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2013-10-29 23:14 | Report Abuse

From CPE:

本人欣然代表董事提呈本集團截至二零一三年六月三十日止六個月期間的中期業 績。
本集團於二零一三年六月三十日的未經審核資產淨值為26,572,000美元(二零一二 年十二月三十一日:23,174,000美元)。資產淨值增加主要歸因於期內股本籌資提供現 金4,000,000美元用於新投資所致。期內產生除稅前虧損594,000美元(截至二零一二 年六月三十日止六個月:519,000美元)。
於忙碌充實的本期間,本集團於兩間在馬來西亞證券交易所(Bursa Malaysia)主板 市場上市的公司進行新投資。第一項投資乃是於二零一三年二月份以現金4,700,000 馬來西亞令吉(相當於1,500,000美元)收購Patimas Computer Berhad(「Patimas」)的 5.2%股權,該公司於馬來西亞及國際上提供資訊及通訊技術服務及產品。另一項投 資則是於二零一三年五月份以3,500,000馬來西亞令吉(約1,100,000美元)收購Asia Bioenergy Technologies Berhad(「ABT」)的11.9%股權,該公司為從事技術及生物技術 孵化的投資控股公司。本公司亦於昨日宣佈,擬收購ABT附帶認股權證的50,000,000 股新股份,作為ABT安排的供股的一部分以加大投資基金的規模。
董事會相信,投資Patimas 及 ABT將可通過本公司自身渠道,結合該兩間被投資公 司在亞洲的廣泛根基以擴展中國國內市場的專業知識,為投資各方創造商機。董事會 一直與ABT及Patimas就持續出現的商機積極交流。


2013-10-29 22:39 | Report Abuse

Patimas Cloud Service allows our customers to create one or more cloud servers on our clustered physical servers and use these as if they were located in their own server room.

The Omni Software Suite consists of the following modules

Robust and high performance
Our physical servers are very robust and high performance HP servers, located in Technology Park and our partner data centers throughout the Klang Valley. Configured high-availability (HA), these clustered servers provide customers with the maximum service uptime possible.

Customized server resources
Customers can create cloud servers based on several fixed computing resource combinations (e.g. CPU cores, memory, storage & internet bandwidth, software) called templates. They can also customize server resources to create unique configurations for each server in order to execute their own software applications to meet the demands of their online users.

Redundancy and data loss
In the event of cloud server failure, a redundant cloud server boots up to take over the same computing capability with minimal switch over time.

To prevent loss of data, we provide automatic, pre-configured time schedule full image backup. In addition, customers can choose to manage their own data backup by purchasing cloud storage. As these cloud backup storages are situated within the same premise, data transfer will not be hampered by Internet broadband speed limitations.

Full access
Customers have full root-level access to their cloud servers and will be able to install any legally licensed software on their servers. They will be given access via the web to manage each of their cloud servers, including powering up and shutting down.

Fast upscaling or downscaling
Customers can also upscale or downscale their cloud server within 24hrs in to meet the demands of their computing needs. This can be done via accessing a web page and customizing the server resource (cpu core, memory, hard disk) and submitting the changed configuration online.


2013-10-29 18:25 | Report Abuse

with The Malaysian Data Centre Alliance (MDCA), and I don't think Patimas will be delisted.
The SC will give the ext time to Patimas for restructuring plan. Pls visit Patimas website for more info about this company.


2013-10-28 21:45 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, I guess SC will approve to ext the time to P2 next year. Hope we all can gain from this counter.


2013-10-28 19:49 | Report Abuse

M&A Securities Sdn Bhd on behalf of the Board of Directors of PCB, wishes to announce that the Company had on 28 October 2013 submitted an application to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad for an extension of time up to 28 February 2014 to submit its regularisation plan.


2013-10-28 18:05 | Report Abuse

I just give my opinion only and you all can visit Patimas website, there are offer a lot of service which is related to mobile software and data service. Base on the 2014 budget, gov was allocated few mil to build mobile boardband station. In direct this also benefits the mobile sw provider like Patimas.


2013-10-28 00:19 | Report Abuse

The restructure plan will come out soon since Patimas have appoint few director for restruturing purpose. Will be another round for Patimas. This time see can hit 0.30!!!!


2013-10-27 22:54 | Report Abuse

I guess CPE will support this company.


2013-10-27 20:49 | Report Abuse

Can this share come back again and hit the 0.30 cent.


2013-10-24 23:53 | Report Abuse

scottywhyte1897 patimas, why stop naik turun...try to see this system. enter your details and they will send you the necessary trading info without any charge, no obligation at all... happy trading…….
24/10/2013 15:36

What is related with this link?


2013-10-16 01:02 | Report Abuse

Got news as below and do any one know about this news!!! Pls comments.



2013-10-13 09:31 | Report Abuse

How much is the correct price?


2013-10-13 00:08 | Report Abuse

1 post
Posted by DGPB > Oct 12, 2013 11:35 PM | Report Abuse

Annoucement on 22nd Oct 2013. Good luck peeps!

Any link can refer?


2013-10-11 17:33 | Report Abuse

Calvin, I support you and pls keeping share with us about PMCorp.


