
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23 17:04:21

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2018-04-11 09:23 | Report Abuse

... angsa tersayang... at last. CA sealed. cantekkk..


2018-01-25 10:49 | Report Abuse

Zai Zai, http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Company-Announcement.aspx?id=1029814

Massive Connection.... wow.. the company name sounds like superduperpower nih.. :-)


2018-01-09 17:26 | Report Abuse

aha! my observation macam tepat... tak sia-sia saya pegang stock ini 3 tahun... "old man" syndrome macam baru kick in... LOL...

sudden interest in WA? :-)... 9 mil shares... mother also boleh tahan, 1.4 mil shares today...

continue to watch this blockbuster...

calm. steady. patience... musang king...


2018-01-09 10:22 | Report Abuse

"KISSinvest i wonder how many wa investors still here ......."

I'm still here, didn't spend a sen to buy WA... allocated by virtue of holding mother share. hehe..

I wonder if the "old man" syndrome OCK has is still valid. i.e. OCK only moves after others have moved ... - which gives time for investors to load up...

Jimmy Lim bro's "habis lah habis lah" comment does sounds a concern, but looking at the big picture, post "disposal" LTAT is still hodling 107million shares :-)... i wonder if its part of a strategy....

continue to watch.



2018-01-08 11:51 | Report Abuse

mai... GE14... :-)...
time to show back some power angsa tersayang..



2018-01-01 22:54 | Report Abuse

wah, nice 0.01 sen dividend up from 0.006 sen in March 2016 :-)
early ang pow. sweet.

happy new year 2018 bros and sis !


2017-12-24 15:26 | Report Abuse

no worries rkgfantasy bro, its not that you dun understand english.. just the misinterpretation je... rileks... we are all learning at some point anyways..

wow cash investor.. rkg loaded nih... :-)

"Mary Christmas and happy new years bros and sis ! " (pun intended) , LOL.


2017-12-22 18:22 | Report Abuse

rkg bro, when i say TNS, in OCK's report it means telcommunication network services.
i.e. optimization, RF design, drive test, etc..

these are services provided to telco operators (umob/digi/maxis/celcom etc). these are revenue to OCK....

hope this clarifies...

patut laa i macam lost when u say TNS is struggle now.. when in fact TNS portion contributed significantly to the circa 26.3% jump in contribution to OCK's Q3 report. ...LOL...

excerpt from one of the "analyst report":

OCK's 3Q2017 net profit gained 26.3% Y.o.Y to RM6.9 mln, lifted by higher contributions from its telecommunication network services segment, particularly from the Myanmar venture, coupled with the consolidation of newly acquired South East Asia Telecommunication Holdings Pte Ltd's (SEATH) earnings. Revenue for the quarter grew 22.9% Y.o.Y to RM125.2 mln.

the telco operators struggle now is because of the price throwing of their offerings... ARPU drops..


2017-12-21 17:30 | Report Abuse

bro sos also back.... wah, last Jedi smore.. power power..
final part oredi ah?...

alamak, rkg bro, i am lost ady. wait. i need to understand, what does TNS mean to you?


2017-12-21 15:20 | Report Abuse

alamak, <slap my own forehead> sori Sebastian, me sudah nyanyuk sikit.. hahaha.. i usually refer to him as Sam... Sam Ooi.. LOL.. so when u said uncle Ooi... i tot u meant OTB, KYY's partner.. LOL..

rkg bro, let me try to calm down your insecurity. - TNS is a constant service that will be required, whether or not new built site. e.g.:
new building up, blocks line of sight, BTS has to relocate. TNS
new mall up. In building system commisioning. TNS
spectrum allocated, refarming of frequency. TNS.

spectrum wise, all the major telco by hook or by crook will sure have the money required. - borrow from banks mah... without spectrum, no business leh telcos...

btw, can share why do you say TNS is on struggle now?


2017-12-20 22:14 | Report Abuse

oh rkg , if your question meant why y-o-y revenue so different last 1-2yrs, .. it's the overseas expansion of course... earnings from myanmar and SEATH Vietnam...


2017-12-20 21:58 | Report Abuse

Sebastian bro, good to know I have kaki to teman me to 2020... cunz.

rkgbro, again, traditionally, Telco operators will ramp up BTS site builds towards the end of the year punya. I suspect it's because they will "suddenly" realize "oh CEO announced rm2bil for network upgrade this year, but we only use 1bil so far... let's ramp up!" year in year out same pattern. go figure. so when u suddenly have so many new sites built, u also need engineers to fine tune and ensure site perform as per expectations, hence the sudden surge in TNS requirements...

just my 2sen.. dun shoot the messenger ar..

steady. patient. moosang.


