajar, akal taruk mana cakap dengan dia" katanya dengan nada yang tegas ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.

Selanjutnya sila klik : http://www.suara.tv/?p=3539


News & Blogs

2014-03-17 01:03 | Report Abuse

Kuala Lumpur -- Ketua Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin di nasihatkan agar menarik kembali kenyataan yang di keluarkan sebelum ini. Menurut Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, Datuk Mahaguru Ibrahim Mat Zin hentikan perbalahan sesama sendiri, tambahan pula ketika musim pilihan raya.

"Ini ke kerja orang Umno (dan) orang Barisan (Nasional) ni. Saya sokong dia masa pilihan raya, (saya pesan) kamu orang-orang silat semua pangkah dan sokong Khairy. Sana orang-orang tua bukan suka dengan dia, dia kurang ajar, akal taruk mana cakap dengan dia" katanya dengan nada yang tegas ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.

Selanjutnya sila klik : http://www.suara.tv/?p=3539



2014-03-17 01:03 | Report Abuse

Kuala Lumpur -- Ketua Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin di nasihatkan agar menarik kembali kenyataan yang di keluarkan sebelum ini. Menurut Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, Datuk Mahaguru Ibrahim Mat Zin hentikan perbalahan sesama sendiri, tambahan pula ketika musim pilihan raya.

"Ini ke kerja orang Umno (dan) orang Barisan (Nasional) ni. Saya sokong dia masa pilihan raya, (saya pesan) kamu orang-orang silat semua pangkah dan sokong Khairy. Sana orang-orang tua bukan suka dengan dia, dia kurang ajar, akal taruk mana cakap dengan dia" katanya dengan nada yang tegas ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.

Selanjutnya sila klik : http://www.suara.tv/?p=3539


News & Blogs

2014-03-17 00:53 | Report Abuse

And already, UMNO Bloggers like Papa Gomo and other UMNO Trolls, Cybertroopers and Hard Core STUPID supporters are SLANDERING the missing MH370's Captain, simply for being a strong PKR supporter and DUMB enough...

...even TRYING to "LINK" the missing airline to 'ANWAR'???


"Semua Salah Anwar!"???

Hey to the STUPID IDIOTS and my fellow extremely STUPID and DUMB Malays out there supporting UMNO/BN...Anwar is NOT in-charge of the Federal Government, nor is he in-charge of the Military which was 'supposed' to check out what they had on their Radar, and NEITHER is Anwar the one who has to answer and share information with the International Press and Media right now! IDIOTS & RETARDED UMNO supporters!

Slandering a man who isn't even around to defend himself!



2014-03-17 00:53 | Report Abuse

And already, UMNO Bloggers like Papa Gomo and other UMNO Trolls, Cybertroopers and Hard Core STUPID supporters are SLANDERING the missing MH370's Captain, simply for being a strong PKR supporter and DUMB enough...

...even TRYING to "LINK" the missing airline to 'ANWAR'???


"Semua Salah Anwar!"???

Hey to the STUPID IDIOTS and my fellow extremely STUPID and DUMB Malays out there supporting UMNO/BN...Anwar is NOT in-charge of the Federal Government, nor is he in-charge of the Military which was 'supposed' to check out what they had on their Radar, and NEITHER is Anwar the one who has to answer and share information with the International Press and Media right now! IDIOTS & RETARDED UMNO supporters!

Slandering a man who isn't even around to defend himself!



2014-03-17 00:52 | Report Abuse

And already, UMNO Bloggers like Papa Gomo and other UMNO Trolls, Cybertroopers and Hard Core STUPID supporters are SLANDERING the missing MH370's Captain, simply for being a strong PKR supporter and DUMB enough...

...even TRYING to "LINK" the missing airline to 'ANWAR'???


"Semua Salah Anwar!"???

Hey to the STUPID IDIOTS and my fellow extremely STUPID and DUMB Malays out there supporting UMNO/BN...Anwar is NOT in-charge of the Federal Government, nor is he in-charge of the Military which was 'supposed' to check out what they had on their Radar, and NEITHER is Anwar the one who has to answer and share information with the International Press and Media right now! IDIOTS & RETARDED UMNO supporters!

Slandering a man who isn't even around to defend himself!



2014-03-17 00:48 | Report Abuse

Wow! Stupid statement from Hishammuddin now trying to pinpoint the blame on the missing Pilot just because he's a strong PKR/Pakatan supporter and today he made another STUPID statement by saying that the CO-PILOT did not REQUEST to fly together with the Captain?

WHEN did Co-Pilots be able to simply REQUEST which Captains the to stick to in their Rosters??

Hey HISHAMMUDDIN you IDIOT...you can work for the SAME AIRLINE and even Cabin Crews whom were batchmates TRAINED at the Academy TOGETHER in the SAME CLASS also "RARELY" get the SAME flights or fly together...what more CO-Pilots and Captains as most Co-Pilots are still under observation and training by the captains to complete a certain amount of Flying Hours.



2014-03-17 00:42 | Report Abuse

Corrupt officers caught in the act at KLIA, what else is new?

The uniformed personnel stationed at the airport are the first line of a country's defence, but when they are caught taking bribes to "look the other way", it is a sign of a bigger underlying problem plaguing society - corruption. And along with it another serious issue - our national security.

One such video, depicting several customs officers stationed at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) receiving bribes from passengers who had clearly carried more than they should have in their baggage, is making its rounds on the net.

