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41 people like this. Showing 50 of 81,708 comments


No dividend hard to break out, also COVID 19 outbreak cast a dark cloud over any good news. Genting probably the most affected company during COVID. This is unfortunate, I think this AGM, we need to suggest diversification of the business into medical and AI products. Need to follow the trend, if company continues to maintain old fashion

businesses, Genting stock price will forever weak and vulnerable. Genting is long term play, it will test your holding power and patience. Perseverance is the key, don't give up.

15 hours ago


invested since 2019…. seems the worst…. waiting for divs to covers losses

buy Maybank if got money…. not investing more here liao

good luck to all

15 hours ago


I think this AGM, we need to pressure the boss to cut salary, it must proportion to the company profits, let LKT salary float, I think this is the fairest.

15 hours ago


If look at today volume, it seems that foreign fund is selling heavily. 1600 seems broken, 1550 should be able to support the market.

15 hours ago


If you look at those US companies where their stock price are sky high, their bosses usually don't take salary at all, because their income is mainly stocks and it very much depends on the company's performance. They only get paid when the company perform well, and this makes them work very hard to make sure the company achieved maximum profitability. This should apply to Genting as well. If LKT continues to enjoy big salary, there's no incentive to work hard, like mainland Chinese saying goes, "lay flat", no need to work.

14 hours ago


"Reform" is the new trend in town for Malaysia, reform may be long over due for Genting as well. Push for reform this AGM. You will never know unless we try. Don't be shy to voice out. Try...50-50 chance, no try...means 0 chance.

14 hours ago


When the boss takes a big salary, it is a big red flag. Famous US billionaire once said, he will never invest companies where it's CEO draws a big pay check, because of the reason I mentioned earlier, and also the fact that if the companies goes down. The investors are the ones got hit the hardest, while the CEO left with big bonuses.

14 hours ago


That famous billionaire is Mark Cuban by the way.

14 hours ago


Very disappointed with GenB and LKT. Con men.
Why a company making good profit but share down. G
Feeling like cheated.

14 hours ago


Waited for QR results, delay, delay, delay till 30th, suddenly results out, so many investors cheers for good result. but opening market, F@#k LKT....

13 hours ago


All praise yesterday, all curse today... Hahaha
Genting not for the faint hearted :p

13 hours ago


I used to keep a lot of smelly century eggs before. As I heard of good result came out yesterday, I threw them away into the dustbin. Now I miss my century eggs. I rather wonder how should we react when AGM, praise him or blame him and give him a knock..

13 hours ago


Who is selling down? Why selling at today after good results? Those bought this morning crying. Contra players die hard. LKT..... WTF

12 hours ago



12 hours ago


I think following are the reasons share price going south today 1) foreign fund is dumping concern about inflation date release tonight 2)insider who know the q1 result taking profit (hit and run), 3) Genm q1 report revenue flated compare 23q4, this mean increase in visitors/ Visa free policy doesn’t benefit to Genm at all, and for the rest on the year. Most IB expect revenue increases same quantum as GentS performed

12 hours ago


Lack of Taylor swift effect for the rest of the year, Many believe 24Q1 is the peak performance for GentS

12 hours ago


Nevertheless... Pls dont tell me Genting has to depend on Taurx to gain Jackpot? Then whats the mean of the rest biz to him, just a nut? Gosh...

12 hours ago


This is entirely LKT's fault, why he delayed the release of quarter until last minute? It entirely missed the bull trend ended last week. Only to released it when DJI started crashing. His intention is totally sinister, I believe I have voiced out what many of us thinking but prefer not to say. Why he wants to keep Genting share price down? To allow big fish to catch up buying in, this is manipulation.

12 hours ago


Just to think of it makes my blood boiling. I'm really pissed!!

11 hours ago


Aiya, GB is not great stk.
So many stks are better,
MBB, ytlp, etc.

No point complain.

Boss maybe manipulating.
Highest salary in Asia Pacific.

Buying stk help boss grow his empire.
Boss making max profits at your expense
You are making measly minimum profit

11 hours ago


Wah, promoters here talking up price.
Suddenly, come to forum talk up price

Even quote anal.ysts.
Even copy & paste Id!o+ Bulls#!++ers' forecasts
Even post conman, fake, self-claimed anal. ysts on utube.

11 hours ago


All fake & false forecasts

NEVER trust anal. ysts

11 hours ago


If analysts are so good,
why work all day, all the time to get salary.
Better buy & sell stks, make $ for ownself.
Make $MILLION$ & be rich for oneself.
No need to kowtow to bosses & clients.
No need to read, analyze, write reports, interview clients, present reports, publish forecasts, and get scolded by bosses & clients often for just a salary.

11 hours ago



11 hours ago


Posted by AngTayKor > 1 day ago | Report Abuse

Why so many people here keep forgetting important history lesson?

