
winbigbursa | Joined since 2018-05-09

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2019-10-19 23:01 | Report Abuse

5354, it does not matter who ,but the sellers underhanded tactics to take adv of small investors r clear for traders to see.

The sellers have overplayed their hand , to foolishly push down NAIM price to the strong support zone, now only left with limited shares.

FA traders who bgt r assured of making money, as FA factors will see NAIM rebound strongly, soon.

Now, is the best time to BUY LOW at these bargain/cheap sale price !

The thing for us small investors, is to hold firm, to make big gains n not sell for small gains.


2019-10-19 22:44 | Report Abuse

ken, u mean, u think KYY already sees the undervalue in NAIM n may make a move to come in, at the right moment ?

Posted by ken > Oct 19, 2019 10:25 PM | Report Abuse

Since he took his valuable time to write about Naim. It could mean he is fully aware of Naim under value and it potential of moving north. I believed he already took action to get his hand dirty in Naim.


2019-10-19 22:05 | Report Abuse

Dayang’s Price Rise is not Reflected on Naim - Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019, 12:28 PM

i take it to mean, KYY expects that, logically Dayang's price rise SHOULD be reflected on NAIM , based on FA factors...

ie NAIM current price of 92.5 sen is undervalue, not reflective of FA !

So, who r the sellers ? going against the strong flow of FA ?


2019-10-19 20:29 | Report Abuse

what KYY said is the fact maa, logically ,NAIM price shd not go yoyo, n shd move in line with Dayang,

unless there is a big player in NAIM, who wants to make easy money by prying on small retail FA traders by way of a risky contrarian strategy, to go against the flow of FA,
ie to sell into demand for NAIM , force its price down n their konco spread fake news tht contra players' fault., coming QR profit is bad etc
retail players panic sell n the big player can buy back cheap , repeat the same strategy.


2019-10-19 18:40 | Report Abuse

NAIM has fallen into the v strong price support zones ,(93-84 sen)

a powerful bound back to recent highs is assured.

Pls dont sell now bcause now is the BUY LOW time !


2019-10-19 15:17 | Report Abuse

the sellers have v limited stk left n cannot dictate the future price direction of NAIM,
they need to buy back, using their konco-konco, to spread fake news n fear, to frighten 'small kids'.
they forgot all who hold now r seasoned FA traders !

Kasihan, sama these hati busuk sellers,
They will lose out of NAIM's outperformance & price leap & must chase back at much higher price
Padan muka dia !



2019-10-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

We must be united , teach these sellers a big lesson, hold tight,tight to our NAIM, reject any offer below rm1.20 !


2019-10-19 15:11 | Report Abuse

agree with hng33,Stanley8,ken,DatoLim,Miz Raya Bloom,Ameera,Stockmasteryy & many FA traders ,

- NAIM is v undervalued, near-term tp 1.20, moving towards 1.50
- as strong FA newsflow &rerating catalysts r reviewed
- selling is overdone

perhaps, these hati busuk sellers, did not want retail investors/traders to untung bersama,
in the upwards price trajectory of NAIM, & tried to trigger a selldown on 15/10

Oct 15, 2019 10:43 AM | Report Abuse

a significant technical development in NAIM yesterday :
(according to I3 tech. chart)

NAIM staged a MOVING AV CROSSOVER OF its 10SMA cut above the 50SMA...

this is a very positive indicator that will bring in more traders to go Long,
as it is usually follow by aggressive price push ups going forward !


2019-10-18 20:19 | Report Abuse

zzzzz, technical chart not good for the fund is true.
They have v low stk left to push down / dictate the future direction of NAIM’s price , aftr overplay their hand yesterday, to push down to create a gravestone doji.
Today NAIM price supposed to collapse below 90 sen, to low 84 , remembr ?
Why did not use IDSS to push down hard ?
Bcause they know, it could a trap n worry heavy weight FA fighters will push up to trap them !
Now, this fund is in real dilemma, could end up miss out on NAIM’s outperformance n price leap up, on strong rerating FA flows soon


2019-10-18 17:05 | Report Abuse

a dominant fund in NAIM, playing the highly Risky Contrarian strategy , to keep pressing NAIM's price down, in face of strong FA flows, was spared an embarassing defeat, due to the coming weekend. Yes, they succeed to press down 3 sens at great cost of low bullets left.

