
yong888 | Joined since 2014-08-11 06:46:30

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2016-12-20 13:42 | Report Abuse

Hi, Good Day to you all, ….

Conn, Duit, Rchi , 2-Bits, and every one in this thread……

Wow, … Bursa is sluggish and trading is half-asleep hi hi …… …
Have just sneaked out of the Pahang’s Forest, and we were really having a fantastic trek, whereby my kids’ tutors answered laborlessly as Botanist to my playful angels lor….

Christmas is for Giving , giving , and sharing…… , so next few days we are visiting “Homes” to share our gratitude and happiness.., .. Klang valley... and Melaka… .,

We are going back to Phnom Penh for Christmas as my other kids there are anticipating my presence.And of course I love them All…

Conn, and 2-bits, will post here on cfd and wave counting once my Servers are activated shortly after Christmas.

Meanwhile, Do enjoy your trading and wishing you All “Huat Huat” always

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2017 and beyond To All of You …………..



2016-02-12 06:01 | Report Abuse

Hihi, An Conn,

Is Einstein Waves === EW , …

Kikiki , be aware of the Giant Bears Globally…., in All corners and Sectors….

GONG xI Fa Cai ,,, see you again soonest, Bye bye…..



2016-02-12 00:09 | Report Abuse

Kiki, ah conn

Ah duit,

2-bits, rchi, region, …. , all the beautiful and handsome traders and fighters…

Am leaving my sweet home in next few hours for Merkel’s land prior to Sahara….,

Global markets are of Bear.. Bear in control. , Shawties are still in full power……, ,.. hope the weakening Bomoh can defend the Bursa klci @ 1600 level near term…… ,

Abe is currently the “Money God” in Forex games. A windfall for Yen crosses……… , oil and commodities are in deep shits , , Global traders do enjoy the downside swings …. Hihihi..

Ah conn, I am glad that you have become an EW chartist, coupled with Neo waves and Bomoh,s waves later, , you will soon be the PHD in Trading waves lor……. Congratulations…… , Do trade with great care in this volatile period … …..

Will see you soonest , Gong Xi Fa Cai to you all again….


2016-02-09 21:26 | Report Abuse

kikiki, ah conn

ah duit,

and many many traders and bursa fighters and hunters in CC house, again “Gong XI Fa Cai”

Aiyooo, ah conn, you are laughing at our prediction for Oily thing at 20., , Although charting wise, I can’t see 20, , but from our data / Info analysis , I do see it near terms, … haha, do you know that our option trades below 30, 25, 20 were executed almost 9 months ago ??... it will be Jackpots of the centuries lor……… ,

Hope You have” Fa” and “Huat” all the ways in this Fire Monkey lunar year…. , Haha, I am heading to Cairo this Thursday for the “Sahara Marathon” …… , that is another Fund raising projects lor…..,… I wish I can fulfill another feast of my eyes of a lifetime…..

Do take good care during windsurfing in Bursa waves………., and wish all of you are huat huat and counting purple notes daily , be happy always and be charming and glamorous every day…… Gong Xi Fa Cai


2016-02-04 22:51 | Report Abuse

ah conn,

yeap, Pen Cai and Buddha jumps the walls are a bit expensive but they are for reunion dinner lor,….
Only once a year …, ,especially for this upcoming Fire Monkey ,, … and Lobster must be ordered one month in advance , hihihi..

Yaaah, you may decode my mind studying the “verses” posted this morning, that is globally linked from Buenos Ayre, India.. to Peru … Golconda.. haha, and I won’t classify them as Poems.

Ah conn., you must have shopped the entire KL malls for CNY, and I can imagine that you must be sexually beautified by the top salons downtown… hihihi..

Gong xi Fatt Cai and may the fire monkey brings you happiness, wealth, and everlasting beauty …..


2016-02-04 22:49 | Report Abuse

Ah Duit, ..

how are you ?…, you must have been dead busy over the last few weeks…

Nice to see you appearing in CC house,… haha, yaaaah, the year of Fire Monkey is always to good to bring wealth to all……

Gong xi Fatt Cai, Wishing you count money everyday, happy and smiling always, with good health and everlasting charms always………

I have stopped trading since yesterday and go enjoy my CNY here………kikiki…

See you soonest


2016-02-04 05:42 | Report Abuse

Good Morning to you all , All traders, Fighters, beautiful and handsome, ladies and gentlemen…….

