Bull and Bear

Tips for High Accuracy Trade

High Accuracy Trade - Part 1
if you click in to look for high accuracy trade..



I m sorry that i have to disappoint you... 



as we gone through this field for years... we have only heard people are looking for high accuracy system
accurate tips... accurate entry........ holy grail ..... most people are only FOCUS on ACCURATE .... 
BUT No people are willing to learn Risk management , Money management , Discipline , Sizing, trading mindset.... 
thats not true to be succeed in trading... 
ofcause i can share with you HOW :


High Accuracy method :


Option 1:

Put your Risk and Reward 10:1 , or 20:1 , 30:1


Chances of hitting your SL is low, and Chances of hitting your TP is high

hence, Your accuracy is high



Option 2:

No Stop Loss, Only Profit Taking


You only will take profit, and keep those losses behind

hence, Your accuracy is high



Option 3:

No Stop Loss, Only Average Down, once Profit, Take Profit


You have a lot bullet to keep average down...once rebound take profit

hence, Your accuracy is high




above methods are 100% accurate.. until you take profit (even take rm10 profit , also a profit right?)





- you have a lot bullets
- the stock you pick have sounds fundamental (well.... are u sure it is good fundamental company?) 
- the stock not getting delisted
- so long this stock still exist, you still have chance to win


you only have winning trade... yeah.. 100% accurate.


- when win, u win small, but when loss, really in deep shit

so... do you really want this outcome?

is accuracy really that important?





Will continue our next sharing in our KLSELION page:



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Nice one

2019-06-21 12:55

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