Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:29 | Report Abuse


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12 comment(s). Last comment by chinaman 2022-09-01 19:13


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:32 | Report Abuse

So the Lims still have this fairy tale propaganda about recognising UEC for UEC school leavers can straight away further ther studies in local public universities!
Well, good news! It seems even public universities in many countries are now having hard time recruiting new intakes!
This new phenomena where Gen Z no longer interested to pursue further studies is not confine to Malaysia alone! It's a global thingy!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:34 | Report Abuse

My advise, just buy those general degree! Just like what Harapan leaders did! You know, just to keep their portfolio pretty! Look, in Malaysia, politicians are nothing more than scammers! As long as you are good in baiting voters, then getting degree is least of your concern! If you end up been a minister, you can always buy fully recognise degree for a small price!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:36 | Report Abuse

Beside, whatever you learn during your undergraduate years, will be forgotten few years about your graduate! So basically, you are just as dumbass before and after you have graudated!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:41 | Report Abuse

You want to make big money, then go work in Singapore, Australia or Europe! Garage collectors in Singapore are earning 10k Malaysian ringgit per month! Delivery workers in Australia are now earning 40k a month!
This is the work trend nowadays! Malaysian Gen Z no longer bothered to crack their brain for few years just to experience cycle of frustration and disappointment as experience by their previous Gen X and Gen Y!
I mean, am i telling you the truth how the Gen X and Y would spent time sending resumes and hundreds of interviews only to be told they don't have the experience for the job! Even if you do get the job, you are paid the minimum salary! Heck, even to this day, many graduates are getting 1.5k starting salary! What an insult!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:43 | Report Abuse

You want to make big money, then go work in Singapore, Australia or Europe! Garbage collectors in Singapore are earning 10k Malaysian ringgit per month! Delivery workers in Australia are now earning 40k a month! And have you heard about those working in international cargo ships! A cook can earn 100k a month!
This is the work trend nowadays! Malaysian Gen Z no longer bothered to crack their brain for few years just to experience cycle of frustration and disappointment as experience by their previous Gen X and Gen Y!
I mean, am i telling you the truth how the Gen X and Y would spent time sending resumes and hundreds of interviews only to be told they don't have the experience for the job! Even if you do get the job, you are paid the minimum salary! Heck, even to this day, many graduates are getting 1.5k starting salary! What an insult!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 04:46 | Report Abuse

The only worthy degree to pursue is engineering! But then again, the quality of our engineering degree from local public universities are garbage!
If you really want to further you studies, then go for specialize training courses! Plenty of OnG courses for those who want to join this industry!
Or maritime courses for those who want to work on ships!


6,248 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2022-09-01 10:22 | Report Abuse

World’s Third-Richest Man, Gautam Adani, is a School Dropout And Has Made $60 Billion This Year Read more:

He got no degree ?


812 posts

Posted by CFTrader > 2022-09-01 13:55 | Report Abuse

Basically he is telling you to jump ship to Australia / Singapore and become low class servant there , hard earn money and save money and come back Malaysia (or not)

Typical narrow sight person.


812 posts

Posted by CFTrader > 2022-09-01 13:58 | Report Abuse

Getting a degree or not a degree is totally different.
While honing your skill in university, you are taught on "Critical thinking" and "Problem solving".
Due to the mushrooming of university student, not everyone has really equipped with such skill = hence subpar university graduate.

Does that mean University doesn't work well ? It depends on individual.

A simple example is roadside amateur investor will only use Price Earning Ratio (PER) to gauge a company valuation...
With a more "Critical thinking skill", you discovered not everything is PER... there is DCF, there is EBIT/EV , there is Sum-Of-Part valuation blah blah blah ...

I always welcomed people not to take degree...
so in future my son/daughter equipped with proper degree can compete in the workforce.
A person with degree vs non-degree , similar problem solving skill.... who will think will be hired ?



7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-09-01 14:58 | Report Abuse

CFTrader! You missing the point! But yeah, less intelligent people the better!


3,331 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2022-09-01 19:13 | Report Abuse

high education with decaying moral education is meaningless. a cleaner with honesty worth more than a useless pm

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