Ah Conn ……. , my Bursa Windsurfing Queen,, , our EW beauty……. ,

Ah Duit …. … my long missed friend…. And what is Bola bola?? Is it a new Bursa Toy or stock ?? kikiki

2-bits, rchi, region, tsy88, dunknow, tm Cap, ….., and many many more buddies and friends ……..

Gong Xi Fatt CAI …. Huat huat huat , and wishing you all making Tons of Purple notes daily lor……..
Happy CNY of the Year of Golden Monkey……….. hoihihi, kikiki……….. Happy CNY to You ALL ….

This is the time for reunion Lunch / Dinners for all Family members, loved ones and friends together, ….. indulged with lots of Drinks, Lobsters, “ Buddha jumps over the Wall”, “ Pen Cai”,, roasted piglets, roasted ram ,Tiger fish, and of course Yusheng, and Eight is the Lucky number, hihihii………………. ,…

Ah conn / ah duit…./ 2-BITS, RCHI, …..@ wow, AH CONN, , you have an excellent EW reading on Oil !!!, Now playing oil is quite equivalent to Casino games lor , , as many traders are jumping on the bandwagon,…. up-down 5-10% daily, hihihi….
Haha, , chart wise, 25.00 for Oil is quite high probability , (around 75%, as 26 may not be a good stop)), , however, on Marco and micro view point, 20 is now likely near term,… .if it is realized, (25, follows by 20.), kiki, ….another windfalls for our option trades lor………………. And Oil below 25-20 is the” Long “ of the century lah…., and there are many cheap buys of the century for commodity /oil related stocks globally near term..……

I have these… during my long flight home…….. , …

When the plane touched down KLIA last night, I have a bit of love feeling, of sweet homes, of loved ones and of my horny babes and brotherly /sisterly buddies here …….

I'll tell you how the sun rose, -- A ribbon at
a time. The steeples swam in amethyst,
The news like squirrels ran.
The hills untied their bonnets, The
bobolinks begun. Then I said softly to
myself, "That must have been the sun!"

But how he set, I know not. There seemed
a purple stile Which little yellow boys and
girls Were climbing all the while
Till when they reached the other side, A
dominie in gray Put gently up the evening
bars, And led the flock away.

This is the next , ……..

Your riches taught me poverty. Myself a
millionnaire In little wealths, -- as girls
could boast, -- Till broad as Buenos Ayre,

You drifted your dominions A different
Peru; And I esteemed all poverty, For life's
estate with you.

Of mines I little know, myself, But just the
names of gems, -- The colors of the
commonest; And scarce of diadems
So much that, did I meet the queen, Her
glory I should know: But this must be a
different wealth, To miss it beggars so.

I 'm sure 't is India all day To those who
look on you Without a stint, without a
blame, -- Might I but be the Jew!

I 'm sure it is Golconda, Beyond my power
to deem, -- To have a smile for mine each
day, How better than a gem!

At least, it solaces to know That there
exists a gold, Although I prove it just in
time Its distance to behold!

It 's far, far treasure to surmise, And
estimate the pearl That slipped my simple
fingers through While just a girl at school!

Haha, again, wishing you all here Happy CNY, and all huat huat everyday ….. Gong Xi Fatt Cai

Shortly, I am going for my missed BKT in Klang (with lots of pigtails and stomach), before they are closing down for CNY, …… ,, after that go shopping shopping , wrapping gifts and Ang Pauws for giving out lor…….. Wow, busy days ahead indeed ! ! Oooh, this year I have 3 little goddesses (my kids ) accompanying me for a walk in lots 10 / Times Squares ……….
Will post here again soonest……. Kikiki………


2016-01-21 04:02 | Report Abuse

Ah Conn, Good day to you ALL in CC house……..