The almost 10-minute long closed-circuit television camera (CCTV) footage was recently released by crime watchdog MyWatch and is going viral on Facebook. It is apparent that the footage was captured by a fellow customs officer or someone manning the CCTV operations, who was clearly disgusted by the rogue officers' behaviour.

The video depicts a few officers rounding up passengers at the baggage carousel. One of them, a man fully clad in uniform, collects a large baggage belonging to a female passenger and rummages through it.

It is understood that the passengers are locals who come in with more than what they are allowed in their baggage.

In the first case, the officer is seen going through the contents of the baggage which seem to contain a box of mobile phone and several other items. Not satisfied with his finding, the officer then moves on to the luggage trolley which the woman was seen pushing earlier.

There, he finds a package containing expensive liquor and several other items. After that, he goes back to the woman and "negotiates" the terms for her to walk free, despite her not declaring the items she was carrying.

Around halfway through the video, the woman is seen pulling out several ringgit notes out of her purse and passing it to the rogue officer, who quickly slips it into the pocket of his uniform, with a huge grin on his face (yes, the camera did zoom in on his face and the whole act as it was unfolding). The woman then quickly collects her baggage and walks away from the scene, as if nothing has happened.

About two minutes later, the footage also captures the act of another officer taking bribe from another passenger. This man, clad in a short-sleeved shirt with a vest on top, had earlier held up a couple of travellers with several huge luggage, including one with several badminton racquets.

The bespectacled officer is then seen discreetly taking something that the traveller slipped in his hand and slipping it inside his pants pocket. To the untrained eye, it looks almost like a handshake but their "sleight of hand" is no match for the camera.

The second traveller also zips up his baggage and immediately walks off after the act was over. The first two officers and a third man, also clad in uniform, are then seen getting together and discussing something, perhaps sizing up their respective collections for the day. They then proceed to move on to other passengers, before the footage ends.

To me, they looked like a group of vultures zooming in on their prey. This is indeed a sad and sorry state of affairs.

The footage shows the level of corruption that is plaguing the country today. Everyone, from the man on the ground to the powers that be sitting on the throne, wants to have their "cut" to enable them to live the life - ethics and consequences be damned.

MyWatch chief R Sri Sanjeevan had requested the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to probe the matter but to date, there has been no response from them, or even the Customs Department.

It is no consolation that these officers, entrusted to guard the "gates" to the country, can be bought with several hundred ringgit, or less. Imagine what would happen if the same people also "look the other way" after accepting huge amounts of money from a dangerous party, for instance, a terrorist bringing in chemical weapons across our borders.

Is that a risk we are willing to take?


2014-03-17 00:40 | Report Abuse

The Customs Dept has gained notoriety in the social media – not for a job well done but for rogue officers taking bribes at KLIA.

If they can be paid “to look the other way”, how can we entrust them with our national security considering that the airport is the first point of entry into Malaysia?


2014-03-17 00:14 | Report Abuse

The bottom line to the MCA latest resolution is that nothing has changed in MCA and BN politics. All the talk about sacrifice, change and reform is just cheap talk; it is cynical, self-serving and acquisitive politics; or BN business as usual politics. – February 23, 2014.


2014-03-17 00:14 | Report Abuse

How low can MCA go? – Koon Yew Yin

February 23, 2014

I am sure many Malaysians, especially the Chinese, will have shared my acute discomfort and embarrassment after hearing the news that the MCA central delegates has approved a resolution for the party to accept government posts at all levels. According to reports, a total of 1,973 out of the 1,982, or 99.5% present, at the extraordinary general meeting at Wisma MCA on Sunday voted for the resolution by a show of hands. This means that only 9 of those present voted either to abstain or against the resolution.

It is important to note that the party had passed a resolution in 2011 and 2012 not to accept any government post if the party's performance in the 13th general election was worse than that of the 12th general election. According to the election results, the MCA won a total of 18 seats in the 13th general election against 46 in the 12th general election.

Presumably the great majority of those voting for this resolution were the same people who had passed the earlier resolution. Have these people, especially the President and his deputies, no sense of shame, honour or dignity at all? After making the solemn promise not to accept any government post, they are not only doing a complete flip-flop but apparently will be asking for at least three ministerial positions and several deputy minister-ships as well as various other federal and state-high positions.

Why the change in party position

Now what has happened during these past few months which makes this extraordinary volte-face justifiable? If we examine the events of the past few months, we can see that racial and religious conflict and tension is reaching a peak with the Prime Minister and Umno leaders doing little about it. Not only has the MCA remained largely mum and when the party comes out with a press statement, it tries to put the blame on the opposition, instead of pointing the fingers at the extremist groups which have Umno supporters at their core.

So weak, unresponsive and dishonest has been the top leadership that even Waytha Moorthy of Hindraf who joined the cabinet recently has given up and resigned. I suppose his resignation means that there is one more minor position that the MCA can begin grovelling for!

A party resolution should not be like a decision arrived at in a kopitiam or during a teh tarik session. It is the highest level of decision making. Any resolution put forward and adopted should be binding as it carries with it short and long term ramifications and significance. But apparently, resolutions in the MCA’s coffee shop are different as they can be made and unmade with no consequence or sense of culpability.

The only MCA members who have acquitted themselves with any credit in this political come down and humiliation are the nine dissenting members led by Yap Ah Seng. This group has been taking turns in staging a protest against the EGM during the past week. To them, I say “well done” for upholding the honour of the party and for remembering the Chinese proverb

One dog snarls at a shadow; a hundred howl at each other’s barking.

In refusing to follow the crowd and jump on the bandwagon of self seeking interests, they have shown that there is still an idealistic minority in a party dominated by unethical and opportunistic elements.

