
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2016-12-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

kongxkong, indeed we have to start singing our song liow... too comfortable in penjaraBursa lol...

PurplePain bro/sis, thanks for sharing. indeed that can also happen, but then again, no one know for sure....

steady. calm.


2016-11-24 17:10 | Report Abuse

hahaha, that tune, if listen intently, tears can start rolling off my eyes bro... very meaningful.. lol... tahan.. tahan... don't cry... hehe..

yes kongxkong bro, this time, got solid fundamental behind it... hopefully wont go to 1.30 ish kua... hehehe...

dsonic i also penjara bursa too bro kongxkong.... looks like we have to sing the song over in that cell too lah.. hahaha...

steady lah...


2016-11-24 13:11 | Report Abuse

bro kongxkong, dedicated to us.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIGMx5C0KJs

Pavi bro, i almost there... 3 years and running.. .hehehe



2016-11-24 11:09 | Report Abuse

rupa-rupanya di sebabkan Q3 result yg tidak bgitu memberangsangkan....
bukan kah ini peluang yg baik untuk beli rendah dan simpan jangka panjang?...

its been almost 3 years i've been holding (time really flies) and have seen many come and go... not bad, this batch at this time got accountant, TA expert, FA expert and lots of analyses shared by you guys and gals. thanks for the great sharing and insights.

now, lets see if BV sees this as the perfect opportunity to add up his holdings.....
just a hunch, i am guessing BV may pave the way for UniMy to be profitable ...

another thought i have, P. had started SKIN work almost a year ago... with all the ding donging, at last we see the light now with the approval from gomen. i wonder if the initial 3 years will be "backdated".... after finalization and commencement date locked in hehe...

looking forward to ESBLA an polytechnic 2.0 catalysts to come through...
MLA2.0 revenues should steadily be coming in
SKIN is a huge Bonus.



2016-11-23 17:24 | Report Abuse

wow. today lau sai... i wonder whats bugging investors....

Bro Pavi, got "dalam2" news or not?... share la... still profit taking ah?... whats your analysis? why drop? even with huge contract clinched?... hehe

siapa ada goyang lutut?... lol...
kongxkong, it sure seems like penjara bursa deja vu .. haha..



2016-11-23 15:21 | Report Abuse

wah bro funda , u very observant woh.... hahaha,
i hold OCK, BV also bought 3 %....
i hold P. BV also join at 5%....
me kicimayo semut retailer can only afford 0.00000001% i think... LOL....

no la bro, credit to UncleZ - he's the one who "influence" me ... i'm just a follower :-)

as Jay shared, BV also got his not too golden touches geh.. but i understand Master. losses has minimized... so its probably a matter of time before BV gets it back on track....

FairTalk bro, i just have a hunch, just a wild guess, BV's entry may also pave way for UniMY to finally also be profitable.... synergy in Master. and UniMY - education..... whats your take?



2016-11-23 10:53 | Report Abuse

wow Mr. BV sapu 24.5mil shares at one go

looking at the price history, his entry price would be about RM2.40....

based on this article:

“Brahmal and Creador always target to triple the money [investment cost] within three to five years.”

boleh ke within 3 to 5 years Prestariang jadi RM8.40?

continue to watch the blockbuster in the making...



2016-11-23 10:39 | Report Abuse

Jay, thanks for sharing.
wow, i am guessing this is on his own personal capacity and not creador fund huh?...

its a good sign too.....
hopefully this on is another success story....



2016-11-22 18:51 | Report Abuse

wow. pavi bro also u-turn. ini berita baik nih..... lol.



2016-11-22 15:20 | Report Abuse

lol.... yaa betul kongxkong, we oredi in for 3 years... whats another three years hoh?...
betul lah... shake hand means hosei... that picture painted a thousand words lol...

yes it will be very interesting to see how they will finance it in the early phase.
hopefully no cash call :p.... no bullet to subscribe later LOL

turbochart bro, tell la... what price u queued to sell?...



