Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Halal without values like honesty, integrity, justice, and compassion becomes an empty shell—mere rule-following without substance. It is these values that enrich and give meaning to halal, ensuring it is not just about what is permissible, but about what is ethical, fair, and just. When halal practices are embedded in a value-driven framework, they contribute not only to personal piety but to the overall well-being and harmony of society. Without these values, halal risks becoming a rigid and mechanical process, d

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6 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 1 month ago

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Setting Wrong Priority - Getting The Nation Nowhere: Mechanics vs. Morality: Halal, when reduced solely to following rules—such as ensuring food is slaughtered in a certain way or that financial transactions avoid interest—can become an act of compliance devoid of deeper meaning. Without honesty and integrity guiding these practices, people could exploit the technicalities of halal to commit unethical acts while still outwardly adhering to religious laws. For instance, a business may sell halal-certified products but deceive customers about their quality or origins, thereby violating the moral imperative of honesty.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Justice and Fairness in Transactions: Halal in business transactions goes beyond avoiding *riba* (interest) and *gharar* (excessive uncertainty). The core value is fairness. Without a strong emphasis on justice, halal practices could easily be manipulated. For example, a transaction may technically follow halal guidelines but exploit workers or deceive buyers. Justice ensures that halal is not just about what is lawful but about treating others fairly and ensuring the rights of all parties involved.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Integrity and Personal Accountability: The integrity of an individual or institution determines how meaningful halal practices truly are. A person who follows halal rules outwardly but lacks personal accountability or integrity undermines the very spirit of halal. Without integrity, halal becomes superficial—a set of rules one can bend or manipulate as long as they maintain a facade of compliance. Halal, when paired with integrity, ensures that a person is not only adhering to the letter of the law but also embodying its spirit, acting ethically even when no one is watching.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Forced leaping before learning to walk? Integrity and Personal Accountability: The integrity of an individual or institution determines how meaningful halal practices truly are. A person who follows halal rules outwardly but lacks personal accountability or integrity undermines the very spirit of halal. Without integrity, halal becomes superficial—a set of rules one can bend or manipulate as long as they maintain a facade of compliance. Halal, when paired with integrity, ensures that a person is not only adhering to the letter of the law but also embodying its spirit, acting ethically even when no one is watching.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Compassion and Ethical Treatment : Halal practices, such as halal slaughter, emphasize humane treatment of animals. However, without compassion, the technical adherence to halal procedures can become robotic, devoid of the ethical considerations that should accompany it. Compassion ensures that the purpose behind halal—such as reducing suffering—remains central to the practice. In the same way, a halal-certified business must show compassion to employees and customers, treating them with respect and dignity.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sincerity and Purpose:
The sincerity behind following halal is as important as the practice itself. If a person follows halal rules for appearance's sake, without genuine belief in their ethical purpose, the practice loses its significance. Sincerity ensures that halal is not just an outward act but an expression of one's inner commitment to living a moral and upright life.

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