Likely Umno-BN response to the MCA resolution

Frankly, if I were an Umno or other Barisan party leader or even member, I will tell the MCA to take a long walk. How dare they come up with this new resolution so quickly after being rejected by the majority in the electorate (including non-Chinese) and doing so poorly in the election? And what cheek for them to make these demands for high positions which will mean a smaller share of the plum jobs and a smaller share of the pie especially for other BN parties such as the MIC and the Sabah and Sarawak based parties!

I am sure that Najib, the prime minister, will see through this greed and grab for positions, perks and privileges by the MCA couched in the language of ensuring that the Chinese have an important role to play in national development; and that their absence from the federal and state governments has been sorely missed. Najib is no fool and he knows that they are coming to him with their tails between the legs.

No, Najib will not tell the MCA to get lost. Instead he will throw out a few bones in the way of inconsequential positions and say how happy he is that the MCA has decided to take part in the democratic power sharing system of the BN. He does so secure in the knowledge that the MCA – although a spent and rejected political force – is still useful for propaganda purposes that the BN is a genuinely multiracial coalition.

News & Blogs

2014-03-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

The WSJ in its latest report titled "What We Still Don't Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370" asked four key questions:

> Was it a hijacking? While Najib suggested that the plane's disappearance was due to "deliberate action", he stopped short of categorising the event as a hijack. "I wish to be very clear: We are still investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate from its original flight path." Aviation experts say that the likelihood of a hijack has increased significantly with the latest information, and a key to solving the mystery is to profile in detail every person aboard the jet. "Everything points to a hijack or something that was planned way in advance," Mark Martin, an aviation consultant, said;

> Did the plane crash, or did it land somewhere? No further information was available about the state of the wide-body jet and the 239 people on board after the last satellite communication was sent from it. There was no indication as to whether the aircraft crashed into the ocean -- as several aviation experts have earlier suspected -- or if it had actually landed. Though experts say it is unlikely such a large jet could land undetected, investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose," a person familiar with the matter said earlier to The Wall Street Journal. The search will now likely involve scores of other countries in South and Central Asia following the new information, raising the possibility that the jet may have reached some of the world's more politically unstable regions.

> Whose deliberate actions? Najib says the nation's authorities have "refocused" their investigation onto the crew and passengers. Experts say that the 777's multiple communication systems could only have been manually disabled by someone or people with detailed knowledge of the sophisticated jet's inner workings, thus putting the focus on the pilots or with passengers who have aviation experience. "Whoever flew the aircraft was an outstanding pilot who was familiar with radar evasion techniques and fuel-burn management," Martin said; and

> Why can't the search parameters be narrowed? Satellite information disclosed on Saturday indicates that the plane may have taken two possible tracks: a northerly corridor as far as the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and a southerly route extending to the southern Indian Ocean. Najib explained that the type of satellite data couldn't confirm the precise location of the plane when it last made contact. Investigators are working to "further refine the information" on satellite data.

theantdaily, however, would like the following to be clarified:

> The Malaysian government has repeatedly turned down assistance from Interpol to assist in its investigation, according to ABC News. Why is this so or is the ABC report baseless?;

> Why the silence on the testimony of a British man convicted of plotting an Al-Qaeda plane bombing. Saajid Badat told a New York court about a separate 2001 plan for a Malaysian pilot to blast his way into a jet’s cockpit;

> Five major technological communications military contractor companies have high-tech employees and executives on the MH370 passenger manifest, two American and three Asia Pacific – each strongly tied to military: China Telecom, Business Machines Corp., Austin-based Freescale, International Business Machines (IBM), ZTE Corp., and Huawei Technologies Co. Combined, they have 26 high-tech experts on the passenger manifest list, including two executives. One of these companies refused to identify its employees onboard, and investigators also withheld those identities. Why is it so difficult for the authorities to clarify this list of "spy" communities?

> Is there any truth in Chinese news reports of a Chinese national Muslim, supposedly an aviation expert and linked to Uighur from the predominantly Muslim province of Xinjiang, as one of the passengers? And

> An email signed by “The Leader of the China Martyrs’ Brigade” declaring that the missing aircraft was “a response to the Chinese authorities” emerged within 24 hours after MH370 vanished from the radar screens and the authorities still cannot clarify whether it is authentic? Counter-terrorism investigators from various countries have had seven days to work on this and the Uighur’s terror links to Iran.

It is fair to reiterate that it is time for Malaysia to admit its clear lack of technical aviation and air crisis management skills, and to hand over “executive powers” to the more experienced.

There is absolutely no shame or loss of honour to make such a magnanimous admission and decision in the best interest of those who boarded the missing MAS aircraft.

News & Blogs

2014-03-16 19:50 | Report Abuse

While the foreign media have moved forward with theories on the disappearance of MH370, our government is "still investigating and doing all we can", apparently in denial mode bent on rubbishing foreign reports.

What is the Najib government so afraid of revealing?

There are these Chinese words of wisdom: "Zhi Bao Bu Zhu Huo" (Paper cannot wrap fire).

It simply means there is no way to hide the truth and facts. You only get burnt.

That's exactly what Malaysia has been trying to do since March 8 when a MAS Boeing 777 ferrying 239 passengers and crew members disappeared from commercial aviation radar screens.

If Malaysians and the rest of the world were hoping for some key revelations from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at his maiden media conference on the missing MH370 on March 15, they got zero.

