One thing i can see from Mohiden is that, he is a quiet counter striker! Mohiden is given us the impression that he is easily beaten! But boy, from what we see, Mohiden is hitting Mahathir left and right! And most of the blows already affected Mahathir badly! Take Sheraton Move! Mohiden already counter it very well! Now we all know it's Mahathir that betrayed it! Mohiden was just a victim of Mahathir betrayal of Harapan and Bersatu! Audio leaks confirm it! Photo leaks confirm it! What more do you want! As for Mahathir intention to takeover Bersatu! It's total goner! Mohiden indeed use proper way to purge Mahathir from Bersatu! It's not that Mohiden sack Mahathir! He just used what's in Bersatu constitution to remove him! We also see how Mohiden use MACC to nail Syed Saddiq for good! I am sure in coming days, Syed Saddiq will be charged for misusing Bersatu funds! As for Bersatu MPs going to Mahathir, forget it! They know once they abandon Bersatu, their political career and prospect totally goner! In fact Mahathir and Mukriz can forget about corridor of power for good! They won't have a taste of it anymore! To be frank, Mahathir is completely destroy himself! Mohiden is not one of his easy prey! Mahathir should be wary going forward! I say, Mohiden is the most dangerous opponent in Mahathir book! He better wise up!
To be very honest, Mahathir is the prey! Except that Dap and Amanah too stupid not to see! The Lims and Mat Sabu are too blind by power they have tasted! As for Anwar, we don't know if he again change his mind and partner with Mahathir again! Then again, Anwar the ever indecisve and mind changing blunder already sink him deep in turd hole!
Given the mandate, honour and trust to step in as a winner, but resigned and got betrayed by his underground backddor comrades and kicked out of own party as an ultimate loser! Only self to blame.
Yeah, Mahathir is like in quick sand, the more he struggle, the deeper he sinks! I can see Mohiden is using Syed Saddiq to drag Mahathir deeper! You see, Syed Saddiq case is now very serious! He could be jailed for abusing Bersatu funds! It's piece of cake really! Then again, this is politics! If Mahathir takes another step to fight Mohiden, i am pretty sure, Syed Saddiq will be the killjoy! It's no brainer! Mohiden is someone who would go extra miles to keep his position! Mohiden is not your weak Badawi or naive Najib! Mohiden is Mohiden! And that's why, to me, Mahahtir should drop whatever moves he has planned! Or else, Mahathir will be destroyed by Mohiden for good!
mohiden had seen badawi and jibby, he learnt a lot from there. mohiden is fast and sharp. cause he had seen it all. jibby last time took so long to attack. mohiden waste no time.
Lizi! Yeah, Badawi was sleeping when Mahathir took him down! Najib another idiot who let Mahathir punched him all over till TKO! Mohiden a bi differrent, he try to avoid Mahathir punches but at the same time give Mahathir few blow below the belt! This type of opponent better give way! Or else Mahathir will be like Mike Tyson who resort to biting ears! I am doubtful of Mahathir! Mohiden has plenty of tricks for sure! He won't tell you his next moves!
Gps if team with Mahathir will backfire badly! They know sarawakians have a thingy with Najib! Najib is like god to ibans! They put Najib at same respect as Adenan Satem! As for Mahathir, the ibans have a name for him! And it's not pleasant!
Yeah, Mohiden is no match for Mahathir! Mahathir may have TKO so many in the past but this round, he is fighting someone who has equally many TKO under the belt!
Apollo! Local chinese will vote for Dap no matter what! Malay politicians say local chinese are naive and idealistic! Want fairy tales kind of government! Sure if you are the majority population! But how if we are nnly like 15% of the population!
Mohiden is pampering Hadi and Zahid! I am very sure this 2 will bent to Mohiden agenda! Obviously Zahid and Hadi are the most corruptable! Hadi is very cheap, give him a ministerial post which carry zero responsiblity and all the perks of travel, he is sold! And of course, free use of government jets to London, where he love to spend his time with his no muslim wifey!
When Mahathir was in charge, Mr Koon lost like over 60 million in bursa! Barely 3 months and Mr Koon already recoup more than half of his loses under Mohiden! So yeah, cash is king!
Mohidin's real threat is neither Mahathir or Anwar but from his own coalition members UMNO, PAS, and GPS... And you know Mahathir, the old man will never back down from a fight. He could have just retire peacefully and yet he chose to make a come back and stir some sh*t...And his action has now led to the end of his family lagacy, unless he manages to pop up with some magic again
Traitor Moo learned a lot for super mentor Pablo Jibcobar....
.....the power of 'Cash Is King'
how to corrupt all officers
Some of the quotes from Pablo Jibcobar: "Cash is King" Rules
"I'm sometimes accused of kleptocracy and treachery. They are activities that for the time being, historically, shall we say has been declared illegal. It’s illegal at the moment, but in the long run and in the future, we’re going to show that it will head toward legalization."
New IPO: Pantech Global Berhad, a manufacturer of butt weld pipe fittings and welded pipes, aims to list on the Main Market!
MQ Trader 176 views | 19 h ago
New IPO: ES Sunlogy Berhad, a provider of mechanical and electrical (M&E) engineering services and renewable energy solutions, aims to list on the ACE Market!
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Posted by Bearvsbull Bendia > 2020-06-08 13:44 | Report Abuse