Experienced FA fighters were contend to keep their bounty, for price appreciation , seen soon and plan for a more solid advance strategy next week..

Have a good weekend to all, esp FA fighers in NAIM !


2019-10-18 16:39 | Report Abuse

can see this fund start to get desperate, by withdraw from sell Q , n dump to buy Q,
in last ditch attempt to keep NAIM from advancing


2019-10-18 16:35 | Report Abuse

Stanley8 Continue to hold. Dont panic

ok, will do..


2019-10-18 16:33 | Report Abuse

FA fighters got the the option to relax , to keep their bounty tht can only appreciate in value with solid FA goodies on the way n wait for this fund to panic buy back at much higher price !


2019-10-18 16:29 | Report Abuse

this fund could be shaking in the thought of overplay their hand to keep press down NAIM,
bcause once the FA fighters charge ahead, the fund will be left out in the cold !
(may have to chase n pay a heavy price to buy back at much higher price !)
18/10/2019 4:28 PM


2019-10-18 16:27 | Report Abuse

hello ? pls show your firepower maa...running out of bullets to press down ah ?


2019-10-18 16:16 | Report Abuse

advancing cautiously against a weakening fund with less n less bullets in hand..


2019-10-18 16:06 | Report Abuse

the FA fighters are advancing now..Go GO NAIM !!


2019-10-18 16:04 | Report Abuse

hello ? pls show your firepower maa...running out of bullets to press down ah ?


2019-10-18 15:59 | Report Abuse

yep ! this fund in trouble , running on empty soon....


2019-10-18 15:52 | Report Abuse

thks ! Stanley8 ..


2019-10-18 15:48 | Report Abuse

the fund's selling exhaustion is in sight, as it is running out of firepower to keep press down NAIM, as compared to yesterday's volume...


2019-10-18 11:25 | Report Abuse

The fund has commited a fatal strategic error by revealing itself openly, going against the strong flow of FA, hahaha ...


2019-10-18 09:06 | Report Abuse

Astute , well heeled trader Hng33 & many more, coming in to go with the flow of FA, as FA has always won in time !
Good Luck guys !


2019-10-18 08:41 | Report Abuse

It shows some funds try to adopt a risky contratian strategy by going against the flow of FA


2019-10-18 07:14 | Report Abuse

Perhaps, they remembr the recent eg of FGV , which was beaten down to lows 85s despite favourable news but since rebounded strongly above 1.10 , within few days


2019-10-18 07:11 | Report Abuse

Positive signs of more traders come in to support NAIM, as sellers strength has weaken , at this crucial support zones.


2019-10-17 17:41 | Report Abuse

As in drop a bit but if got fund keep sell, price may continue drop a bit, as traders r cautious n dare not b too gungho until they r certain Y n more of buddies join in once selling pressure is less


2019-10-17 17:03 | Report Abuse

some fireworks is expected tmrw,as more deep pocket traders see prospects for price recovery in NAIM..


2019-10-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

wah ! hng33 is in the bulls ring ! ...let's see how tmrw..


2019-10-17 16:58 | Report Abuse

Naim 's attempts to rebound was prevented by persistent selling by some mid-size fund . n only managed to end at 0.955 , down 2.5 sen(-2.5%).
for some unknown reasons,some funds are not keen to see NAIM realise its upward momentum at this junction.
Anyway, the selling was well absorbed by the buyers who were contend to bide their time , to make a strong comeback.
Perhaps, there will be clarity tmrw on the outcome of tussle between the NAIM bulls n bears.


2019-10-17 15:57 | Report Abuse

hari ini pembeli deep pocket dpt murah...


2019-10-17 15:56 | Report Abuse

tak berani tekan kuat,kuat takut lepasi bending sma50 nanti siapa nak tanggung ?


2019-10-17 15:55 | Report Abuse

fund tu serba salah kini...