In fact, Najib only managed to confirm what the foreign media reported a day or two earlier, making fools of his Defence Minister and Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) and Malaysia Airlines (MAS).

In the seven days of futile search, all Hishammuddin, the DCA and MAS have been telling in their daily media briefings is that they are "still investigating and doing all we can", unwittingly projecting themselves in denial mode bent on only rubbishing foreign media reports.

In fact, Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS had in their Friday (March 14) evening media briefing still denied the MAS aircraft sent out any radar or satellite signals after 1.07am March 8.

The irony is that on Thursday, the foreign media led by Wall Street Journal (WSJ) had started reporting that MH370 sent “pings” on its location up to five hours after it disappeared from commercial aviation radar screens.

WSJ revealed that MH370 sent a series of “pings” on its speed and altitude, quoting people briefed on the matter. This was the reason why the US S&R expanded its search to the Indian Ocean.

WSJ also reported that “the final ping was sent from over water, at what one of these people called a normal cruising altitude”. No one could explain why the final pings stopped.

The US S&R was already steaming its way to the Indian Ocean where the pings were last detected, while Malaysia was still looking for the MAS aircraft in the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca and the Andaman Sea.

Najib also announced that Malaysia was calling off the search in the South China Sea, two days after the US had acted on its new satellite findings reported by the foreign media that Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS denied.

Najib just read out a prepared text and took no questions. Why the fear to face the media?

Obviously, it would be too embarrassing for Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS to handle as the foreign media would have made mince meat of the trio's series of "denials" of foreign media reports.

So, did Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS lie? I would not think so. They were either just plain ignorant and incompetent or have been trying to conceal crucial information for reasons best known only to them.

They have not even explained how the MAS aircraft could possibly fly over Peninsular Malaysia without being detected swiftly or why there was no response from the military for a breach in the country's air space.

Are we to assume now that any aircraft can fly into Malaysian air space freely without any clear and swift detection? Is it too embarrassing to clarify?

theantdaily, in a Special Round-Up published at 7pm March 14 titled "MH370: Time to let the more experienced, like the FAA, take charge" had also focused on the two major developments: the pings and the US S&R's rush to the Indian Ocean and also renewed media focus on a UK terrorist’s claim he gave explosives to a Malaysian terror cell, including a pilot.

Up to this stage, with many strongly believing that hijacking was the most probable cause of the missing MAS Boeing 777, Najib's echoing of "... we are still investigating all possibilities ..." is telling the rest of the world nothing, further undermining transparency on the search for the missing aircraft.

What is the Najib government afraid of revealing?

News & Blogs

2014-03-16 19:49 | Report Abuse

The Washington Post cited one popular post, which has been shared thousands of times by Chinese microbloggers: "Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia keeps denying. China keeps sending things on the way. Journalists keep waiting at the Lido hotel [where relatives are waiting]. Family members keep being in pain … But where is the plane?", hahaha



2014-03-16 19:43 | Report Abuse

The WSJ in its latest report titled "What We Still Don't Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370" asked four key questions:

> Was it a hijacking? While Najib suggested that the plane's disappearance was due to "deliberate action", he stopped short of categorising the event as a hijack. "I wish to be very clear: We are still investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate from its original flight path." Aviation experts say that the likelihood of a hijack has increased significantly with the latest information, and a key to solving the mystery is to profile in detail every person aboard the jet. "Everything points to a hijack or something that was planned way in advance," Mark Martin, an aviation consultant, said;

> Did the plane crash, or did it land somewhere? No further information was available about the state of the wide-body jet and the 239 people on board after the last satellite communication was sent from it. There was no indication as to whether the aircraft crashed into the ocean -- as several aviation experts have earlier suspected -- or if it had actually landed. Though experts say it is unlikely such a large jet could land undetected, investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose," a person familiar with the matter said earlier to The Wall Street Journal. The search will now likely involve scores of other countries in South and Central Asia following the new information, raising the possibility that the jet may have reached some of the world's more politically unstable regions.

> Whose deliberate actions? Najib says the nation's authorities have "refocused" their investigation onto the crew and passengers. Experts say that the 777's multiple communication systems could only have been manually disabled by someone or people with detailed knowledge of the sophisticated jet's inner workings, thus putting the focus on the pilots or with passengers who have aviation experience. "Whoever flew the aircraft was an outstanding pilot who was familiar with radar evasion techniques and fuel-burn management," Martin said; and

> Why can't the search parameters be narrowed? Satellite information disclosed on Saturday indicates that the plane may have taken two possible tracks: a northerly corridor as far as the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and a southerly route extending to the southern Indian Ocean. Najib explained that the type of satellite data couldn't confirm the precise location of the plane when it last made contact. Investigators are working to "further refine the information" on satellite data.

theantdaily, however, would like the following to be clarified:

> The Malaysian government has repeatedly turned down assistance from Interpol to assist in its investigation, according to ABC News. Why is this so or is the ABC report baseless?;

> Why the silence on the testimony of a British man convicted of plotting an Al-Qaeda plane bombing. Saajid Badat told a New York court about a separate 2001 plan for a Malaysian pilot to blast his way into a jet’s cockpit;

> Five major technological communications military contractor companies have high-tech employees and executives on the MH370 passenger manifest, two American and three Asia Pacific – each strongly tied to military: China Telecom, Business Machines Corp., Austin-based Freescale, International Business Machines (IBM), ZTE Corp., and Huawei Technologies Co. Combined, they have 26 high-tech experts on the passenger manifest list, including two executives. One of these companies refused to identify its employees onboard, and investigators also withheld those identities. Why is it so difficult for the authorities to clarify this list of "spy" communities?