2016-11-21 23:31 | Report Abuse

sosfinance and zlyc bro sure sapu another batch liow... :-)

awaiting patiently.



2016-11-21 23:29 | Report Abuse

Fairtalk, hariharisaham, kongxkong, and my long term kaki bros (penjara Bursa), hope you guys and gals are still holding your presbhd angsa tersayang shares.... :-)

Pavi bro, please explain the latest unfoldings,.... so is this is still not considered Letter of Award ah?... you said something about EPU?... now this letter from Home Affairs ministry boleh pakai boh?...is this quality, bankable strong news or not? lol

steady. focused.


2016-11-21 15:14 | Report Abuse

"7. Payment to Prestariang shall only commence upon full commissioning of the system (after 3 years), with an average annual payment of RM294.7 million from year 4 to year 15 during the maintenance and technical operation phase."

wow... 300 mil per annum. that is 3 x ganda existing Prestariang annual revenue.

okok. fokus fokus. 3 years later baru boleh ber presta riang ria. lol



2016-11-21 15:09 | Report Abuse

angsa tersayang...... smooch... kiss kiss.... lol..

steady. calm. focused.


2016-11-10 10:13 | Report Abuse

FX Lee bro, i never sold :-)... still intact.... lol.... long term mah...
sure many sold liow... panic sell.. knee jerk....

zlyc bro deep deep pocket.. sure sapu another batch yesterday... laughing all the way to the bank... lol



2016-11-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

bargains galore....


2016-11-09 16:01 | Report Abuse

agree. bargains galore


2016-11-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

very deep leh Fighter1... I can't comprehend... so the lion when come back must bring the signed contract?...- if won....

chillax.... focused.


2016-11-01 17:15 | Report Abuse

lol.... miss this kind of days.... >10 sen runs... pada suatu masa tak lama dahulu... dsonic and presbhd... twin runs....as if chasing each other ... hehehe....

kongxkong. same here bro. double happiness if both up lol...

Alwin Wong bro... BOOM BOOM ZOOM BOOM indeed :-)



2016-11-01 16:48 | Report Abuse

ok. tankiu bro pavilion for being impartial :-) thanks for sharing selflessly after 10th day :p... appreciate it...

i'm just waiting je... so kongxkong, i kenot give u any hint sbb i sendiri also in the dark lol...


2016-11-01 14:14 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, well, not as early as bro zlyc :-) he is the champion so far. since IPO I think lol...


2016-11-01 14:12 | Report Abuse

walaoeh.. that makes me the slowest of all... didn't know what happen until now... lol...
pavi don't pour cold water la.... support la....

wah pavi, really ah? this time get LOA? ... that would be great.... thank you for sharing.



2016-10-27 11:10 | Report Abuse

kingcobra bro, we (the long term kaki , if they let me speak for their behalf too) are all ready since the longest time .... lol.....

r u gonna goreng2 soon? hehe....



2016-10-26 12:07 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, thank you for your sharing. yeah man, Gadang is so Garang... flying high :-) congrats to the long term holders, must be laughing all the way to the bank now..

i am in dreamland still.... hopefully when i "wake up" in 2020, will be delighted to see how OCK has become a polished diamond.... just dreaming for now... lol

so generous of you to gave that friend such wonderful gifts - hope he is still holding the shares?

steady. focused.


2016-10-24 14:10 | Report Abuse

excerpt from PM budget speech :
12. Under the Development Expenditure, the economic sector will receive the highest share of RM25.9 billion, followed by social sector with RM12.2 billion. The security sector will be allocated RM5.3 billion and the general administration more than RM2.5 billion.

Selanjutnya di : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/10/182202/full-text-pm-najib-razaks-2017-budget-speech?m=1

RM 5.3bil. close enough to the estimates of 6bil:

yes3 I know pavilion, it can be your datasonic passport too...
or defense buy more military hardware? lol..

just trying to connect the dots.