Aiyooo, another Day of selling off globally lor, ….. What a Dog day indeed…, I am afraid we have to give our buddies/ traders more holidays and incentives to keep them intact, .., and exercising extreme concentration in their trading during these trying times of high volatility… ………, as Oil is going 25 and Dow is going to kiss 14xxx, and many Global indices will go bear bear soon…

Hahaa, ah Conn, I must admit that I manage to befriend with some stewardess so far during some of the long flights mah….., hihi,… , .. that was definitely a different encounter experience……..,,

Ah conn, ,, do you trade klci futures ?? open a trading account so that you may trade the Bomoh waves lah….. , as OSK can handle your request… since you have been tracking the Bomoh waves for ages……

Be cautious, and windsurf with double cut loss and profit Tp….., , the “PUT” in Bursa is not a “good “instrument for playing/trading……..

See you All in CNY , Happy Chinese New Year, “Kong Hee Fatt Choy”., be happy, and Huat huat huat……. May God Bless you all……..


2016-01-20 13:43 | Report Abuse

Ah Conn, … and ALL traders of beautiful and handsome,…… wishing you all huat huat huat … daily.

I am now in NY, have been here since first week of 2016,… , .. iied up by loads of work…… ,
I think you are more relaxed now as the Bursa is missing your trading lor…. , that is the way mah….. , , hihihi, I have posted messages of bears bears 3-4 weeks ago in this cc forum, , as both my charts and data systems verified….!!

Yeap, sweet sweet home Malaysia which my roots are based ….. , my loved ones are here too, …. Including many buddies and my closed friends…., ,, I am back here during CNY….

Next week I may proceed to Munich, prior to coming back to Malaysia for CNY celebration...

See you then, be Happy, and enjoy yourself to the fullest…….. , May god bless you all, and all here are huat huat huat ………..


2016-01-16 21:45 | Report Abuse

Wow, ah conn, that is why you hold the title “ Wave Queen of Bursa “ , … you fully deserve it , my Brainy lady….!!! …… Yeap, The waves movements can be studied better if you couple the charts derived from different time frames…, 10M, 30M, 1H, 2H, 4H, 8H, 12H, daily and weekly /Monthly…….,
I may not have the luxury of trading in the markets for hours from next week onwards, … , as busy schedule is ahead , … I am now going to Rocky, in Alberta, for 2-3 days before resuming my work….., ,

However, I am going home this CNY to celebrate with all my loved ones and buddies…, haha, hopefully “ IS” is barred effectively in KL then as I do miss the pigtail BKT in Klang lor…

Will post here later,… , May God bless you all, , happy trading and huat huat huat daily…..,


2016-01-16 06:29 | Report Abuse

Good day to you all, ah conn, ah duit…… and all fighters , traders of Handsome and beautiful……

Ooooh, Just close some trades and now times for some food , some wines, both for fuel and pleasure…..
What a Dog day indeed for Global trading !!!1 ……… ,

Hopefully , Bursa is safe above 1500 near term……. , as China CSI may be defended feverously above her 2500 Golden wall………,

See you again, May God bless you all, , Good luck and be counting Purple notes daily……


2016-01-16 00:09 | Report Abuse

Good day to you all here,
Ah conn, 2-bits … 14000 for Dow is not scary , you may see the “Angry waves” charging down , using the 1H, 4H, 8H, 12 H , Daily chart …., that may also appy to S &P500, Ftse, Dax , Nikkei, CSI 300, Hang seng,,,,…. And many more…… , Oil has no problem to go 25 shortly as forecast……….,
As predicted , nowadays tradings are for Shwarties ………, Globally,… So do trade with great care in Bursa.. ah conn…….

Today is another Great harvest day for Traders, Globally.//………, red sea is the word of the day,……,

Hahaha, Adrenline is good but not too much, otherwise need lots of Milk to neutralize it resulting in lower risk of heart attack lor…….. hihihi… , Sahara is hot but the black rose there must be intoxicating .. …….,

Take good care and windsurf slowly, … haha, as the headwinds are rough out there in Bursa..

May God bless you all, huat huat huat and be Happy always…….