> Is there any truth in Chinese news reports of a Chinese national Muslim, supposedly an aviation expert and linked to Uighur from the predominantly Muslim province of Xinjiang, as one of the passengers? And

> An email signed by “The Leader of the China Martyrs’ Brigade” declaring that the missing aircraft was “a response to the Chinese authorities” emerged within 24 hours after MH370 vanished from the radar screens and the authorities still cannot clarify whether it is authentic? Counter-terrorism investigators from various countries have had seven days to work on this and the Uighur’s terror links to Iran.

It is fair to reiterate that it is time for Malaysia to admit its clear lack of technical aviation and air crisis management skills, and to hand over “executive powers” to the more experienced.

There is absolutely no shame or loss of honour to make such a magnanimous admission and decision in the best interest of those who boarded the missing MAS aircraft.


2014-03-16 19:42 | Report Abuse

While the foreign media have moved forward with theories on the disappearance of MH370, our government is "still investigating and doing all we can", apparently in denial mode bent on rubbishing foreign reports.

What is the Najib government so afraid of revealing?

There are these Chinese words of wisdom: "Zhi Bao Bu Zhu Huo" (Paper cannot wrap fire).

It simply means there is no way to hide the truth and facts. You only get burnt.

That's exactly what Malaysia has been trying to do since March 8 when a MAS Boeing 777 ferrying 239 passengers and crew members disappeared from commercial aviation radar screens.

If Malaysians and the rest of the world were hoping for some key revelations from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at his maiden media conference on the missing MH370 on March 15, they got zero.

In fact, Najib only managed to confirm what the foreign media reported a day or two earlier, making fools of his Defence Minister and Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) and Malaysia Airlines (MAS).

In the seven days of futile search, all Hishammuddin, the DCA and MAS have been telling in their daily media briefings is that they are "still investigating and doing all we can", unwittingly projecting themselves in denial mode bent on only rubbishing foreign media reports.

In fact, Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS had in their Friday (March 14) evening media briefing still denied the MAS aircraft sent out any radar or satellite signals after 1.07am March 8.

The irony is that on Thursday, the foreign media led by Wall Street Journal (WSJ) had started reporting that MH370 sent “pings” on its location up to five hours after it disappeared from commercial aviation radar screens.

WSJ revealed that MH370 sent a series of “pings” on its speed and altitude, quoting people briefed on the matter. This was the reason why the US S&R expanded its search to the Indian Ocean.

WSJ also reported that “the final ping was sent from over water, at what one of these people called a normal cruising altitude”. No one could explain why the final pings stopped.

The US S&R was already steaming its way to the Indian Ocean where the pings were last detected, while Malaysia was still looking for the MAS aircraft in the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca and the Andaman Sea.

Najib also announced that Malaysia was calling off the search in the South China Sea, two days after the US had acted on its new satellite findings reported by the foreign media that Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS denied.

Najib just read out a prepared text and took no questions. Why the fear to face the media?

Obviously, it would be too embarrassing for Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS to handle as the foreign media would have made mince meat of the trio's series of "denials" of foreign media reports.

So, did Hishammuddin, DCA and MAS lie? I would not think so. They were either just plain ignorant and incompetent or have been trying to conceal crucial information for reasons best known only to them.

They have not even explained how the MAS aircraft could possibly fly over Peninsular Malaysia without being detected swiftly or why there was no response from the military for a breach in the country's air space.

Are we to assume now that any aircraft can fly into Malaysian air space freely without any clear and swift detection? Is it too embarrassing to clarify?

theantdaily, in a Special Round-Up published at 7pm March 14 titled "MH370: Time to let the more experienced, like the FAA, take charge" had also focused on the two major developments: the pings and the US S&R's rush to the Indian Ocean and also renewed media focus on a UK terrorist’s claim he gave explosives to a Malaysian terror cell, including a pilot.

Up to this stage, with many strongly believing that hijacking was the most probable cause of the missing MAS Boeing 777, Najib's echoing of "... we are still investigating all possibilities ..." is telling the rest of the world nothing, further undermining transparency on the search for the missing aircraft.

What is the Najib government afraid of revealing?


2014-03-16 19:37 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin: MCA Rejected My 30-Million Offer To Build Hostel For UTAR Students

see the video here



2014-03-16 19:31 | Report Abuse

The Washington Post cited one popular post, which has been shared thousands of times by Chinese microbloggers: "Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia keeps denying. China keeps sending things on the way. Journalists keep waiting at the Lido hotel [where relatives are waiting]. Family members keep being in pain … But where is the plane?", hahaha


News & Blogs

2014-03-16 19:11 | Report Abuse


It's OFFICIAL now! A MUST WATCH Interview from CNN with former Managing Director of the US National Transportation Safety Board ( NTSB) Peter Goelz admits that Malaysia's Officials are


The aviation authority’s former managing director Peter Goelz in an interview on CNN said Malaysia, despite being a signatory to an international treaty on aviation, has not abided by the procedures outlined.

“This is the worst I’ve seen in recent times,” said Goelz, in a short excerpt of the interview published on CNN’s website today.

“There’s a reason for this. You know, anytime there’s an accident, an international one like this, there’s chaos during the first 24, 36 hours. That’s why there’s a treaty that everyone signs, the Malaysians have signed,” he was quoted saying, referring to the Convention on International Air Transportation, under the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

The treaty, Goelz said, outlines the investigation process, the involvement of other related countries and dispersal of information, among others.

