
NawaMan | Joined since 2020-07-01

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2020-09-25 12:36 | Report Abuse

seng0326 is right people, we need to curse more to push the price higher.... WTF ahhahahahahaa


2020-09-25 12:09 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 23): The FBM KLCI fell 0.7% at the midday break Wednesday as Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim claimed to have "formidable" and "convincing" support from MPs to form a new "strong" government, against the backdrop of struggling regional markets.

At 12.30pm, the FBM KLCI lost 10.53 points to 1,495.25.

SunkCostFallacy That over there is Anwar's last ditch effort to win Sabah. It costs KLCI 10.53pts. If you think politics got nothing to do with share price, you are delusional. Better quickly wake up before you lose more money...hhahahahahahaa


2020-09-25 11:15 | Report Abuse

Anwar is gone-ded aldy and no matter what he do, PN will win Sabah PRN with landslide victory... finito... the end hhahahaa


2020-09-24 21:51 | Report Abuse

IRIS current price is just 26cts only. If you think you can't strategize becos your emotions are preoccupied with fear of free fall drop from this price, I think better you don't play stock market. Go play blow bubbles or something so that you don't get heart attack and die young... aahahahahahahahaa


2020-09-24 19:25 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow TP day... so get a cup of stabak, sit back, relax and enjoy the show aahahahaa


2020-09-24 19:22 | Report Abuse

AQVARIO impossible... either AI is being conned by someone or that list is fake aahahahahaa


2020-09-23 20:09 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: Fixed income experts have brushed off concerns that Malaysia’s bonds are at risk of being excluded from the FTSE Russell’s World Government Bond Index (WGBI) watch list in September 2020.

I also not sure what are they talking about... hhahaa


2020-09-23 19:28 | Report Abuse

I really pity those people who want to make money play stock market but are afraid to buy when the price is low and cheap... WTF hhahahahahahaa


2020-09-23 19:12 | Report Abuse

noobie3 I think they are referring to FTSE World Govt Bond Index review


2020-09-23 15:25 | Report Abuse

Planterman why nobody stand up and ask them??


2020-09-23 15:02 | Report Abuse

Maybe Anwar knows that Sabah is a gone case for PH.... hhahahahahaaa


2020-09-23 14:11 | Report Abuse

I heard PM will make counter statement at 2:30pm... standby for possible rebound hhahahahahaa


2020-09-23 11:54 | Report Abuse

chua pls read my post above...


2020-09-23 11:23 | Report Abuse

Nothing happen in AGM, CEO said NIIS have to wait for govt official announcement... aiyaaa wait again hhahahahaa


2020-09-21 20:57 | Report Abuse

The whole world is in Holland right now, SPX DJI TSX UKX DAX PXI TAIEX AEX IMOEX OMX FUX DXY EXY BXY SXY JXY CXY AXY ZXY Crude Gold Silver and even Platinum also Holland liao... hhahahahahahahahaa


2020-09-21 13:55 | Report Abuse

100 units buy could be HFT algo ping, which at times like this can also means something significant is going to happen soon... standby hhahahahahaa


2020-09-17 18:56 | Report Abuse

Good things come to those who wait, if you not believe go ask W.Buffet.

nolimitrade panicked aldy cutloss and burned everything. That's why he so stress now trying to persuade everybody to sell... hhahahahahaa


2020-09-17 18:24 | Report Abuse

Me too me too... ahhahahahahaaa


2020-09-17 18:09 | Report Abuse

That should be interesting to watch... let's see whether the market will take IRIS down to 20cts tomorrow or not hhahaa


2020-09-17 11:15 | Report Abuse

When Directors start buying at time like this, I will stop guessing and start buying too... huat ahhahahahahaa


2020-09-15 13:36 | Report Abuse


Hah.. I knew it!! shame on you man... shoo shoooo ahhahahahahahahahaa


2020-09-11 15:49 | Report Abuse

Since today is Friday, I think 42cts is high enough for me... NawaMan out. Good luck to those still holding... Huat huat hhahahaa


2020-09-10 19:41 | Report Abuse

Below 27cts is the best price for top up... Let me have it please hhahahahaa


2020-09-10 19:28 | Report Abuse

Yup got potential to become tablet... iPad hhahahaa


2020-09-10 19:18 | Report Abuse

QR game is over and done with, finito with not much movement, in play now is India LOI and NIIS. I just wait for market to finish correction and then will collect more hhahahahaa


2020-09-10 17:13 | Report Abuse

nolimitrade you are overthinking things... remember this is just penny stocks we are playing. Speculate on news and announcements, if the price down then BUY, if the price UP then sell, that's it... so easy what hhahahahaa


2020-09-09 17:41 | Report Abuse

Founded in 1994, IRIS, the inventor of the world's first ePassport and first multi-application eID card, has more than 14 years of experience as a technology innovator, leading provider of solutions and advancements for trusted identity.