2016-10-24 14:03 | Report Abuse

don't know if this tells anything, but I guess OCK is considered small cap for both EPF and KWAP. (below rm1bil cap):

I'm just a layman trying to connect the dots... surely OCK should be on their list eh?
plus Brahmal in the fray, looks like impending goreng2....lol
sosfinance bro, what's your take?

steady. patiently awaiting.


2016-10-21 10:19 | Report Abuse

wah wah wah... Pavillion bukan main active......
manyak bullish eh....


2016-10-21 10:14 | Report Abuse

hehe, I got plenty of time to wait..... long term mah...
anyway, as my earlier sharing, SKIN is a big bonus if get....

focus on their core competency for recurring income....



2016-10-20 17:33 | Report Abuse

lol. zlyc bro finally admitted..... walaoeh... durian runtuh berbakul bakul... bestnya....


2016-10-19 17:25 | Report Abuse

funda. challenge accepted. lol...

i have seen quite a number come and go oredi.... hahaha...
so far, i think my "challenger" is zlyc.. hehehe.

zlyc bro don't hide laa... lol....


2016-10-19 13:09 | Report Abuse

aidwiz. i'll buzz u here in 2020. then we'll gauge the no. 3 patience portion haha.

sosfinance bro, thanks for your sharing.
indeed we learn many a new thing every minute - provided we let ourselves to learn......

is sure seems OCK has fulfilled (1) and (2) already....



2016-10-18 18:03 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, TQ for your thorough explanation, as always.
don't worry, i anticipate i will be around for quite some time here... see if i can hold on till warrants expiry... and re-look back at this gem. hopefully by then, it would've turn out to be a diamond...

Ehome009 bro, patient.... it will come. lol.



2016-10-18 14:30 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, so if i wait for 30 years, OCK can become billion boh?
3 years liow. still got... 27 years to go. lol.



2016-10-18 14:24 | Report Abuse

sosfinance bro, i have been on the train for the longest time... lol... looks like departing the station. lets see where is the next stop :-)

getting exciting.

stay calm. stay focused.


2016-10-14 23:50 | Report Abuse

hopefully all "secretly" accumulating.....
patiently awaiting.... for my Musang King Durian runtuh... :-)



2016-10-14 23:48 | Report Abuse

welcome to the club Alwin Wong :-) thanks for your sharing .

focused i am.
steady i must.
calm with patience.


2016-10-08 08:59 | Report Abuse

funda bro, I miss the above RM 1.00 days.... just need to be patient.

I did read in one past article that he said he likes companies with good mgmt and recurring income/revenues. no wonder OCK fits his criteria. good that we noticed it earlier than him lol.



2016-10-07 17:18 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro, takpe, kita sabar... patient.... wait for pakar goreng to do his thing..... it does seems that his track record pretty good... the stocks he touch... become golden :-)... and pretty "long-term"ish too...

continuing to watch the blockbuster unfold..



2016-10-07 14:54 | Report Abuse

zlyc must be smiling..... wah, Brahmal pun minat....
let's see if got show or not.

steady. focused.


2016-09-30 13:25 | Report Abuse

not bad, all doing their homework well before buy sell :-) ... thanks for sharing your findings....
rileks, steady and enjoying the ride.



2016-09-23 18:22 | Report Abuse

good observations bro Sebastian .....


2016-09-22 11:05 | Report Abuse

hehehe.... steady...


2016-09-21 19:11 | Report Abuse

another good catalyst for the mobile industry in Myanmar:

staying focused.


2016-09-01 11:32 | Report Abuse

itu, ada cakap betul. surat secara prinsip dahulu, sudah mencecah 3.20. kalu dapat SKIN betui2.... rasa rasanya akan above 3.20....

i sabar je.... tgh menunggu blockbuster... actually nobody knows for sure who has gotten it... we semut kicimai hanya boleh mecube nasib je...

calm. steady.