“The Americans are NOT being involved in the way in which they SHOULD as an accredited representative.

“They have the rights under the international treaty (but) they have not had the kind of access they should and that’s why the radar data could have been MIS-ANALYSED,” he said.

Our country's corrupted leaerships EGO is standing in the way in allowing REAL Professionals from handling the situation at hand, and its people's lives and family's at stake just to PROTECT their PRIDE and EGO.


....see the video here please...



2014-03-16 19:10 | Report Abuse


It's OFFICIAL now! A MUST WATCH Interview from CNN with former Managing Director of the US National Transportation Safety Board ( NTSB) Peter Goelz admits that Malaysia's Officials are


The aviation authority’s former managing director Peter Goelz in an interview on CNN said Malaysia, despite being a signatory to an international treaty on aviation, has not abided by the procedures outlined.

“This is the worst I’ve seen in recent times,” said Goelz, in a short excerpt of the interview published on CNN’s website today.

“There’s a reason for this. You know, anytime there’s an accident, an international one like this, there’s chaos during the first 24, 36 hours. That’s why there’s a treaty that everyone signs, the Malaysians have signed,” he was quoted saying, referring to the Convention on International Air Transportation, under the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

The treaty, Goelz said, outlines the investigation process, the involvement of other related countries and dispersal of information, among others.

“The Americans are NOT being involved in the way in which they SHOULD as an accredited representative.

“They have the rights under the international treaty (but) they have not had the kind of access they should and that’s why the radar data could have been MIS-ANALYSED,” he said.

Our country's corrupted leaerships EGO is standing in the way in allowing REAL Professionals from handling the situation at hand, and its people's lives and family's at stake just to PROTECT their PRIDE and EGO.


....see the video here please...



2014-03-16 19:10 | Report Abuse


It's OFFICIAL now! A MUST WATCH Interview from CNN with former Managing Director of the US National Transportation Safety Board ( NTSB) Peter Goelz admits that Malaysia's Officials are


The aviation authority’s former managing director Peter Goelz in an interview on CNN said Malaysia, despite being a signatory to an international treaty on aviation, has not abided by the procedures outlined.

“This is the worst I’ve seen in recent times,” said Goelz, in a short excerpt of the interview published on CNN’s website today.

“There’s a reason for this. You know, anytime there’s an accident, an international one like this, there’s chaos during the first 24, 36 hours. That’s why there’s a treaty that everyone signs, the Malaysians have signed,” he was quoted saying, referring to the Convention on International Air Transportation, under the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

The treaty, Goelz said, outlines the investigation process, the involvement of other related countries and dispersal of information, among others.

“The Americans are NOT being involved in the way in which they SHOULD as an accredited representative.

“They have the rights under the international treaty (but) they have not had the kind of access they should and that’s why the radar data could have been MIS-ANALYSED,” he said.

Our country's corrupted leaerships EGO is standing in the way in allowing REAL Professionals from handling the situation at hand, and its people's lives and family's at stake just to PROTECT their PRIDE and EGO.


....see the video here please...



2014-03-16 19:07 | Report Abuse

Why is the government struggling to handle the MH370 missing jet calamity? Why is there the need to feign the ‘being in total control’ drama and end up misleading and confusing just about everyone connected to this mishap?

It has been over a week since the MH370 piloted by Zaharie Ahmad Shah and assisted by Fariq Abdul Hamid disappeared. And throughout the ordeal, the Malaysian government has been lambasted by the international media for its lousy handling of this mishap.

If that was not shameful enough, seeking the comfort of shamans has confirmed that Umno’s ‘third class mentality’ is here to stay.


2014-03-16 19:07 | Report Abuse

Why is the government struggling to handle the MH370 missing jet calamity?

MH 370Umno seems to have an ‘issue’ with learning from history. First, its politician-ministers have for over a week been befuddling everyone with details on the missing Malaysia Airlines’ Boeing 777 jet.

If being slammed by the international media like CNN for its inefficiency in tackling the disappearance of the MH370 plane was not bad enough, the Umno-dominated Malaysian government continued behaving in a sloppy manner.

This time, the Malaysian government despite being provided with the best know-how and by over a dozen countries, threw caution to the wind by turning to the ‘comforts’ provided for by a bomoh or shaman.

This despite Islam prohibiting black magic and regarding it as shirik or sin. Still, this did not stop Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom who ironically is assigned to Islamic affairs from welcoming one such shaman on board to trace the missing MH370 flight which was originally destined for Beijing.

Jamil Khir had on Monday taken the liberty of saying:

“The government welcomes any help to trace missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 including from “bomohs” (shamans) so long as their methods do not contravene Islam.

“We appreciate all help…but where it comes to mysticism, the methods used must conform to Islamic teachings.”

Jamil Khir was commenting on the case of Ibrahim Mat Zin, a well known local bomoh, who came to the KL International Airport on Monday, claiming to be invited by one of the country’s top leaders, to help locate the missing plane using spiritual methods.

After performing a prayer at KLIA’s entrance, Ibrahim said he thought the plane was still in the air or had crashed into the sea.

If Ibrahim’s prophecy is all that matters, why trouble the international experts who are working tirelessly to detect the missing plane?

Malaysia turns to shaman for help

While Jamil Khir clearly said the federal government was all for a shaman provided he did not deviate from Islamic teachings, his statement however was contradicted by his colleague, fellow minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Shahidan Kassim who denied that the Najib-led government had ever turned to a bomoh to solve the mystery of the missing MH370.