2016-01-13 05:53 | Report Abuse

Good day to you all here in CC house………
Ah conn. Ah duit, ……… and many many more traders and fighters ,all the beautiful and handsome Ladies and Gentlemen….. wishing you all huat huat huat ..;….. kikiki………., I Do not BRING Bear Bears here, , but ….The Arab , Xi, Obama, and Nippon are doing so lor……..

Aiyo…..yoo, WTI Options at 30.00 have just closed, heavenly harvests !!! ……………, our next at 25.00 are coming too that ‘s another Windfall of the century for Options traders…….., However, I still cannot see 20.00 from my chart and crystal balls………..,kikii,… I do believe that oil at 20.00 may trigger the suspension of the Options Exchange as “Billions …Billions ..“are involved…..

Our next big thing will be the EU/USD at parity ( strike price)….. hihii, it shall be hit before end of March 2016 lor ……. And , Global indices….. are all due for major corrections for Shwarties …. , Aiyooo, yoo……… …….,

Bottom fishing for global Commodity stock/shares, Energy sectors /Company , precious metals ,.. oils are ALL awaiting for your collections…… but be selective and must sharpen your eye sights for THE RIGHT TIMING lor………, as All the above can be the best Long /Buy of the century …… ..

Will chat with you later , May God bless you all , be happy always, and busy counting Purple notes every minutes of the day…….. Happy Trading….


2016-01-09 06:27 | Report Abuse

Hi, Good day to you all, another hectic day lor………. Kikiki……

An conn, an duit,.. tsy88, 2-bits rchi, tm Cap …. AND many many more here in CC house,……… all traders and gentlemen…….,

From now onwards, My appearance here will only be sighted when BULL BULL s are around lor……, as two-bits said I can bring Bear bears always…… hihihi, …… just joking…

My Oil options matured at 30 and 25 , 20 are definitely being real, and more children may have many more years of shelters and foods for pleasures……, Oooooh, And best of the century “Buy” for oil, silver, ,… and likewise , many commodity Company’s stocks/ shares globally are around the corners …...…..

May god bless you all, be happy always and do enjoy your life …….., wishing you all the best………… HAPPY TRADING with lots of purple notes daily………


2016-01-08 06:44 | Report Abuse

Good day to you All in CC house…… …, What a Hectic day for SHWARTIES………….. , Globally,….. All corners , all sectors …………. , be alert and accurate in whatever we do ………………

Hope 1500 is the Bomoh’s stronghold in Bursa……., we see Options in oil driving it further down to 30, 25,…. In a few more days…. It is a landslide acceleration… a signal to further doom days for oil….

2-bits, hihihi, , my appearance will bring more Bears bears to markets ??? ….,Globally, ? Aiyoo, then maybe I will Only try to appear when the market is going to see Bull Bulls……… , Just a Joke , LOL……….

aah Conn mei mei, … haha, but sometimes putting on a bit of gms may look better, more sexy mah….. haha, I am jealous of your life enjoyment… as I want to imitate yours lah….., haha, be Happy always lah…..

ah Duit , Where are you.., still in Honey moon mood like our ah Conn mei kah ???

Tsy88, how are you , hope you make more Purple notes daily …..

This year end is a bit warmer here, … maybe Global warming effect lor…. Hope this warmth and Dry seasons can jerk up Our Palm oil price further up ….. so that it may compensate the downfall of Oil in Petronas lah……, then RM will not cross the 5.00 barrier (Usd/RM)…..

May God bless you all,…. Wishing You here all Huat huat huat..... and Happy Happy always……..


2016-01-07 07:27 | Report Abuse

Hihi, Good day to you… all in this cc house of Funs and treasure hunting grounds……….
Tsy88, 2-bits, rchi, tm Cap,….. and many many beautiful and handsome ladies and gentlemen…..