2017-12-20 19:21 | Report Abuse

ooisay... suddenly spurt a bit.. lol... best...

@ZaiZai, Sebastian is back.. .nama pun Sted Power ... mmg power haha...
sebastian, who is uncle Ooi? OTB ah?

btw, "illegal build" depends on the context ... our country, legally build with local council permit and lesen also kena tear down by citizens yg di brainwash... say its illegal.. this is always a chicken and egg situation - "why no full bar coverage? ... build tower bila sudah dapat full bar... then says its illegal pula.. tear down again.."... pening..

@rkgfantasy bro, betul... Q4 sure power earnings punya. traditional. itu TNS (bukan bad word punya version laa..) akan turbo boost earnings..


2017-12-20 14:12 | Report Abuse

@ez6699 - i like your comment above. LOL tq for putting a smile on my face.

@uptrending, yes. i am awaiting patiently as usual... for my musang king.... kan pokok durian takes 5 to 6 years to grow and bear fruit.. i've been waitng since 2014/2015. so 2020 is about right.. ..

patience. steady.


2017-12-18 11:33 | Report Abuse

wow. zlyc bro, u beli heng yuan ka? huat man zlyc bro :-) hepi for you.
OCK steady la, no need to kan cheong... just stay cool...


2017-11-27 18:59 | Report Abuse

En. Brahmal is back topping up...


2017-11-24 17:59 | Report Abuse

very nice.... baik punya rebound.
steady angsa tersayang ku...


2017-11-20 14:09 | Report Abuse

chooheng bro, steady bro, dun need to be angry2...

[zlyc] pergi bank pinjam duit lagi - zlyc bro, i am assuming u are referring to you pergi pinjam duit and not OCK pinjam duit lagi kan? :-)


2017-11-20 14:07 | Report Abuse

Zai Zai thanks for the update.
very nice updated website indeed... all the faces in red ties :-) cun. ready to take on the world :-)


2017-11-16 18:07 | Report Abuse

AiA kacau... dia mau cepat2 let go, so dia asyik jual...
tak pe, kita teruskan menonton....

MarketAnonymous bro/sis, why after effective date? and why do you say its fundamentally strong? :-)


2017-11-16 17:48 | Report Abuse

alamak. jatuh. macam panik selling je?...
apa sudah jadi nih...

penjara bursa again.. sabar....


2017-10-10 14:33 | Report Abuse



2017-09-29 14:28 | Report Abuse

At last, it has come out officially.... i still remember this AES thingy being shared by forumer sometime ago...
Hopefully will create more happy shareholders, not IRATe ones.. hehehehe...

another source of income... AES camera towers.. great.

steady. calm. focused.


2017-09-19 18:15 | Report Abuse

janetrohan- i "committed" my share holding on this counter to at least 2020 ... so tak makan angin pun. just waiting for this gem to shine je. after the musang king has grown, and start durian runtuh, will then only start harvesting season. :-)

my 2 sen opinion is, yes, the towers expansion and the number of sharing on it is key, but I believe the lucrative portion will be TNS... yes... the TNS.... pao kao liow, give the operators a lock stop barrel package.. provide the towers, rent it out, then also do the RF planning, Optimization and periodic necessary tweaks and preventive maintenance... that will be the long term recurring recurringx2 income... - in short, replicate what they are doing in msia :-)

calm. steady. focused.


2017-09-15 18:25 | Report Abuse

2020 CNY also its ok, i'll be here :-)


2017-09-07 16:20 | Report Abuse

okok. zlyc bro steady lah... deep deep pockets as always... selalu ada $$ tambah... respek.
semua fokused on warrant ke?...

fokused. steady.


2017-09-07 10:22 | Report Abuse

abang misai, macam jenis investor "contrarion". "now you see it, now you don't". LOL.

zlyc bro, apa khabar? got like Zai Zai or not? add a lot?... :-)

thx VF bro for sharing your findings :-)


2017-08-29 20:27 | Report Abuse

lol aidwiz bro... ya man... really surprised can bump into my long lost cousin... LOL..

kita steady, patient menunggu. mana tahu, nnt menang sea games bola sepak tonight get another Day off lol... "orang msia kita ada dua hobi kegemaran... satu.. makan.. dua.. cuti am.." LOL..

tomoro we see how market judge our gem... probably lacklustre hahah sebab holiday season hehehe. good though.opportunity to tambah.

cheers bros n sis.

kita kasi sapport harimau malaysia mom ini..