“No, this is not a directive from the government. It is not likely that we would have sanctioned any move which was against Islamic practices,” Shahidan had said when asked to comment on Jamil Khir’s ‘aye’ to a shaman.

Shahidan added that allegations linking the bomoh, who is famous among VIPs, with Umno should not have come up in the first place.

Shahidan also said it was not necessary that a bomoh who reportedly wore a 1Malaysia badge as did Ibrahim was an Umno member and hired by the party.

So now it is a case of Jamil Khir versus Shahidan Kassim on the issue of ‘bomoh aid to find MH370 plane’.

Even at a time so grave and excruciatingly painful for the families and friends of those on board the missing jet, our politicians refuse to get their act in order and are playing their own ‘politics’.

Whether the government accepts or refutes, the truth is the episode surrounding the missing MAS plane has slapped the BN/Umno administration with a very costly lesson – ‘think first before speaking’.

For over a week, a lot of embarrassment has come Malaysia’s way no thanks to the inept performance of its government and relevant authorities in handling tragedy of the missing jet.

Third class mentality

When Umno politicians decided to take the easy way out by turning to a shaman or bomoh to help locate MH370 plane, it revealed a ‘plague’ eating away at Malaysia’s core, its ‘third class mentality’ notoriety, a ‘legacy’ of the country’s fourth and longest serving prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

With experts doing all they can to detect the jet, is is perturbing as to how and why did Jamil Khir entertain the thought of a bomoh coming to the Malaysian government’s rescue?

Did it not bother the government that hunting for a bomoh’s help would anger both the worldwide community aiding it and the relatives and families of all those on board the ‘missing in action’ MH370?

Performing the solat hajat for the safety of the passengers and crew is much needed but manipulating ‘spiritual’ energy is definitely a ‘no no’.

And what makes Jamil Khir think that families and relatives of those on board the missing jet are comfortable with a bomoh’s abracadabras?

Why was Jamil Khir’s bomoh intention not debunked by premier Najib or politicians from the Barisan Nasional coalition?

Struck by a tragedy that continues to remain a mystery, the least politicians from the Umno/BN camp can do is to offer common sense suggestions instead of resorting to quick fixes.

The clock is ticking away and with it the chances of survival of everyone on board MH370 and yet ministers like Jamil Khir had the luxury of indulging in the antics of a bomoh?


2014-03-16 19:05 | Report Abuse

BEIJING - China on Saturday demanded that Malaysia keep providing more thorough and accurate information about a Malaysia Airlines flight that was on its way to Beijing when it disappeared a week ago, after Malaysia said the plane was deliberately diverted.

Investigators believe someone aboard the airliner deliberately shut off its communications and tracking systems, turned the plane around and flew for nearly seven hours after it vanished, Prime Minister Najib Razak said earlier in the day.

Najib said analysis of the plane's last communication with satellites placed it in one of two corridors: a northern stretch from northern Thailand to the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, or a southern stretch from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean.

China's foreign ministry said it "paid very close attention"to the news. "We demand that the Malaysian side continue to provide to China more thorough, accurate information," the ministry said, adding that it was sending a technical team to Malaysia to help with the probe. "We will also get in touch with relevant countries and international organisations to understand, study and determine (what happened)." The ministry repeated a demand for Malaysia to step up its search, and asked it to involve more countries in the effort. "China will also promptly adjust its search deployments and ask countries which may be involved to provide assistance," it added.

Separately, China's defence ministry said that two warships which had been searching in the Gulf of Thailand were on their way to the Malacca Strait, one of the world's busiest waterways.

The fate of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777-200ER has been shrouded in mystery since it disappeared off Malaysia's east coast less than an hour into a March 8 scheduled flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

But investigators have increasingly focused on the possibility it was flown off-course by the pilot or co-pilot, or someone else on board with detailed knowledge of how to fly and navigate a large commercial aircraft.

China has repeatedly asked Malaysia for clear information, and to provide answers for the increasingly frantic family members of Chinese passengers aboard the aircraft.

Wen Wancheng, whose son was on the plane, said he felt no clearer about what had really happened. "They ought to be sharing information publicly and transparently with everyone in the world," he told reporters at a Beijing hotel where the relatives had gathered. "It's the responsibility of Malaysia and Malaysian Airlines to deal with the missing plane." Another family member, who declined to give his name, said he was glad at least of progress in the probe, and held out hope the passengers were still alive. "In the overall view of the situation, it's good news. This means that there's still hope that our relatives are alive," he told reporters. -Asiaone


2014-03-16 18:55 | Report Abuse

Foreign Press "RECORD" every last statement made by our authorities, even with video and digital audio voice recorders...word by word and sometimes they 'double-check' with other reporters present simply to make SURE that the person said what they SAID to have said, quoting them properly.

STILL think our Authorities LED by IDIOTS UMNO/BN corrupted and complacent politicians like Hishammuddin, Zahid Comedy and the likes of RM1 whole chicken kangkung brain Najib are doing a GOOD job?


"Somebody has not been telling the TRUTH about Malaysia Airlines flight 370..." Shep exposes the wild inconsistencies and officials' bizarre backtracking on the missing jumbo jet:

....see the video...



2014-03-16 18:53 | Report Abuse

Malaysia under fresh fire over handling of plane crisis

China spearheaded fresh criticism today of Malaysia's handling of the missing MH370 airliner drama, saying it "squandered" precious time and resources by releasing dramatic information on the plane's fate a full week after it vanished.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak revealed yesterday that an investigation indicates that flight 370 was deliberately diverted and flew for several hours after leaving its intended flight path, though he stopped short of saying it was hijacked.

