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1 comment(s). Last comment by Songhao 2017-12-29 10:00


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Posted by Songhao > 2017-12-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

Reporter, update correctly for public interest please. Its a HOLD call given zero value to the dato sri chong ket pen ppa1m self show.

Songhao Fuyo! Jsut found out Hong Leong news. Its a “HOLD” lah, not “BUY”. Smell dead rat. Who remark “BUY” call here?

If dato sri chong ket pen is suspected criminal, by keep trying to tie his name with polis koperasi (although not polis directly but indirectly it is a reflection) still this is a form of bribery. Criminal joint venture with polis using plc? Big joke and shame. Using protasco some more is disgusting and in breach of director duty by wasting public company money. PPA1M? Construction report losses last quarter, got so much money to “share” with polis meh? Making profit means “cheat polis officers making money out of them”. Make a loss means cheating protasco shareholders and koperasi polis. Biggest joke is the cheater is once again, dato sri chong ket pen. Go in lokap lah criminal. Lol
29/12/2017 09:58

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