2019-10-17 15:55 | Report Abuse

macam fund yg terus jual tak berjaya takutkan orang sbb kurang seller Q,
ramai d buyer Q kumpul senyap sja


2019-10-17 15:07 | Report Abuse

ok, tunggu NAIM lepas 1.01 sebelum buat apa-apa thks !

Posted by Miz Raya Bloom > Oct 17, 2019 3:03 PM | Report Abuse

INGAT ya kena bagi naim lepas 1.01


2019-10-17 15:03 | Report Abuse

puzzled bcause if u keep on to up, shd b making money by now..
there was cheap sale from 23/9 all the way to 84 sen on 3/10 maa


2019-10-17 14:55 | Report Abuse

eh, Y did u buy NAIM in the 1st place, when was that ?


2019-10-17 14:49 | Report Abuse

Kim33, for undervalue share like NAIM, drop is a lucky day to grab more bcause wont need to wait long for rerating upwards..

Posted by Kim33 > Oct 17, 2019 2:37 PM | Report Abuse

Dayang drop naim follow, Dayang up naim drop


2019-10-17 14:43 | Report Abuse

nicky, sorry, not tips, but chun chun bursa grapevine info
eg FGV check out

Posted by Miz Raya Bloom > Oct 16, 2019 10:41 PM | Report Abuse
kongsi link kawan

Posted by nicky > Oct 17, 2019 2:33 PM | Report Abuse
Lols....believe in yrself not those "tips"...


2019-10-17 14:34 | Report Abuse

NAIM is a MUST have share for any forward looking value investor & equity funds, to tap into the coming growth bloom in Sarawak, over the next 5 yrs & beyond !
Remembr Indonesia capital to be relocated to Sarawak's neighbour, Kalimantan in the near future..


2019-10-17 14:29 | Report Abuse

tips from Miz Raya Bloom : coming Sarawak state Budget RM billions contruction projects !!

Miz Raya Bloom ku ikut dealer, dealer kata TA ok, ku beli, tapi TA pulak bertukar overall ku kata NAIM dari segi FA ok, kalau ada projek Sarawak selalu NAIM dapat portion
17/10/2019 11:22 AM


2019-10-17 14:25 | Report Abuse

i think there is definately +ve rerating catalysts ahead for NAIM, else the fund would not try to keep the price down, n mayb collect more at the lows for themselves.
we will know by end Nov at QR time..
NAIM is a strong outperfomer candidate !


2019-10-17 13:25 | Report Abuse

if some funds want to push it down, for some reasons, a support line can break maa, but it rebounded v quickly on low vol. of 1.3m shares done from 11.26am n settle at 97 sen now.

let see how, 2nd session

Posted by nicky > Oct 17, 2019 12:02 PM | Report Abuse

Support line means support level.. pls look at the price now easily plunge below RM0.975... how can u call it support line ?


2019-10-17 11:51 | Report Abuse

Nicky, U got 6th sense ah ?
sure u r not with the funds ??

Posted by nicky > Oct 17, 2019 11:30 AM | Report Abuse

RM0.975 not a support line..


2019-10-17 11:49 | Report Abuse

that will give us 2nd chance to dpt murah again...ok also
most of us holding until at least end-Nov, no hurry to clear..


2019-10-17 11:36 | Report Abuse

thks ! Ameera


2019-10-17 11:35 | Report Abuse

sometimes these professional fun mgrs like to play games, to shake us off,
throw a bit n see got support or not , try to panic us to give up..
see, got quick response,
Closing today is important,..let's see how


2019-10-17 11:29 | Report Abuse

Wah ! ada dealer, ada radar system, mesti belajar dgn Miz Raya Bloom ini !

How U see NAIM, bolih smpai 1.50 thn ini ?

Posted by Stanley8 > Oct 17, 2019 9:24 AM | Report Abuse

@winbigbursa this stock is undervalue if based on the report on current price. The vlaue of this stock by right should be price at 1.50. With the current NTA of 2.49 which is higher than the current price. No worry, strong company.


2019-10-17 11:13 | Report Abuse

Miz Raya Bloom, sudah lama d NAIM ? ada dpt right issue 45 sen, listed in Jan ?