The startling revelation after a week of confusion and competing theories, prompted questions over how long Malaysian authorities had been privy to the new data, and whether they had missed an opportunity to intercept the diverted plane.

"It is undeniable that the disclosure of such vital information is painfully belated," a scathing editorial by China's state-run Xinhua news agency said, noting the "excruciating" seven days it entailed for relatives of the missing.

Its suggested Malaysian officials were guilty of an "intolerable" dereliction of duty.

Two-thirds of the passengers on board the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing were Chinese.

There was particular anger and frustration that Malaysia had taken so long to cancel search operations in the South China Sea if it already knew the plane had doubled back and flown towards the Indian Ocean.

"And due to the absence – or at least lack – of timely authoritative information, massive efforts have been squandered, and numerous rumours have been spawned," the editorial said.

Najib revealed Saturday that the Boeing 777's communications systems had been manually switched off – one after the other – before the jet veered westward.

He cited satellite and military radar data that made investigators believe it had been deliberately diverted by someone on board and flown on for hours – either south into the Indian Ocean or north towards South and Central Asia.

"As the leader of the international search and rescue mission, Malaysia bears inescapable responsibility," it added.

There was similar outrage among users of the micro-blogging network Weibo – China's version of Twitter.

"The Malaysian government's behaviour in this affair can be summed up in one word: 'deceptive'," said one typical comment.

The now week-long search for the Boeing 777 initially focused on waters in the South China Sea between Malaysia and Vietnam, where the plane disappeared from primary radar on March 8.

Much of the data confirmed by Najib had already been leaked in the US media, but it was only on Saturday that he announced the end of search operations in the South China Sea.

The prime minister insisted that Malaysia had not allowed national security concerns to prevent the "real time" sharing of confidential information with other authorities.

"We understand the desperate need for information... but we have a responsibility to the investigation and the families to only release information that has been corroborated," he said.

Malaysia Airlines also issued a statement defending the delay between acquisition of the satellite and radar data and Najib's statement.

"It was critical that the raw satellite signals were verified and analysed ... so that their significance could be properly understood.

"This naturally took some time, during which we were unable to publicly confirm their existence," the statement said, adding that validating new information before releasing it would remain "paramount".

But security and aviation experts continued to question why so many resources were deployed in searching the South China Sea for so long, and how the Malaysian military had failed to identify the plane as it backtracked over the peninsula.

"It is an astonishing failure of security," said Ajaj Sahni, executive director of India's Institute for Conflict Management in New Delhi.

"And it seems an astonishing failure of technology in every aspect that something like this could happen."

Terence Fan, an aviation expert at the Singapore Management University, said Malaysia's crisis management was flawed and had tested public confidence.

"Why did they need days to 'corroborate' from their own radar images that the airplane could have turned west?" Fan said.

"Couldn't they have known from day one that the different communications systems on the aircraft were turned off at different times?" he added. – AFP, March 16, 2014.


2014-03-16 18:49 | Report Abuse

sudah hangus, bakar sampai tulang kering, lol


2014-03-07 00:28 | Report Abuse

Ultraman Has Been Defeated By The Malaysian Government


(Business Insider) The Home Ministry has issued a directive banning the publication of the ‘Ultraman The Ultra Power’ comic book.

We don’t know what the superhero from outer space has done, but apparently the comic book contain elements that can threaten public order.

The directive was enforced according to the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984, which states that it is an offence to print, import, produce, reproduce, publish, sell, issue, circulate, offer for sale, distribute or have in his possession for such purpose any prohibited publication.

The Malay language comic book was published by Resign Publications, and printed by Network Printers.



2014-03-06 20:22 | Report Abuse

GEMPAR!!!! Ultraman gugat keselamatan negara?

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Dalam Negeri mewartakan Perintah Larangan Penerbitan terhadap buku 'Ultraman The Ultra Power', yang didapati mengandungi unsur-unsur mungkin memudaratkan ketenteraman awam.

Buku terbitan bahasa Melayu itu adalah terbitan Resign Publications, manakala pencetaknya Network Printers.

Mengikut kenyataan kementerian itu hari ini, warta larangan itu berkuat kuasa 18 Feb lepas mengikut Seksyen 7(1) Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984.

"Adalah menjadi satu kesalahan mengikut subseksyen 2 Seksyen 8 Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984 sekiranya mana-mana orang mencetak, mengimport, menghasilkan, menghasilkan semula, menerbit, menjual, mengeluar, mengeliling, menawarkan untuk menjual, mengedar atau ada dalam miliknya bagi apa-apa jua maksud seperti itu apa-apa hasil penerbitan larangan," menurut kenyataan itu.

Mereka yang disabitkan melakukan kesalahan itu boleh dikenakan penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau denda tidak melebihi RM20,000 atau kedua-duanya. - BERNAMA


2014-03-06 20:12 | Report Abuse

Stay focused friends. They r trying to divert ur attention away from current urgent issues like the rising cost of living. This is the same political trick every desperate Govt. uses.


2014-03-06 20:01 | Report Abuse

Now BN will propose blue biawak man


2014-03-06 20:00 | Report Abuse

To UMNO, everything is a threat. So insecured. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......


2014-03-06 20:00 | Report Abuse

Ultraman kempen untuk PR di Kajang..sebab tu kena ban...


2014-03-06 19:54 | Report Abuse

Everything in Tv, threaten public order. Tom & Jerry, Micky Mouse, Bugs Bunny, etc.etc.