
willywonka | Joined since 2023-05-13

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2023-05-29 20:02 | Report Abuse

In addition, the enactment of the Energy Profit Levy by UK Government led to a deferred tax liability recognised
as at 31 March 2023 of RM252.40 million is non-cash in nature and it will be fully reversed to the profit or loss by
31 March 2028. This reversal will have positive impact as it reduces our tax expense during the window for which
the EPL regime applies


2023-05-22 17:46 | Report Abuse

Anybody knows when they announce the q3 tmr?. Do they normally do it morning or after closing ?


2023-05-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

Serious volume traded these first 40 Minutes...The only reason I see could be some news on the Arbitration case...However no announcement from Dnex so who knows


2023-05-14 20:03 | Report Abuse

Thank you, Uncle Bob...I am so happy to have met you in this forum and your help. not sure everybody would agree but to be honest I have never met a person before that can communicate with fish..Astonishing talent. I am truly looking forward to all the fantastic input you will come up with in the future...So Pls. don't "laugh die me" too soon. So I hope we can move on with the forum in regards to DNEX and not your hidden talents. That's the reason we are here I presume.


2023-05-14 19:30 | Report Abuse

Bob. Its so great to have people like you around in the world. Your exceptional ability to communicate and attract attention must say a bit of your personlity. But I am happy for you and your gold fish. but let me try to explain it to you again. I am only intrested in communication with adult mature people that can contribute in a constuctive dialog and that dont talk to goldfish and laugh die me with them. If you cant understand that try to ask your goldfish to explain it to you.


2023-05-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

does anybody know when the decission of the arbitration will be concluded and announced ?.
Incase CPG wins will DNEX be able to challange the agreement in another court based on MITI already stated that they had to approve the agreement ?


2023-05-14 13:48 | Report Abuse

Bob..I dont really need your comment. I am sure that people are adults and can read what is written. I am trying to have an adult dialog with mature people here. I am very sure they can read and intrepitate what is written. Perhaps you should focus on adding something to the group and
creating construtive dialog if you can.


2023-05-14 12:05 | Report Abuse

BOBAxelrod..You can just google it (DNEX and CPG settle out of court Feb 23, 2023) and you can read it there in the details. Secondly, the investment and the cost of a factory have a lot of factors incl. size and equipment so that is an answer I don't know or have. However, it's a long-term investment, and currently, MIDA has already 148 Billion invested in various projects so a billion or 2 would not rock the boat for them I would presume. You can also google if you want more info on this.

Rowie> I agree that I think there is good odds that DNEX will win. I do not see any reason for CPG to make a problem afterward since they would lose everything and as they say, money doesn't smell...The most important is the DNEX will win the rest can be sorted out over time also for future investments that is probably also why FoXcon has been quiet cause this has to be resolved first


2023-05-13 19:33 | Report Abuse

But an investment case/ structure between DNEX, Fox, and MIDA for a new Plant would be a very interesting case if it materializes


2023-05-13 19:30 | Report Abuse

If I am not mistaken DNEX and CPG settle out of court on Feb. 23, 2023. Not sure if there are any other issues to resolve between the 2 parties. Maybe somebody has some more details or input on this ?.


2023-05-13 17:44 | Report Abuse

I think a reason for the current sell of could be that the MOU with foxcon expire on May 17th 2023, and since there is currently no update on the plant project or that the MOU will be extended some wants to get out until there is more news on the situation. That's just my thoughts. I am still a buyer at this point in time averaging down from my entry price.