AngTayKor gave caution & early warning that we need to learn from history of repeated events as to what happened in the past can & may happen again.
But most ignored his caution & early warning to be cautious.
The technique is to push up price & dump.
If u bought at this time, u are caught with pants down - trapped in penthouse

11 hours ago


Trust @AngTayKor

11 hours ago


yeh… ATK Sifu…. no play kah this rounding down up down?

10 hours ago


good new will price down, bad new will price. 割你韭菜 😁

10 hours ago


the one who posts many times a day.
Even change his address/name a little.
the one who promotes say & night,
the one who quotes any analysts to support his agenda, aim, goal, intention & plan
to influence you to buy or sell,
to MAKE USE of YOU so that he can gain from most/all of you in order that the price may move up/down from many buying/selling & he profits from you doing so.

So, don't let this
trick you.

10 hours ago


Beware of MoneyConman
Keep promoting.
Sometimes contradicts himself,
Sometime uturn & say sell !

Read & study history of

You will know who is lying nonstop to influence others to buy because he bought & needs people to support him.
If price drops & he loses money,
He want you to buy, support him & also lose $.
He basically wants you to LOSE as well.
But he has nothing to back his promotion other that to quote news & anyone who claims to know how to analyze stks.

10 hours ago


Trust @AngTayKor,
not this

Did any of MoneyConman forecasts abt GB going up to 5+, 6 or 7 came true in the last 1 yr ?

Even MoneyConman himself lost money, if he sold, and made paper loss if he held them to now.
Never trust this boaster who thinks he control GB forum by posting nonstop everyday.
All he does is read, quote & post news which you have already read.

10 hours ago


I remembered buying into YTLPower back in 2017 at RM1.50, and gradually averaging down to the lowest point of RM0.69 during COVID days .. and after holding on huge paper losses over the years, it has now paid off handsomely once its true value unleashed .. i believe GENTING too have the similar potential .. started accumulating between RM3 - 4 during COVID days, and continue picking up a bit more at RM4.90 this morning .. waiting to strike another jackpot few years down the road .. so, let's not get overly depressed with today's share price movement ya ..

10 hours ago


@ckwee168 Like you I'm accumulating too. Patience :)

10 hours ago


The saying 'Sell in May and go away' didn't apply this year. 馬屁精有选择地 selectively copies & pastes... I am just a long-term investor who accumulates when prices are cheap and hold. Not simi sifu or influencer ..

9 hours ago


忘了他不只会拍馬屁,还会打群架 🤣

9 hours ago


One of my sifu.. a true sifu since 2020 (only for 馬屁精)

9 hours ago


Q1 NP rm588m, RM455m came from GenS. Just look at sister stock's performance (selldown after initial euphoria) can sometimes give a clue on how GenB will perform post Q1 result. Be alert and observant.

Good news here. My trading disciple just won his cohort's Year 2 finance course "Stock Trading Tournament" against over 100 competitors. I guided him along to whack GenS just before result, long HSI a month ago, sell and sell short on HSI last week. He will be offered internship at a stock brokerage (event organiser) after this semester during school holiday. Im also learning when Im coaching. I backed up my analysis with both FA and TA. There were some trades that went bad but we cut losses quickly and let our profits run until we think the rally is really over.

8 hours ago


Traders can form their own opinion, but when the market disagrees with their opinion, they are not stubborn. Traders are quick to to accept their mistakes n make them good. We dont like to be stubborn n go against the market's price action. We join the winning side of the market.

8 hours ago


Thank you SiFu ATK for your guidance🙏 I will continue to do my due diligence and improve in time to come. Learning never stops, no matter how professional, high-level, or wealthy one is. There will always be new things to learn and master in trading. Forever a student of the stock market after all.

8 hours ago


@Don, remember this lesson:

Everytime a trader becomes too cocky, the market has a way to punish the trader. Be confident and be humble with the stock market. If you huat big next time, make more donations n do good deeds. This is the highest honour you can give to all your stock trading sifus.

7 hours ago


Be careful and cautious.
There is 1 non-stop promoter here.
Posting every day.
Quoting news from selective sources that is aligned & in accordance to his stk holding & position as well as agenda, aim & goal.

He wants to make money at all costs.
He will not spare you.
He will influence you to buy or sell with news.

If you are influenced by his comments in his postings to buy or sell, you are at RISK

So, don't be influenced by his comments and postings.
Don't be conned and
don't be cheated.

Every day, many posts are made by

7 hours ago


@ATK is different.
He posts with comments that are accurate and true.
He makes no attempt to influence anyone.
He is the source of the RM600M profit.
Many agreed with his calculations and used it to analyze the actual results & probable stk price.

7 hours ago


@ATK had helped me as well.
I can't thank him enough for his
sage, savvy, smart advice.

7 hours ago


Wah!! DJI rebounded 600 points, the bull is still alive. Genting 10-15%% rise is bound to materialize next week.

2 hours ago



1 hour ago



1 hour ago


If GenB moves up and breaks 5 nextweek, 不知道这群家伙还敢在这里吹什么

57 minutes ago


对了,还有TauRx 可以吹..

18 minutes ago



16 minutes ago

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