Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-18 17:04 | Report Abuse


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5 comment(s). Last comment by Eastern686 2022-06-18 17:52


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-18 17:09 | Report Abuse

So recently Sultan of Johor complained that johorians are treated like stepchildren! He whine about bad hospitals and so forth!
Here's the thing, whole Malaysia has bad public hospitals! Sabah Sarawak still have chicken coop schools! The roads in Sabah Sarawak are horrible!
In short, what Johor experience is actually not as bad as some states! Oh, did i mention Kelantan has the worst piped water in Malaysia! I think Kelantan should be the first to separate from Malaysia as they have been neglected for way too long!
There's agenda for Sultan of Johor whining! And it's nothing to do with bad public infras! It's more personal! It's because during Mahathir administration, chinese China were caught off guard with new requirement for 2nd home program! You know i know what happen to Forest City!
Basically, Sultan of Johor is angry with current PM Sabri administration when in reality, he should be blaming Mahathir administration! So why didn't Sultan of Johor kept quite back then!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-18 17:15 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Sultan of Johor cannot simply take Johor out of Malaysia! Furthermore he has personal agenda! To take Johor out of Malaysia, he must request for referendum just like what Britain did with BREXIT!
And if a referendum is approved, the everything will be spilled out! Sultan of Johor will have no defence if politicians tell all about his mega projects! About getting billions of out thin air and so forth!
Even if johorians agree to separate from Malaysia, then whole new citizenship will have to be issued!
And Johor will be responsible for everything! Defence, healthcare, infras, education and so forth! And judging from current situation, It's more of a fairy tale than something he wish for!
Singapore had it bard when Tengku Abdul Rahman annexed Singapore out of Malaysia! In fact Lee Kuan Yew almost broke down as the prospect of independence Singapore was very bleak! And Singapore at that time face very strong existence of communist movement! If LKY fail, then most probably today, Singapore would already be part of CCP wing!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-18 17:18 | Report Abuse

Johor would be bankrupt overnight if it separate from Malaysia! I don't think Umno would let Johor prosper!
And if Johor goes bankrupt, then it has no choice but to sale itself to Singapore or go back to Malaysia!
If going back to Malaysia, then the royals of Johor will have to let go of their position!


510 posts

Posted by Eastern686 > 2022-06-18 17:52 | Report Abuse

Timor Leste 50 times poorer than Johor, can survive. If there's a will, there's a way.

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