2013-10-10 23:07 | Report Abuse

Mas, are u serious? Don't regret if limit up tomorrow. Haha.

News & Blogs

2013-10-10 01:26 | Report Abuse

Good for sharing and I totally agreed your statement that GP and DiGi will merge to get the win win situation.
But we don't know the price!


2013-10-08 23:41 | Report Abuse

For long term, it will be good for DiGi if DiGi acquire P1. As you know LTE network need more bandwidth to provide better data rate, example 20M bandwidth can provide the downlink throughput 150Mbps. If more bandwidth then will generate highest data rate.
The Korea is most faster country implement the LTE network.


2013-10-08 22:36 | Report Abuse

Can someone remember, when Microsoft acquire Nokia then Nokia share price going up while Microsoft share go down.
Maybe Khazanah disagreed to aquire P1 therefore Khazanah sell off the DiGi share.
i think the deal will be soon already.


2013-10-08 15:21 | Report Abuse

PMCorp all the way break it resistance. Good for keep and hold to become another Nestle. Good.


2013-10-08 12:36 | Report Abuse

Thanks Calvin for sharing the PMCorp.


2013-10-08 09:58 | Report Abuse

when announe then will limit up already....


2013-10-08 09:23 | Report Abuse

As you know if P1 want to upgrade from WiMAX to LTE then need a lot of OPEX. Due to need a lot of money to implement LTE network.


2013-10-07 23:53 | Report Abuse

I will keep since this share got potential to become another Nestlé.


2013-10-07 23:31 | Report Abuse

I will hold for long term as like Calvin say. I have bought PMCorp by early of this year.
You can go to this forum then you can see my names here. Good.


2013-10-05 23:04 | Report Abuse

Calvin, good lesson then we must hold PMCorp. Thanks.


2013-10-05 11:36 | Report Abuse

Calvin, PMCorp TP is RM1.50 after capital reduction? Then how need to hold to meet the TP?


2013-10-04 00:16 | Report Abuse

CT, good posting and thanks for sharing the good company PMCorp to us.


2013-10-03 16:56 | Report Abuse

Coming days will be good day for PMCorp. Thanks CT.


2013-09-30 22:00 | Report Abuse

CT, thanks for your info and you have done a good job.


2013-09-30 21:59 | Report Abuse

Now I know the PMCorp business already.

As one of the largest operations in Malaysia, the Group operates a consumer and industrial chocolate manufacturing plant through Network Foods Industries Sdn Bhd ("NFISB"). Its principal activity is to manufacture consumer chocolate for the Malaysian and regional markets under popular brand names like "Crispy", "Tudor Gold", "Tango", and "Kandos".

NFISB exports its chocolates to over 40 countries, including Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, New Zealand, Pakistan, Mauritius and the Middle East. NFISB also contract-packs private labels for hypermarkets and other customers in the region.


2013-09-30 17:30 | Report Abuse

CT, I agreed with your opinion and hope that PMCorp can let all of us the dream come true. GOOD


2013-09-29 22:34 | Report Abuse

Houseofordos, what do you think about the article! In your opinion, it's good or bad news for MUI group?


2013-09-29 16:04 | Report Abuse

If PMCorp up then sure PMI also fly to north.


2013-09-28 23:15 | Report Abuse

Izo, can you share the forum?


2013-09-28 23:13 | Report Abuse

Izo, can you share the forum?


2013-09-28 00:56 | Report Abuse

Hope can fly high by next week.


2013-09-28 00:25 | Report Abuse

CT, if capital reduction then the share will be reduce. Example as below:
Par value 50cent reduce to 25cent, then share will be 4 share to become 1 share. The share price 0.18cent * 4 = 72cent. Then if TP1.50 should be no problem for mid term.
It is right?


2013-09-27 17:33 | Report Abuse

PMCorp go up then it is good for PMI share. Hope PMI will lift up from PN17 soon.


2013-09-27 17:31 | Report Abuse

CT, thanks for your sharing. Hope that the PMCorp and PMI can come true.


2013-09-27 14:08 | Report Abuse

CT, thanks and we hope PMCorp and PMI will start engine and move.
BTW do you think PMI can be invest for long term like PMCorp?


2013-09-27 12:11 | Report Abuse

CT, can you pls provide more example for capital Reduction like :
share 1,000 unit (0.17) = RM170
after company propose capital reduction then what should we get???


2013-09-26 23:46 | Report Abuse

Pls monitor this counter tomorrow.


2013-09-26 00:52 | Report Abuse

This forum say the TP is 0.77. Any news coming?


2013-09-25 23:46 | Report Abuse

Director dispose the share already?


2013-09-25 23:46 | Report Abuse

Any news for this counter?


2013-09-25 01:12 | Report Abuse

Got any news for this Patimas? It seem like have announment coming soon?


2013-09-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

CT, can you pls comments about PMInd.


2013-09-22 08:59 | Report Abuse

PMI in PN17 because if the MUI share issue but I guess will lift out from PN17 soon.
If PMCorp share up, PMI also up due to PMI have PMCorp share.