
zulmuiz | Joined since 2015-10-24

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2021-03-19 07:36 | Report Abuse

One two days show in this counter only...so happy dreaming gain 3 to 4 sen in few days with hope to touch 50 sen...in sudden back to 4 sen..hold again till kucing tumbuh tanduk...haha PN17 counter..kena Tipu pro dlm ni..haha


2021-03-18 22:37 | Report Abuse

Wb akan dipastikan ikut morher syer..0.25 sen simple to reach since long way and time on track.
Management back with Billions and respects to their investor so far..


2021-03-18 22:12 | Report Abuse

Wayang kulit counter....kena kejar kiri, kanan depan, belakang...lagi percaya...kepalanya memang kuat temberang dgn bikin wayang itu, ini...last2 ikan bilis happy sekejap saja..bila delisted satu nasa nanti baru menyesal.. haha...


2021-03-18 22:04 | Report Abuse

Jgn ingat 3,4 sen lowers...walau 0.005 sekalipun harganya dapat dibeli...apabila consolidate sepatut nilai nya adalah 5 sen sesaham...tetapi bila diapungkan pasuk ayam management bersama promoter atau pencacai mereka akan pastikan nilai sesaham rendah dari 5 sen, silap2 push hingga 0.005 semula...siapa yang tertipu? Tipah tertipu lagi...haha


2021-03-18 09:07 | Report Abuse

Kesian promoter dah buta tak boleh beza untung atau rugi, cap ayam dgn cap itik


2021-03-18 09:00 | Report Abuse

Promoter pun dah kena padan muka dia


2021-03-18 08:59 | Report Abuse

Tipu + cap ayam


2021-03-18 08:58 | Report Abuse

Pasukgb kaunter lawak sakan


2021-03-18 08:18 | Report Abuse

Kenapa Pasukgb tak bayar orang ni lagi...tu sebab merapu2 dan yang nyata jika syarikat bagi kerja tetapi upahtidak dibayar, Jelas syarikat sebenarnya? Sabar yer upah jamu pasti tidak akan dibatar..sia-sia cap ayam buat promotion


2021-03-18 08:09 | Report Abuse

Xox lebih pada trading ala casino...tiada yg jujur dan wayang yg kuat dari mula diapungkan...bikin rumours lps tu pulun kaw2 dan cabut lari demi pengarah dan company buat untung kerjasama dgn operator menjayakannya. Counter Berjudi betul tetapi business wayang sahaja.


2021-03-18 07:55 | Report Abuse

Mereka cuba promote tetapi lupa orang yg lbh pengalaman terutama dikaunter ini sejak syarikat ini diapungkan di bursa...pengarah semua kaki pusing business tak pandai cuma pandai tipu duit pelabur2...sabar yer promoter cap ayam yg kurang arif dan tiada pengalaman...


2021-03-17 23:04 | Report Abuse

True..hehe...cap ayam servant...funny


2021-03-17 22:35 | Report Abuse

Sebab mereka ini lebih sesuai digelar pencacai tak berakal...


2021-03-17 22:33 | Report Abuse

Very sure on price flush, dont dream limit up or push up lah...PN17 + kaki pusing sbb sudah desperate dikejar sana sini...


2021-03-17 22:26 | Report Abuse

Promoter or kaki cuci atau pencacai company kena buat kerja..tarik minat traders utk beli dan itu sahaja tugasan..tapi bila ada yang bijak pandai counter bslik promosi mereka, bikin mereka jadi cacing kepanasan dan gagal rancangan mereka...sabar yer nanti biar compony syok sendiri...padan muka mereka semua...shares tak ada value, kecuali cap ayam yg melabur..terus lebur wang mereka


2021-03-17 21:25 | Report Abuse

All of the above traders already known and also price in into its shares prices...just awaiting for consolidate so it is more easy to manupulate the shares..firstly got to burn all the ikan bilis traders..


2021-03-17 21:13 | Report Abuse

But usualy this counter before trend like today, will go down in whaever reason...10-20% at least...just hope it will not happen..kesian yg kena perangkap berharap limit up second session tadi...ikan bilis ramai kena jala...pity2


2021-03-17 21:03 | Report Abuse

As i told earlier...propose consolidate shares 10 to 1....now who bought huge volume...nasib tentu sangat malang...cuba bayangkan setelah diapungkan bukan 40sen tetapi dibawah 30sen contohnya..(10-1)...good123suku akan ketawa ikan bilis yg terseksa..sabar ye..rugi melambung pasti akan datang..


2021-03-17 13:02 | Report Abuse

Kes khalwat dgn petronas kot ??


