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4 comment(s). Last comment by speakup 2016-04-19 09:26

Posted by RonnieKimLondon > 2016-01-16 18:31 | Report Abuse

A very well written posting


12 posts

Posted by RunDog > 2016-04-19 09:11 | Report Abuse

A sad truth about Malaysia legal system, showing that Malaysia is for sale. The "allegations" being used by Chong Ket Pen, the criminal which cheated Tey and Ooi and signed agreement to bail himself out, presented to his board a deal he has no intention to honor and does all the due diligence for show, only to "made up" a story to put blame on his masters who spend money took over Protasco and saved him from the death of his career, only to found out Chong produced a set up plan for him to rob Protasco from them. Chong told people "he is stupid", pretend to be a victim, while actual fact is he victimise his own saviors. Dog? Yes, the worst running dog a Chinese could be.

Such "allegation" without proof, has hide someone behind the entire criminal process. By way of "made up stories". That someone is Chong Ket Pen, which uses Protasco money to pay for all these stories. Are you one of the blind signted cheerleader withouy getting facts from both sides? Watch the serier killer Chong Ket Pen with blood all over his hands. His repeatedly siphoning money record from protasco for bribery is gigantic, he can't even answer. His previous master had fired him because Chong steal money from the old boss. Ask him where does the bribery money goes and how much he took part. No mattet how good a lier and pretender, he can't cover up these huge crime. Comparable to the made up story he put on his own masters here, is chicken feet.

Really good in discovery? Try discover and expose the real crime.

A piece of dignity from Chong Ther Nen

Posted by Jonathan Keung > 2016-04-19 09:17 | Report Abuse

this is bad for corporate malaysia how an individual can mastermind the scheme


26,678 posts

Posted by speakup > 2016-04-19 09:26 | Report Abuse

prtasco got fraud but prtasco no limit down?

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