Hahaha, anh conn… and aah duit ….must have enjoyed their holidays so much that hopefully they do not increase their waistline significantly…….
Bursa Bomoh boys may have limited power to defend the 1500 baseline soonest……., Shwarty is still in control lor……., globally ……..
Options for WTI which are” matured”at 30 , 25… will be realized fast, … hihi… oil below 30 can be a good buy, and below 25 will be a golden purchase, and below 20 must be a “Long” of the century lor……… , likewise Silver is such a good buy below 13, 12…………
New year for new ventures, new year for exploration into the unknown / uncharted territory…. , wishing All here in this cc house be huat huat and endlessly collecting purple notes……
Having Dinner with buddies in next couple of minutes.. will chat with you soonest…..

All the best and may God bless you all, … happy trading


2015-08-13 15:59 | Report Abuse


Below 1550,.... ?? YY, OK, I will do a re-counting and relook at the FA / TA, and the summative indicators again this 1-2 days, and I will let you know promptly then....

Happy trading


2015-08-13 15:48 | Report Abuse

ah con, 2-bits

will let you have my email later, as now it is subjected to too much exposure .....


2015-08-13 15:34 | Report Abuse

ah con,

how to post chart to your Blog as stated above ??


2015-08-13 15:26 | Report Abuse

hi, ah con,

ooh, as stated yesterday, i mentioned 1625 be the tr, as the present Indicators are showing exhausting signs, the klci may continue southbound sooner,... then 1590 is the next support, if breached, 1550 will be sighted rather early.

haha, i manage to recover my password from the admin of i3, haha, you do like my 6 abs kar ???


2015-08-13 14:57 | Report Abuse

hi, good afternoon to all beautiful and handsome people here....

happy trading do counting many purple notes .....


2014-12-16 23:02 | Report Abuse

connie dear,

I have just got back from shopping..... Aiyooo, need some extra transports lor..... hihii,
Manage to prepare hundreds of giftboxes containing cookies, chocolates, biscuits, dried cakes with Red packets for some needies and underprivileged..., will start distributing to them from tomorrow till Christmas eve....
And also preparing some special Christmas Gifts for some "Sticks" scattering over a vast continent of Jungles ...... they must be couriered before Christmas.....

Connie, ok, will do this special Bursa KLCI wave chart tomorrow, as i am now planning for gifts delivery .... headache lor...

Bursa stocks can't be longed right now,,,, irrespective of any circumstances arising thereof near term, as Oil will go below 45 by Christmas.and Ringgits has no lights being sighted at the other end of the tunnel. I can't see any life in klci near term. It is always good if you hold your Cash right now.

Be cautious dear, as I have mentioned it since September/October .Bursa waves are dangerous and tightly controlled.
Wishing you all the best, ...cul.....

God Bless


2014-12-16 12:41 | Report Abuse

connie dear,
hope you huat a bit daily..

i am now BACK in KL... shortly will be going for my Christmas shopping... hihiiiiii

Happy trading, see u lster....


2014-12-16 05:57 | Report Abuse


All our trades are closed just now,....
wow, What a heyday......
Happy trading ........ see u again

May god bless you all


2014-12-16 01:20 | Report Abuse

connie dear, some Christmas Song Lyrics for you before I go to bed...

"The Prayer"

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
nel cuore restera
and hold it in our hearts.
a ricordarci che
When stars go out each night,
eterna stella sei

The light you have
I pray we'll find your light
will be in the heart
and hold it in our hearts.
to remember us that
When stars go out each night,
you are eternal star
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
quanta fede c'e
when shadows fill our day

How much faith there's
Let this be our prayer
in my prayer
when shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternita

We dream a world without violence
a world of justice and faith.
Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours
Symbol of peace, of fraternity
La forza che ci da
We ask that life be kind
e il desiderio che
and watch us from above
ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
intorno e dentro se
another soul to love

The force his gives us
We ask that life be kind
is wish that
and watch us from above
everyone finds love
We hope each soul will find
around and inside
another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer, just like every child

Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

E la fede che
hai acceso in noi,
sento che ci salvera

It's the faith
you light in us
I feel it will save us


connie and all our buddies, good night and sweet dream...........


2014-12-16 00:47 | Report Abuse

CONNIE, praying will not do any good, .....

After reading your/Duit's postings, i think there is an urgency to find the "Amazon sticks".... to cure my "missing halves"?? I may go to review some sticks which may be modified to become mine ? haha, just joking....