IRIS offers total solutions ranging from smart card manufacturing and ePassport inlay production, personalization and systems integration to secure document management system. IRIS also offers a wide range of technologically-advanced smart devices ranging from basic card readers, to biometric card readers, to multi-application mobile devices and automatic gates. IRIS is passionate about developing quality, innovative solutions that aim to add trust, simplicity and value to a growing portfolio of clients with diverse needs and concerns about the world.

Noobie123 thanks for the above link... I wonder what else they want to say now hhahahahaa


2020-09-09 09:54 | Report Abuse

Noobie123 unfortunately KLSE is having another Megasales day today... but it's ok we can wait, the right time will come for IRIS to fly, just need a little bit patience hhahahahaa


2020-09-08 23:47 | Report Abuse

Cross fingers and toes stan... Fingers and toes hhahahaa


2020-09-08 23:24 | Report Abuse

Pershing thank you sir for making me understand what LOI means.

So now IRIS have NIIS and LOI. WOW! double huat hhahahaa


2020-09-08 19:39 | Report Abuse

Yesterday: BUY volume 2.74mil SELL volume 24.66mil
Today: BUY volume 4.34mil SELL volume 17.35mil

When price down so much due to sentiment... I look for window of opportunity hhahahahaa


2020-09-08 18:58 | Report Abuse

Haihhhh up 1cts only... I thought can get 10cts hhahahahaa


2020-09-08 16:20 | Report Abuse

IF the price go down, BUY...
IF the price go up, SELL...

It's so easy what... I really not understand why some people have to be upset and angry hhahahahaa


2020-09-07 23:31 | Report Abuse

Congrats IRIS, let's see whether the market make us to fly high tomorrow or not... huat huat ahhahahaha


2020-09-04 18:39 | Report Abuse

I oso think something is happening here... I don't know what yet but I can feel the butterfly hhahahahahahaa


2020-09-04 18:24 | Report Abuse

Maybe, it is becos this announcement is not the 'Big News'. Released just to make sure the price didn't drop lower than what they have planned due to sudden bad sentiment. I've seen few counters did that before.

If that is the case, it means the really big news is just around the corner... possible or not?? ngeehehehee


2020-09-04 18:03 | Report Abuse

Very cute theory.. but I don't think that is how market maker play stock hhahahahahaa


2020-09-04 17:35 | Report Abuse

Boring then don't play la... so easy one what hhahahahahaaa


2020-09-04 17:30 | Report Abuse

nolimitrade very upset becos he cutloss at 47.5cts... if only he go to read the charts, he would know how to take advantage of the 40cts strong support.

But instead he go to blame everybody and pray for price to crash. I wonder whether he knows what karma is or not hhahahahahaa


2020-09-04 15:51 | Report Abuse

Mama volume too big and too heavy... no way can fly hhahahaa


2020-09-04 14:57 | Report Abuse

nolimitrade is going to get heart attackt one day if he keeps on like this... relaxxx mannn hhhahahaaa. Let's just see whether we can park at 46.5 or not today.


2020-09-03 18:15 | Report Abuse

I doubt the announcement is strong enough to make significant changes... but let's see what the market wants do tomorrow hhehehee


2020-09-02 17:43 | Report Abuse

SunTzu888 You are wasting your time if come to promote your MYEG and DSONIC here. You know why, let me tell you a story... last month when IRIS drop 12cts in one single afternoon.

You know what these people here did, they patiently wait at the bottom, and when the dust settles at 31cts... they BUY more and get instant bonus when the price rebound that same afternoon... they really really hardcore one I tell you hhahhhahahaaa


2020-09-02 16:15 | Report Abuse

moneytr33 That means you need to be a bit more patience than usual hhahahaa


2020-09-02 15:00 | Report Abuse

Suddenly start moving aldy... got enough power to the moon or not?? hhahahaa


2020-09-02 14:58 | Report Abuse

SunTzu888 Since you are not playing IRIS, no stakes and no risks, why do you even bother posting your comments here man??

And do you really think we care about your preferences or opinions or whatever? hhahahahaa


2020-09-02 12:27 | Report Abuse

I oso don't know whose "friend's friend" they are talking about... but I do know that if no news today means, it might be announce tomorrow hhahahaa


2020-08-28 22:44 | Report Abuse

QR out aldy means announcement is very very very near... nggeehheheheee


2020-08-28 11:12 | Report Abuse

I wonder whether Nolimitrade will come and bash MH87 again or not today hhahahahahaaa


2020-08-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

Still looks good... now patiently wait for confirmation hhahhahahaaa