2017-08-29 19:07 | Report Abuse

sosfinance, zlyc bro, nice steady report today..
we continue to be patient..

musang king.


2017-08-29 19:06 | Report Abuse

wah tekaan zlyc bro paling dekat... 8.5mil...... :-)
steady. focused.


2017-08-25 10:35 | Report Abuse

bagus.. bagus.. Quarter report yang meyakinkan...

steady. focused. patient.


2017-08-18 17:45 | Report Abuse

nemwee bro, i think that "fear" is already answered by big boss :

"He also allayed fears that the company will fund the project via a rights issue and private placement “as the process was lengthy and- complicated”."


"The financing will consist of internally generated funds, term loans as well as from the capital market which may include sukuk, but he ruled out the a rights issue or a private placement, either of which will take longer time."


so, if he keeps to his word, there should be no asking shareholder for more money...


2017-08-16 16:01 | Report Abuse

Post1, target RM2++... itu jurang ++ ... 50sen ke atas atau ke bawah? TQ .. hehehe..


2017-08-16 16:00 | Report Abuse

En. Brahmal masih pegang 5.79%...

hng33 bro "Emotion tends to creep in to cloud our judgment. "..... this is very true :-)
i have "learned" my patience during the earlier roller coaster ride (down to RM1.30)... sweaty palms i tell you LOL... but i bit the bullet and held on.. hehe, now, again testing our patience... :-) pasti ramai yang sudah goyang... dan left the bot...


2017-08-16 15:15 | Report Abuse

TQ Post1 bro for sharing.


2017-08-08 13:22 | Report Abuse

hng33 cepatnya balik :-) Lotte ada durian runtuh?


2017-08-04 17:16 | Report Abuse

kenapa marah-marah ni... rileks laa....


2017-08-01 17:21 | Report Abuse

huah cepatnya hng33. ok babai...


2017-07-28 13:37 | Report Abuse

Pavi, betul ah, betul ahh? u sign off ah.... if everybody start talking about this stock again, u dun talk anymore ah?... promise? .... lol...

aiseh, although we "learned" not to fall in love with stock (hear this everywhere)... but , Pavi, also dun la hate the stock so much so until non-stop pour cold water whenever it is in the "doldrum"...

fzank i like your strategy... but pls dun sailang/sialang until foo lat ok??..
this sailang term very dangerous if misinterpreted...

patience. i await.


2017-07-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

wow hng 33 bro. nice. do share your investment journey experience. do cehck in an come back to update us in 2020 ok? to check progress. I should still be here... lol...

good luck bro !


2017-07-26 17:47 | Report Abuse

so many come and go liow... used to have a few buddies during PenjaraBursa days... lol..

hopefully this round hng33, Post1 will teman and hang around long enough with me to ride this next wave lol..


2017-07-26 16:46 | Report Abuse

Post1 zoomboom8282@gmail.com
apa berita best nak share? mai hantar kat saya...

ShareRich, this ... i learned from bro tewnama long ago (not very long la just 1, 2 year ago)...
its not speechless... it's like... no point writing, yet since so many ppl comment (some nonsense, some make sense, some just plain posting just for the sake of posting.. )

btw, i have not budged. i am still holding all my shares. lol... kan long term saya ni...


2017-07-24 18:59 | Report Abuse

... waow... nampak macam sedih je...



2017-07-21 19:54 | Report Abuse

hng33 bro, we know they oredi got MSC status for Prestariang Systems S/B:

New tax exemption effective this year. Prestariang Systems S/B, the main subsidiary of the company has been granted the Customised Incentive for its New MSC Malaysia activities. It will enjoy 30% income tax exemption on its statutory income from the approved business for 5 years, effective Jan 2017 to Dec 2021.

so technically, if they park all the SKIN works under this subsidiary, they should enjoy the tax exemption = higher IRR.... betul tak?..


2017-07-21 18:23 | Report Abuse

at last got some sensible bros talking some sensible sense... thnks hng33 for sharing :-)

semut2 dah goyang panik... macam biasa laa...

ironic thing is, when before sign concession with gomen, all not confident cuz no certainty.
now that its sign sealed and delivered, with certainty, still panic and uncertain... go figure.

patience. calm. focused.