But a word of cautions, application of EW on Bursa need a different approach. as it is extremely controlled with relatively thin volume.....

nikkei, DAX, ftse, Djia, s&p ,hang seng will be all dead ducks near terms..... But we will close ALL trades tonight prior to NY closing due to our ANNUAL account closure. We will reopen new trades 2 weeks after new year 2015................ .

Best regards and be happy always..........

Good night and sweet dreams always,

and Happy trading to you ALL



2014-12-16 00:07 | Report Abuse

connie, shorting is the words for the days ahead....... be cautious....



2014-12-15 23:18 | Report Abuse

hi, good day to you all..

Connie dear
Duit dear,

I have just finished a short seminar with all my buddies on 2015 outlook for commodities, Forex, and Global Micro/Marco ECONOMIC forecast. Actually this is my company annual dinner/gathering with Buddies.
hihi, I have just put the brainy American lady in my company payroll,... , she is my Economic Advisor/ head of data mining dept. .. of course on part time basis, she is arranging a meeting for me to meet up with Paul Krugman, and others after Christmas.... and I have this smart lady to execute our next goal, to sell our data mining services to World's major financial institutions on annual subscription basis....... ..

We have closed more trades today,...... may end all remainder by tomorrow....... so far 2014 trading account looks beautiful, annual growth after tax may hit 1.90, a feat which has not been achieved so far. Bonuses are to be paid out to all before Christmas,,,,....

connie, this oil devil may struggle in the 45 zone for some time, (3-6 months), by then our lovely Bursa may have to seek for new blood donation... on EW, 1500 can't be discarded. I will post my EW on Bursa next 1-2 days.
Malaysia Economy is not healthy, too many cancers to be treated,... and I don't see any light on the other end of tunnel... fundamentally and technically, we are heading towards a thunderstorm being unheard of...

be cautious ........., preserve your cash whenever possible...

Happy Trading and God Bless you all....


2014-12-15 07:32 | Report Abuse

your topics on the "amazon stick" will be discussed in details later,

see u later, dear


2014-12-15 07:30 | Report Abuse

connie dear, will chat with you later..... as i hv a breakfast chat soon....

be happy and charming always...


2014-12-15 07:26 | Report Abuse

connie dear, ok, i will ...... as i will be on-off for 1-2 hours as many of my buddies will be with me here, as I am having a small annual gathering here ,they come from many countries...

an early Christmas parties are in progress...

May God bless you all


2014-12-15 07:13 | Report Abuse

connie dear, i know , i do know what you want to tell me.......

anyhow, be happy always, .... as Duit said, i need to find a stick in the Amazon jungle .... wow, a theory which is more advanced than my forecasting via data mining....

But i do know his/her/your thought and advice, ... thanks ..

May god bless you all


2014-12-15 07:06 | Report Abuse


We have longed both corn and soya since Oct..., so we will close all contracts this week..., our account must be closed before Christmas.......

happy trading


2014-12-15 06:57 | Report Abuse

no trading for me today lor........, may close more trades near London's opening later...


2014-12-15 06:56 | Report Abuse

connie, Christmas buying spree ........... good.......

I need to buy many Christmas presents too, may be today i will start going round for shopping...... hihjiiii


2014-12-15 06:52 | Report Abuse

wow, connie, i am shocked to see you now, can't sleep well ??


2014-12-15 06:49 | Report Abuse

connie, you do love my second song lyrics, don't you ?

I am obsessed with my new violin which is my new mind relaxing darling.....

today is cloudy and grey, can't see any first ray of the sun here at Kuantan,... I have reduced drinking as I must take heed of my doctor's latest advice... as such, connie, you must cut down alcohol intake too..... As I am replacing Drinking with musical pieces....

Be happy and try cutting down trading as the Global year end holiday is getter closer....., as Bursa waves are far too bad for " Normal" trading activities...... as it is now being bear bear bear dominated

I am closing All my/our Global tradings/contracts.........

May God bless you all


2014-12-15 06:23 | Report Abuse

hi, Good morning to you all,

connie dear, wow, you must have drunk at rage last night,looking dead tired??