2021-03-17 12:59 | Report Abuse

Dah kata awal lagi...operator pasukgb atas arahan pengarah..jual sendiri beli sendiri tak rugi apa...kasi nampak aktif tapi sama harga sebelum saham dikecilkan consolidate..4 to 1 5 to 1 atau 10 to 1....nanti pasukgb untung besar...dari private placement, Esos, dll.percuma untung tak buat loan utk projek...yg rugi ialah pelabur2 terutama ikan bilis disini


2021-03-17 08:16 | Report Abuse

Sikit hari pasti shares pasukgb akan consolidate mgkin 4 to1...lagi senang buat untung atas angin....ini dlm perancangan pasukgb...pelabur2 akan rugi ...jgn ikut cakap Good123suku ni...sabar ye nanti kena tipu..haha


2021-03-17 08:12 | Report Abuse

Dah ada pegang dan main share ni lbh 4-5 thn..insider saja yg main..ikut suka mak bapak dia bila nak push harga utk buat belanja lebih...business sendiri pikirlah...jgn lah jadi pencacai nak promote...budak kindergarden pun pikir


2021-03-17 08:06 | Report Abuse

Benggong....volume jgn dijaja hoi? Dealer dia jual dan dia beli no comm. Tu sebab tinggi volume...bukan vakum dari pelabur....benggong Good12tiga suku


2021-03-15 23:05 | Report Abuse

Elok kasi cepat vaksin sama good123suku ni..dah meracau tak tentu arah..biar kasi sampai RIP tentu ramai trader setuju kan..hahaha


2021-03-14 18:51 | Report Abuse

Good123 promoter atau mangsa keadaan...macam stress sindrom..sudah hilang deria rasa bila cerita wayang Pasukgb..saya bagi dia 3 suku bintang..ok ???


2021-03-14 00:54 | Report Abuse

Jika Pasuk announce consolidate share sebab nak untung dan tipu pelabur2 kita tetap rugi tapi kecil tak mcm Good12345678 kaw2 lost,...pity2 hahaha


2021-03-14 00:49 | Report Abuse

Good123 ni dah terkena..beli last year dgn harga tinggi..lost on paper dan berharap untuk harga naik..kesian sangat2..bagus juga dia ni promote bokeh mcm kita beli murah setidaknya 4c-5c.nanti tetap akan naik makan masa tapi kita lagi bijak! Lagi smart dari dia ni..hahaha kesian dia Good123456789


2021-03-14 00:30 | Report Abuse

Recent prices data....pls update in proper....


2021-03-11 23:23 | Report Abuse

zelan maybe merge mmc or take over,because see his top3 Volume.mmc think take over or merge so many years jo.construction department is second important and income in mmc.
Please dont simply put ur rubbish comments..MMC is a biggers share holder in Zelan. Better get out from this forumer...


2021-03-04 22:15 | Report Abuse

Betul strategi kampung bos pasu mcm pasu bunga..cite mau kasi ampau sama staff tapi offer o.475 sampai sudah exercise harga masih bawah par..itu namanya penipu lanun..kesian staff mereka..sekarang part time kena jual pasu bunga sebab boss sudah manyak tipu semua olang.....


2021-03-04 22:01 | Report Abuse

Esok t+3 masa peak trading...tentu force selling heavily...bokeh que rendah mother dan warrants..jika bukan jump start esok pagi..try nasib sahaja...to buy lagi low


2021-02-28 00:47 | Report Abuse

Just sharing...this month...starting monday..warrant price range is 10c-30c..more upward grap it..info


2021-02-21 09:51 | Report Abuse

To exercise esos take time after annmt? Within a month or 2? Within this time the price shoild be hingher than esos so it can be exercise to take this tricky ang pow


2020-08-31 23:25 | Report Abuse

First time ever biggers profit recorded in this company..congrats


2020-08-31 12:23 | Report Abuse

Should you have any queries relating to the above matters, please call the Company’s telephone hotline at (852) 2862 8688 during
business hours from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of
Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited
Edith Shih
Non-executive Director and Company Secretary


2020-08-24 22:15 | Report Abuse

Lots of ikan bilis caught in buying high..im quite but collected from bottom. Even i am ikan bilis too. Dont think easy money in making in contra or short term..my average and stop collecting 8.5 cent but still holding it.should i worry? Think and be a smart investor even we all small fish.


2020-08-11 08:12 | Report Abuse

Funny comments everyday..hahaha ikan2 bilus


2019-12-09 22:25 | Report Abuse

When blog say uptrend mode so its good time to sell not to buy.. still can buy but run when profit in...always follow the mode and ready to cut lost avoiding trapped...


2019-12-09 22:16 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow pattern will up and down in the range of 1 to 2.5 sen..operator testing mode beside to collect more before pushing it to resistance level..if strong support coming above 25 sen then next 28..30..should be no problem..good luck..


2019-09-11 23:21 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow limit up...cheers


2019-08-25 14:22 | Report Abuse

Will be burried before month end...lets see


2019-08-25 14:19 | Report Abuse

Utusan??Semua takut to be white knight...will be eyeing by SPRM.


2019-08-25 12:18 | Report Abuse

omg..Upon members advice at G7, Trump to react positive way in trade war... to save no recession..OMG


2019-08-19 23:13 | Report Abuse

Got..end if this month and once PP all clear, then shares prices on the move...just wait and see..


2019-08-19 23:10 | Report Abuse

Today 19th is the due date of LND dated 05th Aug 19. Any outcome? or tomorrow maybe trading suspended for the announcement? Just wait and see...


2019-08-08 22:13 | Report Abuse

Tq.Newbiesky..anyway hope on positive news coming soon


2019-08-08 22:08 | Report Abuse

Hi..anyone knows when will PP completed? Than...easy to pedict timing but not the time of ECRL succesfull bidder (in case ikhmas got it)....at least can double marathon..haha


2019-08-08 08:31 | Report Abuse

Hi Happy3933...Alam ghaib we should not worry because lots of cute2 one..but the most scary is PUTAR ALAM ...macam T800 cheers