Oil may continue to dip near 50, as our data mining and Chart analysis indicate that this level may be a reversal point,... so be alert..

Today Bursa klci may have a heyday to defend 1700, which if breached , its next support near 1600 may expose.

May God bless you all......., be happy always..


2014-12-14 17:36 | Report Abuse



Thanks for your compliments and advice..... will chat with you all later.......



2014-12-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

I hv to sign off now for a Dinner chat session.... see you all later,

May God Bless you all and be happy always.....


2014-12-14 17:18 | Report Abuse


hi, I will do my very best .........



2014-12-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

agreed, i will review and try hard ....... as per your advice, professor Duit.....hihii


2014-12-14 16:55 | Report Abuse

Duit, you are a class above ,.... you are my buddies, ..

you do read me quite well...... hahahh


2014-12-14 16:51 | Report Abuse

Duit, We have made a few dead accurate predictions this year:

oil sinks below 70
Usd/Jpy to hit 120
Eu/Usd to hit 1.2300
silver to hit 14.00

Gold is in progress
Bursa may hit 1600, not realised yet, may hit soon
Gbp/Usd to hit 1.5000 , is in progress
Gold is to hit 1100 (Almost hit), is in progress

May God bless you all


2014-12-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

duit, ok, as per your request, i will activate my blog....

Actually, Duit, i almost wanted to say then(in early September)=== "Sell down ALL YOUR bURSA sTOCK AND GO FOR HOLIDAYS...." But because I did not want to create a panic and sleepless nights to All IN OUR BLOGS/THREAD.

And I hv mentioned many many times in Sep/Oct on dangerous Bursa waves in many threads.......
Hope All our Buddies are doing well......


2014-12-14 16:26 | Report Abuse

wow.... you know me quite well......hihii, actually, i am thinking and recollecting all my past teas which were sentimental and mind overwhelming........
I don't give a damp to fate initially , but somehow i give way to this self proclaimed belief... yeap , fate will do a part in this department being called love story.

but I am ok, i am still searching, .... , and I am not cheating myself as i am always enjoy my life irrespective of any good or adverse situation. ..

May God bless you all


2014-12-14 16:07 | Report Abuse

duit, yeap, they are songs for Christmas, .. i am still in Club Med........ I am meditating and enjoying the peaceful environment here... may stay here for 1-2 more days....

i am fine, how are you?


2014-12-14 16:03 | Report Abuse

duit, hihiiiiii, iam now a bit sentimental ..... don't know why...


2014-12-14 16:01 | Report Abuse

"I'm Your Angel"

No Mountains too high, for you to climb
All you have to do is have some climbing faith, oh yeah
No rivers too wide, for you to make it across
All you have to do is believe it when you pray

And then you will see, the morning will come
And everyday will be bright as the sun
All of your fears cast them on me
I just want you to see...

I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel

I saw the teardrops, and I heard you cry
All you need is time, seek me and you shall find
You have everything and you're still lonely
It doesn't have to be this way, let me show you a better day

And then you will see, the morning will come
And all of your days will be bright as the sun
So all of your fears, just cast them on me
How can I make you see...

I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel

And when it's time to face the storm
I'll be right by your side
Grace will keep up safe and warm
And I know we will survive

And when it seems as if your end is drawing near
Don't you dare give up the fight
Just put your trust beyond the sky...

I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel

I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel

May God bless you all.......


2014-12-14 15:57 | Report Abuse


Duit dear,

Another year has gone by Lyrics with violin playing along..

So many 25ths of December
Just as many 4th of Julys
And were still holdin' it together
It only comes down to you and I

I know that you can still remember
Things we said right from the start
When we said that this could be special
I'm keepin' those words deep down in my heart

Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone by

I never been much for occasions
You never let another birthday go by
Without announcing how much you love me
But the truth was always there, right there in your eyes

And were still holding hands when were walkin'
Actin' like we've only just met
But how can that be when there's so much history
I guess that's how true lovers can get

Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone by

Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone by

another song by celine Dion with lyrics

May god bless you all...... be happy always...........